Harmful impurities in the air. Maximum concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air

Dry air is also harmful to skin health. When you stay in such a room for a long time, your skin becomes like rubber. Insufficient air humidification can cause harm not only to furniture, but also to flowers.

What to watch out for in the office: the health risks of air conditioning - estet-portal.com

What diseases can an air cooling device cause? Air conditioner is harmful to health. How nice it is to be in a cool office or store, apartment or house with air conditioning when it’s hot and stuffy outside.

Office air is harmful to health | lady.1mgn.ru - lady.1mgn.ru

According to research by scientists, the air in homes and offices is significantly different: in offices it contains 3-5 times more fluoropolymers than in apartments. And in the blood of Boston office workers it was found high level this substance

Dry air in an apartment: why and how it is harmful to health - tion.ru

events video air pollution ventilation interviews with top officials maternal and child health reviews success story Tion stuffiness Tion in projects Dry air is especially harmful for children, people with respiratory tract diseases and the elderly.

Why is a printer dangerous or harmful? Harm to human health - tehnika-soveti.ru

Office equipment is an integral part of life, so you need to know how dangerous the printer is and whether it really can. It is also known that you cannot refill the toner yourself - the substance will certainly get into the air, which is harmful to health.

The office microclimate is simply detrimental to health - www.medznayka.ru

The main health hazard is posed by copying equipment. The thing is that during the operation of scanners and printers, the maximum concentration of harmful fluoropolymers in the air of office premises increases.

Is the air in the office dangerous - immunar.ru

Scientists from several US universities decided to test how hazardous the air in office spaces can be to health. Many devices are supposed to make our lives better, but in fact, on the contrary, they harm our health.

Office air is harmful to health - Mosclinic.ru - mosclinic.ru

The air we breathe in the office can cause serious harm to our health. However, the other day doctors managed to identify another enemy of our health, lurking in the atmosphere of the office.

Office air is harmful to health - hochu.ua

Working in dusty and stuffy offices affects general condition the human body and poses a danger to his health. This was first proven by American specialists from the National Institute of Sanitation. environment.

Why is working in an office harmful to your health? | SchoolLife.ru - shkolazhizni.ru

Fresh air does not enter the room, and this has an extremely negative impact on the well-being of office workers, increasing the risk of allergic reactions. Tags: prevention, work, office, health.

The air in offices is dangerous to life - www.infoniac.ru

Office work, which at first glance looks like a boring and safe activity, can hide a real serious danger to the health of the so-called office plankton.

Office equipment harmful to health - tehnoshtuchki.com

And this leads to stress, reduces labor productivity, and reduces air humidity. Another danger for office workers Danish schoolgirls came to the conclusion that wireless Internet is harmful to health: the girls noticed that they felt bad

The health risks of office work - leaky.ru

Dangerous enough to cause serious harm to human health. For example, if air conditioners are not thoroughly and promptly cleaned, then Legionnaires' microbes enter the office worker's body with the air flow (They were found in

The influence of dry air on human health. Humidity - peykefir.ru

Dry air in an apartment is hazardous to health. November 7, 2015 Harmful to health 2 comments. The benefits and harms of sugar for humans + video. How energy drinks harm your health.

harmful substances in office air | toxic substances - xn--h1aaqfnw.xn--p1ai

MPC harmful substances in the air of the work area. Production premises. confined spaces in special Why are office premises, when assessing harm to health, equated to production premises and not for administrative or residential?

The air we breathe. Harm and health benefits - 5sfer.com

Harm of office equipment to health, chemicals - comp-doctor.ru

Once in the lungs, harmful particles accumulate. It is not always possible to notice immediately. Hanging in the air, they lead to the development of allergies. Ventilation in office spaces is often poor. How to protect your health and keep your job?

Why is high humidity in the office dangerous? - officefuture.ru

Today we will tell you why high air humidity is dangerous for human health and how high air humidity is also harmful to rooms. Is it worth talking about the damage dampness causes to computers, other office equipment, documentation and furniture?

Office air is harmful to health - www.rinotel.ru

This scientific work contains startling conclusions. The study authors claim that the air in a standard office is very harmful to human health. The thing is that office furniture, paint


We believe that the air in the city contains a lot of gases and metals that adversely affect living organisms. Most likely, these impurities should not be present in the air at all or in significantly smaller quantities.

Literature review

A large number of harmful impurities and gases have a strong negative impact on the environment and human health. The main compounds that pollute the atmosphere are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene, soot, acrolein, lead, as well as more than 50 hydrocarbons, most of which are highly toxic. Here are the characteristics and effects on the human body of just some of them.

D to prevent negative consequences exposure to pollutants, it is necessary to know their maximum levels at which normal life and functioning of the body is possible. The main value for environmental regulation of the content of harmful chemical compounds in the components of the natural environment, in particular in the atmospheric air, is the maximum permissible concentration (MAC). Maximum concentration limits for air pollutants are established by law or recommended by competent institutions.


During the experiment, we answered the following questions:
1. What harmful impurities are present in the air of the city of Krasnoyarsk?
2.What concentration of impurities is not dangerous for people?
3. What harm does it cause to the body? various types impurities contained in the air?

experiment results

  • impurities present in the air of the city of Krasnoyarsk:

Carbon monoxide - a gas that has neither color nor odor.
Sulfur dioxide - a colorless gas with a suffocating odor.
Lead - cumulative poison. It gradually accumulates in the human body because its elimination rate is very low.
Hydrocarbons - are released into the atmosphere in the form of droplets and vapors.
Harmful impurities in the air from exhaust gases and industrial waste is not at all as harmless as it seems. Saturated with powerful carcinogens (benzopyrene, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, phenol, etc..)

  • the concentration of impurities is not dangerous for people
carbon monoxide3.0 mg/m3
sulfur dioxide0.05 µg/m3
lead0.0003 mg/m3
hydrocarbons1.0 mg/m3
benzopyrene0.1 µg/100m3
nitrogen dioxide0.04 mg/m3
formaldehyde0.003 mg/m3
phenol0.003 mg/m3
complete table given

  • harm caused to the body impurities contained in the air
Carbon monoxide- one of the factors that causes heart attacks.
Sulfur dioxideleads to the development of chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the ear canal and eustachian tube, chronic bronchitis, mainly with asthmatic components.

Leadreduces the rate of red blood cell formation in the bone marrow; it also blocks hemoglobin synthesis. Children have a threshold level that is half that of adults and appear to be much more susceptible to lead poisoning.
Hydrocarbonseven in very low concentrations, the effect of hydrocarbons leads to functional disorders nervous system, neurasthenia, vegetative neuroses, hot temper and irritability - up to severe dizziness with sudden head movements.


As a result of the study, we found that the air in cities contains very large number impurities that are harmful to our health. Many impurities are not harmful if contained in small quantities, but most of them exceed permissible standards and are also harmful to living organisms.


  • http://www.vesteco.ru/injur.html

Our health is greatly influenced by the nature of movement and the condition of our body, our breathing, nutrition and the nature of the nervous system. There are several other very important factors. One of them is the quality of the air we breathe.

Harmful air

To add importance to this understanding, it is worth mentioning that on average we consume about 3 kilograms of water and food and about 20 kilograms of air per day. If the quality of what we eat is so important, then how important is the kind of air we breathe?

Of course, it would be great to live somewhere far from big cities, from crowds of people and cars. However, not everyone can afford this - or decide on such a lifestyle :) -. That is why the issue of neutralizing the negative impact on our health that the environment has through our breathing becomes extremely important.

We are accustomed to thinking that exhaust fumes and other “delights” of life in a big city are the main evil that we get from the air we breathe. However, at least no less harmful is the air that we breathe in even partially enclosed spaces - in the house, in the office or in the car.

The air of enclosed spaces consists of a huge number of a wide variety of chemical inclusions - paints, finishing elements, glue, varnishes and even heavy metals, various living organisms - fungi, for example - and allergens.

Ion charge - good or bad?

The fact that the air in enclosed spaces has very high concentrations of positively charged ions also causes enormous harm to the body. Why is this bad? When positively charged ions enter the body, they actively seek opportunities to combine with free electrons of any chemical elements their environment. This damages a variety of elements of the body’s cellular structure, which complicates and disrupts metabolism, accelerates aging and significantly increases the risk of developing cancer.

On the other hand, negatively charged ions are an additional source of energy for the body. Surely you have heard about the benefits of ionized air. Do you know what experienced old school doctors often advise for... effective treatment colds and runny nose? Open the tap harder cold water so that the stream of water breaks on the horizontal surface of the washbasin or some plate placed on its bottom. And just sit and breathe as close as possible to this source of natural air ionization.

Besides, have you noticed how easy it is to breathe after a thunderstorm, and how well we feel physically and psychologically after it? The same mechanism is at work here!

The main reason for fatigue and low tone is not a large number of people, but the same excess of positively charged ions in the air and a deficiency of negative ones.

Air containing high concentrations of negatively charged ions increases the body's protective resources, reduces fatigue, increases tone, physical and mental performance and improves sleep quality. Air with a high content of positively charged ions, on the contrary, reduces performance, tone and mood, increases fatigue and makes us much more tired. exposed to negative environmental factors.

If you live in a city and your computer, TV or any other household appliance periodically works at home, you need to solve this problem. Tell me, have you noticed that when you visit any, even large and spacious, room with ventilation (for example, some supermarket), your tone and mood noticeably decrease and fatigue sets in? The main reason for this is not the large number of people and not the tedious process of choosing items to buy, but the same excess of positively charged ions in the air and a shortage of negative ones.

That is why one of the simple but not obvious actions that, say, a manager who is interested in the productivity of his team’s employees, their level of health, psychological stability and the atmosphere in the team could take is simply to install ionizers in key rooms. And many problems will be solved by themselves, and with minimal financial investment.

Exercise: Let's doairhealing

If we could not convince you of the need to purchase and install an ionizer where you spend most of your life - at home, at work and, possibly, in the car - look for additional information about this on the Internet. There's a lot of it there. And study this information carefully. It will be time well spent with real benefit :)

There are household ionizers, they can be installed in the office and at home. It's not expensive at all. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the area it is designed for. There are also special car ionizers that can also make a significant contribution to maintaining your health.

Today, many have heard about the benefits of air humidity for health and the body, so they often ventilate the room. By opening the window, you also fill the room with many particles of dust, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. How to humidify the air without allowing foreign impurities? Use humidifiers that operate on mains power using water. Devices are provided in different options, differing in operating principle, efficiency and cost.

What is a humidifier

This is a household air conditioning device designed to additionally humidify indoor air. The devices are small in size, operate almost silently, can be used in any room, providing a moisture level favorable to humans. The products are simple, special knowledge and skills in operation, do not require additional installation manipulations.

Types of climate control equipment

When studying the benefits and harms of humidifiers, it is worth studying the types of modern devices. They differ in the principle of steam generation and are represented by four types: cold, hot steam, ultrasonic and “air washers” (humidifiers-purifiers). Each device provides a certain level of moisture, has different operating efficiency, has its own advantages, disadvantages, benefits, harms, and different internal device, absorb all harmful particles from the atmosphere.

Cold (natural) evaporator

This type of equipment is also called traditional, classic, since they were one of the first to appear. Cold evaporators operate silently by driving air with a built-in fan through an evaporator filter (sponge), which is moistened with a special antibacterial agent. This ensures that the incoming air flow is cleaned of dust, germs and harmful organisms, producing fresh vapor at the outlet.

Such products require cleaning the filter and liquid reservoir from lime deposits and replenishing the lack of water every week. Additionally, it purifies water resources from over 650 types of bacteria, refreshes the climate and charges it with negative ions generated into the climate by a built-in ionizing silver rod. Some models of natural evaporators are equipped with an antibacterial cartridge that kills pathogens.

A significant advantage of such devices is minimal energy consumption, low cost and the ability to turn off independently. As a result, the climate does not become waterlogged and constant control by the user is not required. Some models are available with a built-in hygrometer (humidity sensor) and hygrostat (helps maintain the specified moisture level). Thanks to these meters, the equipment turns on and off automatically when necessary.


A hot-type steam generator heats the water in the tank to a boil using two electrodes, and then releases a stream of hot, sterile, clean steam into the room. When the liquid in the tank has completely boiled away, the device turns off on its own. The advantage of such a humidifier is that when water boils, all harmful organisms die, impurities remain on the walls of the tank, and the room is irrigated with absolutely clean steam.

When purchasing such a product, choose models with a built-in hygrometer or hygrostat, since steam evaporators, unlike cold evaporators, saturate the air with moisture much faster. As a result, constant human monitoring will be required to ensure that the humidity does not exceed a favorable level. Or buy sensors separately. Such equipment is highly productive, the most powerful, but it is connected to the network for a short time, so it does not consume a lot of electricity.

Steam humidifiers – great option for a children's room, but it is important to ensure that the baby is at a safe distance from the device. You may be burned by contact with hot steam. At the same time, you should not refuse to use such equipment, because most models are equipped with special containers for adding natural essential oils, medicines, herbal decoctions. As a result, in addition to humidification, the atmosphere also undergoes aromatherapy and inhalation of the bronchopulmonary tract.


Ultrasonic technology is equipped with many automatic functions and is considered the most modern, with high efficiency and productivity. All devices are sold with a built-in hygrostat and hygrometer, and the humidity indicator can be set either by a person or by the evaporator electronics. Additional functions may include a liquid crystal display, notification of filter contamination, shutdown when water has completely evaporated, the ability remote control etc.

The operating principle is based on the transformation of water into wet dust using high-frequency ultrasound vibrations. From the chamber where vaporization occurs, water enters the membrane. The latter vibrates and crushes the liquid into water dust. A special fan draws in air, which is forced through this dust under pressure and humidified. The output is cold fog, fine particles that can be seen. It is safe for others and can lower the temperature of the room.

The resulting water dust can settle as a white coating on mirror surfaces and furniture due to the content of salt impurities. To avoid such incidents, pour distilled, purified water or special cartridges that purify water into the device. Ultrasonic humidifiers are not only highly efficient, energy-efficient and compact in size, but also stylish design, suitable for any interior. All these indicators ensure the devices are highly popular among users.

Is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

The benefit of the device is that the product maintains an optimal microclimate level - from 40 to 65% humidity. In a dry climate, the body spends more fluid on hydration, reducing its own protective functions, which can cause dryness, flaking of the skin, sore throat, irritation of the larynx, increase susceptibility to various infections and diseases, and lead to dehydration. There are increasing cases of allergens such as dust and animal hair entering the respiratory tract. When they become dry, they rise into the air and then enter the lungs.

The problem is especially relevant in winter, when the system operates indoors central heating. In summer, you shouldn’t abandon the evaporator either, since air conditioners dry out the air. Suffer from lack of moisture and indoor plants, especially those that need regular spraying (the first indicator is the drying of the tips of the foliage), wooden coverings (parquet, laminate), furniture wear accelerates. The action of humidifiers is aimed at eliminating all of the above problems.

Many vaporizer models are sold thanks to the advice of medical professionals. Doctors say that a dry climate is not only harmful, but even dangerous to human health. The optimal moisture level is from 40 to 65%. When dryness is below the first limit, dry skin appears, dry mucous membranes, deterioration of the digestive system, and the load on the heart increases. Exceeding the maximum limit leads to fatigue, the appearance of chronic diseases, bad odor, dampness, mold, and fungal formations.

What are the benefits of a humidifier?

All the benefits and harms of air humidifiers have long been studied and known. On modern market presented wide range such devices. Being present in the house, the equipment creates conditions favorable for the life and health of adults, children, animals and even indoor flowers. Humidifiers bring their own benefits to everyone, so let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the device for children and pregnant women.

For children's body

The benefits of air humidity for a child are due to many factors. Pediatricians distinguish among them the following:

  • Moisturizing mucous membranes. Lack of moisture leads to a change in the structure of mucus, creating ideal conditions for the entry of viruses, the active activity of pathogens, the occurrence of respiratory diseases, sinusitis, pneumonia, and rhinitis. Redness and itching appear in the eyes.
  • Speeding up recovery. Drying out bronchial mucus when coughing can trigger bronchitis, make breathing difficult and lead to pneumonia.
  • Allergy prevention. By moistening dust and pet hair, their accumulation in the air is blocked.
  • Normalization of sleep. The children sleep peacefully and are not capricious.
  • Regulation of heat exchange in children. Prevents the appearance of crusts on the mucous membranes, making breathing difficult.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The following aspects of the positive effect of moisture sprays on the body are distinguished: expectant mother:

  • Oxygen ionization improves immunity and increases the body's resistance;
  • Comfortable humidity in the atmosphere helps make pregnancy easier;
  • A humid climate does not allow the skin to dry out, prevents dehydration, and energizes.
  • The use of essential oils along with hydration normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Harmful effects of the device

While studying the benefits of oxygen ionizers, it is worth mentioning the harm the devices have on the human body. Devices that produce hot steam can cause burns if safety precautions are not followed. Untimely cleaning of the humidifier, changing cassettes, cartridges leads to the accumulation of harmful substances, which are subsequently released into the atmosphere.

Can you get sick from a humidifier?

It is worth noting that the range of comfortable room moisture exists for a reason. When the safe maximum humidity level is violated, the respiratory tract accumulates a lot of mucus, where pathogenic bacteria effectively multiply, causing harm and causing many diseases, one of which is sore throat.

Is an ultrasonic device harmful?

A household ultrasonic humidifier, with maximum vibrations in the membrane, operates at a frequency of up to 20 kHz; these ultrasonic waves are completely safe for humans. Such a unit is considered one of the most harmless, but the likelihood of a negative impact still exists. It consists in the content of salt and harmful organisms in water that is not heated.

When released into the atmosphere, these substances enter the body by airborne droplets, causing harm in the form of worsening asthma, allergies, and bronchitis, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children. The only contraindication to the use of an ultrasound device is the presence of a pacemaker, the operation of which can be affected by waves.

Pros and cons

We already know the benefits and harms of air humidifiers, but now let’s look at the pros and cons of the devices. The advantages are as follows:

  • humidification, air ionization;
  • high performance with low energy consumption;
  • air purification, filtration (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • ease of operation;
  • safe steam (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • availability additional functions(ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • protection against liquid boiling over (steam type devices);
  • affordable price(traditional, steam).

Along with many positive qualities climatic equipment that saturates oxygen with moisture also has the following disadvantages:

  • danger of burns from hot steam (steam);
  • noise (traditional, steam);
  • regular replacement of filters, cartridges (traditional, ultrasonic);
  • need for purified water (ultrasonic, traditional);
  • high cost of ultrasonic models.

Operating rules

Having become familiar with the benefits and harms of humidifiers, you need to study the recommendations for correct use units:

  • Read the operating instructions carefully.
  • It is advisable to place the device in the center of the room at a height of at least 1 m; it cannot be placed on a carpet.
  • Install at a safe distance from children.
  • Make sure that steam does not get on furniture or household appliances.
  • Change filters, replacement cartridges in a timely manner, wash parts, trays, and tanks from plaque that can cause harm.
  • Fill the humidifier tanks with purified, distilled water.
  • Monitor the moisture level yourself if the device is not equipped with a hygrometer.
  • Maintain the room temperature at 20-240 C.
  • Ensure regular ventilation of the room.

Optimal temperature-humidity mode

The most favorable room temperature for humans is considered to be from 18 to 200, but this figure varies depending on the time of year. So, for the warm period, the optimal level is 22-250 (but not more than 260) with a humidity of 30-60% (but not higher than 65%), for the cold - 20-220 (but not higher than 280) with a humidity of 30-45% ( but not more than 60%). It is comfortable for a child’s body to be at 18-220, this temperature regime will provide good sleep, benefit the bronchopulmonary tract. Humidity should be maintained within 50-70% (reduced in winter), and if you have a cold - no higher than 60%.

Opening hours

This indicator depends on the moisture level of the room atmosphere. It is determined using a hygrometer, which is often built into climate control equipment. When maximum humidity is reached, the device should be turned off unless an automatic shut-off function is provided by the manufacturer. When the product has low performance and the room humidity is too low or there are drafts, the humidifier can be left on all night without causing any harm.

Replacing filters

The frequency of filter replacement is indicated by the manufacturer in the operating instructions for air humidifiers. Average term The service life of the part is 3 months, it can be more or less. If the device is intended for a children's room, the filter should be changed at least once a month. It is impossible to violate the deadlines, otherwise contaminated parts will cause harm to health. You can buy this product in stores household appliances, where the moisture evaporators themselves are sold.

Choosing water for a humidifier

If you want your air humidifier product to work well and correctly, do not use conventional tap water containing various impurities. They contaminate the filters of steam devices, cartridges of cold-type models and are emitted into the atmosphere by ultrasonic devices. To avoid such troubles, you need to fill in distilled, demineralized, settled or filtered liquid.

How to choose the right safe humidifier

Having familiarized yourself with the types of humidifiers, their benefits, harms, advantages and disadvantages, all that remains is to find out how to choose such equipment for your home. Experts recommend adhering to the following principles:

  1. Room area. The instructions contain instructions on what quadrature the unit is designed for. You should not buy a device with higher performance for a small room, it will not be beneficial.
  2. Power. Study how much electricity is required to operate the equipment, so that comfortable humidity does not end up harming your wallet.
  3. Noise level. Optimal is 34 dB or lower, but not more than 40 dB.
  4. Size. The smaller the humidifier, the more often you will have to add water. Choose models with a tank capacity of at least 5 liters of liquid, which will ensure uninterrupted operation of the device.
  5. Design. Choose evaporators to suit your interior.
  6. Availability of additional functions: built-in hygrostat, hygrometer, timer, rotating sprayer, inhalation container, etc. Rely on personal wishes and needs.
  7. Price. This selection criterion depends on your budget.
