Adele singer before and after. Adele: secrets of slimness and beauty. Plant-based diet of a star

The popular British singer Adele for a long time refused to reveal her secrets of losing weight, but eventually admitted that she decided to go on a diet despite the fact that she had previously been categorically against it.

Adele: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Since childhood, Adele could not be called slender: she was always plump, and she was never embarrassed about her figure.

Already during her popularity, many allowed themselves incorrect statements about her obesity, to which she replied: “I don’t have a complex because of my weight, but I simply stop communicating with those who are trying to hurt me in this way.”

When the singer gave birth to a child, she gained noticeable weight, which, in the opinion of other people, did not add to her beauty and they began to make barbs at her more and more often. After some time, fans began to claim that Adele had lost a lot of weight: if you compare her before and after photos, the difference is obvious.

Adele lost weight: before and after

Before shedding the pounds, Adele's height and weight were 175 cm and 105 kg. Many attributed her plumpness to health problems, but the singer herself argued that there are many women in the world who have absolutely no complexes about their curvaceous figure and live more fulfilling lives than those who are constantly on diets.

Adele's figure measurements: 86-86-97 (chest-waist-hips)

Also causing a lot of controversy is how much weight Adele lost, because the star never revealed this secret, but from a visual comparison you can understand that she lost weight by 15-20 kilograms.

In general, Adele’s weight loss has become the main event and a reason for discussion both among eminent personalities and among her fans. Many became interested in how the singer managed to achieve such results, because before she was against various diets. It was because of this that rumors appeared that she was taking various pills, but this is not at all true: it was all due to a change in lifestyle and diet.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Weight loss secrets from Adele

  • You need to overcome yourself and start going to this “damn”, in her words, gym, otherwise diet alone will be of little use;

  • Lovers of sweets will have to forget about them for a long time, because... it is sugar and chocolate that are sources of fast carbohydrates, which are certainly deposited in fat folds;
  • The vegetarian menu is the most best way lose weight, because meat, fish and other products containing animal fats impair digestion.

Adele, who has lost weight, also advises actively using vegetables and fruits in your diet: they contain many vitamins and microelements, thanks to which you can improve your health.

How Adele lost weight: diet and recipes ^

Adele lost weight: before and after photos

Adele's rules for losing weight

  • In addition to sweets, it is not recommended to abuse fatty and fried foods, as well as smoked meats, because... such products contain a lot of fat and calories;
  • You should not skip meals, and it is advisable to eat not 3, but 5 times a day.

Knowing what diet Adele was on and what its main features are, anyone can develop an individual menu for themselves using the example below.

Adele's diet: menu

If you eat this way long time, then you can lose weight well, because the singer Adele lost 20 kg precisely thanks to the revision of her diet:

  • When you wake up, prepare a fruit salad, eat it and drink green tea;
  • For lunch we eat a cup of berries;
  • We have lunch with soup made from just vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack with a handful of nuts;
  • We have dinner with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Adele: height 175 cm, weight 85 kg

Adele Diet Recipes

To lose weight the same way Adele lost weight, you need to eat healthy food– these are the dishes prepared according to the singer’s recipes.

Vegetarian soup recipe:

  • Cut the potatoes and throw them into boiling water;
  • Grind bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots and herbs;
  • Throw everything into the pan, after 3 minutes add salt and pepper;
  • 5 minutes before readiness, sprinkle with herbs.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Boil broccoli florets, cut them together with sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Stir, add salt and season with olive oil.

Fruit salad recipe:

  • Cut pineapple slices, orange and banana;
  • Mix and season with soy yogurt.

Adele's weight loss: nutritionists' opinions on her diet ^

Proper weight loss Adele does not raise any doubts among nutritionists about the benefits of her diet, because... it does not allow starvation - which means it cannot have a negative impact on health. In addition, with such nutrition, metabolism significantly improves, which only promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Adele herself, who has lost weight, claims that it was difficult for her to get used to a new diet only at first, but the greatest difficulties to this day are caused by visiting the gym: she says that there is no pleasure in going there, but without sports it is impossible to achieve the effect.

What Adele looks like now: photo

Despite the fact that Adele has noticeably lost weight, she is not going to stop there, because she also needs to consolidate the result, and subsequently maintain it, so as not to gain weight again. This is precisely the most important rule, without which you cannot remain slim for a long time.

Now that it has become known how Adele lost weight, if she wants, any woman can use her example to achieve the same effect as she did - losing 20 kg in a few months. You can lose more weight, but you will have to spend up to one year doing it so as not to cause damage to your health.

Adele does not hide the reason why she lost so much weight. She followed the sirtuin diet suggested by Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. Its essence is the use of foods that activate the body’s production of special proteins, sirtuins (SIRT1). According to the authors of this nutrition system, this allows you to lose weight by an average of 3.5 kg in the first week and by 0.5-1 kg in all subsequent weeks. And not only lose weight! Sirtuins have long been recognized as longevity substances that resist many factors of aging in the body. “Sirtuins are enzymes that prevent cell suicide, restore cell protection from damage and prolong life cycle, - they think Tiina Oramäe-Meder and Oksana Shatrova, professional cosmetologists and authors of the best-selling book "The Science of Beauty". “It’s interesting that the synthesis of sirtuins increases due to moderation in food and... drinking wine!”

How appropriate is such a diet for weight loss and rejuvenation and is it suitable for everyone?

Sirtuins for weight loss and rejuvenation

The authors of the sirtuin diet claim that thanks to this nutrition plan you will lose fat, not muscle mass. What is the reason for this phenomenon? “The fact is that the protein sirtuin is involved in glucose metabolism,” says Vladimir Rolkov, general practitioner, valeologist. - According to latest research, the abundance in the human diet of foods with high glycemic index leads to recruitment excess weight. If fats still need to be broken down into their component parts for further processing, then glucose is a simple substance that can easily be stored in reserve. Sirtuin proteins rearrange metabolic processes so that part of the glucose entering the body is immediately sent to the muscles, where it is burned. Of course, you need to understand that simple sugars are utilized during movement or during muscle recovery after strength training. Therefore, without physical activity, sirtuins will not have an effect.”

The second aspect of the action of sirtuin proteins is the prolongation of youth and the prevention of age-related diseases. “Research has proven that sirtuins are able to turn off genes whose work is not currently needed by the body,” write Tiina Oramäe-Meder and Oksana Shatrova. That is, sirtuins can also “turn off” defective genes, which may have a negative effect on metabolism and cause excess weight gain or the development of age-related diseases. “There’s a lot of talk these days about protecting and repairing DNA (damage builds up over time) with certain foods,” says Mikhail Gavrilov, PhD, author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA). — Products that stimulate the production of sirtuin are just one of them. This protein ensures the activity and viability of genes that are responsible for DNA repair.”

What is the essence of the sirtuin diet?

It is based on healthy and tasty foods rich in substances that stimulate the production of sirtuin: all leafy and green vegetables, citrus fruits, wild berries(blueberries, wild strawberries, blueberries), apples, soybeans, olives and olive oil, red onion, red wine and dark chocolate (85%). These are the ones that should be emphasized. And from the second week - supplement the menu with low-fat animal proteins (preferably fish or seafood, as well as light milk) and cereals (our favorite buckwheat is our favorite).

In total, the diet lasts three weeks. The first of them is the most ascetic. You limit your diet to 1000 kcal per day. Moreover, you can afford only one full meal per day, consisting mainly of the above-mentioned products. You should drink so-called green juices rich in sirtuin three times a day. You can compose them to your liking, combining greens, leafy vegetables and fruits, such as apples.

The remaining two weeks are a kind of light option. The calorie content of the diet can be increased to 1500 kcal per day. You will be given three full meals, each of which should contain foods that stimulate the production of sirtuin. Many of these dishes are quite filling, such as salmon steak with vegetables or buckwheat noodles with shrimp and green salad, with a small slice of dark chocolate for dessert. And again, you can’t do without sirtuin juice: you need to drink it once a day.

“Often this diet is positioned in the media as a way to lose weight with the help of red wine and dark chocolate,” comments Katya Tsvetova, nutritionist, competing athlete in the “fitness bikini” category. — I also don’t forbid my clients wine and chocolate at the stage of diet restructuring. But imagine how many of these products you can fit into 1000 or even 1500 kcal?

Simple mathematics: 100 g of chocolate is already more than 500 calories. So a piece of this delicacy in this case will be microscopic. Most of the time, people on this diet eat vegetables and greens.”

Pros and cons of the sirtuin diet

By reducing the caloric content of your diet and eating greens, apples, and low-fat animal products, you will, of course, lose weight. “If you reduce your diet to 1000 calories per day, and add physical activity, a person will begin to lose weight on any food,” adds Katya Tsvetova. - Even if he only drinks red wine and eats chocolate or something like that. You won’t last long on such a diet - it’s stressful for the body. That’s why they limited it to a week.”

It is a mistake to think that if there is a lack of calories, the body will immediately begin to waste fat reserves. During the first week you will lose weight mainly due to the removal of excess fluid. In the first few days, the body will receive additional energy by breaking down glycogen in muscle tissue. It's easier and faster than extracting it from fats. And only on the fourth or fifth day of the diet, fats will begin to melt.

Nutritionists are also confused by the significant restriction of calorie intake. With such a strong decrease, the body enters a mode of total economy, slowing down the speed of all metabolic processes. After increasing your caloric intake, you risk quickly gaining back the lost pounds. “Reducing the caloric content of your diet to certain reasonable limits is the key to your slimness and longevity,” explains Mikhail Gavrilov. — Reducing it below certain accepted norms must necessarily be agreed with a doctor. I would recommend practicing short periods of fasting (16 to 24 hours). This time is enough to remove biological debris from the cells - ballast substances that cause their damage and deformation. Such substances, for example, include homocysteine, amyloid peptides, cholesterol and many others.”

The main disadvantage of this power system is its short duration. It is not clear what to do after you have been on such a diet for three weeks. The authors of the sirtuin diet suggest resorting to it as needed for health improvement and weight correction. “The proposed diet can hardly be called satisfying,” comments Mikhail Gavrilov. — After such diets, breakdowns and the so-called yo-yo effect are inevitable. It won’t change your eating habits, but you should start by correcting them if you want to maintain your weight loss results for a long time.”

Of course, products with sirtuin are beneficial for our health and weight maintenance. However, you should not rely only on them if you want to maintain your slimness and youth. Be sure to include them in your diet, but do not forget about the basic rules of balanced nutrition.

The world-famous singer Adele lost weight, thereby delighting her humble fans, who no longer hoped to see changes in the appearance of the British diva. Unfortunately, the star did not want to share her secrets with the public, avoiding questions from “annoying” journalists until the last moment... but as they say, “everything secret becomes clear.” So in 2017, Adele shared the method of her rapid weight loss, which many representatives of the fair sex probably wrote down in their notebooks.

Adele's weight loss story

If you look at the photos of Adele before and after losing weight, you can’t help but notice how the singer’s figure has changed. A wasp waist, slender arms and rounded (feminine) hips, the absence of a double chin, have now become the “calling card” of a celebrity. And a few years ago, the singer’s parameters were far from ideal - with a height of 174 cm, her weight was 106 kg.

Today, the singer’s weight fluctuates between 75-80 kg, and as it seems to many, this is not the limit!

If you believe the yellow press and rumors that can be found on the Internet, the impetus for losing weight was health problems that arose as a result of pregnancy and sudden weight gain.

How did Adele lose weight? Secrets and rules of losing weight

According to the singer, the secret of her weight loss is proper nutrition And physical activity promoting accelerated weight loss. Due to the fact that Adele has been prone to excess weight since childhood, losing weight is difficult for her body, both in the physical and moral sense of the word.

The essence of her technique is a “starvation” diet, which is permissible only in “complicated” cases, in the absence of contraindications.

3 main rules:

1) constant training in the gym with a trainer;
2) refusal of sweets and starchy foods (even drinking tea with sugar is prohibited);
3) transition to vegetarianism (complete rejection of animal products, fish and seafood).

Adele lost weight: diet + sample menu

As already written above, the diet includes prohibitions that should be observed unquestioningly. First, you should become a vegetarian, at least while losing weight. Secondly, constantly visit the gym and do physical exercise, helping to reduce excess weight. Thirdly, include in your diet the necessary vitamins and microelements found in fruits, vegetables, berries and the legume family.

Throughout your weight loss, you should avoid fried and fatty foods, any preparations for the winter, salted and smoked products.

Meals should be fractional - from 3 to 5 times a day.

Sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast

150 g fruit salad, green tea;

  • Snack

100 g of any fresh berries;

Vegetable soup;

  • Second snack

50 g ground nuts;

Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and red peppers.

Adele's weight loss: reviews from nutritionists

Despite what Adele's diet includes in her diet healthy products, the lack of meat and fish can affect the functioning of the body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend replenishing the lack of calcium, potassium, iron and other microelements by consuming substitute products or a vitamin complex.

In addition, according to nutritionists, you can adhere to this technique for no more than a month.

Adele photos before and after losing weight 2017-2018:

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The famous British singer Adele revealed the secret of how she managed to lose weight. She admitted that the main role was played by her determination to follow the diet, despite her own categorical opinion about the uselessness of diets.

Weight loss secrets from Adele

Overcoming yourself and going to the gym, because the benefits of diet alone are not enough. Sweets containing sugar and chocolate should be forgotten for a long time, because fast carbohydrates cause fat deposits.
It is advisable to avoid fish, meat and other foods that worsen digestion. Choosing vegetarianism helps you lose weight.

The star advises giving preference to fruits and vegetables; the vitamins and microelements they contain improve health. In addition, skipping meals should be avoided. You need to eat 5 times (not 3) daily.


Adele’s diet can serve as an example for anyone to develop an individual diet. So, the menu, thanks to which the famous singer lost two dozen kilograms:

  • Breakfast is limited to fruit salad. As a drink - green tea.
  • Lunch – a cup of berries.
  • Lunch – vegetable soup.
  • One handful of nuts for an afternoon snack.
  • Fresh vegetables in the form of salad for dinner.

To lose excess weight, food must be healthy. Here are the recipes for dishes that Adele eats when losing weight.

Vegetarian soup. A saucepan with boiling water is filled with chopped potatoes, chopped bell pepper, tomatoes, carrots. After three minutes they need to be salted and peppered. Greens are added five minutes before readiness.

Vegetable salad is prepared from boiled and chopped broccoli florets. Add tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet pepper, also chopped. Mix the ingredients, add salt and olive oil.

Fruit salad - a mixture of pineapple, orange and banana slices. Soy yogurt is used as a dressing.

According to Adele, getting used to the new menu was difficult only at the beginning. It is much more difficult to go to the gym, since it does not give her any pleasure, but she cannot refuse. The existing results require consolidation, and the achieved level will have to be maintained in the future to avoid gaining extra pounds. For the sake of harmony, you must adhere to these rules.

What nutritionists say

Experts have no doubt about the usefulness of the technique used by Adele. Firstly, fasting is not used, which can have an extremely negative effect on health. Secondly, the diet improves metabolism, resulting in weight loss, which is also good for health.

According to Adele herself, she is a passionate fan of tea. Daily norm can reach up to a dozen cups. The source of the problem was the sugar she put in the drink. The star managed to lose 10 kg by giving up sugar.

According to nutritionists, sweetened drinks can seriously harm your health and interfere with losing extra pounds. This also applies to yoghurts, cereals and curds. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the sugar content in them; it should not be higher than 5 g per 100 g of product.

The singer’s weight loss is one of the most discussed events, and not only among her fans. Particular interest in this event is explained by the fact that Adele was categorically against any diets. For this reason, many have concluded that the singer lost weight thanks to special pills, but this is a wrong opinion. Only the singer’s lifestyle and diet have undergone changes.

Those who want to use Adele's weight loss secrets should take into account that it is possible to lose 20 kg in a few months, but to achieve more you will have to spend at least a year so as not to damage your health.

British diva Adele has always been famous for her unsurpassed voice and... curvy figures. Like the famous singer, many ordinary women The situation of the eternal struggle with extra pounds is familiar.

Adele admits that in another attempt to lose weight, she even became a vegetarian for a while! Of course, the results were noticeable, but they were not at all enough.

After a 2-year break from her singing career, Adele appeared in public looking much prettier and slimmer. She did not hide the secret of her transformation from fans.

How Adele lost weight

The singer admitted that she is a passionate fan of tea. She can drink up to 10-12 cups of this drink a day! The tea itself is not dangerous, but the catch is that Adele put 2 pieces in each cup Sahara, and this is up to 25 cubes per day. By giving up sugar, the star lost 10 extra pounds.

Nutritionists assure that by additionally sweetening drinks, as well as yoghurts, cereals, and cottage cheeses, we not only nullify all efforts to lose excess weight, but also seriously harm our health.

Carefully read product labels in stores to exclude hidden sugar. You can find out by looking at the “Carbohydrates” item. If 100 g of a product contains more than 15 g of sugar from the total number of carbohydrates, we have a high sugar content; 5 g of sugar or less from the total number of carbohydrates means that the product has a low sugar content.

Pay attention to what you eat, perhaps the reason for slow weight loss lies precisely in the presence of hidden sugar in your diet... Stay healthy and shine brighter than the stars with tips from “So Simple!”.