How to stick a protective film without bubbles at home. How to properly and carefully stick a protective film on the screen of a phone or tablet without bubbles at home: instructions, photos, videos. How to remove air bubbles from under the protective film: owl

The screen for a modern smartphone is, without exaggeration, everything. It is necessary for any operations. At the same time, the screen is a rather vulnerable and poorly protected place. This article will talk about how to stick a film on your phone to protect the screen and what you will need to complete this operation.

What is it for?

Smartphone displays tolerate close proximity in pockets or bags, for example, with metal objects or keys, but can easily be scratched by small particles of dust or other hard parts found everywhere.

An important phone accessory

A film or protective layer on the phone screen is the only way to not only avoid minor scratches, but also acts as an additional defensive line when it falls. By taking the full blow, it significantly reduces the likelihood of ending up with a broken or cracked display. Therefore, a protective film for a smartphone is an urgent need - you can glue it without much thought.

What should you protect your smartphone from?

Three main problems encountered when gluing

Let's consider the difficulties that may arise:

  1. Smooth gluing. There are individuals with a precise eye and iron fine motor skills for whom the gluing process will not pose any problems. There are also those “lucky ones” for whom plus or minus a “kilometer” is mere nonsense. Many people want to get the perfect gluing result, but this is very difficult to achieve - the film always lies crookedly.
  2. Dust on the phone screen under the protective layer. Such a factor as “dust” will always and everywhere exist. The only thing that can be done is to reduce its accumulation in the surrounding air. It will not be possible to completely get rid of it. When gluing, you always need to be vigilant and make sure that there is no dust on the smartphone screen.
  3. Air bubbles. Another serious nuisance that can only cause trouble. One inattentive “step” – and that’s it, you get a bubble.

As you can understand, sticking a protective film on the display of a smartphone or mobile phone yourself at home is quite difficult. But nothing is impossible. Below step by step instructions will help you easily perform such difficult and precise work.

How to stick a protective film on your phone?

Let's consider the procedure.

Preparing the premises

It will not be possible to reliably and efficiently glue the protective screen layer when there are a lot of dust particles “flying” in the room where this procedure is taking place. Dust on the screen under the protective layer will cause bubbles to form.

Therefore, before you start upgrading your mobile device, you should consider the following:

  • You should not beautify your mobile device in residential premises where there are many upholstered furniture and textile items. It is best to do this in the bathroom, if conditions permit, or in the kitchen. True, it will be necessary to remove household items from the premises in advance.
  • There are always specks of dust floating in the air of the room. It will be necessary to use a spray bottle before gluing - drops of water from the spray bottle will cause the dust particles to settle.
  • Horizontal surfaces, including the floor, should be wiped with a wet cloth.

Now that's it! The room is ready for work.

Preparing tools

Basic Tools

Tools are laid out on the prepared surface. The work will require:

  • A dense thin object, without sharp edges. A bank card will also do.
  • Stationery tape.
  • Napkin.
  • Liquid for wiping computer displays.

Preparing the protective film

All protective films are divided into model and universal.

With model types of films, gluing work is greatly simplified. If you purchased such a film that is suitable for a specific smartphone model, you can skip this step.

You will have to tinker a little with universal types of films. Before gluing, you will first need to give it the dimensions of the phone screen and make holes.

Methods for marking contours:

  • Using factory film. If you manage to save it, it is pasted onto a protective film. Next, using a sharp object, you need to cut out an exact “copy” according to its outline.
  • Making a “copy” of a phone. You need to prepare a life-size photocopy of your smartphone. Then attach a universal film to the paper copy and carefully trim it.
  • Marking on the smartphone screen. Place the film on the device display. Use a felt-tip pen or marker to mark the edges. Connect the resulting points with lines. Trim off all excess.

Important! It is advisable to cut the protective film at a distance of 1 mm from the edge of the screen on each side. This will allow you to place it more accurately on the phone. When performing circumcision work, you should use a sharp utility knife and a metal ruler. In order not to spoil the table, you should put a thick magazine, notebook or cutting board under the film.

  • Additional holes. After the cutting is completed, you should make holes for the speaker, buttons and camera (if any). It is convenient to use a hole punch to make a hole for the front camera.
  • Cleaning the display surface. Using a cloth moistened with liquid for wiping displays, carefully remove grease stains, dirt and dust. After this procedure, you should not touch the screen with your hands or touch it with your sleeves. outerwear. Then you can proceed to the most basic thing - we begin to glue the protective film on the smartphone.


All films have three layers. The top and bottom – protective or transport layers – are marked with the corresponding labels: “1” and “2”:

  • By pulling the tab “1” you need to remove the first layer. After this, under no circumstances should you touch the adhesive surface of the film. It should only be held at the sides.

Accuracy is the key to success

  • Carefully apply the film to the screen, starting from any edge. “Drive out” the resulting air bubbles with the edge of the plastic. Direction – from the center of the display to the edges. So, slowly the entire surface of the display is covered.

Removing dust particles

Otherwise, if dust particles managed to get onto the screen, two small pieces of tape will help remove them. Using one strip, the protection element is lifted and held, and the other strip removes dust particles.

The film is placed in place. It is re-aligned using a plastic card. Then you need to remove the second protective layer (if present), marked with the label “2”.

The protective film is pasted. Now the smartphone screen is not in danger.

For most smartphone owners in modern world The problem is the correct application of the protective film to the device screen. Most often, consumers face three main difficulties: dust, air bubbles and evenness of application. First things first.

In many ways, the main problem is the annoying air bubbles that, one way or another, appear between the film and the device screen. It's easy to avoid this. First, you need to prepare the device screen. You need to wipe it with a damp cloth and then rub it with a dry soft cloth. Place the film against the display without removing the protective covering.

Glue a small piece of tape to the top edge; it will act as a handle. Very carefully remove the protective covering and bend the film in an arc, leaning one edge against the edge of the smartphone screen, and roll the film onto the screen.

Use a bank card to smooth the film

For a smoother display finish, use a business card or bank card. Move it along the protective film along the screen of the device while rolling the protective film. This will prevent air bubbles from escaping into unironed areas of the protective film.

The next problem when installing a protective film is dust getting on the display. Here you need to try a little. First of all, you need to provide side lighting; it will allow you to see flying dust particles. Install a lamp or any other bright light source so that the light falls perpendicular to your device.

Don't let dust get under the film

Before starting the process of sizing the protective film, it is important to choose a room without upholstered furniture, clothes and rags. It is textiles that generate the most dust. The best place for this is the bathroom. Arm yourself with a spray bottle and spray the air in the room with water. Drops of water will absorb dust particles and fall to the floor. But it is better not to create unnecessary movement near the floor, as the moisture will quickly evaporate and dust will rise into the air again.

If you didn’t manage to get rid of air bubbles the first time, then simply glue two pieces of tape to the top or bottom edge of the film. Next, place them behind your smartphone and carefully peel off the protective film. This will allow you to fix the film in exactly the position you need.

You can get rid of dust that gets on the screen using ordinary adhesive tape. You can remove annoying bubbles with the edge of a bank or any other plastic card.

Do not wipe the screen with alcohol

There are versions on the Internet that it is more practical to glue the protective film onto a damp or even alcohol-treated screen. This is a myth!

Alcohol can get under the screen and leave streaks on it that simply wiping will not get rid of. And about ordinary water and it's not worth talking about. The slightest contact with moisture on the microcircuits can lead to corrosion and a significant reduction in the life of your device. So you should not use such methods.

How to stick the film evenly

And the last question - how to stick the protective film evenly? It's simple! Without removing the protective covering, lean the film against the screen (protective covering down) and adjust the position you need. Then fix the film with your finger and glue two pieces of tape to the top or bottom edge of it and slide them behind the screen. The tape will serve as something like door hinges.

Then remove the protective coating and carefully apply the film to the screen using the methods described above to get rid of dust and air bubbles. If you do everything correctly, you will eventually be able to apply the protective film evenly and without irritating factors such as air and dust. All this will take no more than 15 minutes.

When buying a new smartphone, you want to preserve the presentation of the gadget for as long as possible.

That is why it is common to buy protective glass or films along with the phone. With their help, the device screen can be protected from chips and scratches that form as soon as possible. We tell you how to properly apply protective film or glass at home.

Protective glass or film: what to choose?

When choosing a defense mechanism, every user asks the question - which is better? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each means of protection has pros and cons.

Protective glass ensures reliability when the phone falls, but at the same time increases its thickness. The film is practically invisible during operation, and is also much cheaper, but the level of protection is lower. Despite the differences in certain parameters (degree of protection, price, durability), the principle of gluing these elements is the same.

Most protective accessories have brief instructions on the sticker, but manufacturers are silent about some factors, so we’ll look at each point step by step.

Preparing the place and accessories

Prepare workplace. Wipe the table where the sticker process will take place. It is recommended to place a desk lamp above the phone to better see “problem areas” on the screen. Additionally, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and dry them.

The glass or film usually comes with tools. In most cases the kit looks like this:

  1. The green “dry” bag is a dry cloth for cleaning the screen.
  2. Pink “wet” bag – a wet wipe for cleaning the display.
  3. A microfiber cloth that reduces the likelihood of picking up dust particles.

The first stage is cleaning the glass. Place your phone on the table. Pick up a napkin that says “wet” (sometimes it’s even numbered one). Wipe the smartphone screen with a damp cloth. Try to wipe the display so that not a single speck of dust is visible in the light.

The second stage is “drying”. Now take a second rag labeled “dry” (similar to the previous napkin, numbered two) and wipe the screen dry. Please note that your fingers should not touch the display.

The third stage is “intermediate”. Some manufacturers include an adhesive film in the kit to further rid the screen of dust particles. If you have such a tool, just stick it on the display and peel it off after a couple of seconds.

Working with glass

Take protective film or glass in your hands. Look at her carefully. Manufacturers supply protective equipment with a special tongue to make it easier for a person to peel off the “sticky” part.

Having carefully peeled off the “adhesive part”, take the special glass by the “edges” and begin to slowly apply it to the phone. It is extremely important to ensure that the contours of the film and the screen match. While “aiming”, do not press on the display.

Release the glass. While it gradually sticks, make sure that there are no dust particles or bubbles anywhere. If no problems are found, effortlessly (lightly) swipe your finger across the center of the screen. If you notice any air bubbles, take a dry cloth and push them towards the edges of the display.

Once you are sure that there are no dust or air bubbles left under the glass, wipe the display again with a dry cloth.

Dust particles as a separate problem

There is a possibility of noticing a speck of dust after the procedure is completed. In such cases, you will need to re-raise the glass. This operation can be performed using a bank card. Additionally, take a small strip of stationery tape.

  1. Pick up the edge of the glass that is closest to the speck of dust.
  2. Place a piece of tape on the problem area
  3. Quickly tear it away from the screen.
  4. Return safety glass to the starting position.

Before moving on to the question of how to stick a film on a phone, you need to decide on the purpose of this item and the varieties that are on the market.

Why is protection needed?

The main purpose of a protective accessory is to protect the surface of the gadget’s display from damage (chips, scratches) and the appearance of fingerprints. In terms of its structure, the film is a material with increased strength and is made from high-quality polymers. In this case, the last indicator of the material will affect the elasticity of the accessory.


Typically, films are produced for specific smartphone models, but there are universal options that can be used with any phone. Such sheets of plastic have a grid of lines applied, which makes it easier to manufacture a protective coating for a certain diagonal.

Types of film coating

There are many criteria for dividing an accessory: by type of mounting on the screen, size, external design. Before you start sticking a protective film with your own hands, you need to decide which type is most preferable for a particular smartphone model or is simply more convenient to use.

Fixation option

According to this parameter, the typology of protective film coatings involves division into two main options:

  1. Static− a thin silicone coating is used as a basis to hold the protective accessory on the surface of the display. This variety is distinguished by the possibility of reusable use (they can be removed and washed) and the absence of bubbles, if you know how to properly glue the film to the phone.
  2. Adhesive− an adhesive base is used. The accessory can be removed for washing, but you should know how to put the film on the phone without bubbles, since re-application threatens the formation of a similar artifact.

By coating size

According to this criterion, all protective film materials are divided into three types, which should also be taken into account when deciding how to properly glue the protective film to a smartphone:


The main disadvantage of dimensionless models is the inability to accurately and evenly cut the film to the size of your own phone. This requires certain skills and accuracy.


Another division criterion is appearance, or to be more precise, the design of the polymer coating. Most often there are three options:

Glossy, which are the most common. Among the advantages of this type are:

  • no color palette distortion;
  • subtlety, which makes the accessory almost invisible;
  • the ability to hide existing minor scratches and prevent new ones from appearing.

Matte, which are the second most popular variety, which also have their own advantages:

  • almost complete absence of reflection;
  • increased density, which ensures greater reliability;
  • improved tactile sensations as fingers glide well;
  • no fingerprints.


One of the main disadvantages of matte specimens is the muting of color reproduction, since the matte surface makes the colors duller. Also, these models are thick and therefore visible on the screen.

Mirror, which are the least common. When pasted, a mirror effect is created, which disappears when the display is activated. This film has more decorative appeal. Just like gloss, it is susceptible to fingerprints and degrades color reproduction, like matte options.

Self-application of a protective film coating is quite possible if you follow the algorithm of actions

DIY film sticker

Many users are wondering how to apply a protective film to their phone. This process is simple if you know the technology and carry out the preparatory work, which includes choosing the optimal room and preparing the necessary tools.

The main danger when installing a protective coating is dust, since in this case the tightness of the film is reduced and is fraught with the formation of bubbles that are difficult to remove. You can achieve optimal humidity using a spray bottle. Also not suitable are rooms in which there is large number textiles, which are a generator of static that attracts dust.


Additionally, when telling how to apply a protective film to a phone screen, experts advise first washing the floor and wiping all horizontal surfaces with a wet cloth.

There should also be sufficient lighting to allow you to see the smallest details and errors during gluing.

How to glue a protective film on your phone: list of tools

  • smartphone;
  • film;
  • liquid for degreasing the screen surface;
  • plastic card;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler (when using dimensionless models);
  • lint-free napkin;
  • tweezers to avoid leaving fingerprints;
  • scotch.

How to stick a film on a phone at home: degreasing the surface

To remove residual grease and dust, you need to wipe the surface of the display with a cloth soaked in alcohol or antistatic agent, while making sure that the liquid does not get inside the case. Final cleaning involves wiping with a lint-free cloth, after which you should not touch the smartphone.

How to properly stick a protective film on your phone: cutting to size

If you purchased a film for a specific smartphone model, then there is no need for cutting. Otherwise, you can use some tricks that experts suggest as tips on how to install a protective film on your smartphone screen:

  • if you have an old accessory, it should be glued on top of the marking grid and simply cut out;
  • if you have the opportunity to use a photocopier, you can make a life-size copy of the smartphone and cut the film using this template;
  • when cutting, leave at least 1 mm at the edges for a perfect fit;
  • curly cutouts of telephone parts are marked using a protractor or an officer’s ruler;
  • The final cutting step is to create holes for the speaker and buttons.

How to stick a film on a phone without bubbles: step-by-step instructions

After completing all preparatory work You can proceed directly to gluing. The question may arise, how to determine which side to glue the film on the phone? Some manufacturers apply special indicator stickers with numbers 1 and 2. There may also be a color division: the bottom layer is transparent, the top layer is colored. We will tell you how to properly apply the protective film in a short instruction. After you have taken it out of the package, perform the following manipulations.

IllustrationDescription of action
Place the film with side No. 1 on the phone screen and determine how accurately it fits.

Align the right edge of the film with the edge of the phone and begin to peel back the protective sticker. It is better to do this in length.
Stick the freed edge to the display, making sure that the film lies evenly along the entire length of the side.
Gradually remove the protective layer and stick the film, helping yourself with a card or ruler to avoid the appearance of bubbles. It is recommended to do this from top to bottom so that you can glue with your fingers without touching the adhesive layer.
After gluing is completed, the top protective layer should be removed.

How to stick a film to a phone without bubbles: removing artifacts

During the gluing process, there is a high probability of bubbles appearing, which may occur at the site of dust or dirt. They should be “expelled” with a plastic card or ruler, moving from the center to the edge.

If too many defects are identified, the film can be peeled off and tried to be reapplied, while you can use removed protective stickers that support the edges so as not to touch the adhesive layer and the surface of the display with your hands. It should be remembered that repeating the procedure is not recommended over three times, since the quality of adhesion decreases.

  • It is not advisable to stick the film close to the edge of the screen;
  • if gluing fails, it is possible to remove the protective layer and wash it under water to remove dust particles;
  • It is best to apply the accessory immediately after purchasing a new device;
  • to completely remove dust from the screen, you can use paper tape;
  • During operation, it is recommended to wipe the film with wet wipes.

Which is better – glass or film?

Protective glass, which has similar functions in preventing display damage, is a replacement for films. In terms of its characteristics, this accessory is much better than a simple film coating, since it has increased strength, is not afraid of falling from a great height, does not lead to color distortion, and is more distinguishable. long term services. It is also easier to glue the protective glass yourself, as you can see after watching the presented video. Owners of expensive flagships can be advised to purchase high-quality glass instead of film, which will protect the phone from damage and expensive repairs.

If you've ever wondered how to properly apply a screen protector to your smartphone without annoying bubbles or dust particles, then read on. The process does not require any special tools or skills and all you need is attentiveness and accuracy.

The first thing you need to do before sticking a protective film on your smartphone screen is to minimize the amount of dust in the room. To do this, you need to choose the cleanest room without drafts, for example, a bathroom. You can also try additional methods - for example, turning on a hot shower, the hot steam from which will clear most of the dust in the air.

The next thing to do is make sure your hands are clean, so wash them with soap and water.

Finally, you need to make sure that your smartphone screen is clean and free of dust. Take a microfiber cloth and thoroughly clean your smartphone screen. The use of alcohol and other cleaning liquids is not always recommended experienced users due to the risk of damaging the device screen.

Some users also advise using regular tape to remove dust. It is also a good idea to make sure that there are no smudges or fingerprints on the screen, otherwise they will remain under the film.

Once you've done all of the above, it's time to gather your materials and get started. You will need: your smartphone or other mobile device, a protective film and a bank card. So let's get started:

Step 1. Take the protective film and place it on the display without removing the protective layer - you first need to try the film on the screen of your device and find out what position of the film will be ideal.

Step 2. Place the end of the screen protector at the bottom of the display, lining up the edges. The sticky side should be facing the screen of your smartphone or tablet, and the smooth side should be facing you.

Step 3. Begin removing the protective film by slowly pulling the edge away from you. When the sticky part opens, you will need to stick the film onto your phone's display. In order for the film to stick neatly, you need to slowly remove the film, immediately gluing the exposed part onto the display, in other words, you remove the protective layer with one hand, and immediately smooth the film itself with the other hand. Thus, dust does not have time to stick to the film.

If you do everything correctly, the film should stick evenly to the screen. If there are several bubbles on the screen, do not panic - use a bank card prepared in advance to remove them from under the film.

If something goes wrong - for example, there are too many bubbles, dust on the screen or the film is not attached securely, then you need to try again. Screen protectors are often sold in sets of two or three, so don't be afraid to start from scratch.

Don't worry too much if there are a few tiny bubbles left after everything - if you leave the smartphone overnight, they will disappear and you will have a smooth and shiny screen. All you have to do is enjoy your secure smartphone.