Professional standard for a psychologist approved by the government of the Russian Federation. Why the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist was established and its key points. Professional standard for a teacher of additional education

Why was a professional standard for an educational psychologist developed? What characteristics does this document have? What sections does it consist of? What are the requirements for the work of the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, for psychologists? You will get answers to these questions in the article.

Why was the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist introduced?

In 2018, legislators began to actively introduce professional standards for specialists in the field of education. Thus, on January 1 of this year, the professional standard for a psychologist came into force. What requirements does this document make for educational psychologists? And what is the purpose of introducing a professional standard?

Read also:

The active implementation of trade union standards began in June 2016. This is due to the low qualifications of specialists. But the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist 2018, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, is only advisory in nature. The introduction of a professional standard for psychologists allows us to resolve the following issues:

  1. provide the necessary professional training that teachers in general education institutions should have;
  2. inform the educational psychologist what requirements apply to him;
  3. involve psychologists in the process of raising the educational level in the country.

Watch a video on the topic:

Characteristics of the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist

In general terms, the professional standard approved for psychologists depends on:

  1. the ability of a particular school psychologist to continue to hold his position;
  2. salary amount;
  3. accrual of length of service, on which the size of the pension benefit will depend in the future;
  4. opportunity for career growth.

Which defines both the basic requirements for a teacher-psychologist and sets the general direction of this specialist’s activity.

The professional standard serves only as a framework document. This means that the list of requirements for a psychologist can be supplemented by local peculiarities. Also, educational institutions that are looking for a candidate for the position of psychologist may have their own requirements for an educational psychologist.

Structure of the professional standard for educational psychologists

Each professional standard, including the standard for psychologists, was developed on the basis of one layout approved on April 12, 2013. According to this layout, the professional standard of a psychologist from January 1, 2018, which can be downloaded on this page after reading the article, includes the following parts:

  1. A general description of the specialty is given. This section indicates the exact name of the profession, the activities carried out by this specialist, classification according to OKZ and OKVED;
  2. Functional map. This part of the document provides a list of labor functions that must be performed by a teacher-psychologist;
  3. Characteristics of work functions. The requirements for each generalized labor function are indicated. In addition, a list of skills, knowledge, as well as specific actions that the educational psychologist is required to perform is given;
  4. Information about the development organizations.

Professional standard, which reflects the following areas in the activities of the educational institution:

  1. Recruitment;
  2. Definition of work functions for educational psychologists;
  3. Realization of the right to additional training;
  4. Forms of professional development, including certification and certification.

Starting in January of this year, school leaders are required to take into account the requirements presented in the document when searching for and hiring a new educational psychologist. It is required to take into account the professional standard when organizing certification, establishing local regulations, job descriptions and calculating wages.

Basic actions and functions that a psychologist must perform

A good educational psychologist should:

  1. Be able to develop and implement all curricula that are related to the development of skills in schoolchildren, support for gifted children, support for adolescents, taking into account their individual and age characteristics;
  2. Be able to conduct a psychological examination of teachers, process the results of psychological monitoring;
  3. Conduct interactive classes, as well as develop your own psychological techniques;
  4. Know the basics of psychological science, know its foundations, methods and principles.

Provides for the consistent implementation of the provisions contained in the document.

Since the beginning of 2017, a number of new documents regulating teaching activities have come into force. The professional standard of a teacher fixes the personal characteristics and professional skills of the subject necessary for such activities, based on which the work of a specialist will be considered qualified.

The concept of the professional standard of a teacher, its legal framework

A pedagogical professional standard is a specialized document in the field of education, which contains requirements for the personal and professional parameters of a teacher.

The first attempts to introduce these standards were made by the Government back in 2013. However, the trial draft of the document was not approved due to repeated adjustments and the postponement of the date for its consideration by officials. Only in 2017 Occupational standards have begun to be formally introduced using implementation plans developed by local authorities.

The professional standard for a teacher, approved by the government of the Russian Federation in 2017, is an alternative to tariff and qualification reference books.

According to data at the beginning of 2018, there are 4 main documents regulating certain sectors of education:

  1. A document defining the activities of a teacher of additional education for citizens of all ages. Adopted on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 613-dated September 8, 2015.
  2. Standard regulating the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist. It was approved based on Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 514-n dated July 24, 2015.
  3. A document evaluating the activities of a social teacher. It was recorded by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 544-n dated October 18, 2013.
  4. Professional standard for a teacher specialist in the field of education. It was adopted on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 10 of January 10, 2017.
  5. A teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education works on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 608-n dated 09/08/2015.

The reason for entering these documents was the need to bring the outdated requirements of such work activities to modern realities. Based on PP No. 584 dated July 16, 2009, the introduction of these professional standards must be completed before the beginning of 2020. It is understood that by this time the introduced standards will become the main evaluation criterion in the selection of teachers.

The main tasks of the teacher’s professional standard

At the present stage of development of the domestic legislative framework, the introduction of professional standards for teachers is an urgent solution to a number of problems in assessing the professional skills of working citizens. Previously used reference books are outdated and do not meet modern requirements. Therefore, the introduced standards are designed to solve the following problems:

In addition to the necessary professional qualifications, any teacher must also have the skills of an educator. The requirements for this issue include:

  • Carrying out educational work both during classes and during extracurricular activities;
  • Regulating the behavior of wards;
  • Motivating the cognitive activity of students;
  • If necessary, use an individual approach and provide teaching support;
  • Encouraging students to implement discipline, as well as to create a self-government body (for example, choosing a class leader);
  • Openness in the matter of cooperation with other specialists in the educational field.

Structure and content of professional standards for teachers in 2018

All accepted professional standards for teachers are based on a pre-developed template. This template was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147-n dated April 12, 2013. Thus, the structure of the professional standard in 2018 consists of the following sections:

  • General information about the specialty for which the document was developed;
  • A list of job functions that a teacher must perform in the course of his professional activities;
  • Characteristics of generalized work responsibilities;
  • Information about the institutions that were involved in the design of the standard.

First section is devoted to a description of the specialty and related nuances.

Second section reflects the necessary functions, the execution of which is the goal of the teacher’s work. Also in the second section, levels and sublevels are reflected, based on the tasks assigned to the subject.

Third section is intended for a more detailed disclosure of the functions of each specific sublevel. Thus, it reflects specific requirements for the skills, knowledge and work experience of an employee of an educational institution.

Fourth section reflects information about the institutions that drafted the standard. This paragraph covers all stages of document design, as well as the procedure for its adoption and approval.

Professional standard of a specialist in the field of education

This standard regulates the work activities of educators and teachers in preschool institutions and schools. The main functions are divided into sub-items, which include:

  1. Providing general pedagogical activities.
  2. Organization of the educational process.
  3. Providing developmental activities through the organization of training sessions and a number of events.
  4. Teaching preschool general education program.
  5. Providing primary education to students.
  6. Organization and conduct of classes in basic and secondary education.
  7. Subject qualification in the field of "Mathematics".
  8. Subject qualification in the direction of “Russian language”.

Such activities belong to the sixth qualification level and require special higher education from an educational worker.

For subjects whose field of activity is to ensure the educational process in preschool institutions, the fifth level of qualification is relevant.

Also, a preschool and school teacher must have the following skills:

  • be able to apply methods of transition from a game to an educational program;
  • provide students with the necessary conditions for the most effective perception of information;
  • be able to find an approach to young children and inspire confidence in them;
  • willingness to take responsibility for what happens in the classroom;
  • take into account the personal characteristics of each individual student and resolve issues that go beyond the boundaries of the educational process.

Professional standard for a social teacher - specialist in the field of education

One of the subcategories of a specialist in the field of education is a social teacher. The main task of a social teacher, based on the negotiated standard, is to ensure the educational process for students. At the same time, the socialization of children should take place in a positive way, which contributes to the dynamic development of the personalities of the teacher’s students.

The role of the social educator is to support the interests of students, plan activities and the course of classes, as well as provide support for students in their care if necessary.

The qualification category of this field of activity also refers to the sixth level. Moreover, to carry out such work, a citizen must have a higher or secondary specialized education

Professional standard for teacher psychologist

This professional standard assumes that an employee engaged in teaching activities also provides psychological support for the classes being conducted. The main functions of educational psychologists include:

Thus, the qualification level of educational psychologists is seventh. It is understood that in order to perform such duties the subject must have a special higher education.

Professional standard for additional education teacher

The activities of these teachers are regulated by Professional Standard No. 513. The labor functions of additional education teachers in the specified field of education belong to the sixth qualification level, and are as follows:

  1. Ensuring the pedagogical process and appropriate control over the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge by students.
  2. Familiarization with innovations in the professional field of additional education, as well as research activities in order to improve the level of qualifications.
  3. Providing additional educational programs, for example, activities in the social partnership sector or the organization of public events.

The above requirements apply not only to teachers of additional education, but also to trainers, methodologists and teachers involved in organizing various educational events.

Problematic aspects of introducing professional standards for teachers

Practice shows that innovations in the legislative framework are not always perceived positively. At the moment, there are more than a million teachers working in the Russian Federation, some of whom support such an initiative of the Government, and some of whom do not.

Among the main problems associated with the implementation of professional standards for teachers are:

  1. Lack of necessary material support. If an educational institution plans to carry out the educational process for students with increased needs, then the building must be equipped with special toilets, ramps, and elevators. There are not enough budgetary funds to implement these requirements.
  2. Lack of a sufficient number of highly specialized professionals. For example, the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist requires deep, narrow-profile knowledge in the field of communication with children with increased needs. In addition, to ensure the educational process, children of all categories often require a speech pathologist, a sign language interpreter and a qualified physician.
  3. Lack of sufficient theoretical basis for working with children of different categories.
  4. Lack of certification to identify factors that complicate a teacher’s work.
  5. Lack of the required number of workers, which leads to overworking of teachers. Practice shows that at the moment almost all teachers work at least one and a half times the salary. This reduces production and, consequently, lowers the educational level.
  6. Lack of sufficient feedback from local authorities.

Thus, the purpose of professional standards for teachers is to facilitate not only the procedure for carrying out teaching activities, but also the assessment during the selection of personnel. These documents have modern, improved requirements for employees, which will improve the overall level of education of students of different categories.

A teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) is a worker in the pedagogical field, whose area of ​​activity is psychological support for the educational process, work on the successful socialization of students, the preservation and strengthening of their health, the protection of rights, and the implementation of activities aimed at preventing deviations in behavior and development children. The activities of such an employee are regulated by special documents, including the professional standard (PS).

Why is this professional standard needed?

PS teacher-psychologist entered into force on 01/01/2018. The creation of similar acts in relation to other specialties began back in 2016. This was caused by the urgent need to improve the skills of workers engaged in various fields of activity.

However, despite the existence of such a need, the recently adopted professional standard is not ultimatum, but only advisory in nature. Its use allows us to resolve a number of significant issues:

  1. Providing the necessary professional training for future educational psychologists.
  2. Precise definition of the list of requirements for a specialist.
  3. Involving a psychologist in the process of raising the educational level of citizens living in the country.

In general, Prof. the standard determines the possibility of a specialist obtaining a position or maintaining it. This document also regulates the amount of salary and how much length of service will be accrued to the employee during his work. Based on the provisions of the PS in his work, the specialist provides oneself with the opportunity for career growth.

A professional standard is not only a list of basic requirements for an educational psychologist, it also denotes the general direction of the specialist’s activity. Often, the initial form of this document is used as a template into which provisions independently developed by employees of a local educational institution can be added.

Structure of the standard

Prof. The standard for educational psychologists, as well as for representatives of other professions, was formed on the basis of a special layout, which was approved almost five years earlier (04/12/2013). Therefore, the document is clearly divided into several main blocks:

  • Characteristics of the specialty (general). This section is devoted to a description of the specialty. First of all, its name is indicated: psychologist, educational psychologist, psychologist of an educational organization.

Afterwards, the exact field of activity of the employee and its classification are noted in accordance with OKVED (classification as types of economic activity) and OKZ (group of occupations).

It is also noted that in order to carry out labor activities in educational institutions, a citizen must have higher education in the relevant field. In addition, specialists convicted of crimes defined by type and composition by the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be allowed to work with children.

  • Characteristics of the duties assigned to the employee. All labor functions listed in the second block receive additional interpretation. In addition, a list of all the knowledge and skills that an educational psychologist should have, as well as a list of specific actions that he will have to perform, is provided.
  • Information about the organizations that participated in the development of the document. The last paragraph contains the name of one responsible organization, as well as the names of several organizations that participated in the development of the document.

Key Points

The professional standard must be recorded in local documentation, used in the work of the institution in the following areas:

From the moment of approval of the professional standard of an educational psychologist (that is, from 01/01/2018), the management of all schools and other educational institutions is obliged to take into account the provisions of this document when searching for and approving specialists of the relevant profile for positions.

In addition, the professional standard is used to properly organize certification checks, draw up local job descriptions and determine wages.

Main responsibilities according to the document

To implement the above functions, a psychologist employed in an educational institution must carry out the following work activities:

In addition, a specialist must know the basics of psychology, its principles, understand the structure of this science and be able to use methods in practice.

Competencies of an educational psychologist

A teacher-psychologist is one of the members of the socio-pedagogical and psychological service (SPPS) of an educational institution. The professional competence of a teacher is a complex system that includes knowledge, experience, abilities, skills and professionally significant characteristics of the employee, including:

  • stability and adequacy of self-esteem;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • positive attitude towards the world;
  • responsibility;
  • presence of stable motivation;
  • the ability to reflect and analyze various situations.

The basis of competence is a specialization obtained by a person at a university and providing him with basic knowledge that is mandatory for an educational psychologist. Professional competence is realized in the activities of a specialist and is a structure that includes:

  • special training;
  • functional literacy;
  • personal competence;
  • skill in the practical application of technologies of psychological and pedagogical activity and subsequent reflection;
  • the ability to make changes to ongoing activities based on a reflexive analysis of the results obtained.

Competencies are simultaneously the range of responsibilities reflected in the job description, the scope of responsibility and the range of authority within which a specialist must demonstrate his abilities, skills, knowledge and significant personal characteristics. All this displayed in professional standard, the provisions of which a specialist must consistently implement in the course of his work activity.

Here is a video with additional detailed information about the pedagogical professional standard.

October 18, 2017. At the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University October 18 from 11:00 to 13:00(Moscow time) a remote seminar (webinar) will be held “Discussion of regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)”

Organizers of the webinar: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia”, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Date and time of the webinar: October 18, 2017 from 11:00 to 13:00 (Moscow time).

Webinar participants:
members of the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia”, representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, coordinators and members of pilot sites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for approbation and implementation of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) ”, educational psychologists of educational organizations, representatives of higher and additional professional education organizations implementing professional training programs for educational psychologists, experts in the field of development and application of professional standards.

Participants webinar must be filled out application in electronic form ().

The webinar will take place at remote form.

Participation in the webinar is free.

Information partners of the webinar:

  • Website of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University - mgppu.rf

Purpose of the webinar: discussion of the results of monitoring regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist).”

Main objectives of the webinar:

  1. Analysis of the practice of applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, identification and analysis of problems in its implementation;
  2. Discussion of issues of updating the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education).”

Webinar materials

Information letter about the webinar seminar (download)
Seminar-webinar program (download)
Recommendations for the application of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)” in adaptation mode (download)
Professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)” (download)


1. Date of the video broadcast October 18, 2017
2. Time of video broadcast from 11:00 to 13:00 Moscow time
3. Technical requirements for equipment for viewing video broadcasts
  1. Personal computer with Internet access.
  2. Speakers, headphones or built-in speaker.
4. Connect to video broadcast At 11:00 am on October 18, 2017, the video broadcast of the webinar will begin.

Connection link for the webinar video broadcast:

5. Note If the “Broadcast will start in...” page opens on your computer screen instead of the live video broadcast via this link, this means that the video broadcast has not yet started (until 11:00 am on 10/18/17). In such a case, you should refresh the video broadcast page (F5 button) (after 11:00 am on 10/18/2017) or re-follow the link provided in point 4.
6. Recommendations for remote participants of the webinar seminar: A) Presentations of speakers, as well as other webinar materials (including a video recording of the webinar) will be posted on the website. B) Remote participants of the webinar seminar can post their questions and comments on the video broadcast page. To post questions and comments, you must have and authorize your Google (Gmail) email address. You can also send questions to our email address [email protected].

C) If any difficulties arise during a live video broadcast, please contact a video broadcast technical support specialist - Yulia Shulenina by email (e-mail: [email protected]).

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The need to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process has led to the need to create uniform requirements for the qualifications of school psychological service workers.

Professional standard of educational psychologist, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on July 24, 2015 No. 514n (hereinafter referred to as the Order), regulates:

  • general information about the position;
  • features of the specialist’s job responsibilities in accordance with the field of activity and level of qualifications.

The site is intended for education workers

Articles in full are available only to registered users.

After registration you receive:

  • access to 10,000+ professional materials;
  • 5,000 ready-made recommendations innovative teachers;
  • more 200 scenarios open lessons;
  • 2,000 expert comments to regulatory documents.

Professional standard of a teacher-psychologist in the field of education

Professional standards for psychological service employees involved in the field of education represent the qualification characteristics necessary for an educational institution employee to perform job functions.

Professional standard of a school teacher-psychologist must be recorded in local documents reflecting the following areas of the school’s activities:

  1. Selection and placement of personnel.
  2. Determination of labor functions of school psychological service employees.
  3. Implementation of the right of workers to additional professional training.
  4. Certifications, certifications and other forms of improving the qualifications of employees.

In accordance with the Order, professional standards must be applied by school leaders from January 1, 2017 when selecting employees, organizing certification of teaching staff, drawing up local job descriptions and determining wage rates.

A short description of the labor functions of a teacher providing psychological and pedagogical support for the program minimum in accordance with the professional standard is presented in the table.

Ensuring the school's document flow regarding psychological and pedagogical areas.

Professional standard for educational psychologist 2017

The roadmap for the implementation of the professional standard for school psychologists, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on June 24, 2015, provides for the consistent implementation of the developed provisions throughout 2015-2017.

At this stage, testing of the use of professional standards on the basis of experimental educational platforms has been completed, as well as a set of measures aimed at increasing the qualification level of responsible employees.

The roadmap indicates such a final set of measures that will contribute to the approval of application practice professional standard for the activity of a teacher-psychologist in 2017:

  1. Approbation of experimental projects for additional professional education of educational psychologists.
  2. Development of a standard model of an individual professional development program for school psychologists in accordance with the new standard.
  3. Design and testing of the activities of psychological services, guided in their work by new legislative standards in terms of psychological and pedagogical support of the learning process, providing psychological support to students with disabilities.
  4. Conducting expert forums of educational psychologists involved in the work of experimental sites in order to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the new professional standard.
  5. Conducting seminars and webinars at the all-Russian level on the implementation of the professional standard for the activities of school psychologists.

Professional standard for educational psychologist 2017, approved by the government of the Russian Federation

Why was the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist introduced?

In 2017, legislators began to actively introduce professional standards for specialists in the field of education. Thus, on January 1 of this year, the professional standard for a psychologist came into force. What requirements does this document make for educational psychologists? And what is the purpose of introducing a professional standard?

The active implementation of trade union standards began in June 2016. This is due to the low qualifications of specialists. But the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist 2017, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, is only advisory in nature. The introduction of a professional standard for psychologists allows us to resolve the following issues:

  1. provide the necessary professional training that teachers in general education institutions should have;
  2. inform the educational psychologist what requirements apply to him;
  3. involve psychologists in the process of raising the educational level in the country.

Characteristics of the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist

In general terms, the professional standard approved for psychologists depends on:

  1. the ability of a particular school psychologist to continue to hold his position;
  2. salary amount;
  3. accrual of length of service, on which the size of the pension benefit will depend in the future;
  4. opportunity for career growth.

The professional standard is a document that defines both the basic requirements for a teacher-psychologist and sets the general direction of the activity of this specialist.

The professional standard serves only as a framework document. This means that the list of requirements for a psychologist can be supplemented by local peculiarities. Also, educational institutions that are looking for a candidate for the position of psychologist may have their own requirements for an educational psychologist.

Structure of the professional standard for educational psychologists

Each professional standard, including the standard for psychologists, was developed on the basis of one layout approved on April 12, 2013. According to this layout, the professional standard of a psychologist from January 1, 2017, which can be downloaded on this page after reading the article, includes the following parts:

  1. A general description of the specialty is given. This section indicates the exact name of the profession, the activities carried out by this specialist, classification according to OKZ and OKVED;
  2. Functional map. This part of the document provides a list of labor functions that must be performed by a teacher-psychologist;
  3. Characteristics of work functions. The requirements for each generalized labor function are indicated. In addition, a list of skills, knowledge, as well as specific actions that the educational psychologist is required to perform is given;
  4. Information about the development organizations.

Register to download

template in MS Word

The professional standard must be recorded in local documentation, which reflects the following areas of activity of the educational institution:

  1. Recruitment;
  2. Definition of work functions for educational psychologists;
  3. Realization of the right to additional training;
  4. Forms of professional development, including certification and certification.

Starting in January of this year, school leaders are required to take into account the requirements presented in the document when searching for and hiring a new educational psychologist. It is required to take into account the professional standard when organizing certification, establishing local regulations, job descriptions and calculating wages.

Basic actions and functions that a psychologist must perform

A good educational psychologist should:

  1. Be able to develop and implement all curricula that are related to the development of skills in schoolchildren, support for gifted children, support for adolescents, taking into account their individual and age characteristics;
  2. Be able to conduct a psychological examination of teachers, process the results of psychological monitoring;
  3. Conduct interactive classes, as well as develop your own psychological techniques;
  4. Know the basics of psychological science, know its foundations, methods and principles.

The process of introducing the professional standard provides for the consistent implementation of the provisions contained in the document.