Calculation of thermal insulation thickness. Calculation of thermal insulation thickness Indoor air temperature for public buildings

From the moment a person built himself a dwelling with a roof, walls, floor and ceiling, he tried, as far as possible, to create more and more comfortable conditions inside this dwelling, which we now call a microclimate. The industrial and then technological revolutions caused the rapid growth of technologies that provide indoor comfort. However, as opportunities grow, so do needs; advanced technologies of yesterday become the norm of today.

The modern standard for indoor microclimate parameters in our country is given in GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters".

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

Serviced area of ​​the premises(habitat zone) - space in a room, limited by planes parallel to the floor and walls: at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor (but not closer than 1 m from the ceiling with ceiling heating), at a distance of 0.5 m from internal surfaces of external and internal walls, windows and heating devices.

Premises with permanent occupancy- a room in which people stay for at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.

Room microclimate- the state of the internal environment of a room, affecting a person, characterized by indicators of air temperature and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility.

Optimal microclimate parameters- a combination of values ​​of microclimate indicators that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.

Acceptable microclimate parameters- combinations of values ​​of microclimate indicators, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms do not cause damage or deterioration in health.

Cold season- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature of 8 °C and below.

Warm period of the year- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature above 8 °C.

Radiation temperature of a room is the area-averaged temperature of the internal surfaces of room enclosures and heating devices.

Resulting room temperature- a complex indicator of the radiation temperature of the room and the air temperature of the room, determined according to Appendix A.

Ball thermometer temperature- temperature in the center of a thin-walled hollow sphere, characterizing the combined influence of air temperature, radiation temperature and air speed.

Local asymmetry of the resulting temperature- the difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.

Air speed- air velocity averaged over the volume of the serviced area.

This GOST 30494-96 established parameters characterizing the microclimate of premises:

air temperature;

air speed;

relative air humidity;

resulting room temperature;

local asymmetry of the resulting temperature;

and indicated the optimal and acceptable norms for them (Tables 1.1 and 1.2).

Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.

The resulting room temperature t su at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.5 t p + 0.5 t r

where t p is the air temperature in the room, °C;

t r - radiation temperature of the room, °C.

At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s t su should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.6 t p + 0.4 t r .

Radiation temperature t r should be calculated from temperatures internal surfaces fencing and heating devices

t r =  (A i t i) /  A i ,

where A i is the area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m 2 ;

t i - temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.

Table 1.1

Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year

Name of the premises

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %




acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more

Cold -

Living room

The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period minus 31 ° C and below

Bathroom, combined toilet


Rooms for rest and training sessions

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Living room

For indoors public buildings the following classification is given:

Table 1.2

Optimal and permissible norms of temperature, relative humidity and air speed

in the service area of ​​public buildings

Period of the year

Air temperature, °C


humidity, %

Travel speed

air, m/s




acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Premises with permanent occupancy

Requirements for indoor microclimate parameters are also reflected in the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Residential Buildings and Premises” SanPiN

Heating and ventilation systems must ensure acceptable microclimate and indoor air conditions. The optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in residential buildings are given in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3

Optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in residential buildings

Name of premises

Air temperature, 0 C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s


let's say - May





Cold season

Living room

The same, in the areas of the coldest five-day period ≤ -31 0 C

Bathroom, combined toilet

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Warm period of the year

Living room

N/N - not standardized.

For water heating, the surface temperature of heating devices should not exceed 90 0 C. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 0 C, it is necessary to provide protective barriers.

GOST 30494-96








1 DEVELOPED State Design and Research Institute SantekhNIIproekt (GPKNII SantekhNIIproekt), Research Institute of Building Physics (NIIstroyfiziki), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Housing (TsNIIEPzhilishcha), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Educational Buildings (TsNIIEP educational buildings), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment them. Sysin, Association of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics Engineers (ABOK)

INTRODUCED Gosstroy of Russia

2 ACCEPTED Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS) December 11, 1996

State name

Name of the state construction management body

Azerbaijan Republic

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia

Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Architectural and Construction Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade

Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Communal Services of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan


GOST 30494-96






Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

Period of the year

Name of the premises

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %






acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Living room

The same, in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31°C

Bathroom, combined toilet

Facilities for recreation and study sessions

Inter-apartment corridor

Lobby, staircase


Living room

*NN - not standardized

Note - Values ​​in brackets refer to homes for the elderly and disabled

Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​public buildings

Period of the year

Name of the premises or

Air temperature, °C

Resulting temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s






acceptable, no more

optimal, no more

acceptable, no more


Bathrooms, showers

Children's preschool institutions

Group changing room and toilet:

for nursery and junior groups

for nursery and junior groups

for middle and preschool groups

Premises with permanent occupancy

*NN - not standardized

Note - For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31°C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1°C higher than that indicated in the table.

The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 °C for optimal and no more than 3.5 °C for acceptable values.

3.5 When ensuring microclimate indicators in various points serviced area is allowed:

The air temperature difference is no more than 2°C for optimal performance and 3°C for acceptable performance;

The difference in the resulting room temperature along the height of the serviced area is no more than 2 °C;

Change in air speed - no more than 0.07 m/s for optimal indicators and 0.1 m/s - for acceptable ones;

Change in relative air humidity - no more than 7% for optimal indicators and 15% for acceptable ones.

3.6. In public buildings, during non-working hours, it is allowed to reduce the microclimate indicators, provided that the required parameters are ensured by the beginning of working hours.

4 Control methods

4.1 Measuring microclimate indicators in cold period years should be performed at an outside air temperature of no higher than minus 5°C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

4.2. For the warm period of the year, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of at least 15 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.

4.3 Measurement of temperature, humidity and air speed should be carried out in the service area at a height:

0.1; 0.4 and 1.7 m from the floor surface for preschool institutions;

0.1; 0.6 and 1.7 m from the floor surface when people are in the room primarily in a sitting position;

0.1; 1.1 and 1.7 m from the floor surface in rooms where people mainly stand or walk;

In the center of the service area and at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surface of the external walls and stationary heating devices in the rooms indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Measurement locations

Type of buildings

Selecting a room

Measurement location


In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each, having two external walls or rooms with large windows, the area of ​​which is 30% or more of the area of ​​the external walls

At the center of planes spaced from the inner surface outer wall And heating device at 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at the height specified in 4.3

Apartment buildings

In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each in apartments on the first and last floors

Hotels, motels, hospitals, childcare centers, schools

In one corner room on the 1st or last floor

Other public and administrative

In every representative room

The same, in rooms with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, measurements are carried out in areas whose dimensions are regulated in 4.3

In rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, measurements of temperature, humidity and air velocity should be carried out in equal areas, the area of ​​which should not exceed 100 m2.

4.4. The temperature of the inner surface of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings should be measured at the center of the corresponding surface.

For external walls with light openings and heating devices, the temperature on the inner surface should be measured in the centers of areas formed by lines extending the edges of the light opening slopes, as well as in the center of the glazing and heating device.

4.6 The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be calculated for the points indicated in , using the formula

Where tsu1 And tsu2 - temperatures, °C, measured in two opposite directions with a ball thermometer (Appendix).

4.7 Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.

4.8 When manually recording microclimate indicators, at least three measurements should be taken with an interval of at least 5 minutes. with automatic registration, measurements should be carried out within 2 hours. When comparing with standard indicators, the average value of the measured values ​​is taken.

Measuring the resulting temperature should begin 20 minutes after installing the ball thermometer at the measurement point.

4.9 Microclimate indicators in premises should be measured using devices that have been registered and have the appropriate certificate.

The measuring range and permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of the table.

Requirements for measuring instruments



Calculation of the resulting room temperature

Resulting room temperature tsu at air speed up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula

Where tp- room air temperature, °C;

tr- radiation temperature of the room, °C.

The resulting room temperature should be taken at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s equal to the temperature of a ball thermometer with a sphere diameter of 150 mm.

At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s tsu should be determined by the formula

. (A.2)

Radiation temperature tr should be calculated:

according to the temperature of the ball thermometer according to the formula

, (A.3)

Where tb- temperature according to a ball thermometer, °C

T- a constant equal to 2.2 for a sphere diameter of up to 150 mm or determined according to Appendix B;

V- air speed, m/s.

by temperatures of internal surfaces of fences and heating devices

, (A.4)

Where Ai- area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m2;

ti- temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.



Ball thermometer device

A ball thermometer for determining the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere made of copper or other heat-conducting material, blackened on the outside (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not lower than 0.95), inside which either a glass thermometer or a thermoelectric converter is placed.

A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere, in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not higher than 0.05), and the other half has a blackened surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not lower than 0.95).

The temperature of the ball thermometer measured at the center of the ball is the equilibrium temperature from radiative and convective heat exchange between the ball and the environment.

Recommended sphere diameter is 150 mm. The thickness of the walls of the sphere is minimal, for example, made of copper - 0.4 mm. The mirror surface is formed by the galvanic method by applying a chrome coating. Gluing polished foil and other methods are allowed. Measuring range from 10 to 50 °C. The time the ball thermometer remains at the measuring point before measurement is at least 20 minutes. The measurement accuracy at temperatures from 10 to 50 °C is 0.1 °C.

When using a sphere of a different diameter, the constant T should be determined by the formula

, (B.1)

Where d- sphere diameter, m.

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Human health and performance are largely determined by the microclimate and air conditions of residential and public buildings. Domestic and foreign hygienists have established a connection between the microclimate in the home and at the workplace and the state of people’s health. Ensuring the specified microclimate indicators is one of the main tasks of specialists in building thermal physics, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Abroad, studies of human thermal sensations indoors have formed the basis for a large number of national and international standards for thermal microclimate and air parameters.

New GOST for microclimate parameters of residential and public buildings

E. G. Malyavina , Associate Professor, Department of Heating and Ventilation, MGSU

Human health and performance are largely determined by the microclimate and air conditions of residential and public buildings. Domestic and foreign hygienists have established a connection between the microclimate in the home and at the workplace and the state of people’s health. Ensuring the specified microclimate indicators is one of the main tasks of specialists in building thermal physics, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Abroad, studies of human thermal sensations indoors have formed the basis for a large number of national and international standards for thermal microclimate and air parameters.

For industrial buildings, internal air parameters are standardized by GOST 12.1.005-88 “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for work area air.” The air parameters in it are specified depending on human energy consumption (for selected categories of work) for the warm and cold periods of the year at optimal and acceptable levels. The same data is given in SNiP.

2.04.05-91*. There is also a relatively recently adopted at the federal level by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia in State system sanitary and epidemiological regulation Russian Federation SanPiN " Hygienic requirements to the microclimate of industrial premises."

In this document, in addition to internal air parameters, surface temperatures and permissible values ​​for the intensity of thermal radiation of workplaces from industrial sources are also standardized. Without discussing now the advantages and disadvantages of SanPiN, we note that it, in essence, was the first domestic regulatory document that comprehensively covers thermal microclimatic effects on humans.

Until recently, there was no such comprehensive regulatory document for residential and public buildings. The calculated parameters of the thermal state of internal air and its mobility have traditionally been given in SNiP 2.04.05-91 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. "The standard temperature difference between the temperature of internal air and the temperature of the inner surface of the outer fence, indirectly reflecting the radiation temperature of the room, is in SNiP II-3-79* "Construction heating engineering". Moreover, the values ​​of this difference only in the latest edition of SNiP II-3-79* are sufficient to ensure human comfort; previously they were aimed at eliminating condensation on the inner surface of the fence. Estimated temperatures of internal air for heating, some other parameters in various rooms public buildings are given in SNiP 2.08.02-89* “Public buildings and structures”.

The appearance of GOST "a 30494-96 "Residential and public buildings. Indoor Microclimate Parameters”, which implements an integrated approach to normalizing microclimate indicators, should undoubtedly be considered a positive development.

GOST was based on the principles of preserving the health and performance of people during various types activities. Hygienic standards reflect modern scientific and technical knowledge obtained by studying human reactions to the influence of certain environmental factors. They take into account modern thermal requirements for building envelopes and heating and ventilation systems.

GOST 30494-96 "Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters" was first put into effect by Resolution N1 of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Architectural and Housing Policy dated January 6, 1999, in March of this year. The standard was developed by GPKNII SantekhNIIproekt, NIIstroyfiziki, TsNIIEPzhilishcha, TsNIIEP educational buildings, Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. Sysin, Association of Engineers ABOK. On December 11, 1998, the standard was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS), which unites the State Construction Administration bodies of the CIS countries.

In accordance with GOST, the microclimate of a room is the state of the internal environment of a room that has an impact on a person, characterized by the temperature of the air and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility." The standard establishes the microclimate parameters of the serviced area of ​​residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings. Compared to previously applicable standards, the serviced area is 0.5 m closer to external fences and heating devices, which is quite consistent with the increased requirements for thermal protection of external fences. The calculated microclimate parameters are normalized depending on functional purpose premises, among which the standard includes residential, children's preschool institutions and 6 categories of premises in public buildings, differing in the intensity of activity, type of clothing and length of stay of people in them. This approach made it possible to take a differentiated approach to microclimatic regulation for almost any public building.

The required microclimate parameters are set for the warm and cold periods of the year. Moreover, in GOST the boundary between these periods is considered to be an outside air temperature of 8 o C, and in the above-mentioned SanPiN - 10 o C.

GOST are installed general requirements to optimal and acceptable microclimate indicators and methods for their control. Optimal microclimate parameters are “combinations of microclimate indicator values ​​that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, ensure the normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of thermal comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.” To the permissible microclimate parameters include such combinations of indicators that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms and do not cause damage or deterioration in health." The range of optimal parameters is narrower and is within the acceptable zone , but only acceptable parameters are mandatory for compliance. This requirement implements a new approach to the development of regulatory documents, when the consumer properties of buildings are allowed to be improved if desired and if funds are available.

The values ​​of optimal and permissible microclimate standards in the serviced area of ​​​​the premises (in the established design parameters of outdoor air) are given in GOST for the following indicators: temperature, movement speed, relative air humidity; resulting room temperature; local asymmetry of the resulting temperature.

Assessment of the temperature conditions of the premises is provided for by two temperatures - air and the resulting room. The resulting temperature is a complex indicator of the air temperature and the radiation temperature of the room.

The resulting temperature can be calculated by measuring the temperature of the air and all surfaces facing the room, or it can be measured with a ball thermometer. The first method may be difficult to implement, since the standard does not specify how to measure the temperature and surface area of ​​the heating device, especially if it has a finned surface.

To eliminate the negative impact on a person of the simultaneous influence of heated and cooled surfaces, the local asymmetry of the resulting room temperature is limited, which is defined as “the difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.”

A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a ball thermometer in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not higher than 0.05), and the other is blackened (the degree of emissivity is not lower than 0.95).

The parameter ranges established by the standard are tightened towards comfortable values ​​compared to those given in Appendices 1 and 5 of SNiP 2.04.05-91*. The permissible relative humidity during the cold period in almost any room where it is standardized should not exceed 60%, previously - 65%, the optimal speed of air movement in living rooms during the cold period is 0.15 m/s instead of 0.2 m/s according to SNiP 2.04.05=91*. For areas with an estimated outside air temperature (parameters A) during the warm period of 25 o C and above or with an estimated relative air humidity (parameters A) of more than 75%, no deviations are made from the specified upper limits of temperature and humidity of internal air.

As acceptable conditions GOST provides for combinations of lower air temperatures with higher resulting temperatures. For example, in the norms optimal conditions residential buildings have only one temperature - 20 o C, which belongs to the ranges of both standardized temperatures. Because of this, a radiant heating system, recognized as more comfortable for humans compared to radiator and convector systems, will not be able to maintain optimal, from the point of view of GOST, conditions, since in the presence of infiltration of external air, the internal air temperature will always be slightly lower than the average radiation temperature.

Air parameters in accordance with the standard must be ensured and controlled throughout the entire volume of the serviced area, for which GOST establishes places for measuring their values ​​and provides permissible deviations at various points in the serviced area. In terms of air temperature, they are limited to 2 o C for optimal indicators and 3 o C - for permissible; for relative humidity - 7% for optimal and 15% - for permissible, for air speed - 0.07 and 0.1 m/s, respectively.

However, the text is not without contradictions. On the one hand, air speed is measured at various points in the service area and permissible speed ranges are standardized; on the other hand, the speed of air movement is understood as “the speed of air movement averaged over the volume of the serviced area.” The same can be said for relative humidity.

Indicators that include an assessment of radiation temperature are standardized only for the middle of the room. At the same time, in addition to the standard ranges of the resulting room temperature, the permissible spread of this temperature over the height of the room is established to be no more than 2 o C for optimal indicators and 3 o C for acceptable ones. The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 o C for optimal and no more than 3.5 o C for acceptable values. Unfortunately, these parameters at the border of the service area are not measured or standardized. In addition, the requirements established for local asymmetry of the resulting temperature are not mandatory. The fact that GOST provides local asymmetries not of radiation temperature, but of the resultant one, essentially allows for local asymmetries of radiation temperature that are twice the norm for the resultant temperature.

In GOST, the local asymmetry of the resulting room temperature is defined as the difference in temperatures measured in two opposite directions by a ball thermometer with a recommended sphere diameter of 150 mm. It seems that a more stringent assessment of the local asymmetry of radiation temperature relative to the opposite sides of a flat elementary area more accurately describes the process of heat exchange between unfavorably located surfaces on the human body than relative to a hemisphere with a diameter of 15 cm. For example, areas on the chest and back of a person can feel simultaneous hypothermia and heating. An assessment of this heat sensation cannot be performed using a device that integrates the temperature of all surrounding surfaces with a sphere. A ball thermometer is more suitable for assessment. radiation and resultant temperatures in the center of the room and, in my opinion, is not suitable for measuring such characteristics as the asymmetry of radiation and resultant temperatures, which should be assessed at the border of the service area.

Calculations have shown that the asymmetries of radiation temperature relative to elementary areas and hemispheres with a diameter of 150 mm differ from each other by more than four times! If, with standard thermal protection (according to the second stage) and window sizes, for example, in an area with a calculated outside air temperature of -28 0 C, the asymmetry of radiation temperature at a distance of 0.5 m from the window relative to the hemisphere at any height from the floor is within 3 o C, then relative to a vertical elementary platform in ordinary rooms with radiator, convector and air heating at a height of 1.1 m from the floor, it is equal to 9.4-9.7 o C. That is, judging by the results regarding the hemisphere, then the norms for the asymmetry of the resulting room temperatures are always met with a reserve, and if the elementary site is relatively flat, then during the calculation period the norms of optimal conditions are not met at a height of 1.1 m, even at a distance of 1 m from the window, the norms of acceptable conditions at a height of 1.1 m are not met only at a distance of 0.5 m from the window. Although, as already mentioned, the asymmetry of the resulting temperature, not being a mandatory parameter, is normalized only for the middle of the room. It seemed interesting to correlate the microclimate parameters established in GOST with the indicators adopted in international standard ISO 7730, which implements the method proposed by O. Fanger for assessing the comfort of the thermal microclimate of a room. The method allows you to comprehensively take into account the radiation temperature of the room, temperature, humidity and air mobility, human heat production and thermal insulation of clothing. As quantitative characteristics comfort of thermal conditions based on the listed factors, the indicators PMV - the expected value of the thermal sensation and PPD - the expected probability of an unpleasant thermal sensation as a percentage are calculated. The following scale of psychophysiological subjective heat sensation corresponds to PMV values:

The relationship between PMV and PPD indicators is established by the following data given in Table 1.

Table 1
Distribution of individual thermal sensations
(based on experiments involving 1,300 people)
under different thermal conditions
heat sensations,
Percentage of people rating
the situation is no worse than
Comfort Chilly
or heat
Slightly cold
or slightly hot
+2 75 5 25 70
+1 25 27 75 95
0 5 55 95 100
-1 25 27 75 95
-2 75 5 25 70

For cases where the PMV indicator lies between -2 and +2, Fanger proposed a formula, the calculation of which was performed on a computer. The PMV and PPD values ​​of combinations of optimal and acceptable parameters standardized by GOST for office premises were calculated. The initial values ​​of the accepted parameters and the calculation results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2
o C
o C
Optimal combinations of parameters
20 20 45 0,20 0,15 5,4
20 20 30 0,20 0,07 5,1
19 17 45 0,20 -0,18 5,6
19 17 30 0,20 -0,25 6,2
21 15 45 0,20 -0,11 5,2
21 15 30 0,20 -0,19 5,7
19 21 45 0,20 0,12 5,2
19 21 30 0,20 0,04 5,0
21 19 45 0,20 0,18 5,6
21 19 30 0,20 0,09 5,1
Valid parameter combinations
18 18 30 0,3 -0,31 8,2
18 18 60 0,3 -0,35 8,7
18 16 30 0,3 -0,74 16,8
18 16 60 0,3 -0,85 19,3
23 15 30 0,3 -1,11 27,5
23 15 60 0,3 -1,15 28,6
23 21 30 0,3 0,44 9,7
23 21 60 0,3 0,55 11,9

The table shows that the optimal combinations of parameters fully comply with this concept and according to ISO 7730. As for the permissible combinations, their extreme values ​​can lead to a significant percentage of people feeling discomfort.

In conclusion, I would like to express my satisfaction with the very the required document, which will undoubtedly develop in the future. At the same time, it would be desirable to harmonize all standardized indicators, as well as bring closer approaches to assessing the microclimate in regulatory documents issued by various departments.


1. Gubernsky Yu.D., Korenevskaya E.I. Hygienic principles of microclimate conditioning in residential and public buildings. M.: "Medicine", 1978.-192 p.

2. Banhidi L. Thermal microclimate of premises: calculation of comfortable parameters based on human thermal sensations / Transl. from Hungarian V.M. Belyaeva; Ed. V.I.Prokhorov and A.L.Naumova.-.: Stroyizdat, 1981.-248 p.

3. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters. GOST 30494-96. Gosstroy of Russia, State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1999.

4. International standard. Moderate thermal environments - Determination of the PMV and PPD indicators and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. ISO 7730. Second edition. 1994-12-15.

5. ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1993.

6. ASHRAE Standard 55, 1992.

7. Skanavi A.N. Design and calculation of water and air heating systems for buildings. M.: Stroyizdat, 1983.-304 p.

8. Bogoslovsky V.N. Construction thermophysics. M.: Higher. school, 1982.-415 p.

I like


Date of introduction 1999-03-01


  1. DEVELOPED by the State Design and Research Institute SantekhNIIproekt (GPKNII SantekhNIIproekt), Research Institute of Building Physics (NIIstroyfiziki), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Housing (TsNIIEPzhilishcha), Central Research and Experimental Design Institute of Educational Buildings ( TsNIIEP educational buildings), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. Sysin, Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics (ABOK).

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

  1. ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on December 11, 1996.

Name of state/Name of state construction management body
Republic of Azerbaijan / State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic
Republic of Armenia / Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia
Republic of Belarus / Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia / Ministry of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia
Republic of Kazakhstan / Agency for Construction and Architectural and Construction Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade
Kyrgyz Republic / Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic
Republic of Moldova / Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation / Gosstroy of Russia
Republic of Tajikistan / State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan
Republic of Uzbekistan / State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  2. ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 1, 1999 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated January 6, 1999 No. 1

Scope of application

This standard establishes the microclimate parameters of the serviced area of ​​residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings. The standard establishes general requirements for optimal and permissible microclimate parameters and control methods.
The standard does not apply to the microclimate indicators of the working area of ​​industrial premises.
The requirements set out in sections 3 and 4 regarding permissible microclimate parameters (except for local asymmetry of the resulting temperature) are mandatory.

Definitions, classification of premises

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Serviced area of ​​the premises (habitat area)- space in the room, limited by planes parallel to the floor and walls: at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor level (but not closer than 1 mt of the ceiling with ceiling heating), at a distance of 0.5 m from the internal surfaces of the external and interior walls, windows and heating appliances.
Premises with permanent occupancy- a room in which people stay for at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.
Room microclimate- the state of the internal environment of a room, affecting a person, characterized by indicators of air temperature and enclosing structures, humidity and air mobility.
Optimal microclimate parameters- a combination of values ​​of microclimate indicators that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room.
Acceptable microclimate parameters- combinations of values ​​of microclimate indicators, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause a general and local feeling of discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance with increased stress on the thermoregulatory mechanisms do not cause damage or deterioration in health.
Cold season- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outside air temperature of 8 °C and below.
Warm period of the year- a period of the year characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature above 8 °C.
Radiation room temperature- area-averaged temperature of the internal surfaces of room enclosures and heating devices.
Resulting room temperature- a complex indicator of the radiation temperature of the room and the air temperature of the room, determined according to Appendix A.
Ball thermometer temperature- temperature in the center of a thin-walled hollow sphere, characterizing the combined influence of air temperature, radiation temperature and air speed.
Local asymmetry of the resulting temperature- the difference in the resulting temperatures at a point in the room, determined by a ball thermometer for two opposite directions.
Air speed- air velocity averaged over the volume of the serviced area.
Classification of premises
Premises of category 1 - premises in which people, lying or sitting, are in a state of rest and relaxation.
Premises of category 2 - premises in which people are engaged in mental work and study.
Premises Category: premises with large numbers of people, in which people are predominantly in a sitting position without street clothes.
Premises of category 3b - premises with large numbers of people, in which people are predominantly in a sitting position in street clothes.
Premises of the 3rd category are premises with large numbers of people, in which people are predominantly in a standing position without street clothing.
Premises of category 4 - premises for outdoor sports.
Premises of category 5 - premises in which people are scantily clad (locker rooms, treatment rooms, doctors' offices, etc.).
Premises of category 6 - premises with temporary occupancy of people (lobbies, dressing rooms, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, smoking rooms, storage rooms).

Microclimate parameters

3.1 In the premises of residential and public buildings, optimal or acceptable microclimate standards in the serviced area should be ensured.
3.2 Required microclimate parameters: optimal, acceptable or combinations thereof - should be established in regulatory documents depending on the purpose of the room and the period of the year.
3.3 Parameters characterizing the indoor microclimate:
air temperature;
air speed;
relative air humidity;
resulting room temperature;
local asymmetry of the resulting temperature.
3.4 Optimal and permissible microclimate standards in the serviced area of ​​​​the premises (in the established design parameters of outdoor air) must correspond to the values ​​​​given in tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the serviced area of ​​residential buildings and dormitories

  • NN - not standardized
    Note - Values ​​in parentheses refer to homes for the elderly and disabled
Table 2
Optimal and permissible standards for temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the service area of ​​public buildings

    • NN - not standardized
      Note - For preschool institutions located in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (provision 0.92) minus 31 ° C and below, the permissible design air temperature in the room should be taken 1 ° C higher than that indicated in the table.

The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be no more than 2.5 °C for optimal and no more than 3.5 °C for acceptable values.

3.5 When ensuring microclimate indicators at various points in the service area, the following is allowed:
- air temperature difference is no more than 2 °C for optimal indicators and 3 °C for acceptable ones;
- the difference in the resulting room temperature along the height of the serviced area is no more than 2 °C;
- change in air speed - no more than 0.07 m/s for optimal indicators and 0.1 m/s - for acceptable ones;
- change in relative air humidity - no more than 7% for optimal indicators and 15% for acceptable ones.
3.6 In public buildings, during non-working hours, it is allowed to reduce the microclimate indicators, provided that the required parameters are achieved by the beginning of working hours.

Control methods

4.1 Measurement of microclimate indicators during the cold period of the year should be carried out at an outside air temperature no higher than minus 5 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.
4.2 For the warm period of the year, microclimate measurements should be performed at an outside air temperature of at least 15 °C. It is not allowed to carry out measurements under a cloudless sky during daylight hours.
4.3 Measurement of temperature, humidity and air speed should be carried out in the service area at a height:
- 0.1; 0.4 and 1.7 m from the floor surface for preschool institutions;
- 0.1; 0.6 and 1.7 m from the floor surface when people are in the room primarily in a sitting position;
- 0.1; 1.1 and 1.7 m from the floor surface in rooms where people mainly stand or walk;
- in the center of the serviced area and at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surface of the external walls and stationary heating devices in the rooms indicated in Table 3.
In rooms with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, measurements of temperature, humidity and air velocity should be carried out in equal areas, the area of ​​which should not exceed 100 m2.
4.4 The temperature of the inner surface of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings should be measured at the center of the corresponding surface.

Table 3
Measurement locations

Type of buildings Selecting a room Measurement location
Single-family In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each, having two external walls or rooms with large windows, the area of ​​which is 30% or more of the area of ​​​​the external walls In the center of the planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating device by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at the height specified in 4.3
Apartment buildings In at least two rooms with an area of ​​more than 5 m2 each in apartments on the first and last floors
Hotels, motels, hospitals, childcare centers, schools In one corner room on the 1st or top floor
Other public and administrative In every representative room The same, in rooms with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, measurements are carried out in areas whose dimensions are regulated in 4.3

For external walls with light openings and heating devices, the temperature on the inner surface should be measured in the centers of areas formed by lines extending the edges of the light opening slopes, as well as in the center of the glazing and heating device.
4.5 The resulting room temperature should be calculated using the formulas specified in Appendix A. Air temperature measurements are carried out in the center of the room at a height of 0.6 m from the floor surface for rooms with people in a sitting position and at a height of 1.1 m in rooms with people in a sitting position in a standing position, either according to the temperatures of the surrounding surfaces of the fences (Appendix A), or according to measurements with a ball thermometer (Appendix B).
4.6 The local asymmetry of the resulting temperature should be calculated for the points specified in 4.5 using the formula

t asu = t su 1 - t su 2, (1)

where t su 1 and t su 2 are temperatures, °C, measured in two opposite directions with a ball thermometer (Appendix B).
4.7 Relative humidity in the room should be measured in the center of the room at a height of 1.1 m from the floor.
4.8 When manually recording microclimate indicators, at least three measurements should be taken with an interval of at least 5 minutes; with automatic registration, measurements should be taken within 2 hours. When compared with standard indicators, the average value of the measured values ​​is taken.
Measuring the resulting temperature should begin 20 minutes after installing the ball thermometer at the measurement point.
4.9 Microclimate indicators in premises should be measured using devices that have been registered and have the appropriate certificate.
The measuring range and permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of Table 4.

Table 4
Requirements for measuring instruments

APPENDIX A Calculation of the resulting room temperature (mandatory)

The resulting room temperature tsu at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s should be determined by the formula


where t p is the air temperature in the room, °C;
t r - radiation temperature of the room, °C.
The resulting room temperature should be taken at an air speed of up to 0.2 m/s equal to the temperature of a ball thermometer with a sphere diameter of 150 mm.
At air speed from 0.2 to 0.6 m/s t su should be determined by the formula

t su = 0.6 t p + 0.4 t k (A.2)

Radiation temperature tr should be calculated:
according to the temperature of the ball thermometer according to the formula


where t b - temperature according to a ball thermometer, °C;

m is a constant equal to 2.2 for a sphere diameter of up to 150 mm or determined according to Appendix B;
V - air speed, m/s. by temperatures of internal surfaces of fences and heating devices

, (A.4)
where A i is the area of ​​the internal surface of fences and heating devices, m2;
t i - temperature of the inner surface of fences and heating devices, °C.

APPENDIX B Ball thermometer device (reference)

A ball thermometer for determining the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere made of copper or other heat-conducting material, blackened on the outside (the degree of emissivity of the surface is not lower than 0.95), inside which either a glass thermometer or a thermoelectric converter is placed.
A ball thermometer for determining the local asymmetry of the resulting temperature is a hollow sphere, in which one half of the ball has a mirror surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not higher than 0.05), and the other half has a blackened surface (the degree of surface emissivity is not lower than 0.95).
The temperature of the ball thermometer measured at the center of the ball is the equilibrium temperature from radiative and convective heat exchange between the ball and the environment.
Recommended sphere diameter is 150 mm. The thickness of the walls of the sphere is minimal, for example, made of copper - 0.4 mm. The mirror surface is formed by the galvanic method by applying a chrome coating. Gluing polished foil and other methods are allowed. Measuring range from 10 to 50 °C. The time the ball thermometer remains at the measuring point before measurement is at least 20 minutes. The measurement accuracy at temperatures from 10 to 50 °C is 0.1 °C.
When using a sphere of a different diameter, the constant t should be determined by the formula
m = 2.2 (0.15 / d) 0.4 , (B.1)
where d is the diameter of the sphere, m.

Key words: microclimate, optimal and permissible indicators, technical requirements, test methods