Occupational safety requirements for the installation of monolithic foundations. Safety precautions for the installation of pile foundations. Safety requirements for pile work

General rules

1. Workers at least 18 years of age who have been trained in standard program, verified by the administration in their knowledge of these instructions, having written permission to carry out work (permission).

2. It is allowed to work only where the foreman or foreman is assigned.

3. Do not start work without receiving an introductory safety briefing and instructions on safe work practices at a given workplace.

4. The following rules must be followed on the construction site:

a) be attentive to and comply with signals given by crane operators and drivers of moving vehicles;

b) do not stand under a raised load;

c) pass only in places designated for passage and indicated by signs;

d) do not cross the path in front of moving vehicles;

e) do not go beyond the fences of dangerous areas;

f) go around places where work is carried out at height at a safe distance, since objects may accidentally fall from a height;

g) do not look into the electric welding flame, as this may cause eye disease;

h) do not touch electrical equipment or electrical equipment. wires (especially bare or broken), do not remove fences and protective covers from live parts of the equipment;

i) do not fix electrical faults yourself. equipment, call an electrician;

j) do not work on machinery without passing special education and obtaining permission;

k) in the event of an accident, immediately seek help medical care and at the same time inform the foreman (foreman) about the accident;

l) if you notice a violation of the instructions by other workers or a danger to others, do not remain indifferent, but warn the worker and foreman about the need to comply with the requirements to ensure work safety.

II. Responsibilities before starting work

5. Check the serviceability and suitability of all rigging devices, make sure that the installation crane is securely installed.

6. Prepare the installation tool for work.

7. Inspect fences, scaffolding, scaffolding and make sure they are in good condition and stable.

8. If you find malfunctions or defects in the rigging devices (breakage of cable strands, bending, breakage of traverses, containers), installation tools or fences, report this to the foreman and begin work only with the permission of the foreman.

9. Check that the workplace lighting is sufficient.

10. To avoid electric shock, carefully inspect nearby electrical wiring and, if exposed, uninsulated wires are found, report this to the technician.

11. When work is carried out simultaneously at different levels along the same vertical, a continuous flooring or continuous mesh must be made at each level to protect those working below from any objects or tools falling from above.

III. Requirements while working

A. When installing foundations and basement walls

12. The workplace must be cleared of foreign objects and planned.

13. Do not allow unauthorized persons into the installation work area.

14. Place prefabricated blocks and foundation pads 2 meters from the edge of the pit in stacks with spacers for connecting slings without turning the blocks.

15. If cracks or “peaks” are detected that threaten the collapse of a pit dug with slopes, stop work and report the danger to the foreman.

16. Clean blocks and foundation pads from ice, snow and dirt. Lifting blocks and pillows covered with soil or snow, as well as frozen to the ground, is prohibited.

17. Installation of the upper rows above 1.1 m should be carried out only from inventory scaffolds or from portable platforms.

18. When lifting structures, the alarm system must be organized in such a way that all signals to the crane operator, as well as to workers working on guy ropes, are given by only one person in charge of the lifting and installation of structures (usually a foreman and, in especially critical cases, a foreman or foreman) . In all cases, the crane operator must be notified whose instructions he must follow. When installers are working outside the crane operator’s field of vision, reliable communication must be ensured between the crane operator and the installer’s workstations.

19. Areas hazardous to human traffic during installation must be fenced off and equipped with visible warning signals. It is prohibited for people to stay on floors below the one on which construction is carried out. installation work(in one grip), as well as in the area of ​​moving elements and structures by cranes.

20. Sling products only by the mounting loops using slings equipped with hooks or carabiners.

21. Slinging of lifted elements should only be done with flexible steel slings or cables with a tag. The slings should be easy to put on and remove from the hook of the lifting mechanism, and also be easily released from the structures or elements being lifted. Slings must not have knots, loops or twists. When lifting, wooden spacers should be placed under the sharp edges of the structure to prevent chafing of the cable. Lifting is carried out using all existing mounting loops.

22. Slinging of reinforced concrete elements is carried out according to the developed schemes.

23. It is prohibited to be under the lowered product or allow it to be carried above the workplace.

25. When lifting the product, move it in a horizontal position when the product is elevated above other objects by at least 0.5 m.

26. Lower the supplied product above the design position by no more than 30 cm and from this position guide and install the product in the design position.

27. After installing the product, loosen the cables and make sure again that it is installed correctly in the designed position.

28. Do not leave raised products hanging.

29. Do not place installed products on scaffolding.

30. Do not handle the product for installation if it is raised above the installation site by more than 30 cm.

Safety precautions

1. General requirements security

1.1. Workers by profession are allowed to carry out work on foundation construction: carpenter, fitter, electric welder, concrete worker, installer reinforced concrete structures, persons who have reached the age of 18, have undergone preliminary and periodic medical examinations in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health, trained and instructed in accordance with the Industry Regulations on training, instruction and testing of knowledge of employees of the Ministry on labor protection issues.

1.2. Dangerous and harmful production factors:

  • rotating parts of machines and equipment;
  • transported goods;
  • electric current;
  • sharp ends of reinforcing bars;
  • vibration;
  • collapse of block stacks and block walls;
  • soil collapse.

1.3. For failure to comply with the requirements of these instructions, the employee is liable in accordance with current legislation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work in mandatory Workplaces and passages to them are checked for compliance with the following requirements:

2.1.1. when working at a height from the ground level of more than 1.3 m, workplaces must be equipped with scaffolding with a width of at least: 2 m for masonry work, 1 m for installation work;

2.1.2. for access to workplaces located in pits and trenches, as well as for crossing areas of laid reinforcement, it is necessary to install stairs, walkways and a gangway with fences;

2.1.3. the area where concrete is electrically heated must be fenced and marked with warning signs and posters;

2.1.4. on overpasses for supplying concrete mixture by dump trucks, passages with a width of at least 0.6 m should be equipped between the fender beam and the fence;

2.1.5. guards for rotating parts of machinery and equipment are in good working order and securely fastened;

2.1.6. housing welding transformers, electric motors and control devices are grounded;

2.1.7. signaling devices are in good condition and workplaces are well lit (at night).

2.2. Before starting work, check availability necessary funds technological equipment, their serviceability and compliance with working conditions.

3. Safety requirements when performing work

Formwork work

3.1. When assembling formwork elements in several tiers, each subsequent tier should be installed only after the lower one has been secured.

3.2. The placement of equipment and materials on the formwork that are not provided for in the work project, as well as the presence of people not directly involved in the work on installing the formwork, is not allowed.

3.3. Inventory formwork must contain inventory barriers that prevent a person from falling.

When installing formwork, inventory fencing devices must enclose the entire area prepared for concreting.

3.4. When installing shallow-protective inventory formwork, workers must use safety belts when working at a height of over 1.3 m.

3.5. Dismantling of all types of formwork is carried out after the concrete reaches the specified strength and with the permission of the work manufacturer, and for especially critical structures - according to the list established by the project, with the permission of the chief engineer.

Assembly and installation of fittings

3.6. When assembling foundation reinforcement directly at the site of its installation, the rods are fed into the pit using a special traverse or lowered along trays adapted for this purpose.

3.7. Workers should only descend into the pit using stepladders or ladders.

3.8. Reinforcing bars and steel products should only be handled and installed using gloves.

Maintenance of technological means of transporting concrete

3.9. When technological vehicles (concrete mixer truck, concrete truck, bucket truck) approach, the concrete worker receiving the concrete mixture must be in the field of view of the concrete mixer truck driver.

3.10. Clean the tray and loading hole of the concrete mixer truck from concrete residues only with the mixing drum stationary. Cleaning the body of a concrete truck under conditions construction site prohibited.

3.11. When unloading concrete mixture from the body of a concrete truck, the worker receiving the concrete mixture must be in an area where he cannot be injured if the concrete truck suddenly overturns.

3.12. Cleaning the raised bodies of dump trucks after unloading the concrete mixture should be done with scrapers or shovels with an extended handle.

Cleaning workers should not stand on wheels or be in the back of a vehicle. Do not hit the body with a sledgehammer in order to clear the body of adhering concrete mixture.

Feeding, placing and compacting concrete mixture

3.13. When laying concrete mixture with jib and tower cranes, the concrete worker must know:

3.13.1. rules for slinging bunkers;

3.13.2. signals given to the crane operator;

3.13.3. safe working practices using bin hoppers.

3.14.1. lift the bin bunker without making sure that the sling is secure;

3.14.2. open the shutter when it is jammed in the suspended state of the bunker;

3.14.3. work with a faulty shutter opening mechanism;

3.14.4. swing a suspended bunker-tub.

3.15. At the moment the bucket is lowered, the workers must step aside; the shutter can be opened only after the tub has reached the lowest position for the given unloading conditions.

3.16. When compacting concrete mixtures with deep, platform vibrators, a concrete worker must know:

3.16.1. rules for safe work with hand-held electrical machines;

3.16.2. rules of hygiene and sanitation when working with vibrating tools.

3.17.1. work with faulty vibration equipment;

3.17.2. independently, in the absence of an electrician on duty, connect vibration equipment to electrical distribution panels;

3.17.3. work with vibration equipment without vibration protection;

3.17.4. work without rubber gloves and boots.

Installation of prefabricated foundations

3.18. Foundation blocks and basement wall blocks should be stored on prepared sites in a stack no more than 2.6 m high on pads and gaskets.

Pads and gaskets in stacks of stored concrete and reinforced concrete products should be placed in the same vertical plane. Their thickness should be at least 20 mm greater than the protruding mounting loops.

It is prohibited to store structural elements closer than 1 m from the edge of a pit or trench.

3.19. Signals to the crane operator must be given by one person who knows the procedure for exchanging signals.

The stop signal can be given by any employee who notices the danger.

Hitching or tying of loads should be done in accordance with the load slinging diagrams. It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures covered with snow, earth, or pinched by other structures. The structures to be installed must be cleared of dirt and ice before they are lifted, and impacts on the mounting hinges are not allowed.

Before lifting the structure, the installer must check that the weight indicated on the structure's markings matches the crane's lifting capacity. When lifting structures with a mass close to the maximum lifting capacity of the crane, the load must first be fixed at a height of 0.2-0.3 m.

3.21. During movement, structural elements must be kept from swinging and rotating by guys made of hemp (nylon) rope.

3.22. When performing work, the installer is prohibited from:

  • install structures by pulling them under oblique tension of the lifting mechanism rope;
  • leave structures hanging;
  • be on elements and structures during their lifting, moving and installation;
  • unfasten structures until they are permanently or temporarily securely secured;
  • move installed structures after they have been unfastened;

  • 5.3. Disconnect the mechanisms from the network, lock the starting devices so that they cannot be turned on by unauthorized persons.

When working on the construction of prefabricated and monolithic foundations

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. Workers by profession are allowed to carry out work on the installation of foundations: carpenter, reinforcement worker, electric welder, concrete worker, installer of reinforced concrete structures, persons who have reached the age of 18, have undergone preliminary and periodic medical examinations in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health, trained and instructed in accordance with the Industry Regulations on training, instruction and testing of knowledge of employees of the Ministry of Labor Protection.

2. Dangerous and harmful production factors:

rotating parts of machines and equipment;

transported goods;

electric current;

sharp ends of reinforcing bars;


collapse of block stacks and block walls;

soil collapse.

3. For failure to comply with the requirements of this instruction, the employee is liable in accordance with current legislation.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

4. Before starting work, workplaces and passages to them must be checked for compliance with the following requirements:

When working at a height from the ground level of more than 1.3 m, workplaces must be equipped with scaffolding with a width of at least: 2 m for masonry work, 1 m for installation work;

To access work places located in pits and trenches, as well as to move through areas of laid reinforcement, it is necessary to install stairs, walkways and a gangway with guardrails;

The area where concrete is electrically heated must be fenced and marked with warning signs and posters;

On overpasses for supplying concrete mixture by dump trucks, passages with a width of at least 0.6 m should be equipped between the fender beam and the fence;

Guards for rotating parts of machinery and equipment are in good working order and securely fastened;

The housings of welding transformers, electric motors and control devices are grounded;

Signaling devices are in good condition and work areas are well lit (at night).

5. Before starting work, check the availability of the necessary technological equipment, their serviceability and compliance with the working conditions.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

Formwork work

6. When assembling formwork elements in several tiers, each subsequent tier should be installed only after the lower one has been secured.

7. The placement of equipment and materials on the formwork that are not provided for in the work project, as well as the presence of people not directly involved in the work on installing the formwork, is not allowed.

8. Inventory formwork must contain inventory fences that prevent a person from falling.

When installing formwork, inventory fencing devices must enclose the entire area prepared for concreting.

9. When installing shallow-protective inventory formwork, workers must use safety belts when working at a height of over 1.3 m.

10. Dismantling of all types of formwork is carried out after the concrete reaches the specified strength and with the permission of the work manufacturer, and for especially critical structures - according to the list established by the project, with the permission of the chief engineer.

Assembly and installation of fittings

11. When assembling foundation reinforcement directly at the place of its installation, the rods are fed into the pit using a special cross-beam or lowered along trays adapted for this purpose.

12. Workers should go down into the pit only using stepladders or ladders.

13. Reinforcing bars and steel products should only be handled and installed using gloves.

Maintenance of technological means of transporting concrete

14. When technological vehicles (concrete mixer truck, concrete truck, bucket truck) approach, the concrete worker receiving the concrete mixture must be in the field of view of the concrete mixer truck operator.

15. Clean the tray and loading hole of the concrete mixer truck from concrete residues only with the mixing drum stationary. Cleaning the body of a concrete truck on a construction site is prohibited.

16. When unloading concrete mixture from the body of a concrete truck, the worker receiving the concrete mixture must be in an area where he cannot be injured if the concrete truck suddenly overturns.

17. Cleaning the raised bodies of dump trucks after unloading the concrete mixture should be done with scrapers or shovels with an extended handle.

Cleaning workers should not stand on wheels or be in the back of a vehicle. Do not hit the body with a sledgehammer in order to clear the body of adhering concrete mixture.

Feeding, placing and compacting concrete mixture

18. When laying concrete mixture with jib and tower cranes, the concrete worker must know:

Rules for slinging bunkers;

Signals given to the crane operator;

Safe working practices using bin hoppers.

Lift the bunker-tub without making sure that the sling is secure;

Open the shutter when it is jammed in the suspended state of the hopper;

Work with a faulty shutter opening mechanism;

Swing the suspended bunker-tub.

20. At the moment of lowering the tub, workers must step aside; the shutter can be opened only after the tub has reached the lowest position for the given unloading conditions.

21. When compacting concrete mixtures with deep, surface vibrators, a concrete worker must know:

Rules for safe work with hand-held electrical machines;

Rules of hygiene and sanitation when working with vibrating tools.

Work with faulty vibration equipment;

Independently, in the absence of an electrician on duty, connect vibration equipment to electrical distribution panels;

Work with vibration equipment without vibration protection;

Work without rubber gloves and boots.

Installation of prefabricated foundations

23. Foundation blocks and basement wall blocks should be stored on prepared sites in a stack no more than 2.6 m high on pads and gaskets.

Linings and gaskets in stacks of stored concrete and reinforced concrete products should be placed in the same vertical plane. Their thickness should be at least 20 mm greater than the protruding mounting loops.

It is prohibited to store structural elements closer than 1 m from the edge of a pit or trench.

24. Signals to the crane operator must be given by one person who knows the procedure for exchanging signals.

The “Stop” signal can be given by any employee who notices the danger.

Hitching or tying of loads should be done in accordance with the load slinging diagrams. It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures covered with snow, earth, or pinched by other structures. The structures to be installed must be cleared of dirt and ice before they are lifted, and impacts on the mounting hinges are not allowed.

Before lifting the structure, the installer must check that the weight indicated on the structure's markings matches the crane's lifting capacity. When lifting structures with a mass close to the maximum lifting capacity of the crane, the load must first be fixed at a height of 0.2-0.3 m.

25. During movement, structural elements must be kept from swinging and rotating by guys made of hemp (nylon) rope.

26. When performing work, the installer is prohibited from:

install structures by pulling them under oblique tension of the lifting mechanism rope;

leave structures hanging;

be on elements and structures during their lifting, moving and installation;

unfasten structures until they are permanently or temporarily securely secured;

move installed structures after they have been unfastened;

use sledgehammers to force structures into place.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

27. Clean up the workplace. Remove tools, materials and accessories.

28. Inform the foreman or foreman about noticed malfunctions of mechanisms, devices, scaffolding means, and the condition of slopes.

29. Disconnect the mechanisms from the network, lock the starting devices so that they cannot be turned on by unauthorized persons.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

30. Work in trenches and pits dug with slopes without fastenings is permitted with the following precautions:

A thorough inspection before the start of each change in the state of the soil and its collapse in places where canopies or overhangs of soil are found;

Temporary cessation of work in the excavation until the soil collapses if there is a danger of collapse.

31. You cannot rest at the bases of slopes of trenches and pits, as well as at the bottom of embankments.

When performing work on the device pile foundations High-rise buildings built from standard residential sections must comply with safety regulations.

When working with self-propelled pile testing installations, it is necessary to constantly check the serviceability of the mechanisms, the reliability of the connections, the condition of the steel ropes and the correctness of their reeving.

When installing (dismantling) moving the pile driver, as well as when lifting, driving, testing and removing piles, no people (including maintenance personnel) should be in the danger zone. When moving the unit, the hammer must be in the down position.

When operating the installation and steel pile, it is prohibited:

a) work on a faulty installation and use faulty steel piles;

b) move the unit with the boom raised when the terrain slopes more than 3%;

c) use the installation for loading and unloading operations;

d) leave the load suspended on the load hook;

e) leave the striking part of the diesel hammer in the raised position;

f) remove piles without installing outriggers or resting on outriggers;

g) lubricate the rods and piston of the diesel hammer during operation;

h) leave a hole in the ground uncovered after removing the pile;

i) approach the pile being driven while the hammer is operating;

j) pull up with a cable a pile located on the side of the installation or located in front of it at a distance of more than 5 m.

Before starting work, all personnel must familiarize themselves in detail with the specifics of the work and work projects.

Workers must be instructed and trained in safe practices for all types of work.

When operating piling installations, the serviceability of mechanisms, the reliability of bolted connections, the condition of steel ropes and the correctness of their reeving must be systematically checked.

It is prohibited to carry out work unrelated to this technological process in a hazardous area. The dangerous zone during piling work is considered to be the area near the pile driver. All hazardous areas on the site must be marked with clearly visible warning signs and notices. Driving piles should be done:

In the sequence specified in the work project and in accordance with the working drawings of the project.

Near underground communications, electrical cables and in the security zone of overhead power lines only if you have a permit for particularly dangerous work.

It is not allowed to place equipment and materials on the formwork that are not provided for by the project, as well as the presence of people not involved in the work process. The assembled formwork elements are released from the hook of the lifting mechanism only after they are fully secured. Safe working conditions must be created at the formwork workers' workplace. In places where formwork is stored, the width of passages must be at least 1 m.

Before starting work, the crane must be installed on a reliable and carefully leveled foundation.

Removable during operation lifting devices and containers should be inspected: every 10 days, slings and containers, every 6 months, traverses.

Avoid swinging the load and twisting the slings.

Raise and lower the load only in a strictly vertical position.


  • - leave a power tool unattended with the engine running.
  • - if the wind force is more than 6 points, installation work should be stopped.
  • - during breaks, leave the lifted load suspended.

Labor protection requirements and safety precautions for reinforced concrete work

When installing monolithic reinforced concrete foundations and grillages, the requirements of SNiP III-A.11-70 and other current regulatory and instructional documents must be strictly observed. In addition, the following requirements must be met:

  • 1. Formwork used for the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures must be manufactured and used in accordance with the work plan approved in the prescribed manner.
  • 2. When installing formwork elements in several tiers, each subsequent tier should be installed only after the lower tier has been secured.
  • 3. The placement of equipment and materials on the formwork that are not provided for in the work plan, as well as the presence of people not directly involved in the work on the formwork flooring, is not allowed.
  • 4. Dismantling of the formwork must be carried out (after the concrete reaches the specified strength) with the permission of the work manufacturer, and for especially critical structures (according to the list established by the project) - with the permission of the chief engineer.
  • 5. Procurement and processing of reinforcement must be carried out in specially designated and appropriately equipped places.
  • 6. When performing work on the preparation of reinforcement, it is necessary:
    • - fence off areas intended for unwinding coils (coils) and straightening the reinforcement;
    • - when cutting reinforcement bars with machines into sections less than 0.3 m long, use devices that prevent them from scattering;
    • - fence workplace when processing reinforcement bars protruding beyond the dimensions of the workbench, and for double-sided workbenches, in addition, divide the workbench in the middle with a longitudinal metal safety mesh with a height of at least 1 m;
    • - put the prepared reinforcement in specially designated places;
    • - cover the end parts of the reinforcement bars with shields in places of common passages having a width of less than 1 m.
  • 7. Elements of reinforcement frames must be packaged taking into account the conditions for their lifting, storage and transportation to the installation site.
  • 8. When preparing a concrete mixture using chemical additives, it is necessary to take measures to prevent skin burns and damage to the eyes of workers.
  • 9. Bunkers (tubs) for concrete mixture must satisfy GOST 21807-76. Moving a loaded or empty hopper is only permitted when the gate is closed.
  • 10. Every day, before starting to lay concrete in the formwork, it is necessary to check the condition of the container, formwork and scaffolding. Detected malfunctions should be corrected immediately.
  • 11. When laying concrete from buckets or bunkers, the distance between the lower edge of the bucket or bunker and the previously laid concrete or the surface on which the concrete is laid should be no more than 1 m, unless other distances are provided for in the work design.
  • 12. When compacting a concrete mixture with electric vibrators, it is not allowed to move the vibrator by the current-carrying hoses, and during breaks in work and when moving from one place to another, the electric vibrators must be turned off.