Heating energy. Heating a private house: choosing an energy source and methods for reducing energy consumption. Heating costs with an electric boiler

The desire to save energy is an urgent need for humanity. There are fewer and fewer resources left on our planet, their cost is constantly rising, and the by-products of human activity are poisoning the environment. Energy saving is one of the ways to solve the problem. By choosing energy-saving heating for your home, you save resources, make a personal contribution to preserving the environment and create a comfortable microclimate in your home. There are several popular technologies that allow you to implement this comprehensive program. We offer an overview of energy-saving heating systems for a private home.

Types of energy sources

Traditionally, several energy sources are used for heating:

Solid fuel – a tribute to traditions

For heating, wood, coal, peat briquettes, and pellets are used. Solid fuel boilers and stoves can hardly be called economical or environmentally friendly, but the use of new technologies can significantly reduce fuel consumption and, as a consequence, the amount of combustion products emitted into the atmosphere.

IN recent years The number of sales of gas-generating furnaces and boilers is increasing. Their advantages are complete combustion of fuel and the use of pyrolysis gas as a heat source. Installing such a boiler saves energy resources. Buy these solid fuel boilers We recommend from trusted retailers.

The operating principle of a pyrolysis (gas generator) boiler is based on the use of pyrolysis gas, which is used as fuel. The wood in such a boiler does not burn, but smolders, due to which a portion of the fuel burns much longer than usual and produces more heat.

Liquid fuel is expensive, but popular

These are liquefied gas, diesel fuel, waste oil, etc. It is always spent on heating the home large number liquid fuel, and no methods have yet been invented to significantly reduce consumption. This heating equipment requires careful maintenance, regular cleaning of soot and soot.

Most types of liquid fuel have another drawback - high cost. And yet, despite the obvious shortcomings, they are in second place in popularity after gas ones.

Liquid fuel boilers are convenient in cases where there is no gas pipeline near the house and you need to install a completely independent heating system

Gas is available and cheap

In traditional gas boilers, fuel consumption is high, but condensing models have solved this problem. Their installation allows you to obtain maximum heat with minimal gas consumption. The efficiency of condensing boilers can reach more than 100%. Many models famous brands Can be converted to run on liquefied gas. To do this you just need to change the nozzle. Another energy-saving option is infrared gas heating.

Condensing boilers are a new word in the production of gas heating equipment. They consume fuel economically, are highly efficient, and are ideal for heating and hot water supply in private homes.

Read more about gas boilers.

Electricity is a convenient and safe source of heat

The only disadvantage of using electricity for heating is the high cost. However, this issue is being resolved: electric heating systems are constantly being developed that consume a relatively small amount of energy and provide efficient heating. Such systems include film heaters and infrared radiators.

Warm floors are most often used as an additional or alternative heating system for a home. The advantage of this type of heating is that the air is heated at the level of human height, i.e. the principle “feet warm, head cold” is implemented

Heat pumps – economical and environmentally friendly installations

The systems operate on the principle of converting the thermal energy of the earth or air. The first heat pumps began to be installed in private homes back in the 80s of the twentieth century, but at that time only very wealthy people could afford them.

Every year the cost of installations becomes lower and lower, and in many countries they have become very popular. Thus, in Sweden, heat pumps heat about 70% of all buildings. Some countries are even developing building codes obliging developers to install geothermal and air heating systems.

Heat pumps are installed by residents of the USA, Japan, Sweden and other European countries. Some craftsmen assemble them with their own hands. This is a great way to get energy to heat your home and save environment

Solar systems are a promising source of energy

Solar thermal systems transform radiant solar energy for heating and hot water supply. Today there are several types of systems that use solar panels, collectors. They differ in cost, production complexity, and ease of use.

Every year there are more and more new developments, opportunities solar systems are expanding, and prices for structures are falling. While it is unprofitable to install them for large industrial buildings, they are quite suitable for heating and hot water supply of a private home.

Solar thermal systems require only initial costs - purchase and installation. Once installed and configured, they work autonomously. Solar energy is used for heating

Thermal panels – energy-saving heating

Among energy-saving heating systems, thermal panels are becoming especially popular. Their advantages are economical energy consumption, functionality, and ease of use. The heating element consumes 50 Watts of electricity to warm up per 1 m², while traditional electric heating systems consume at least 100 Watts per 1 m².

A special heat-accumulating coating is applied to the back side of the energy-saving panel, due to which the surface heats up to 90 degrees and actively releases heat. Heating of the room occurs due to convection. The panels are absolutely reliable and safe. They can be installed in nurseries, game rooms, schools, hospitals, private homes, offices. They are adapted to voltage fluctuations in the electrical network and are not afraid of water and dust.

An additional “bonus” - stylish appearance. The devices fit into any design. Installation is not difficult; all necessary fasteners are supplied with the panels. From the first minutes of turning on the device, you can feel the warmth. In addition to the air, the walls warm up. The only negative is that using panels is unprofitable in the off-season, when you only need to slightly heat the room.

Monolithic quartz modules

This heating method has no analogues. It was invented by S. Sargsyan. The operating principle of thermal electric heaters is based on the ability of quartz sand to accumulate and release heat well. The devices continue to heat the air in the room even after the power is turned off. Systems with monolithic quartz electric heating modules are reliable, easy to use, and do not require special care and maintenance.

The heating element in the module is completely protected from any external influences. Thanks to this, the heating system can be installed in premises of any purpose. The service life is not limited. Temperature regulation is carried out automatically. The devices are fireproof and environmentally friendly.

Cost savings when using electric heating modules are about 50%. This became possible because the devices do not operate 24 hours a day, but only 3-12. The time during which the module consumes electricity depends on the degree of thermal insulation of the room where it is installed. The higher the heat loss, the greater the energy consumption. Heating of this type is used in private homes, offices, shops, and hotels.

Monolithic quartz electric heating modules do not make noise during operation, do not burn air, and do not raise dust. The heating element is embedded in the structure and is not afraid of any external influences

PLEN is a worthy alternative

Film radiant electric heaters are one of the most interesting developments in the field of energy-saving heating technologies. economical, efficient and quite capable of replacing traditional types of heating. The heaters are placed in a special heat-resistant film. PLEN is mounted on the ceiling.

The film radiant electric heater is a complete structure consisting of power cables, heaters, a foil screen and high-strength film

The principle of operation of such a system

Infrared radiation heats the floor and objects in the rooms, and they, in turn, give off heat to the air. Thus, the floor and furniture also play the role of additional heaters. Due to this, the heating system consumes less electricity and gives maximum results.

Automation is responsible for maintaining the desired temperature - temperature sensors and a thermostat. The systems are electrical and fireproof, do not dry out the indoor air, and operate silently. Since heating occurs primarily by radiation and to a lesser extent by convection, PLENs do not contribute to the spread of dust. The systems are very hygienic.

Another important advantage is the absence of the release of toxic combustion products. The systems do not require special care, are harmless to human health, and do not poison the environment. With ceiling infrared heating the warmest zone is at the level of the legs and torso of a person, which allows you to achieve the most comfortable temperature regime. The service life of the system can be 50 years.

An infrared heater does approximately 10% of the work of heating a room. 90% comes from the floor and large furniture. They accumulate and release heat, thus becoming part of the heating system

What makes PLEN so profitable?

The buyer incurs the greatest expenses at the time of purchasing a film heater. The design is easy to install, and if desired, you can install it yourself. This allows you to save on employees. The system does not need maintenance. Its design is simple, therefore durable and reliable. It pays for itself in about 2 years and can serve for decades.

Its biggest advantage is significant savings on electricity. The heater quickly warms up the room and then simply maintains the set temperature. If necessary, it can be easily removed and mounted in another room, which is very convenient and beneficial in case of moving.

Infrared radiation has a positive effect on human health, activates protective forces body. By installing PLEN, the owner of the house, in addition to heating, additionally receives a real physiotherapy room

Training film on editing PLEN

The video shows all the stages of installing a film heater:

The importance of reducing heat loss

The purpose of the review of energy-saving heating systems for a private home is to help readers choose the most profitable method of heating their home. New systems appear every year, and information about them can save many people significant amounts of money. But even the most advanced energy-saving heating technologies will be useless if you do not take care of home insulation in a timely manner.

Good double-glazed windows and insulated doors will help reduce heat loss by 10-20%, a high-quality heat insulator - up to 50%, and a heat recuperator for exhaust air - up to 30%. By insulating your house and installing an energy-saving heating system, you will achieve maximum results and pay for heat at a minimum.

Based on the selected energy carrier, the heating system will be further designed and the appropriate equipment will be selected. In this article, we will review the energy carriers that we can focus on and see what the pros and cons of each are.

Heating with natural gas

Natural gas is still the cheapest for Russia, but not for Europe and not for everyone who, out of thoughtlessness, squeaks, but climbs into it. Disadvantage: the high cost of carrying it into the house, especially if the gas lines are far away.

Heating with solid fuel

Solid fuel is firewood, coal, pellets, peat... It is also not in abundance everywhere.

Disadvantages of solid fuel:

  • you need a place to store firewood and coal;
  • traditional boilers and stoves are very power-hungry, and if the house is poorly insulated... I think the hint is quite thick - the house needs to be insulated!

Heating with liquefied gas

If there is no gas nearby and there is no solid fuel, you can “swing” at liquefied gas, which is delivered in special vehicles.

For liquefied gas you need a special storage - a container that can withstand high pressure and a sufficiently large volume; The container is very expensive:

The container is secured with guy ropes on a concrete slab so that groundwater didn't squeeze it out. As you can see, extensive excavation and concrete work is needed.

To use liquefied gas in this way, you must have a permit and comply with the relevant energy supervision requirements. Well, there is a lot of earthwork here.

Liquefied gas is also sold in cylinders, but the latter is only enough for a few hours of boiler operation.

By the way, boilers designed for natural gas also operate on liquefied gas.

Electric heating

There are restrictions from energy supervision and usually it will not be possible to connect more power (maximum 3...5 kW) if there is gas in the house.

If there is no gas, you can get a connection of up to 15 kW, but this is still not enough for a large house - especially if the house is poorly insulated!

For heating small spaces, e.g. country houses, various electric heating devices are suitable, of which there are many in stores and markets. For large areas, it is better to get an electric boiler, of which there are also many designs: heating element, electrode, induction, etc.

However, having been tempted by heating from an electric boiler, you need to be aware of the cost of electricity. Of course, it happens that there is no other way out, so it’s up to you to decide.

Heating with diesel fuel

Diesel fuel is expensive and is becoming more expensive and is going to become more expensive.

The heating scheme with diesel fuel is very similar to the heating scheme with liquefied gas, discussed above:

You also need a place to store a sufficient amount (at least 2 cubic meters):

Another inconvenience is the smell.

And the quality of domestic diesel fuel is far from ideal, which is why during combustion a lot of soot is formed, which clogs the burner; it has to be disassembled and cleaned quite often (several times during the winter!).

There is one more point that doesn’t hurt to know. Already in 1972, the dynamics of the development of civilization in the 20th-21st centuries were calculated. The calculations are illustrated by the following graphs:

From the first it is clear (red line) that resources intend to decrease in quantity.

From the second it is clear that the peak of oil consumption by civilization has passed and will only continue to fall, while demand will grow. Accordingly, the price.

What conclusions should we draw?

Such: It is NOT CORRECT to focus the heating system of your home on only one type of fuel, moreover, supplied by “utility companies”. This applies to both diesel fuel and gas. However, probably also electricity.

Heating with ecological types of energy

Ecological types of energy are the energy of earth, sun, water and air. I will not talk about them here, although studying this issue I have devoted a lot of time (and continue to do so). The fact is that I have not yet found a source of such energy that would satisfy me in terms of power, and which, moreover, could be made at a cost affordable to me (except for a wood-burning stove and fireplace).

Conclusions on choosing an energy carrier for a home heating system

Let me clarify right away: I am not a supporter of the flawed ideology of going into the forests or abandoning the conveniences of civilization, therefore you should not suspect me of anything like that and do not perceive my conclusions as an advertisement for one thing. You understand, there is no particular benefit for me to advertise anything here, I don’t demand money from you...

The conclusion given here is a conclusion I made for myself, and you can do as you wish.

So, which energy carrier should you choose?

My answer: whichever is more convenient and accessible now. If it is network gas, diesel fuel or network electricity, then also have an independent source in stock (stoves, fireplaces, solid fuel boiler...).

The answer to the question of choosing an energy source is not always obvious. Let's try to understand the main points that need to be taken into account when making your choice.

The most important point when choosing an energy source for heating, as a rule, the economic component is used - that is, monthly operating costs to pay for actually used energy.

Most people are well aware that the most economical heating source has always been long time Natural gas will remain. And it would seem that the answer suggests itself - if it is the cheapest, then you need to choose it. But very often using natural gas turns out to be quite problematic. Firstly, not all areas are gasified, and then it is in principle impossible to connect a house to the gas network. Secondly, if it is possible to connect, very often the cost of such a service turns out to be simply prohibitive. Thirdly, it is also necessary to take into account that certain requirements are imposed on gas-powered equipment - with regard to the room where it is planned to be placed. But these requirements are not always taken into account by the developer when designing and building a house, and it happens that such requirements cannot be met after construction is completed. And this is inextricably linked with the heating system that is planned to be used in the house, since these requirements determine the power limits of equipment consuming gas. The greater the power, the more stringent the requirements for the installation room gas equipment. Among the main requirements are the volume of the room, the presence of a separate exit to the street and natural exhaust, the presence of a window, as well as an opening for the flow of air from the street. Depending on the choice of gas-using equipment, some of this list may not have any significance. The configuration of the house can also play a certain role in the issue of gasification. Sometimes, when the total power of gas-using equipment is significant and there is a need to install gas stove, you have to make not one, but two inputs gas pipe, If technical room(furnace room) is located at a remote distance from the kitchen.

The total power of the equipment is usually calculated as follows: 10 kW for a gas stove, 10-15 kW for hot water supply and secondary heating devices (towel rail, design radiator, local heated floor, etc.), plus the estimated power of the main one heating equipment. The latter value is calculated on the basis of a thermal engineering calculation, which determines heat loss depending on the design of the house, as well as the power required to heat the air for ventilation needs. The power required for heating is pre-calculated according to the average norm of 1 kW per 10 m2 of heated area of ​​the house. For example, for a house with an area of ​​200 m2, the total power of gas equipment will be about 40-45 kW. It is advisable to think through all this as early as possible - best at the stage of choosing the design of your future home, in order to understand in advance the prospects for heating it with natural gas.

If for some reason there is no possibility of centralized gasification, alternative options should be considered. They are usually limited to electricity, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas - most often a mixture of propane and butane), diesel fuel (diesel fuel) and solid fuel (wood, pellets, coal, etc.). Before making a choice, many people first try to determine the estimated consumption of one type of fuel or another for the year (heating season) in order to multiply this amount by the cost to calculate the finished heating costs. Let's face it: this makes no sense. It makes more sense to compare the cost of 1 kW of energy obtained from each type of fuel, because the consumption of this energy over the period will be approximately the same, and it depends little on the heating equipment used. The cost in each specific location will be different - we will give an example for the Moscow region, with prices current as of February 2016. Electricity:

The tariff for 1 kWh is 5.03 rubles. (or 4.65 rubles) At 100% energy efficiency, every kilowatt is spent directly on heating, i.e. releases 3.6 MJ of thermal energy. Thus we get: 1 kW costs 5.03 rubles. (or 4.65 rub.)

Diesel fuel:

The wholesale price of diesel fuel, depending on the volume and delivery distance, is 30-33 rubles/liter. The specific heat of combustion of diesel fuel is 42 MJ/kg (or 11.7 kW*hour). Taking into account the density (0.8 kg/liter), a liter of diesel fuel gives 33.6 MJ (or 9.3 kW*hour). It should also be noted that the efficiency of diesel equipment usually does not exceed 80%. Thus, we get the cost 1 kW of useful energy – 4-4.4 rubles.

LPG (liquefied gas): The wholesale price of liquefied gas, depending on the volume and delivery distance, is 16-17 rubles/liter.

The specific heat of combustion of the propane-butane mixture is 115 MJ/m3 (31.9 kW*hour). The density of the gas phase is 2.5 kg/m3, or (taking into account the density of liquefied gas 0.6 kg/liter) 4 liters/m3. 1 liter of propane-butane gives about 29 MJ (8 kW*hour). The real efficiency of gas equipment is 80-90%. We get the cost 1 kW of useful energy – 2.2-2.7 rubles.

Solid fuel The variety of solid fuels and their suppliers does not allow for a full analysis. Based on the information available on the Internet, taking into account the fact that the real efficiency of solid fuel boilers does not exceed 80%, we get the cost 1 kW of useful energy from solid fuel within 2.5-3.5 rub.

Well, for comparison, let’s return to natural gas – methane. Retail prices for natural gas sold to the population are 4.33-6.05 rubles/m3. Average calorific value natural gas– 36 MJ/m3 (10 kW*hour). Taking into account the real efficiency of gas equipment 80-90%, we get the cost 1 kW of useful energy 0.48-0.75 rub. For information purposes, we summarize all the results in a table in ascending order.

It should be noted that an important factor is the cost of the heating system itself with one or another type of fuel. So, in the case of implementing an electrical system, this is easiest to do and at the lowest cost, since no additional equipment is required. The main problem here may only be the power limitation of the electrical connection. LPG and diesel will require special tanks, and the cost of implementing an LPG storage and supply system is significantly higher than for diesel fuel. And for solid fuel, a room of sufficient volume is required - and, in addition, constant monitoring of fuel consumption and periodic loading, manually, is required.

You should also pay attention to such an important factor as the reliability of the system as a whole. After all, there are certain risks associated with each type of fuel. For example, one that operates directly from electricity is in itself as reliable as possible, but its use will be problematic in the event of interruptions in the supply of electricity, which occurs as a result of emergency shutdowns or is associated with weather events. And, although other heating equipment also, as a rule, consumes electricity, it is possible to maintain its performance during a power outage using a low-power autonomous backup power source - an electric generator.

As noted above, the heat loss of your home will practically not depend on the energy source chosen for heating - therefore, seasonal energy consumption too. However, there are methods that allow you to regulate energy consumption. We are talking about the heating system itself and it. The use of devices that allow you to monitor changes in temperature outside and, depending on this, control the operation of heating equipment is becoming increasingly popular. For example, for a water heating boiler, such an adjustment allows you to reduce the coolant temperature when the outside temperature rises. This reduces the likelihood of overheating of the premises and also reduces heat loss, which saves energy. However, due to the inertia of such a process in systems with a coolant, the high efficiency of such savings is not achieved. The most effective methods are to control and manage the temperature directly inside the house, when the room temperature is maintained at a given level regardless of weather conditions. A good result here is ensured thanks to air heating devices with forced air flow - for example, fan heaters or convectors built into the floor. And maximum savings can be achieved using a centralized air treatment system - that is, a system air heating. Modern control devices in air heating systems make it possible not only to control the temperature in the room, but also to quickly change it in accordance with the residents’ schedule, maintaining different temperature conditions for different periods of time. This makes it possible, for example, to lower the temperature in the house while there are no people in it - and, accordingly, energy consumption is reduced. If the air is heated by a water heat exchanger, then reducing its operating time leads to a decrease in the operating intensity of the water heating boiler, which requires less time to maintain the coolant temperature. If the air is heated using a gas air heater, then at this time it turns on less often and works less - therefore, it consumes less gas. Full use of this opportunity in air heating systems allows for a reduction in energy consumption within 50-60% compared to standard water systems.

In conclusion, we would like to note that, given the relatively high cost of electricity, there are methods to reduce its consumption – as it relates directly to heating systems. The most effective is the use of reversible air conditioners - heat pumps, geothermal or atmospheric. But their high efficiency is maintained only at temperatures above zero or close to 0 degrees. And, if for geothermal systems this condition is always met, then the use of atmospheric systems is advisable only in regions with a warm or temperate climate, where winters are not so severe. Usage heat pump allows you to reduce energy consumption for heating needs by about 3 times.

Another method of reducing home heating costs is to combine different energy sources in the heating system. The air heating system has the greatest flexibility for this, in which it is possible to use several heating devices and alternate them depending on the specific situation. For example, a gas air heater is installed, which is additionally equipped with a heating element and an atmospheric heat pump. At moderate temperatures outside, heating is carried out by a heat pump, when it drops - by electricity, and in severe frosts, liquefied gas can be used from a small stationary container or gas cylinder installation.

If the cottage is located in a gasified village, then gas will be the optimal solution with almost no options. If there is no gas pipe, then options are possible, starting with a traditional coal boiler and ending with an innovative heat pump. When choosing a heating system for country house Three variables must be taken into account: the cost of arranging the system, the cost of operation and ease of maintenance.

Below is an approximate calculation of the annual cost of heating a house with an area of ​​100 m² and a ceiling height of 2.7 m using various types of fuel (electricity, diesel, natural gas, Cooper Hunter air-to-air heat pump, coal, wood, liquefied gas and heated floors with an infrared system heating).

When comparing costs, we will proceed from the same conditions: the boiler is in operation for approximately half of the total time, and the heating season lasts 7 months.

As a guide, heating 1 m² (up to 3 m³) of a well-insulated room requires approximately 100 W of thermal power (regardless of the fuel used, boiler power is usually measured in kW).

Therefore, for a house with an area of ​​100 m², a boiler with a capacity of approximately 10 kW will be required.

If the boiler operated continuously, then per month it would be needed: 10 kW x 24 hours x 30 days = 7200 kWh. Taking into account that the boiler will operate approximately half the time (or half the maximum power), we divide 7200 kWh by 2 and get 3600 kWh. These are the costs for an average month of the heating season. We multiply by 7 months of the heating season, and we get 25,200 kWh per year.

Depending on various factors (outside temperature, wall insulation, etc.), this figure can change either up or down. But to compare costs when using heating for various types fuel doesn't matter. After all, we will compare costs for the same house under the same conditions.

1. Heating costs using a solid fuel boiler running on wood:

It is almost impossible to name the exact cost of “firewood”. There are many factors that influence this parameter, including the type of wood, humidity, chopped wood or not, etc. Let's try to give average data. The average cost of firewood without delivery is 1,500 rubles. for 1 m³. The mass of 1 m³ of firewood is approximately 480 kg. That is, 1 kg of firewood costs on average about 3.13 rubles. To obtain 1 kWh of thermal energy, approximately 0.4 kg of firewood is consumed. The cost of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy by burning wood is approximately 1.25 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kWh) by the cost of 1 kWh when using firewood (1.24 rubles) = 31,500 rubles/year.

2. Heating costs using a gas boiler running on natural (main) gas:

The cost of natural gas in the Moscow region is 5.34 rubles/m³. To produce 1 kWh of thermal energy, approximately 0.1 m³ of gas is consumed. The cost of producing 1 kWh of thermal energy using natural gas is approximately 0.53 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kWh) by the cost of 1 kWh when using main gas (0.53 rubles) = 13,356 rubles/year.

3. Heating costs using a solid fuel boiler running on coal:

The cost of coal, depending on its quality, is approximately 10 rubles. for 1 kg. To obtain 1 kWh of thermal energy, approximately 0.13 kg of anthracite is consumed. The cost of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy by burning coal is approximately 1.30 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kWh) by the cost of 1 kWh when using coal (1.30 rubles) = 32,760 rubles/year.

4. Heating costs with an electric boiler:

To obtain thermal energy of 1 kWh, approximately 1.03 kWh of electricity is consumed. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity in the Moscow region is 3.53 rubles. The cost of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy using electric heating is 3.64 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kWh) by the cost of 1 kWh when using electricity (3.53 rubles) = 91,728 rubles/year.

5. Heating costs using a liquid fuel boiler running on diesel fuel:

The cost of 1 liter of diesel fuel is 39 rubles. To obtain 1 kWh of thermal energy, approximately 0.1 liter of diesel fuel is consumed (depending on the efficiency of the boiler, etc.). The cost of 1 kWh is approximately 3.90 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kW*h) by the cost of 1 kW*h when using diesel fuel (3.90 rubles) = 98,280 rubles/year.

6. Heating costs using a gas boiler running on liquefied gas:

To obtain 1 kWh of thermal energy, approximately 0.1 kg of liquefied gas is consumed (depending on the efficiency of the boiler, etc.). 1 kg of liquefied gas costs 29.8 rubles. The cost of 1 kWh in this case is approximately 2.98 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kW*h) by the cost of 1 kW*h when using liquefied gas (2.98 rubles) = 75,096 rubles/year.

7. Costs for infrared heating using underfloor heating with an IR heating system:

The average electricity consumption of 1 m² is 30 Wh. Thus, the monthly energy consumption for heating a house with an area of ​​100 m² will be 0.03 kW x 100 m x 24 hours x 30 days = 2160 kWh. These are the costs for an average month of the heating season. We multiply by 7 months of the heating season, and we get 15120 kWh per year. The cost of 1 kWh is 3.53 rubles. (Moscow region). We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (17,640 kWh) by the cost of 1 kWh when using electricity (3.53 rubles) = 53,374 rubles/year.

8. Heating costs with the COOPER HUNTER air-to-air heat pump:

Taking into account that the energy efficiency coefficient for heating operation (COP) is 3.72, approximately 0.269 kW of electricity is consumed to produce 1 kWh of thermal energy. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity in the Moscow region is 3.53 rubles. The cost of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy using a heat pump is 0.95 rubles. We multiply the annual costs of thermal energy (25,200 kW*h) by the cost of 1 kW*h when using a heat pump (0.95 rubles) = 23,940 rubles/year.

So it turns out that the option with a liquid fuel boiler is inferior to the option with main gas, which in turn is inferior to a solid fuel boiler. Why then are liquid fuel boilers often used for heating? country houses? The fact is that not in all cases it is possible to connect to the gas mains (even for a lot of money) or get what is needed for heating the house electrical power, but not many people want to constantly load firewood or coal. Not to mention cleaning the chimney and the boiler itself.

The COOPER HUNTER air-to-air heat pump shows good results in the categories listed below and is the best solution for heating a country house in the absence of mains gas.

Below are approximate one-time costs for creating a heating system for a country house of 100 m² and a ceiling height of 2.7 m, located in the Moscow region. They consist of the cost of equipment, installation work and additional expenses.

Heating systems often occupy the first positions in the cost estimates for the maintenance of private houses. First of all, this applies to electrical equipment, although units operating on other energy sources also require significant operating costs. In addition, the heating infrastructure clearly demonstrates the dependence of the efficiency of the system on the invested resources. Also, the transition to cheaper heat sources is determined by other negative factors. For example, gas systems require increased safety measures, limiting users' choices. One way or another, the desire to save money does not leave the minds of technologists in this field, so energy-saving heating in various conceptual variations is increasingly appearing in the proposals of engineering companies. Some solutions are just a marketing ploy, while others are fully justified in practice.

Principles of energy-saving heating

Energy saving idea heating systems is based on the principles of fuel economy, maintenance costs and technical infrastructure. To ensure that the system meets these requirements, designers use a wide range of tools and technological solutions. For example, boilers are equipped with double combustion chambers, conventional radiator installations receive materials with increased heat transfer, and the distribution schemes of load-bearing components are initially calculated taking into account the characteristics of the place of operation. Energy-saving heating without pipes and boilers, which is based on panel heat transfer, is also gaining popularity. According to many experts, this is the most promising direction. This concept is based on the principle of rational accumulation of generated energy. In practice, this means a reduction not only in energy consumption, but also in the structural element base. That is, a set of compact radiator slabs is installed in the house, which saves free space, but at the same time generates the same amount of heat as systems that provide pipe infrastructure.

Principles of heating ecosystems

Energy saving technologies in many areas are closely linked with the principles of environmental safety. On the one hand, the main principle of operating such equipment is to minimize the consumption of natural energy resources from the exhaustible class, and on the other hand, it is completely harmless to the users themselves. The last factor is especially important against the backdrop of the desire of many manufacturers to attract owners of private houses with systems with increased energy efficiency, which is ensured precisely through the use of toxically hazardous materials. As for optimizing the consumption of energy resources, this concept is implemented by energy-saving heating that consumes biofuel raw materials. Environmentally friendly systems of this type involve the modernization of traditional boilers, as a result of which they can generate heat by burning wood waste, plant residues, dried manure, etc. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at specific energy saving technologies in heating systems.

Quartz heaters

This is the most efficient type of panel heating, which complies with the basic principles of energy efficiency and environmental safety. The heater is a plate made using quartz sand. A special solution is mixed with quartz granules and is also reinforced with a chromium-nickel heating element. Next, the mass is assembled in a press to a specific shape and, under the influence of temperature, acquires hardness and strength. In essence, it turns out electric heating, the energy-saving property of which is expressed in the ability of quartz to accumulate current distributed through a chromium-nickel conductor. When the system is activated, the panel quickly reaches the required temperature, and after shutdown it maintains it for a long time. That is, to maintain a given mode, it is not necessary to leave the unit on all the time. The system will provide several hours of thermal output in passive mode.

Infrared panels

Another type of energy-saving panel heaters, which has its own advantages due to its special operating principle. Infrared radiation is characterized by its ability to heat not so much air as objects. The device operates on the principle of transferring heat to objects, which, in turn, dissipate the flow in the room. The result is uniform heating. According to experts, the temperature difference from the location of the emitter to the extreme point in the room is no more than one degree, while these heating systems for a house with large rooms can be built according to this principle. In this case, not a single, but a balanced microclimate is organized throughout the entire space. In terms of other characteristics, infrared heaters retain the advantages of the above-mentioned quartz panel.

Energy efficient radiators

Radiator heating systems are also of interest to companies involved in energy saving technologies. Unlike conventional radiators, such models are formed by separate vacuum sections filled with a lithium bromide liquid base. At a temperature of 35 °C, vaporization occurs in this filler. The result is warming up upper parts vacuum sections, which, in turn, distribute heat throughout the room. During operation, energy-saving heating radiators are characterized by lower water consumption - as a rule, only 500 ml are required for one unit. This is several times less compared to the consumption level of conventional radiator units.

Energy efficient boilers

Boiler and furnace installations are also being improved in structural and operational qualities. Pyrolysis energy-saving heating boilers, which implement the principle of long-term heating, are closer to traditional units. It is achieved through a special design with a double combustion chamber. During operation, the so-called secondary combustion of waste products occurs. The solid fuel material is initially burned in the main chamber, and then the gaseous substances undergo another stage of processing to release heat.

Another direction in the development of the concept of energy-saving boilers is based on the principles of biofuel combustion. These are the combined qualities of which are determined by the ability to work on pellets, special fuel pellets and briquettes.

Solar energy saving batteries

Batteries powered by the energy of solar panels make it possible to provide virtually free energy supply to the engineering infrastructure of a residential building. The heating system in this case acts as a consumer of accumulated energy, which is converted into electricity using special generators. The same electric boilers or radiators with convectors can act as direct heating equipment. But if energy-saving heating batteries do not require costs in the process of generating heat, their technical maintenance is not cheap. And this is not to mention the initial investments in the same solar panels and converting generators. It is this nuance that is currently holding back the widespread use of this technology, but in the near future solar batteries will be able to fully justify their energy-saving function.

Traditional heating optimization tools

Practice shows that the energy costs of heating systems are to a large extent determined by the quality of the project. The layout of heating pipes, installation points of heat-emitting panels, performance indicators - all this affects the consumption of electricity or fuel materials. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a heating method, it is advisable to at least correlate the power of the installation with the requirements for heat transfer volumes. In addition, heating based on conventional systems can be realized through the integration of automatic systems. They will help to achieve without user participation rational consumption by controlling operating modes.

Features of installation of energy-saving equipment

Systems with minimal energy consumption differ not only in operating principles, but often also in installation nuances. In particular, models of energy-saving radiators in some versions are attached to the ceiling, which allows them to perform their function with greater heat transfer. And on the contrary, modern systems underfloor heating are integrated directly into the screed and dissipate warm flows from the bottom to the top. It also has its own characteristics and energy-saving heating in the form of quartz panels. They are installed on wall surfaces, but with minimal area coverage.

Maintenance of energy-saving systems

Energy-efficient equipment often costs more to maintain and maintain than traditional units. This is due precisely to the use of non-standard power sources. For example, biofuel boilers require the organization of conditions for storing the same pellets and briquettes. Such materials are sensitive to dampness and require increased precautions. fire safety. Also, solar energy-saving heating of a private home requires technical support from converters, and the panels themselves must be regularly monitored for more efficient heat storage.

How to choose the optimal energy-saving solution?

The volume of heat transfer is the main indicator that should be taken into account when choosing a heating device. In basic versions, small-sized installations, like the same radiators, are quite capable of servicing rooms with an area of ​​25-35 m 2. But for large living rooms, halls and rooms with high ceilings, powerful electric heating boilers are more likely to be required. The energy-saving properties of such equipment will not be so obvious, but it is important to understand that the use of traditional furnaces and boiler stations for similar needs will be even more expensive.


Technologies for optimizing operating costs and related equipment are undergoing radical changes in various fields. Adjustments are made to both structural diagrams and functional support. But starting points for the modernization that energy-saving heating systems undergo are based on the operating principles of the equipment. The most significant deviations from traditional systems are demonstrated by technologies alternative sources energy, although they are not yet in high demand among ordinary consumers. The same cannot be said about energy-saving radiators and boilers, the features of which are expressed in the use of more affordable biological fuel.