(!LANG: Game tasks in biology. Olympiad tasks in biology (grade 6) Plants are considered the main source of

Task 27. "Cage" (Fig. 27)

Choose one correct answer each.

1 . The schoolboy took a leaf plucked from a tree for research and began to examine it through a microscope. He saw nothing but a dark green field. His mistake is:

a) incorrect installation of light (1–3–5–4–2);
b) vol. that he did not put in a higher magnification (4–3–1–2–5);
c) that he did not make a thin cut of the sheet (1-2-3-4-5).

2 . The boundary between the cell and the environment is:

a) cytoplasm (5–7–6–1–8);
b) intercellular substance (5–6–1–7–8);
c) shell (1–8–7–6–5).

3 . Common among the cells of all organisms:

a) metabolism occurs in any living cell (12-32-29);
b) all plant cells have chloroplasts (29–12–32).
c) all plant cells have the same number of chromosomes (32–29–12).

4 . Cytoplasm in a cell:

a) moves slowly (12–11–31–29);
b) moves very fast (29-11-31-12);
c) does not move (11–29–12–31).

5 . Plastids in plant cells are:

a) blue, purple, crimson (25–26–27–10–25);
b) green, yellow, orange, colorless (27–26–10–25–27);
c) green, blue, red, black (26–10–27–25–26).

6 . Green plastids are called:

a) chloroplasts (9–13–33–18);
b) chromoplasts (33–9–13–18);
c) chromosomes (18–9–13–33).

7 . Plant organs increase in size due to:

a) an increase in the number of cells (21–18–9–22);
b) an increase in the number of cells and their growth (9–21–22–18);
c) an increase in the number of cells and the formation of intercellular spaces (22–21–18–9).

8 . The cell membrane does not perform the specified function:

a) divisions (35–34–14);
c) transport of substances (35–14–34);
b) connections with other cells (34-14-35).

9 . The correct order of cell division is:

a) division of the shell - division of the cytoplasm - duplication of chromosomes - division of the nucleus (15–16–17–14);
b) duplication of chromosomes - division of the nucleus - division of the cytoplasm and membrane (15–14–16–17);
c) division of the cytoplasm and membrane - division of the nucleus - duplication of chromosomes (14-15-16-17).

10 . Hereditary information in daughter cells:

a) decreases by one and a half times (20–16–19);
b) decreases by half (19–16–20);
c) remains unchanged (16–19–20).

11 . Vacuoles filled:

a) cell sap (19–23–24);
b) air (24–19–23);
c) cytoplasm (23–24–19).

12. If a little salt water is added to a fresh preparation with onion skin cells, the cell will wrinkle somewhat, because:

a) the phenomenon of pinocytosis will occur (30-34-28);
b) the phenomenon of plasmolysis will occur (34–28–30);
c) metabolism will occur (28-30-34).

13 . The existence of the plant cell discovered:

a) Robert Hooke (28-36-23);
b) Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (36–23–28);
c) Robert Koch (23–28–36).

Fig.27B. Correctly completed task 27

(Right answers: 1–2–3–4–5; 1–8–7–6–5; 12–32–29; 12–11–31–29; 27–26–10–25–27; 9–13–33–18; 9–21–22–18; 35–34–14; 15–14–16–17; 16–19–20; 19–23–24; 34–28–30; 28–36–23.)

Theme "Division of flowering plants into groups"

Task 28. “Bean sprout” (Fig. 28)

Which of the following plants are monocots?

Rice. 28 A. Bitmap for task 28

1. Onion (9-18-19-20).

2. Common bamboo (1–2–6–17).

3. Common cherry (30–32–24–25).

4. Aloe arborescens (35–16–5–4).

5. Decorative pumpkin (9–20–21–18).

6. Dandelion officinalis (2–8–9–14).

7. May lily of the valley (25–23–27–26).

8. Sweet corn (12–11–13–15).

9. Sowing rye (17–34–33–32).

10. Common beans (18–24–28–9).

11. Tulip Greig (4–3–7–8).

12. Pedunculate oak (14–16–3–4).

13. Annual sunflower (29–26–28–15).

14. Sugar cane (20–21–22–29).

18. Cultural tomato (21–15–31–30).

16. Red clover (23–24–25–26).

17. Sowing rice (26–28–31–35).

18 . Chamomile field (19–15–29–26).

19. Feather pinnate (32–30–24–25).

20. Coconut palm (1–9–10–12).

21. Orchid "Venus slipper" (29-15-14-7).

Fig. 28 B. Correctly completed task 28

(Right answers: 9–18–19–20; 1–2–6–17; 35–16–5–4; 25–23–27–26; 12–11–13–15; 17–34–33–32; 4–3–7–8; 20–21–22–29; 26–28–31–35; 32–30–24–25; 1–9–10–12; 29–15–14–7.)

To be continued

1 ROUND - SCHOOL STAGE (2016 -2017)

6th gradePart I

You are offered test tasks that require the choice of only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (1 point for each test task). Write the letter of the answer that you think is the most complete and correct in the answer matrix.

1. It is translated into Russian as the word "plant, grass":
a) "botane", b) "bios", c) "dendro", d) "logos".

2. Corn refers to:

a) annual grasses, b) trees,

c) perennial grasses, d) shrubs.

3. Plants are considered on Earth as the main source of:

a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) hydrogen d) oxygen

4. The generative organs of a plant include:

a) flower, b) stem, c) leaf, d) root.

5. Which of the following is usually characteristic of an old plant cell?

a) one very large vacuole, b) the nucleus is located in the center,

c) a very thin cell membrane, d) intensively divides.

6. Propagated by spores:

a) apple tree, b) radish, c) fern, d) spruce.

7. The bean seed has the largest mass:

a) seed coat, b) cotyledons,

c) germinal bud, d) germinal root.

8. Linden differs from a beetle in that it:

a) grows, b) forms organic substances,

c) consists of cells, d) breathes.

9. What is the term for a stem with leaves and buds:

a) trunk, b) branch, c) shoot, d) aerial root.

10. A student took a leaf plucked from a tree for research. He tried to see under the microscope the chloroplasts in his cells. He saw nothing but a dark green field. What was his mistake?

a) in the wrong installation of light,

b) it was necessary to put a larger increase,

c) it was necessary to make a thin cut of the sheet,

d) it was necessary to tint the sheet with dye.

Part II.

Choose one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice (2 points for each test task)

    Plants form organic substances from inorganic substances, for this they need:1. oxygen 2. carbon dioxide 3. water 4. energy sunlight 5.soil 6.wind

A - 1.3.5 B- 2.3.4 C - 1.3.4 D- 2.4.62. Unicellular organisms include:1. yeast 2. ciliate shoe 3. spirogyra 4. club moss 5. chlamydomonas 6. ferns

A - 1.2.5 B- 2.3.5 C - 4.5.6 D- 2.4.53. Mushrooms can be found1. on trees 2. on stones 3. on a piece of bread 4. on soil with a high content of humus 5. on water 6. on sand A - 1.2.5 B - 1.3.4 C - 4.5.6 G- 2,4,54. Signs of wildlife:1. reproduction 2. solubility 3. rusting 4. electrical conductivity 5. respiration 6. metabolism and energy

A - 1.2.5 B- 2.3.5 C - 1.5.6 D- 2.4.65. Breathing is1. intake of carbon dioxide into the body 2. intake of oxygen into the body and release of carbon dioxide 3. release of carbon dioxide from the body 4. receipt by the body of the necessary substances from environment 5. excretion of unnecessary substances from the body

A - 2.4 B- 2.5 C - 1.4 D- 2.3

Part III.

You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the response matrix, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5 (1 point for a correct answer).

    General appearance plants are called life forms.

    Cell sap is the content of a living cell.

    The main sign of cell life is metabolism.

    Poplar is a seed plant.

    Atmosphere - the water shell of the Earth

Part IV.

You are offered a test task that requires compliance. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5. Fill in the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

Establish a correspondence between the plant and its lifespan:

Plant lifespan

A. Annual 1. Carrot

B. Biennial 2. Tomato

B. Perennial 3. Rosehip

4. Birch

5. Wheat

Response Matrix
I _________ stage
school Olympiad of students in biology. 2016 -17 academic year year
6 ____ Class [maximum 30 points]

Part I . [max. one 0 points, 1 point for each correct answer] _______ points.


Part II . [max. 10 points, 2 points for each correct answer] ______ points.


Part III . [max. 5 points] correct judgments numbered: 1, 3, 4.

Part IV . [max. 5 points] - A-2.5 B-1 B-3.4

Total max.___30_ points

Response Matrix
for the assignments of the theoretical round _______
I _________ stage
school Olympiad of students in biology. 201
6 -1 7 account year
6 ____ Class

Part I .


Part II .


Part III . Correct sentences are numbered:

Part IV .

Cell structure. Magnifier device.

1. A student took a leaf plucked from a tree for research. He tried to see under the microscope the chloroplast in his cells. He saw nothing but a dark green field. What was his mistake?

1) in the wrong light installation

2) it was necessary to put a larger increase

3) it was necessary to make a thin cut of the sheet

4) it was necessary to tint the sheet with dyes

2. Anthony van Leeuwenhoek may have been or was familiar with:

1) Napoleon Bonaparte

2) Mikhail Lomonosov

3) Peter the Great

4) Charles Darwin

3. The appearance of differences in the structure and functions of cells is called their:

1) division

2) reproduction

4) differentiation

4. The creation of the first microscope refers to:

1) XVII century

Multiple Choice Questions

IN 1. Choose signs of chloroplasts:

A) have internal membranes

B) colorless

D) capable of photosynthesis

D) do not have membranes

Compliance tasks

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the trait of an organism and the kingdom for which this trait is characteristic

Sign Kingdom

    According to the mode of nutrition, they are mainly autotrophs A) Plants

    Have vacuoles with cell sap B) Animals

    Cell wall is missing

    Cells contain plastids

    Most are able to move

    Predominantly heterotrophic in mode of nutrition

Part C assignments

C1. If a little salt water or alcohol is added to a fresh preparation with elodea leaf cells, the cell will wrinkle somewhat. Why?

Answer: C1. There will be plasmolysis associated with dehydration of the cytoplasm of the cell. Salt or alcohol will draw water out of the cytoplasm.

1. The largest aquatic flowering plant. Grows in the quiet creeks of the Amazon. Leaves up to 2 m in diameter and up to 6 m in circumference, with upcurved edges. Freely withstands loads up to 50 kg. It:

a) lotus
b) wolfia
c) lily
d) Victoria

2. This amazing little predator grows in swamps. Droplets of liquid are clearly visible on the leaves - this is a sticky and caustic liquid that attracts small insects. For example, a fly will sit on a leaf and will no longer fly away, since the leaf will close around it. And then digestion will begin - in this way this plant obtains additional organic nutrition for itself. This plant:

a) air
b) watch
c) sundew
d) cattail

3. It is said that even the blind can recognize this plant. His burn is very sensitive. On the island of Java and in India there are species of this plant, the burn of which is as dangerous as a snake bite. And we cook cabbage soup from young leaves, make a salad. This plant:

a) dandelion
b) nettle
c) St. John's wort
d) thistle

4. Mushrooms feed on ready-made organic substances, since:

A) there is no chlorophyll in their cells, and photosynthesis does not occur;

B) They do not have a root system;

C) They enter into symbiosis with the roots of trees;

D) the mycelium is located in the soil.

Why can't bacteria be classified as plants?

A) reproduce by spores

B) Consist of one cell;

D) do not have a formalized core.

How to prove that a plant evaporates water?

A) Water the plant abundantly and observe it.

B) Place a leaf of a plant in a flask and observe the appearance of water droplets on the walls of the flask.

C) Heat the leaf of the plant and observe it.

D) Examine the sheet under a microscope.

7. The fruits of this plant ripen right on the trunk. From the seeds, after processing, they make a powder, which is well known to us, since a delicious drink is prepared from it. It:

a) coffee
b) cocoa
c) tea
d) ginger

8. In translation, the name of this plant means "golden apple." In Russia, it appeared in the reign of Catherine II, but everyone believed that its fruits, like the fruits of potatoes, were poisonous and should not be eaten. They began to be eaten only in 1850. It:

a) tomato
b) almonds
c) lemon

d) potatoes

9. Depending on the position of the seed in space, the roots will grow:

a) always down
b) in different directions
c) in the direction in which the tip of the emerging root is directed

d) where is the space between the lumps of earth

10. What letter indicates the anther in the figure?

a) C b) A c) D d) B

11. These higher plants are capable of causing waterlogging. terrain. When they die, they form peat. These plants:

What systematic unit is followed by a family in the classification of plants?

13. A schoolboy took a leaf plucked from a tree for research and began to examine it through a microscope. He saw nothing but a dark green field. His mistake is:

a) incorrect installation of light
b) that he did not put a larger increase
c) did not adjust the clear image

d) that he did not clean the stage

14. The movement of water and mineral salts in the stem occurs along:

B) wood

B) core

D) cambium

15. The existence of a plant cell discovered:

a) Robert Hooke
b) Anthony van Leeuwenhoek
c) Robert Koch

d) K. Linnaeus

II. Part.

Choose one correct answer.

old plant cell

A) contains many large vacuoles with a nucleus in the center of the cell

B) contains one large vacuole with a nucleus in the center of the cell

C) contains one large vacuole with a nucleus near the cell wall

D) contains many small vacuoles with a nucleus in the center of the cell


SCHOOL STAGE (2015-2016)

6th grade

Work instructions

To complete tasks school stage Biology Olympiad is given 1 hour (60 min.). The work consists of 4 parts and includes 17 tasks.

Read each question carefully and the suggested answers. Answer only after you have understood the question and analyzed all possible answers.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If you have difficulty with any task, skip it and try to complete the ones for which you are sure of the answers. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.

For each correct answer, depending on the complexity of the task, one to four points are given. The points you get for all tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!


You are offered test tasks that require the choice of only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (1 point for each test task). Write the letter of the answer that you think is the most complete and correct in the answer matrix.

  1. It is translated into Russian as the word "plant, grass":
    a) "botane", b) "bios", c) "dendro", d) "logos".
2. Corn refers to:

a) annual grasses, b) trees,

c) perennial grasses, d) shrubs.

3. Plants are considered on Earth as the main source of:

a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) hydrogen d) oxygen

4. The generative organs of a plant include:

a) flower, b) stem, c) leaf, d) root.

5. Which of the following is usually characteristic of an old plant cell?

a) one very large vacuole, b) the nucleus is located in the center,

c) a very thin cell membrane, d) intensively divides.

6. Propagated by spores:

a) apple tree, b) radish, c) fern, d) spruce.

7. The bean seed has the largest mass:

a) seed coat, b) cotyledons,

c) germinal bud, d) germinal root.

8. Linden differs from a beetle in that it:

a) grows, b) forms organic substances,

c) consists of cells, d) breathes.

9. What is the term for a stem with leaves and buds:

a) trunk, b) branch, c) shoot, d) aerial root.

10. A student took a leaf plucked from a tree for research. He tried to see underneath microscope of chloroplasts in its cells. He saw nothing but a dark green field. What was his mistake?

a) in the wrong installation of light,

b) it was necessary to put a larger increase,

c) it was necessary to make a thin cut of the sheet,

d) it was necessary to tint the sheet with dye.


You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the response matrix, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5 (1 point for a correct answer).

  1. The general appearance of a plant is called the life form.

  2. Cell sap is the content of a living cell.

  3. The main sign of cell life is metabolism.

  4. Poplar is a seed plant.

  5. A microscope is an instrument for studying plants.


You are offered a test task that requires compliance. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 2. Fill in the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

Establish a correspondence between the plant and its lifespan:

Plant lifespan

A. Annual 1. Carrot

B. Biennial 2. Tomato

B. Perennial 3. Rosehip

4. Calendula


Give a detailed answer to the question.

The maximum number of points that can be scored is 4.
What types of plastids are found in plant cells? What color do they have? Can they turn into each other? Support your answer with examples.

Part 1












Part 2

Part 3. 2 points.

Part 4 4 points.

Matrix of answers to the tasks of the school stage of the Olympiad in biology

Surname ___________________ First name ____________________


School ________________________

Part 1. 10 points (1 point for each task).












Part 2. 5 points (1 point for each task).

Part 3. 2 points.

Part 4 4 points.