How to quickly remove alcohol from the body. After how many days does alcohol completely leave our body? How to speed up the process of alcohol leaving the body


An exact answer to the question “How much alcohol leaves the body?” when drinking vodka, beer and alcohol, does not exist. Each person has a different body, so alcohol disappears in different ways. Need to know general information about when a person sobers up and the breathalyzer does not detect traces of yesterday's holiday. Why does the elimination of alcohol in the blood of women occur more long time than men?

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

In various life situations where information about the percentage and concentration of alcohol is required, information about the duration of alcohol in the blood will be useful. The period of neutralization of ethanol in the body depends on the individual indicators of the person. If a healthy man drank about 100 g of vodka, then the intoxication will not go away within four hours. There are devices like an alcohol laser that help you find out the concentration. The duration of ethanol withdrawal is determined by a number of factors:

  • the person has depression;
  • hunger;
  • body weight;
  • age;
  • type of drink;
  • liver condition;
  • amount of alcohol consumed.

In women

The sensitive female body is more difficult to tolerate the harmful effects of alcohol. How long does alcohol leave a woman's body? Women get drunk faster and the process of sobering up takes longer for them. The body's ability to eliminate the consequences of alcoholism directly depends on the content of gastric enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of ethanol. The female body contains 2-3 times less gastric enzymes than the male body, so more ethanol enters the blood.

In men

The stronger sex is more resistant to the influence of alcohol. The male body is prone to quickly eliminate ethanol, and drinking alcohol has a less detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs than drinking the same amount of alcohol by a woman. This phenomenon is justified only if a person has a healthy liver. If the functioning of the cleansing organ is disrupted, a large amount of alcohol is deposited in the liver and the formation of acetaldehyde compounds occurs.

What determines the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body?

The rate of ethanol absorption and its release depends on the presence of food in the human stomach. These are two proportional indicators. If a person has eaten a hearty meal, the absorption of ethanol into the circulatory system will occur later. Fatty foods envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, and reduces absorption, but prolonged consumption of such food together with alcohol causes pancreatitis. By drinking on a full stomach, you will slow down the absorption of alcohol, breakdown and elimination. A person’s weight plays a role: the larger it is, the faster alcohol is eliminated.


A complex of factors determines the duration of ethanol leaving the human body. One of these factors is age. As years pass by, a person’s life systems begin to function worse. In young people, alcohol withdrawal occurs faster due to active metabolism. Fast metabolism allows you to quickly eliminate the remaining ethanol from the body.

Drink strength

Depending on the strength of the drink, withdrawal of alcohol can occur from a few minutes to a day. The fastest way to eliminate beer is 4% (at 60 kg, 100 ml will be eliminated in half an hour), and the most difficult is cognac 42% (at 70 kg, 500 ml will be eliminated after 26 hours). From weak alcoholic drinks It's easier to sober up than from vodka, which has a strength of 40%. The period of breakdown of alcohol in the blood is influenced by the health of internal organs and nervous system. The liver is involved in processing, the functioning of which determines the removal of ethanol when drinking high-strength drinks.

Alcohol sensitivity

Completely removing alcohol from the body means eliminating an alcohol metabolite such as acetaldehyde. People with hypersensitivity to alcohol may have problems with this task. After a medical study, it turned out that a person’s reddened (flashing) face after drinking alcohol is a symptom of alcohol intolerance or a sign of high sensitivity. The body of people with this pathology contains a small amount of the enzyme that destroys acetaldehyde, which begins to accumulate without elimination.

Dose taken

The period of its disintegration depends on the amount of alcohol. In other words, drinking half a glass of vodka will bring you back to your senses faster than drinking a liter of alcoholic drink. You can find a special calculator for alcohol in the body (alcohol meter), into which you enter the amount of alcohol taken (ml), strength, weight and gender. Do not forget that the dose taken goes together with the strength parameter. If you drink 1 glass of beer with 4% and the same amount of drink, but with 12%, then the alcohol content will be different.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

The generally accepted rate of alcohol reduction is on average 0.2 ppm per hour. Also, you can calculate how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body using the formula: 90-130 ml per kilogram of body weight is destroyed in 1 hour. Female body needs a 20% increase in time to clear ethanol residues than a man's. The type of drink has a big influence on the elimination time. Every alcohol has a concept of hydrophilicity - an environment with the maximum amount of water will accumulate more concentration ethanol


It is an old tradition to drink an alcoholic drink with bubbles on every holiday or significant occasion. Champagne is not a strong drink and it is not customary to drink it in liters. A couple of glasses and a toast for a reason to get together are the main components of a banquet. How long does alcohol leave the body? In most cases, champagne contains 11%, and for a person weighing 100 kg, the alcohol withdrawal will occur in an hour. The smaller the person’s body weight, the longer the process will be.


Beer is divided into two types - light and dark, each of which is characterized by its own alcohol concentration in the drink. The percentage of alcohol in light beer is less than in dark beer. The strength starts at 3% and can go up to 20%. The destruction period of ethanol can be done in two ways: by oxidation and in pure form. The average withdrawal time for 100 g of beer is about 40 minutes. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body in the amount of a glass of beer (0.5 l) - after 2.5 hours.


Naturally produced wine contains alcohol large quantities. An integral component of a wine drink is alcohol. Wine is removed from the body in two ways: as a breakdown product (acetic acid) and in its original form. The oxidation process is the conversion of alcohol into acid. Alcohol in red and dry wine is eliminated faster than other drinks. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the blood? Drinking wine with a degree of 11% in the amount of a bottle (0.5 l) will excrete in 8 hours for a person weighing 60 kg and in four hours for a person weighing 100 kg.


A glass of this alcoholic drink is not as strong as cognac, but it causes an equally devastating blow to the body. Absorption begins from the mouth, then moves to the stomach. Next comes the process of mixing vodka with other liquids. The drink is detected in tissues and blood 30 minutes after consumption. The liver is responsible for the process of removing residual components of vodka from the body. Taking into account standard approximate data, the conclusion of a strong alcoholic drink occurs depending on how much a person drinks:

  • 50 g – one and a half hours;
  • 100 g – after four hours;
  • 500 g – 24 hours.


This drink, like wine, is made from grapes. The complex process of preparing cognac is known only to professionals, but everyone knows that it is classified as a strong drink. The resulting grape juice is distilled several times. Next, the final distillate should come out with a strength of 70%. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? The absorption of two-year-old cognac is easy to calculate: the drink is eliminated after almost the same period of time as vodka, you just need to add 10% of the time.

Alcohol output table

There are remedies that will not help you restore the functioning of your internal organs, but their use will put things in order. appearance. Among such drugs, Antipolitsay (to cleanse breath) and Vizin drops (against red eyes) are used. At a holiday, it is better to give preference to one type of drink. Knowing in advance how much you have to drink, you can calculate how long it will take to completely wear off or when the driver will be able to drive the car and get behind the wheel. Below is a graph of the yield rate, based on the volume of 100 grams drunk and a person’s weight from 60 to 100 kg:

Drink/Body weight, kg 60 70 80 90 100
Beer 4% 35 minutes 30 minutes 26 minutes 23 minutes 21 minutes
Champagne 11% 1 hour 36 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes 1 hour 12 minutes 1 hour 4 minutes 57 minutes
Vodka 40% 5 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 58 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 52 minutes 3 hours 29 minutes
Cognac 42% 6 hours 5 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 hours 4 minutes 3 hours 39 minutes
Whiskey 43% 6 hours 14 minutes 5 hours 21 minutes 4 hours 41 minutes 4 hours 9 minutes 3 hours 46 minutes

How to remove alcohol from the body quickly

Ethanol components are excreted through the skin, liver, lungs and kidneys. To speed up the process use traditional methods and medications. At home, drinks that have diuretic properties - coffee and sweet tea - will help eliminate mild intoxication. Drinks, along with urine, remove harmful toxins, but such methods are not suitable for people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. You can replace it with non-carbonated mineral water, vinegar drink or juices with vitamin C (orange or apple). Other principles of cleansing are:

  • bath;
  • bath or shower, always warm;
  • fresh air;
  • artificially created vomiting;
  • a small amount of milk;
  • foods rich in starch (cereals, potatoes, bread);
  • solving intellectual problems;
  • fruits with fructose (grapes, bananas, strawberries, apples, oranges);
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • drinking brine;
  • products with potassium (tomato paste, bananas, dried apricots, parsley, potatoes, dates, avocados);
  • prepared product - add 10 ml of ammonia to 100 milliliters of water (drink every 20 minutes);
  • infusions and decoctions of herbs (plantain, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort);
  • raw chicken proteins;
  • fermented milk products.

Cleansing dropper

To remove ethanol, medical workers use one proven method - the use of a dropper with a special composition, which helps restore the functioning of all body systems. This method causes alcohol to be excreted through the kidneys. The composition of the dropper includes a vitamin complex for filling energy (B, C), insulin, glucose (5%) and one of medicines(Reamberin, Trisol).

Alcohol elimination drugs

The removal of toxic substances by accelerating the process of urination can be carried out not only by using droppers, but also by using tablets (Glutargin, Zorex). The latter drug is used both for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and for one-time use. The condition will also be improved by taking activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg). Among solutions, Medichronal helps well, and Enterosgel is taken orally as a paste or gel. Panangin and Asparkam are used to replenish potassium deficiency.


How long does it take for alcohol to leave the human body?

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Read on this page:

Why is alcohol harmful?

You know that alcohol is an antiseptic. It reduces the vital activity of microorganisms or destroys them. In alcohol, these properties are less pronounced, but present. Therefore, any product containing alcohol poisons the body. It is quickly absorbed through the blood and begins its destructive effect. How long it takes for alcohol to leave the body depends on a number of factors. Of course, its strength plays a primary role. When calculating time, among other things, a person’s weight and gender are taken into account.

90% of the product is neutralized by the liver: alcohol is converted into acetaldehyde, then the aldehyde into acetic acid, the acid breaks down into water, gas, and energy. Therefore, how long it takes for alcohol to be removed from the body depends, in particular, on the condition of your liver.

The composition of alcohol without additional components is always the same: water, ethanol. It is the action of this base that causes the characteristic intoxication. All other additives affect its color, taste, variety, but not the processes of decomposition and excretion. Therefore, how many days or hours alcohol is removed from the body depends on the strength of the drinks and the abundance of libations, and not on their types. There are situations when you need to calculate this time accurately.

How long does it take for alcohol to be removed from the body: exact calculation

We have already noted that any alcohol is a toxin, this is due to its composition. The breakdown products of alcohol have a detrimental effect on the body: the brain, nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. Undesirable symptoms of intoxication appear: loss of coordination, disordered thinking. It is difficult to classify this as a pleasant sensation. They strive to get rid of such manifestations as soon as possible. But how long it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body depends on human physiology, and there are no ways to significantly speed up this process when drinking large doses of alcohol.

To calculate the exact time of this process, there is a formula: 0.1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of human weight per 1 hour. In the formula, alcohol is presented in grams, and the degrees indicated on the alcohol label imply its content in milliliters. To convert milliliters to grams, you need to multiply them by 0.79. For example, a man weighing 60 kg drinks 1 glass of vodka with a volume of 50 ml. Vodka contains 40% alcohol, converted to grams: 40 x 0.79 = 31.6 grams per 100 milliliters of vodka, which corresponds to 15.8 grams of alcohol in one glass. 15.8 / 0.1 x 60 = 2.63 hours, rounded to 5 minutes and we get 2 hours and 40 minutes.

To find out how much alcohol is removed from the body, it is not necessary to do calculations; special tables have been created for this. You can easily find them on the Internet. In addition, there is online calculator, which, after entering all the initial data, will give you the answer to the question - how much alcohol will be removed from the body in your particular case. The calculator is convenient when 2 or more drinks were consumed at the same time; here you can also immediately take into account other factors: stomach fullness, duration of the feast, gender.

How long does it take for alcohol to be eliminated from the body: corrective factors

As you understand, these calculations, although accurate, cannot be 100% correct. Because we are talking about a living organism with individual characteristics, which in itself already introduces an error. But there are factors that in any case will influence how long it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body.

  • One of the factors is eating before or during drinking. The error due to this factor is up to 20%. The presence of food in the stomach slows down the absorption process and, accordingly, affects how much alcohol is removed from the human body.
  • The tendency to have a severe hangover can increase the standard time by 50%.
  • Disease. When the body is weakened, alcohol is excreted 2 times longer. A person’s physical condition has the greatest influence on how long it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body.
  • Floor. People who have consumed the same amount of alcohol, even if they have the same weight, may take different amounts of time to eliminate it. The amount of alcohol eliminated from the body is significantly influenced by a person’s gender. Alcohol is eliminated from a man's body 20% faster than from a woman's body.

Thus, using a table or a calculator, you can calculate how much alcohol is usually removed from the human body and make your own personal adjustment.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body?

Alcohol consumption threatens a hangover, which entails not only physical consequences, but also psychological and emotional discomfort. And the choice of varieties will not help here. Even wine, the drink of romantics and gourmets, still obeys physical and chemical laws. Considering that in the frenzy of a feast, people often forget about upcoming work days, appointments or ailments, after the end of the feast, the question may arise: how to quickly relieve intoxication?

Methods are divided into two types: medical and improvised (home). We will tell you about the latter. How long it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body is influenced by the following actions and the consumption of a number of products:

  • Vomit. It cleanses the stomach, it makes sense only until the moment when alcohol is in the blood.
  • Diuretics or home remedies: herbal decoctions, classic cucumber pickle, watermelon, grapes, pear.
  • Absorbents.
  • Walk outdoors.
  • Drinking large quantities of water. It reduces the concentration of alcohol in the blood.
  • Vitamin C and products containing it: sea buckthorn, bell pepper, kiwi and others.


The choice of alcoholic drinks is so diverse that there is no doubt about the number of their admirers. Who hasn't at least once tried a glass of champagne or wine, a mug of beer or a glass of vodka? Drinks with varying percentages of alcohol content are consumed by both men and women; the absorption of such products occurs quickly, the destructive effect occurs even faster, and then the question becomes relevant: how long does it take for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body? If the blood is filled with toxins, then there is no need to talk about good health.

What is alcohol

There are many absurd conjectures, misconceptions, and myths around this concept, but reliable facts are not so easy to find. In terms of its composition, any alcoholic drink is a mixture of two ingredients in a certain proportion: water and ethyl alcohol. All other components of alcohol - sugar, flavorings, dyes - are not particularly important, although they help to distinguish drinks by taste, color, and cost. From a pharmacological point of view, alcohol-containing products produce a toxic effect, affecting the brain, liver, nervous, and blood systems of the human body.

Calculation of ppm alcohol in blood

From the moment the first portion of alcohol enters the stomach and until it enters the circulatory system, 5 to 10 minutes will pass. With each subsequent dose, the concentration of alcohol in the blood will increase. To have an idea of ​​the amount a person drinks, the designation was introduced: ppm (from the Latin “pro mille”), translated as “per thousand.” If we take the percentage ratio, then this unit of measurement will indicate the amount of pure ethanol dissolved in 1,000 ml of blood.

You can’t do without this indicator, confirming the fact of alcohol intoxication, when you need to know how long it takes for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body? To determine the level of ethanol concentration in the blood, you can use an online calculator, the results of which are conditional, since a general rather than an individual approach is used. And yet, even this method gives an idea of ​​the stage of intoxication, and among the factors for analysis you will have to indicate the following:

  • gender (men have a higher percentage of fluid than women);
  • height, weight of a person;
  • duration of the feast;
  • type of drink (strength);
  • volume of drink consumed.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

Even in people with the same body weight and the same amount of alcohol consumed, the effect of alcohol will be different. The strength of the drink, how many times it was possible to knock over a glass or a glass, are no less important than anthropometric data. The duration of alcohol content in the blood is also influenced by the gender factor, since the male body copes faster with the elimination of ethanol breakdown products compared to the female body. For example, a man will excrete 50 grams of cognac after 4 hours, and a woman – after 7.

How much alcohol is removed from the body

Any amount of alcohol will take time to neutralize, and how many minutes or hours this will take depends on a number of reasons. The general state of health, the rate of metabolic processes within the body, the functioning of the urinary system are significant factors on which the removal of alcohol from the body will depend. How fast or long the disintegration time of alcohol in the blood will be is also influenced by such circumstances as the type of drink, whether a lot or little was drunk, whether it happened on an empty or full stomach.

How long does it take for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body?

Alcohol abuse will result in a hangover, and, in addition to physical consequences for health, a drunk person will also have to face psychological and emotional problems. There is another aspect that is not very often taken into account: the complete elimination of alcohol from the body. Almost the entire process of cleansing from toxins is entrusted to the liver; the lungs, skin, and kidneys are a little less involved in it, so the result of how long it takes for alcohol to be completely removed from the body will depend on the condition of these organs, the health of the person, and the type of alcoholic drink.

How long does it take for beer to come out?

Only at first glance, one glass of beer may seem like a harmless pleasure. The insidiousness of this type of alcoholic drink lies in the quick addiction to it, and resisting the temptation and not trying a couple of glasses of chilled beer on a hot day is rare even for drivers. It is known how such frivolity can turn out, but approximately how long it will take 0.5 liters of beer to be eliminated from the body can be found out from the following table:

How much does vodka cost?

The idea of ​​alcoholism for many people is associated with the abuse of this strong alcoholic drink. Harm to the body is caused by both the amount of vodka you drink and the regularity. A person can drink, starting with a couple of glasses, be in a cheerful mood, feel a slight euphoria, but all this time and until the alcohol is completely eliminated, the body will be actively exposed to toxins. Treating the drinking process wisely is a good approach, because vodka takes a long time to dissipate: 100 milliliters – 5 hours, 1 bottle – 18.

How long does it take for wine to come out?

The choice of a noble drink pleases gourmets and romantics. Doctors talk about the beneficial effect of a glass of red wine on the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels, although even a light drink contains ethyl alcohol. Maybe in small quantities, but harmful substances will enter the bloodstream, which will affect your well-being, ability to work or drive a car. How much alcohol is removed from the body if the strength of the drink does not exceed 12%? After drinking a 750 ml bottle, the period of complete sobering will occur in approximately 10-12 hours.

How is alcohol removed from the body?

The mechanism for cleansing internal systems and human organs of toxins is complex and lengthy. If a drunk person needs to be brought back to his senses, then this can only be done for a short period. To help a person who suffers from a hangover to quickly get rid of the sour taste in the mouth, you can give plenty of drink (still water, tea, coffee, orange juice), a special drug, for example, Antipolitsay, and take a breath of fresh air.

Physical activity is also good for completely removing alcohol residues from the body. When the sweat glands work, the body removes toxins through the skin, so if you have a hangover, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. A quick effect comes from eating foods rich in starch (cereals, potatoes, bread), but overeating is not recommended so as not to increase the load on the liver. Alcohol is excreted through the kidneys through urine. medicines: Glutargin, Zorex, Reamberin, droppers with vitamins B, C.

The human body has a hard time when there is a need to mobilize all its strength and resist the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol. Enzymes break down its molecules, turning it into acetaldehyde, and from that moment it begins to develop hangover syndrome. How long it takes the body to cope with this depends on various reasons, but there are ways that help speed up the sobering up process:

  • Cleansing the stomach with vomiting. This method is effective only at the initial stage of intoxication, while the drunk dose of alcohol has not yet had time to enter the blood.
  • Diuretics. When visiting a clinic, a drunk person will be given a drip with diuretics, and at home, decoctions of herbs, fruits (watermelon, grapes, pear) will help. raw egg, cucumber pickle. Your home medicine cabinet may contain absorbents, but in case of severe intoxication they are ineffective.
  • Walking in the fresh air. Ventilation of the lungs along with active movements helps to quickly remove alcohol from the body completely.

Video: how long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The time for complete elimination of alcohol from the body depends on the gender and weight of the person, the composition of the drink

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) is not without reason considered one of the strongest poisons; when it enters the body, it begins to quickly destroy it. All organs and systems, without exception, suffer to one degree or another. First of all, the liver, the organ responsible for breaking down ethanol and removing metabolic products, suffers from “bombardment” with alcohol. The time it takes for alcohol to leave the body largely depends on the functional activity of the liver. In addition, disorders of the central nervous system quickly develop, since ethanol has a detrimental effect on brain cells.

When intoxicated, the speed of reactions significantly decreases and coordination of movements is impaired. A drunk person often makes illogical decisions and commits inappropriate (sometimes antisocial) actions. Actions committed under the influence of alcohol may not be remembered at all. If, with a mild degree of intoxication, only a certain disinhibition and an increase in mood are noted, then when taking significant doses, some human qualities may even be lost.

How long does it take for ethanol to leave the body?

Most adults know what alcohol intoxication is. It is known that in our country it is impossible to drive vehicles even with minimal presence of alcohol in the blood. In this regard, the question “how many hours does it take for alcohol to be eliminated” is especially relevant for drivers. The result of carelessness and overestimation of one’s capabilities often results in fatal accidents or, at a minimum, fines and deprivation of a driver’s license.

Please note: “How long does intoxication last” and “after what time does the body rid itself of alcohol” are different concepts. Often, a person may subjectively feel absolutely sober, but the readings of a breathalyzer will indicate the opposite.

According to the universal (average) formula, the body is able to utilize from 90 to 130 mg of alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. But there are many nuances related to the individual characteristics of each person, so no table or calculator can be trusted 100%.

Of great importance in how long it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body is the level of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethanol and neutralization of metabolites (in particular, alcohol dehydrogenase). This factor is determined genetically; Representatives of some nations have tens of times lower activity of these enzymes than, for example, the average European.

The female body, as a rule, is less able to withstand the effects of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, alcohol is removed from the body of the fair sex on average 20% slower.

In men, ethanol is excreted from average speed 0.1-0.15 ppm (per mille) per hour, and for women this figure is lower - 0.085-0.1 ppm. The rate of disposal of the toxic compound increases to 0.26 ppm when the alcohol concentration reaches critical values.

Please note: Permille is an international unit of measurement. It corresponds to a thousandth of a percent.

It is also necessary to take into account general condition body, the presence of chronic diseases (especially the liver and urinary system), age and such factors as the strength of the drink.

Below we provide a table that shows how long it takes to neutralize various alcoholic beverages depending on a person's weight:

Person's weight (kg) Volume
60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
0 hours 35 minutes
1 hour 44 minutes
2 hours 54 minutes
0 hours 30 minutes
1 hour 29 minutes
2 hours 29 minutes
0 hours 26 minutes
1 hour 18 minutes
2 hours 11 minutes
0 hours 23 minutes
1 hour 10 minutes
1 hour 56 min
0 hours 21 minutes
1 hour 03 minutes
1 hour 44 minutes
Gin and tonic 9% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
1 hour 18 minutes
3 hours 55 minutes
6 hours 32 minutes
1 hour 07 minutes
3 hours 21 minutes
5 hours 36 minutes
0h 59 min
2 hours 56 minutes
4 hours 54 minutes
0 hours 52 minutes
2 hours 37 minutes
4 hours 21 minutes
0 hours 47 minutes
2 hours 21 minutes
3 hours 55 minutes
Champagne 11% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
1 hour 36 minutes
4 hours 47 minutes
7 hours 59 minutes
1 hour 22 minutes
4 hours 06 minutes
6 hours 50 minutes
1 hour 12 minutes
3 hours 35 minutes
5 hours 59 minutes
1 hour 04 minutes
3 hours 11 minutes
5 hours 19 minutes
0h 57 min
2 hours 52 minutes
4 hours 47 minutes
Port 18% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
2 hours 14 minutes
6 hours 43 minutes
11 hours 11 minutes
1 hour 57 min
5 hours 52 minutes
9 hours 47 minutes
1 hour 44 minutes
5 hours 13 minutes
8 hours 42 minutes
1 hour 34 minutes
4 hours 42 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
Liqueur 30% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
4 hours 21 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
21 hours 45 minutes
3 hours 44 minutes
11 hours 11 minutes
18 hours 39 minutes
3 hours 16 minutes
9 hours 47 minutes
16 hours 19 minutes
2 hours 54 minutes
8 hours 42 minutes
14 hours 30 minutes
2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
Vodka 40% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
5 hours 48 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes
29 hours 00 minutes
4 hours 58 minutes
14 hours 55 minutes
24 hours 51 minutes
4 hours 21 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
21 hours 45 minutes
3 hours 52 minutes
11 hours 36 minutes
19 hours 20 minutes
3 hours 29 minutes
10 hours 26 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes
Cognac 42% 100 ml
300 ml
500 ml
6 hours 05 minutes
18 hours 16 minutes
30 hours 27 minutes
5 hours 13 minutes
15 hours 40 minutes
26 hours 06 minutes
4 hours 34 minutes
13 hours 42 minutes
22 hours 50 minutes
4 hours 04 minutes
12 hours 11 minutes
20 hours 18 minutes
3 hours 39 minutes
10 hours 58 minutes
18 hours 16 minutes

Before the specified time has expired, you should not immediately get behind the wheel or operate potentially dangerous mechanisms. Driving while hungover is no less dangerous than driving while intoxicated. It is advisable to wait at least 24 hours after drinking - the period when alcohol is eliminated from the body - and only then engage in activities that require increased concentration.

Important:Strong kvass can also be determined by a breathalyzer. When converting to beer, you need to use a coefficient of 0.24.

Is it possible to speed up sobering up?

Some pharmacological drugs cannot be taken, even with residual alcohol in the blood, so it is important how many days it takes for it to be completely eliminated. The average varies from 2 to 3 days. An in-depth analysis can reveal what a person has been drinking over the course of a week.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help speed up the process of eliminating alcohol and toxic metabolic products (mainly acetaldehyde). It is recommended to consume clean water, tea or a decoction of chamomile flowers. It is undesirable to drink too strong tea leaves or coffee, since these drinks increase the load on the cardiovascular system and can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Please note:Freshly squeezed citrus juices are extremely useful - they contain a lot of fructose, which helps alcohol to be eliminated from the body.

Walking in the fresh air will help you get back to normal faster. restful sleep(in a well-ventilated area) and a contrast shower that improves blood circulation.

Stimulating sweating also has a good effect. If there is such an opportunity and your general condition allows, it is better to visit a sauna or a real Russian bathhouse. At home, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon, then cover yourself with a blanket and sweat thoroughly. Up to 10% of toxins are removed from the body by the sweat glands.

In some cases (in case of a serious condition), it is advisable to seek help from Alkoclinic specialists. Experienced narcologists will help you quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms in a hospital setting or at home. For speedy detoxification, patients are given drips with saline, glucose, Reopoliglukin or Hemodez.

After drinking alcohol, not everyone thinks about how long it will take for the body to completely cleanse itself of traces of alcohol. It will take several weeks for complete cleansing. The rate of alcohol release is influenced by many factors and therefore this process occurs differently for all people.


The main criterion is liver function. This body is our main assistant in the fight against alcohol. The liver synthesizes enzymes that destroy and remove ethyl alcohol from the body.

Human weight

The lower your body weight, the slower the rate of alcohol withdrawal. With a low weight, intoxication with substances containing ethyl alcohol will occur much faster than in a person prone to obesity.
In the table below, you can see the alcohol yield standards, provided that 100 grams of the drink are drunk.

Drink/Body weight, kg60 70 80 90 100
Beer 4% 35 minutes 30 minutes 26 minutes 23 minutes 21 minutes
1 hour 36 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes 1 hour 12 minutes 1 hour 4 minutes 57 minutes
Vodka 40% 5 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 58 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 52 minutes 3 hours 29 minutes
6 hours 5 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 hours 4 minutes 3 hours 39 minutes
Whiskey 43% 6 hours 14 minutes 5 hours 21 minutes 4 hours 41 minutes 4 hours 9 minutes 3 hours 46 minutes


Gender is also an important criterion. The difference in this segment between men and women is 20%. The weaker sex takes second place in this race.

Amount drunk

Here we have a direct dependence, the more you drink, the longer the alcohol will be present in your blood.

Drink strength

The higher the strength, the longer the alcohol will come out; the difference will range from a few minutes and can reach up to a day. Beer is eliminated the fastest. For example, after drinking 100 ml of 4% beer, alcohol withdrawal will occur within 30 minutes, if we consider a man of average build. And if you drink 500 ml of 42% cognac, it will take 27 hours.

Internal organs

In our body, not only the liver works to remove alcohol, it takes 90% of all the work, the rest is distributed between the organs of the urinary system: kidneys, bladder and sweat glands. If your kidneys are not working well, you can add another 10% to the withdrawal time of alcohol-containing drinks.

Genetic factors

If genes are predisposed to alcoholism and poor alcohol tolerance, then this criterion will also actively influence the rate of withdrawal.


With age, the body wears out and organs do not work at full capacity. This directly affects the cleansing of alcohol from organs. How younger man, the faster his body can cope with strong drinks.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Let's consider the release rate of alcohol-containing products based on popular and well-known names.

A very popular drink in our country during the New Year holidays. In almost every house on New Year champagne opens as the chimes strike. This is not strong drink and they usually don’t drink much. The average value, the alcohol content is 11%, a person weighing 90 kg and drinking a couple of glasses of champagne can be sure that his body will be clean in one hour. Based on this example, you can roughly assume that if your weight is less than 90 kg, then you will need more than 1 hour for withdrawal, and if you weigh more than 90 kg, then everything will disappear in an hour.


As we know, beer can be light and dark. The alcohol concentration in dark beer is higher than in light beer. Well, as we found out, the more alcohol, the lower the rate of removal of this product from the body. This means that the dark color takes longer to display than the light color. If we average all the parameters and assume that 100g of beer was drunk, the withdrawal will occur in 40 minutes.

Good natural wine contains minimum quantity alcohol Wine is eliminated from the body in 8 hours if it was drunk by a man whose weight was 60 kg and the strength of the drink was no more than 11%, and the volume drunk was 0.5 liters. If we assume that its weight is 100 kg, then the wine will be released in 4 hours.


In our country, vodka is the first most popular alcoholic drink. This drink is quite strong and will take longer to remove from the body. After drinking vodka, it enters the bloodstream within 30 minutes. The liver begins the process of work and tries to remove this drink from the person. If it works well, then it will take from 30 minutes to a day to cleanse all organs of vodka.

To clarify, here's an example:

  1. drank 50 g of vodka, withdrawal will occur in 30 minutes;
  2. 100 g – 4 hours;
  3. 500 g – 24 hours.

The process of making this drink may be reminiscent of wine production, but this is only a superficial glance. The process of making a skate is complex and true professionals try to keep it secret. One thing is for sure, and it’s no secret to anyone, that cognac is a very strong drink. In this regard, it will take a lot of time to remove it from the body. To find out how long it will take for the body to be clean of cognac, you need to increase the withdrawal time of vodka by 10%.

Alcohol output table (full)

Ways to quickly remove alcohol

There are several ways to remove alcohol quickly. As we found out, the liver, kidneys, and sweat glands help us remove alcohol products. Based on these data, we will select appropriate methods, the so-called folk remedies And medications. At home and in case of mild intoxication, diuretics - coffee, tea with sugar - will help. After going to the toilet, harmful toxins will leave your body. But if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, it is better to abandon this method. In this case, replace coffee and tea with mineral water still, orange or apple juice. If you have special diuretic tablets, you can take them following the instructions.

Ways to activate sweat glands that will help cleanse the body:

  • Bath;
  • Warm shower or bath;

We list other methods that help speed up the cleansing of the body:

  • fresh air;
  • induce vomiting;
  • drink milk;
  • eat foods containing a lot of starch (bread, potatoes, etc.)
  • solve arithmetic problems;
  • eat fruits with fructose (grapes, bananas, apples, oranges);
  • drink a lot;
  • drink pickle;
  • products with potassium (tomato paste, bananas, dried apricots, parsley, potatoes, dates, avocados);
  • folk remedy - add 10 ml of ammonia to half a glass of water (take every 20 minutes);
  • infusions of herbs (plantain, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort);
  • raw chicken eggs without yolk;
  • sleep.


Very good and effective method- this is to put in a drip with saline solution. This method is effective, since the medicine bypasses the digestive tract and enters directly into the blood. Glucose-saline solutions compensate for the lack of fluid and act as diuretics, cleansing the body of alcohol. You can use compounds that will restore the acid-base balance and help improve metabolism, thereby speeding up the elimination of alcohol products that we do not need. The droppers may contain vitamins, insulin and medications (Reamberin, Trisol). Droppers should be placed under the supervision of a doctor and should never be used independently without special medical education.

Alcohol elimination medications

To speed up the removal of toxins, you can buy Glutargin tablets. In the treatment of alcoholism, a drug called Zorex is used; with a single dose, it will increase the rate of alcohol elimination. Can be accepted activated carbon, it helps eliminate toxins (take 1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight).

Several more medications should be taken according to the instructions included with the corresponding medication:

  • medichronal;
  • energosgel;
  • panangin;
  • asparkam.

Alcohol and body systems

The process of interaction of alcohol with our body is divided into two stages: absorption and excretion. Most of the alcohol-containing drinks enter the stomach and intestines and there they begin to be absorbed and affect the entire human body. A small proportion of alcohol remains in the mouth, is absorbed and enters directly into the blood. Within about 3 minutes, alcohol appears in the circulatory system, and its vapors are also present in the air that a person inhales. Some of the alcohol in the blood goes to the brain.

If a person eats while drinking alcoholic beverages, their absorption will occur much more slowly.

Some people think that if you mix vodka with juice or other soft drink, then you can reduce the impact of vodka on the body. It’s not even the other way around; by doing so, you will speed up the process of alcohol absorption.

When the body fights strong drinks, the liver’s work plays the biggest role, and the processes that occur in it are almost impossible to speed up. In what mode it works, the removal of alcohol from the body will occur. We can only influence the removal of water and acetic acid, as well as the removal of residual fusel oils.

Help for health

A few tips to help your health at your next buffet table:

  • Immediately before drinking, you need to eat well;
  • In the midst of a feast, try to take breaks. You can dance or go out to get some fresh air;
  • Find fruit on the table and eat more oranges and snack on lemons. They contain vitamin C, which will greatly help your body.

The question of how quickly alcohol is eliminated from the body worries people at a time when they need to be sober. Maybe it’s just that at those moments in life when we need to be sober, we should refrain from drinking alcohol. Plan your life correctly, if you need to be sane, then don't drink. And if you cannot overcome the temptation to drink, then you are either a sick person and you need treatment. Or you don’t have willpower and you need to develop this quality of your character, because without it you will not achieve anything in this life. And even more, you will ruin the lives of your loved ones. Think better about this. All the best and good health!