National Research Nuclear University Myfi. See what it is"мифи" в других словарях. Как подготовиться к поступлению!}

    - (MEPhI) founded in 1942 as the Moscow Mechanical Institute, since 1953 its modern name. Prepares engineering and research personnel in the specialties of experimental and theoretical physics, automation, electronics, cybernetics, etc. Has... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    MEPhI (Kashirskoe highway, 31), founded in 1942 on the initiative of I.V. Kurchatov as the Moscow Mechanical Institute. In 1943, the Faculty of Engineering and Physics was opened here. Modern name since 1953. Closely associated with academic scientific... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (MEPhI) is one of the leading educational and research centers of the USSR in the field of the latest branches of physics, mathematics, and energy. Founded in 1942 as the Moscow Mechanical Institute, where in 1945 the engineering and physics department was organized... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (MEPhI, technical university since 1997), founded in 1942 as the Moscow Mechanical Institute, since 1953 its modern name. It trains engineers and researchers in the specialties of experimental and theoretical physics, automation, electronics,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    MOSCOW ENGINEERING PHYSICS INSTITUTE (MEPhI, State University), the leading Russian university in the nuclear industry, was founded in 1942. The university has 11 faculties: automation and electronics, information security, cybernetics... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (, 31), founded in 1942 on the initiative of the Moscow Mechanical Institute. In 1943, the Faculty of Engineering and Physics was opened here. Modern name since 1953. Closely associated with academic scientific research institutes, university soon... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia

    National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia

    National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia


  • , Semenova T.A.. The mechanisms of generation of geomagnetic disturbances by pulsed high-energy sources are studied. The first part of the book is devoted to the generation of disturbances by atmospheric, ionospheric and cosmic...
  • Mystical practice as a way of knowledge, L. N. Nemirovsky. This book will talk about living human consciousness. It's complicated. It is not only the ability to think logically, as we sometimes think. It is easy to see that our ability to think...

"Atomic Project"

The fate of MMI was significantly influenced by the Special Committee created on August 20, 1945 under the Council of People's Commissars, which was entrusted with coordinating all work on the use of intra-atomic energy of uranium, headed by Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars L.P. Beria. And at the same time, to directly manage the work of all organizations for the use of uranium energy, the First Main Directorate was created, the head of which was the outstanding industrial organizer and talented engineer, Colonel General B.L. Vannikov. On August 30, 1945, the Moscow Mechanical Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of this department. And just two weeks later, in the protocol No. 4 of the meeting of the Special Committee, signed by Beria, the wording “On the organization of a faculty for the training of physicist engineers at the Moscow Mechanical Institute” appeared.

On September 20, 1945, Resolution No. 2386627ss of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, signed by Stalin, “On the organization of the engineering and physics faculty at the Moscow Mechanical Institute” was issued. This was the starting point for the creation of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.

The Faculty of Precision Mechanics was reorganized into the Faculty of Engineering and Physics for the training of nuclear industry specialists. From the very beginning, during the creation of this faculty, increased government attention was paid to it. The number of students was increased to seven hundred people, new departments were created for the training of physics engineers: the Department of Atomic Physics, the Department of Theoretical Physics, the Department nuclear physics, Department of Applied Nuclear Physics and Department of Precision Mechanics.

On January 26, 1946, by order of the institute, the outstanding scientist, full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Alexander Ilyich Leypunsky was appointed dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics.

In 1946, the Department of Metal Physics, the Department of Special Mathematics, and the Department of Special Chemistry and Metallurgy appeared at MMI. According to the creators of this faculty, future graduates were to have a university level of education in physics and mathematics, and, in addition, have engineering skills. Essentially, the founding fathers planned to train a new type of specialist, a new generation of specialists who have a high level of knowledge and are capable of creating new technology.

First Teachers

A number of departments from other institutes were transferred to the Moscow Mechanical Institute, in particular from Moscow State University, Moscow Higher Technical School named after. E. Bauman, Moscow Power Engineering Institute. For example, one of the MEPhI rectors, Viktor Mikhailovich Kolobashkin, completed his first year at Moscow Higher Technical University, and then he and the whole group were transferred to MMI. Among the teachers then there were unique specialists who made up the color Soviet science post-war years, future Nobel Prize laureates I. E. Tamm, A. D. Sakharov, N. N. Semenov, I. M. Frank, P. A. Cherenkov, N. G. Basov, famous scientists, academicians I. V. Kurchatov, I.V. Obreimov, Ya. B. Zeldovich, I. Ya. Pomeranchuk, M. A. Leontovich, A. N. Tikhonov, A. B. Migdal, G. S. Landsberg, B. P. Zhukov, S. A. Khristianovich, I. K. Kikoin. Many of them can be seen in portrait gallery in the main building.


Over time, the process of gradual transfer of mechanical specialties to other institutes and expansion of engineering and physics specialties began. And in 1953, the institute acquired the current name MEPhI, all faculties of which became largely focused on training specialists in the nuclear energy and defense industries.

In 1952, according to the Decree of the USSR Government, the first four branches of MEPhI were created in closed cities (now Ozersk, Novouralsk, Lesnoy in the Urals and Sarov) for local training. Subsequently, MEPhI branches were created in Obninsk, Snezhinsk and Trekhgorny. MEPhI trained personnel for the nuclear industry in a wide range of specializations, eventually becoming a truly elite university and gaining worldwide fame.

Nuclear University

A new stage in the development of the university began in 2008, when MEPhI became one of the first two national research universities and was renamed the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".

Today the university firmly holds a leading position in the training of specialists the highest level, combining the principles of synthesis of education and scientific research, founded 75 years ago.

The Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, or as it should be called now, NRNU "MEPhI" is the first and only one of its kind. Established as the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition in 1942, it soon became a leading educational institution, which trained defense industry specialists. The “core” direction of the university’s work has been and remains nuclear energy. MEPhI has ten branches in science cities and former closed cities; it includes thirteen institutes and twelve faculties. With the support of its partner "Intel", since 1997, NRNU MEPhI has been opening its doors to gifted schoolchildren, organizing the "Junior" youth competition, included in the structure international competition Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The university cooperates with several schools, networking has been established, and online competitions are held. Some educational projects are carried out jointly with the Rosatom corporation. Over its history, the Moscow Engineering physical institute produced six Nobel laureates.

75 years ago during the Great Patriotic War On November 23, 1942, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was signed on the formation of the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition (MMIB), known since 1945 as the Moscow Mechanical Institute (MMI). The name Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) was given in 1953.

War years

The history of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI began 75 years ago, when on November 23, 1942, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, on the initiative of Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee L.P. Beria and People's Commissar of Ammunition B.L. Vannikova adopted a resolution on the organization of the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition (MMIB). Already on January 1, 1943, the first student classes began in the building on Myasnitskaya Street (then Kirova Street) in the famous Yushkov House.

Geographically, the institute was located on three Moscow sites - workshops, educational and administrative premises, departments were located separately from each other, which created certain inconveniences. At that time, the institute had only three faculties: 1) tubes and fuses; 2) shells, mines, 3) aerial bombs; cartridges and cartridges.

As we see, the faculties of MMIB, and the departments too, had little in common with the current composition of the faculties and departments of NRNU MEPhI and had nothing to do with the nuclear industry, which, by the way, did not exist then.

By the way, the first graduation of MMIB specialists took place already in 1944, and on this occasion at the state dacha of B.L. A reception was organized for Vannikov.

On January 16, 1945, the first reorganization took place at the institute; the institute began to be called the Moscow Mechanical Institute (MMI). The faculties created two years ago were abolished and three new ones were organized in their place: mechanical-technological, design and precision mechanics.

"Atomic Project"

The fate of MMI was significantly influenced by the Special Committee created on August 20, 1945 under the Council of People's Commissars, which was entrusted with coordinating all work on the use of intra-atomic energy of uranium, headed by Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars L.P. Beria. And at the same time, to directly manage the work of all organizations for the use of uranium energy, the First Main Directorate was created, the head of which was the outstanding industrial organizer and talented engineer, Colonel General B.L. Vannikov. On August 30, 1945, the Moscow Mechanical Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of this department. And just two weeks later, in the protocol No. 4 of the meeting of the Special Committee, signed by Beria, the wording “On the organization of a faculty for the training of physicist engineers at the Moscow Mechanical Institute” appeared.

On September 20, 1945, Resolution No. 2386627ss of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, signed by Stalin, “On the organization of the engineering and physics faculty at the Moscow Mechanical Institute” was issued. This was the starting point for the creation of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.

The Faculty of Precision Mechanics was reorganized into the Faculty of Engineering and Physics for the training of nuclear industry specialists. From the very beginning, during the creation of this faculty, increased government attention was paid to it. The student population was increased to seven hundred people, new departments for training physics engineers were created: the Department of Atomic Physics, the Department of Theoretical Physics, the Department of Nuclear Physics, the Department of Applied Nuclear Physics and the Department of Precision Mechanics.

On January 26, 1946, by order of the institute, the outstanding scientist, full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Alexander Ilyich Leypunsky was appointed dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics.

In 1946, the Department of Metal Physics, the Department of Special Mathematics, and the Department of Special Chemistry and Metallurgy appeared at MMI. According to the creators of this faculty, future graduates were to have a university level of education in physics and mathematics, and, in addition, have engineering skills. Essentially, the founding fathers planned to train a new type of specialist, a new generation of specialists who have a high level of knowledge and are capable of creating new technology.

First Teachers

A number of departments from other institutes were transferred to the Moscow Mechanical Institute, in particular from Moscow State University, Moscow Higher Technical School named after. E. Bauman, Moscow Power Engineering Institute. For example, one of the MEPhI rectors, Viktor Mikhailovich Kolobashkin, completed his first year at Moscow Higher Technical University, and then he and the whole group were transferred to MMI. Among the teachers then were unique specialists who were the flower of Soviet science in the post-war years, future Nobel Prize winners I. E. Tamm, A. D. Sakharov, N. N. Semenov, I. M. Frank, P. A. Cherenkov, N. G. Basov, famous scientists, academicians I.V. Kurchatov, I.V. Obreimov, Ya. B. Zeldovich, I. Ya. Pomeranchuk, M. A. Leontovich, A. N. Tikhonov, A. B. Migdal, G. S. Landsberg, B. P. Zhukov, S. A. Khristianovich, I. K. Kikoin. Many of them can be seen in the portrait gallery in the main building.


Over time, the process of gradual transfer of mechanical specialties to other institutes and expansion of engineering and physics specialties began. And in 1953, the institute acquired the current name MEPhI, all faculties of which became largely focused on training specialists in the nuclear energy and defense industries.

In 1952, according to the Decree of the USSR Government, the first four branches of MEPhI were created in closed cities (now Ozersk, Novouralsk, Lesnoy in the Urals and Sarov) for local training. Subsequently, MEPhI branches were created in Obninsk, Snezhinsk and Trekhgorny. MEPhI trained personnel for the nuclear industry in a wide range of specializations, eventually becoming a truly elite university and gaining worldwide fame.

Nuclear University

A new stage in the development of the university began in 2008, when MEPhI became one of the first two national research universities and was renamed the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”.

Today, the university firmly holds a leadership position in training specialists of the highest level, combining the principles of synthesis of education and scientific research laid down 75 years ago.

Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute from 1953 to 1993 earlier: MMI after: MEPhI Moscow, education and science, physics. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. MEPhI Moscow State... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Motto The road will be overcome by the one who comes Year of foundation 1942 ... Wikipedia

MEPhI- uncl., m. (abbr.: Moscow Engineering Physical Institute) ... Spelling dictionary Russian language

MEPhI- Moscow Engineering Physics Institute... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

MEPhI: Common name for the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow) MEPhI (football club) football club of Moscow at the university. See also Mifi (department) one of the departments Western region... ... Wikipedia

Mythical... Russian word stress

This term has other meanings, see MEPhI (meanings). Mythi fr. Mifi Country ... Wikipedia


  • Chronicles of the nuclear university MEPhI. Issue 49, Kudryashov N.A.. The book contains the history of the first fifty years of development of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, currently the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. Today…
  • Chronicles of the Nuclear University MEPhI, Kudryashov N., Strikhanov M.. The book contains the history of the first fifty years of the development of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, currently the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".…