We install and connect an electric heating boiler with our own hands. Installing an electric boiler Installing an electric boiler for heating a private house

If connecting a suburban area to a centralized gas supply is impossible for some reason and is at least not planned in the coming years, then heating from an electric boiler is often used to heat private houses - the solution has a number of advantages, although it is not without drawbacks.

To use the device effectively, it is important to correctly select the electrical equipment and circuit diagram. We suggest understanding the constructive and functional features different types of electric boilers, as well as evaluate the features various options connecting units to the heating system.

For those who plan to organize home heating from an electric device, it will be useful to learn how to use a double tariff to reduce electricity bills.

Electric boiler converts electrical energy in thermal and depending on the design features it can be:

  • TENOV;
  • electrode;
  • induction.

Regardless of the type modern models equipped with which you can adjust the power of the device and the degree of heating of the coolant.

Usually it is also possible to receive information from an external sensor to control the temperature of the air mass in a specific room.

Device with heating element

Install inside a container intended for water. They can be made in the form of tubes or plates. To regulate the degree of heating, the heaters are turned on one by one.

Water enters the tank, is heated, and then transferred to the circuit. As it cools or heats up, individual heating elements turn on or off. The movement of the coolant is controlled by a built-in circulation pump.

Depending on the size and type of heating elements, electric boilers are wall-mounted or floor-mounted. You need to choose a place to install the device so that it is convenient to service.

To do this, you can use special formulas to perform the calculations manually. It is convenient to use calculators available on specialized websites. After entering information about the area, layout and other characteristics of the transformer substation, the program will provide the necessary information.

Usually the estimated length of the pipe is slightly increased to have a small margin. If it seems too short, you'll just have to buy a new one. Heated floors require a filtration system to ensure that the coolant is sufficiently clean.

Electric boiler and double tariff

One of the significant reasons for using an electric boiler for heating is the possibility of using double tariffs for the use of electricity. Reducing fees during the night period allows you to significantly reduce costs.

A two-tariff meter makes it possible to pay much less for electricity used at night than during the day and allows owners of electric boilers to save money

Will need to purchase and install two-tariff meter. It is worth noting that double-circuit models of equipment with heating elements supply hot water to the collapsible tap with a characteristic noticeable delay. As a result, some of the heat is lost, which reduces the effect of saving electricity.

It makes sense to supplement such a design with an external heat accumulator that can maintain the high temperature of heated water for a long time. Such a device is quite effective when using a two-tariff meter.

Water is heated at night, stored warm and used during the day, energy consumption during the day is reduced, as well as electricity bills.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Electric boiler installation procedure:

Although using an electric boiler as a heating device is considered too expensive, its advantages are obvious. Such devices are safe for people and the environment, operate automatically, are accessible and easy to use.

If the type of heating system is chosen correctly and all its components are professionally installed, the boiler will operate for a long time without unnecessary costs.

Do you have experience using an electric boiler to heat your home? Or want to ask questions on the topic? Please comment on the post and participate in discussions. The feedback block is located below.

Greetings, comrades! There are many myths surrounding electric heating systems, created by false advertising. Today I will dispel some of them and tell you how different electric boilers differ from each other and how to properly connect such a device.

What are they like?

There are three types of boilers on sale:

  1. heating elements new(on tubular electric heaters). A battery of heating elements placed in the heat exchanger tank is responsible for heating;
  2. Electrode. The water is heated by the current flowing through it;

Thanks to the salts dissolved in it, water is an electrolyte - a liquid conductor with high resistance. When voltage is applied to the electrodes immersed in it, a current arises between them. When ions moving in an electromagnetic field collide with water molecules, they cause them to move faster, that is, they cause heating of the medium.

  1. Induction. The heat exchanger is a ferromagnetic rod fixed in a dielectric tube. When current flows through an inductor coil wound on a pipe, eddy currents are induced in the body of the heat exchanger, heating it.

In addition to the boilers themselves, current heating equipment stores offer electric radiators - aluminum sectional batteries with their own heating elements. Several of these radiators allow you to organize heating of a house with a distributed load on the wiring: instead of one device with a power of 6-24 kW, several 1-2 kW devices are installed.


The advertisement positions electrode and induction water heating boilers and electric radiators as economical solutions. Cost-effectiveness preferences, of course, are determined by what exactly the advertiser is selling. The typical savings amount is 30-40%, which amounts to a fairly significant amount over the course of a season.

The heating power standard is 100 watts per square meter. It can be reduced only for buildings with high-quality external thermal insulation.


Dear reader, if you are looking for an economical electric boiler, this only means that you have completely forgotten your school physics course. Advertising lies.

No direct heating device can be more economical than others.

Why? This directly follows from the law of conservation of energy. If electrical energy is not converted into mechanical energy (that is, your boiler or other objects around it do not bounce or fly), it has only one way out - to completely turn into thermal energy. In heating

Yes, some of the heat will not transfer to the coolant, but will dissipate in the air. However:

  • The amount of losses is determined by the quality of the body’s thermal insulation, and not by the type of heating element;

  • It will serve to heat the room, in which the boiler is installed.

Am I still not convinced? Okay, let's look at the problem from the other side.

The function of the heating system is to compensate for heat energy leaks through walls, ventilation, windows, floors, etc. The number of leaks is determined:

  1. Thermal insulation enclosing structures. The type of boiler, of course, does not affect it in any way;
  2. Temperature difference on both sides of the outer walls. The colder it is outside and the warmer it is in the house, the more heat will be lost. Again, regardless of the type of boiler.

I emphasize: the type of heat source does not in any way affect the required power of the heating boiler.

Does this mean that there is no difference in performance between different electric boilers and electric heaters?

There is, and another one. But it has nothing to do with efficiency.

Electric radiator: creates a distributed load on the wiring and is therefore undemanding to its cross-section.

Induction boiler: has small overall dimensions.

It is extremely fault-tolerant, since the heat exchanger does not have its own heating element, and the inductor and power controller located outside the working environment are not subject to the destructive effects of water and salts dissolved in it.

Works with any coolant.

Electrode boiler: requires periodic replacement of electrodes that gradually dissolve in water. Very compact.

Only water with a strictly defined amount of salts can be used as a coolant (read: drinking water GOST R 51232-98).

New heating element: suffers from scale deposits on heating elements. It differs from competing solutions in its large overall dimensions: the capacity of the heat exchanger tank is limited from below by the dimensions of the heating elements.

In a closed heating system, there is no need to worry about scale on the heating elements of an electric boiler. The volume of the circuit contains a limited amount of salts, and after they precipitate, scale formation will stop.


What should an electric boiler wiring diagram include?

Circulation pump. It forces the coolant to move along the circuit, ensuring uniform heating of the radiators.

Expansion tank. Its function is to accommodate excess coolant that expands when heated. Without a tank, excess pressure in the circuit may well rupture the pipes or boiler heat exchanger.

Safety valve. Its task is to discharge excess coolant into the drainage emergency situation(when water boils due to the pump stopping or if the capacity of the expansion tank is insufficient).

Automatic air vent. It removes air that impedes circulation and creates hydraulic noise.

Pressure gauge. Needed for visual monitoring of pressure.

How to choose the right devices for a heating system with an electric boiler? Instructions are at your service.


It is selected according to two parameters - pressure and performance.

Pressure- a parameter that can be safely ignored in the vast majority of cases. Its minimum value for younger models is 2 meters, and this is quite enough to operate the heating circuit of a private house of any reasonable size.

Reference: a pressure of the same two meters forces the heating systems of apartment buildings with dozens of apartments and hundreds of heating devices to work.

Elevator (thermal) unit apartment building. The pressure difference between the beginning and end of the heating circuit is 0.2 kgf/cm2, which corresponds to a pressure of 2 meters.

How to choose pump performance?

Its minimum value is calculated using the formula Q=0.86R/Dt. Variables in it (from left to right):

  • Performance(m3/hour);
  • Thermal power circuit (total battery power or boiler power) in kilowatts;
  • Temperature difference between supply and return pipes (degrees).

In an autonomous circuit, the typical Dt value is 20 C.

Let's, as an example, calculate the productivity for a boiler power of 12 kW at 70 degrees in the supply and 50 in the return.

Q=0.86*12/20=0.516 m3/hour.

Expansion tank


How to install an electric boiler in a private house and connect it to power?

You can power it yourself without resorting to the services of an electrician. The connection rules are quite common:

  • Through a socket you can connect low-power boilers and electric radiators up to 3.5 kW inclusive;
  • Separate wire From the panel you can power a device with a power of up to 7 kW. In this case, the cross-section of the copper wire is selected at the rate of 10 amperes of maximum current (at 220 volts - 2.2 kW of power) per 1 mm2;
  • To a 380 volt power supply it is recommended to connect boilers with a power of 8 kW and above;
  • The boiler is connected via its own machine. The operating current of the circuit breaker should only slightly exceed the maximum operating current.

Let me remind you: the current is calculated as a quotient when dividing the power consumption by the supply voltage.


What kind of pipes can be used for installation of filling and connections to the boiler and heating devices?

Low operating temperatures and moderate operating pressure allow the use all kinds metal, high-temperature plastic and metal-plastic pipes. The only thing that needs to be mentioned separately is the use of polypropylene:

  • Pipes must be reinforced aluminum foil. It will reduce the elongation of the pipeline when heating water in the circuit;

A polypropylene pipe without reinforcement when heated from 20 to 70 degrees lengthens by 6.5 mm. Aluminum foil reduces the elongation to 1.5 mm.

  • Compensators are needed for long straight pipe sections— U-shaped, ring or bellows. They will not allow the bottling or riser to bend when heating water in the pipes;

  • Straight sections are attached movably, sliding clamps;
  • At the ends of the groove when laying hidden pipes there are gaps left. They will allow the pipe to lengthen without destroying the groove seal.

Heating devices

I wrote above that the type of boiler does not affect the efficiency of the heating system. But the choice of heating devices really influences it.

The greatest savings in combination with an electric boiler are provided by a water heated floor - a tubular heat exchanger placed in a screed or under the finished floor covering. It turns the entire floor surface into a heat source.

What does this give?

  • Subjective comfort. Temperatures are distributed in full accordance with the well-known proverb: “Keep your feet warm and your head cold”;

Warm floors are comfortable.

  • Decrease in average temperature indoors. With convection heating, in order to heat the air above the floor to a minimum comfortable +20, you need to raise the temperature under the ceiling to 28 - 30C; the average temperature will be 24 - 25C. In our case, at +22 on the floor under the ceiling it will be +18, which on average will give +20C. Reducing the average temperature in the house will reduce the delta with the street, and subsequently heat loss.

You can do without the mediation of a coolant by installing a cable or film heated floor. Such heating systems are connected to power through thermostats and maintain a constant floor or air temperature, regardless of the thermal load on the heating system.


I hope that my recommendations will help the reader to mount electric heating, make it safe and economical. As always, you will find additional materials in the video in this article. I look forward to your additions. Good luck, comrades!

The electric boiler has become an indispensable assistant for residents of apartments and private houses. Usually, when purchasing in a store, you are already offered to connect the boiler for money. The amounts are different everywhere, but every owner who spends 20 minutes reading this article can perform this operation. You can install an electric heating boiler using the diagrams that are present in our material. And another mandatory requirement is to read the instructions for the electric boiler, since the basic design does not change, but little things can affect the operation of the unit in the future.

Which boiler to choose?

On the market you can find different types boilers for heating an apartment or private house. In order not to get confused, you need to have a minimum of knowledge about each of them:

Electrode boilers. The liquid is heated by alternating current that passes through it. This type of electric boiler is considered the most convenient. The efficiency of an electric boiler is not lower than 98% - this is what the manufacturers say.

IMPORTANT: distilled water is not suitable as a coolant.

The unit comes with compounds, their task is to increase the electrical conductivity of the liquid.

As you can see, the connection diagram is quite simple for both single-phase and three-phase modifications of the boiler.

Heating element boilers are the most common devices; heating elements in them perform a heating function. The units have an efficiency of at least 93%. Despite their low cost, heating element boilers have a serious drawback: if the water is too hard, scale appears on the heating elements, and as a result, the boiler’s power decreases.

This is what a standard heating element boiler looks like.

Induction boilers are durable and economical units that have an efficiency of 98%. The design resembles a transformer. Minus - they cannot produce high power for heating.

Induction boilers are great for an apartment or small private house.

Boiler connection

The connection diagram of the unit to the heating system is quite simple; it consists of the following elements:

  • a filter that works in tandem with a circulation pump;
  • temperature sensors installed on the pipeline;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating radiator;
  • drain and shut-off valves.
All modern boilers come with automatic fuses, which prevent the device from malfunctioning during electrical overloads. The coolant temperature is also controlled automatically. Fluctuations are recorded by sensors, and if necessary, the system brings them to normal parameters.
Connection diagram for a heating element electric boiler.

It is worth buying an electric boiler model with a stabilizer for your home, since these devices “painfully” withstand fluctuations in the network. If the boiler was purchased without a stabilizer, you can always purchase this element separately. Don’t forget to study the instructions that come individually for each electric boiler. After this, you can begin connecting the unit to the heating system.

The unit can be installed in both closed and open heating systems. In the first case, a mandatory item is the installation of pressure gauges - in a closed system there is a membrane tank. In the open version, a pressure gauge is not required at all. If a temperature sensor is not installed at home, the unit will operate more economically. Some models come without a coolant sensor, in which case you will have to buy it separately.

Installation Features

During installation of the boiler structure, it is necessary to install a circulation pump - this step contributes to more productive and economical operation of the unit. Another important point- this is a distribution panel, especially for apartment residents: the boiler needs a separate line. Professionals also recommend installing an RCD. Don't forget to ground.

The equipment must include a box with C16 circuit breakers, which are installed at home next to the unit. As for the cable, a five-core cable (L1, L2, L3, PE, N) is suitable for three-phase, and a three-core cable (PE, L, N) is suitable for single-phase.

The table will help you select the required cable size.

Another important point is the calculation of power. The unit should not operate at maximum power at home, so you need to buy an electric boiler with a power reserve. The indicator depends on the heating area. It is worth calculating the power according to the table:

Useful diagrams

Boiler design with a 2-pipe upper distribution system, circulation in the structure is natural.
Scheme of a 2-pipe version with bottom wiring, forced circulation.

Starting and connecting the system

Safety precautions when connecting an electric boiler at home should come first. You need to launch only if these conditions are met:

  • There are no leaks, all components in the system have been checked.
  • The connection was made according to the diagram.
  • The pressure indicator corresponds to the instructions (the pressure norm is indicated there).
  • The electric boiler system is completely filled with water.

IMPORTANT: the first start-up of the equipment takes place at a minimum temperature. If there is no damage and the components are heated, then the temperature can be increased. As you can see, connecting the system is quite simple. The main thing is to completely follow the equipment installation instructions.

Positive and negative sides of the boiler

Pros. In a private house, due to the operation of the electric unit, the temperature is always the same. Modern electric boilers operate in automatic mode, so owners do not have to constantly adjust it. The boiler is especially beneficial for the 2-tariff payment system.

As for the disadvantages, they primarily include a noticeable increase in electricity bills. If there is no electricity, then you need to buy a gasoline generator, since it will not be possible to cope with a conventional “dynamo” - an electric boiler is demanding of power.

Boiler selection

Calculate the area of ​​your home. The equipment can be 1- or 3-phase. You need to choose based on the power and heating zone. It is better to choose 3-phase equipment, as it produces more power and does not load the electrical network as much as compared to a 1-phase boiler.


Diagram and heating system with electric boiler

Classic "Leningradka" with forced circulation (sealed expansion tank).

An electric boiler for water heating can operate in both open and closed home heating systems. The difference is obvious from the name. In an open circuit, water has the possibility of direct contact with air. This process occurs in the expansion tank; there are no other open sections of the circuit. In a closed, or as it is also called sealed, heating system, the coolant is completely isolated. The expansion chamber in it is also hermetically sealed.

In fact, to turn an open circuit into a sealed one, it is enough to install a membrane expansion tank instead of a regular one. At the same time, the pipe wiring diagrams for both types of circuits are identical - it is single-pipe or two-pipe wiring. A electric boilers water heating operate as usual, without any additional settings.

Two-pipe heating circuit with electric boiler

A two-pipe heating circuit with an electric boiler has many advantages compared to a single-pipe one. The most important advantage is the ease of balancing the circuit, due to the fact that the coolant temperature in the first and last radiator is practically the same. There is, of course, a difference of several degrees, which does not have much effect on the readings of the thermometer in the room.

The essence of a two-pipe heating scheme with an electric boiler is that the forward and return flows are separated, while this is not the case in a single-pipe system. There are different installation methods, which differ somewhat in their operating principles. So, two-pipe heating schemes with an electric boiler are:

Which heating scheme to choose in this or that case largely depends on the layout of the room and the number of circuits. Despite some differences, there is no significant difference in characteristics; both options are good.

The principle of competent selection of an expansion tank for heating different types.

If you need a step-by-step calculation of the expansion tank of the heating system, then this is the place for you.


The associated heating scheme with an electric boiler works according to the following principle:

    Associated heating scheme with an electric boiler.

    an electric boiler for water heating heats the liquid and supplies it to the main line, which has outlets to the radiators;

  • from the first radiator, in addition to the direct one, another return pipe is added;
  • the coolant passes through the main line, part of it enters a branch to the radiator, from which the water exits into another pipe (return);
  • The coolant moves further along the return line, parallel with the water in the supply pipe.

Thus, hot water in a straight line and the liquid, which has already given up some of the heat in the radiators, do not intersect. After each subsequent radiator, the coolant enters the return line. A feature of the heating system with an electric boiler (two-pipe circuit) and its characteristic feature is that the direction of supply and return flow are the same. When the supply reaches the last radiator, its further movement stops, and the return goes further. This is what creates the conditions for passing circulation.

The disadvantage of such a heating system for a private house with an electric boiler is that the pipes, in any case, going around the house in a circle, will intersect with doorways.

This creates some difficulties. The door needs to be bypassed somehow. To avoid this scenario, you can:

It should be taken into account that when laying communications using a hidden method, special attention must be paid to the quality of pipe connections. Thus, the most used material for such purposes is cross-linked polyethylene. We have already talked about the characteristics and advantages of polymer pipes for heating.

Dead end

Dead-end heating scheme for a private house with an electric boiler.

The associated and dead-end heating scheme for a private house with an electric boiler have one design difference, due to which the directions of movement of the coolant in the forward and return directions do not coincide. As we have already said, in a passing path their motion vectors coincide, but in a dead-end path, on the contrary, the fluids move in different directions. How does this happen in practice? There are still the same two pipes running in parallel. One by one, the coolant flows from the heater and enters the radiators through the pipes. And not all of it, but only some part; the rest continues to move on.

From each radiator, water flows through the second pipe into the return flow pipe, where the liquid begins to move towards the heater. It is not yet clear why the coolant changes its vector of motion, but everything is simple. He has no other options, since on the last radiator both pipes are simply blocked by plugs, everything is a dead end, there is no further road. It turns out that except for moving in the opposite direction, the water, which has given up part of its heat, has no other alternatives. In addition, this process is stimulated by an electric pump built into the electric boiler for a closed heating system or installed separately.

This scheme is often used when dividing one flow into several circuits using collectors. And in single-circuit heating systems with an electric boiler, this approach is very common.

Let us repeat once again that you need to start from the location of the boiler room, the layout and area of ​​the house. There are, of course, double-circuit electric boilers for heating, but they are so expensive and impractical that no one wants to buy them. Even if you want it, you need to try to find it.

Single-pipe heating circuit with an electric boiler

Single-pipe heating circuit with electric boiler and membrane expansion tank(the pump is built into the heater).

For heating a house with an electric boiler, the “Leningradka” scheme, also known as a single-pipe system, has been used for a long time. Even today there are supporters of this method of wiring communications for heating a room. Often made open. It cannot be said that this is the most good option, and there are no benefits in terms of price. In addition, the use of such a heating scheme with an electric boiler implies a complex balancing process. Here you need to calculate the number of sections in radiators for each individual room, taking into account the heat loss of the coolant. In addition, electric boilers for open system heating systems are less suitable, since there is a lot of air in the coolant. And it is known to have a negative effect on metal in tandem with water.

How does a single-pipe house heating scheme with an electric boiler work:

  • hot water flows from the heater into the pipe (there is only one);
  • from the pipe the coolant enters the battery and returns back, being drawn into the general supply flow;
  • As a result, all the liquid, having made a circle, returns to the heater.

It is better to forget about the single-pipe heating system with an electric boiler and never return to it. It does not bring any advantages, but there are more than enough difficulties.

The problem is that after each radiator the overall flow becomes colder, since the water has given up some of its energy to heat the air. The difference in coolant temperature in the first and last batteries is significant. Judge for yourself if in a two-pipe system the norm for the delta of the supply and return temperatures is considered to be 20 degrees. Approximately the same in a single-pipe. It turns out that in the last room you need to install a larger battery than in the first. And how much - this must be calculated in each case separately.

Naturally, there must be a connecting section between the inlet and outlet pipes of the coolant into the radiator. It is better that it is slightly narrower than the main highway. This is essentially a heating bypass. The option when the feed enters the end of the battery and comes out on the other side cannot be considered a priori. This is a big mistake. If something happens to the radiator, there will be a lot of hassle.

How does an expansion tank for closed-type heating differ from a leaky expansion tank?

Here step by step instructions how to make an expansion tank for heating a house with your own hands.

Heating scheme with electric and solid fuel boiler

Most often, electric boilers for water heating at home are installed as an additional heating source in tandem with a solid fuel heater. In one of the articles we said that the design of a solid fuel boiler may have design differences. So, there are conventional devices and long-burning ones. In both cases, you need to add firewood, coal, etc. to the firebox from time to time. Accordingly, the owner ends up tied to the house, but what if he needs to leave for a couple of days? This is where an electric heater comes in handy.

In the heating circuit of an electric boiler with a heat transfer heater, the connection is made in parallel. In this case, each circulation ring must be equipped with:

  • electric pump;
  • check valve.

Only in this case everything will work like clockwork. In this case, the method of pipe routing does not matter; the principle of connecting two heaters is the same. Naturally, you need to set up automation and synchronize the operation of pumps and heaters. Both boilers must be connected to their pump without interfering with each other. The principle is that if the heater stops, the pump synchronized with it should also not work and vice versa.


Heating system of a private house - diagrams and installation

An effective heating system will make life comfortable in any home. Well, if the heating works very poorly, then the level of comfort will not be saved by any design delights. Therefore, now we will talk about diagrams and rules for installing elements of a system that heats a home.

Any heating system consists of three basic components:

  • heat source - this role can be played by a boiler, stove, fireplace;
  • heat transfer line - usually this is the pipeline through which the coolant circulates;
  • heating element - in traditional systems this is a classic radiator that converts the energy of the coolant into thermal radiation.

Boiler room layout in the house

Of course, there are schemes that exclude the first and second elements of this chain. For example, the well-known stove heating, when the source is also a heating element, and the heat transfer line is absent in principle. Or convection heating, when the radiator is excluded from the chain, since the source heats the air itself in the house to the desired temperature. However, the oven scheme was considered obsolete at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the convection option is very difficult to implement with your own hands without special knowledge and specific skills. Therefore the majority household systems is built on the basis of a hot water boiler and a water circuit (piping).

As a result, to build the system we will need one boiler, several radiators (usually their number is equal to the number of windows) and fittings for the pipeline with associated fittings. Moreover, in order to assemble the heating of a private house, you will have to connect all these components within one system with your own hands. But before that, it would be nice to understand the parameters of each element - from the boiler to pipes and radiators, in order to know what to buy for your home.

Water heating draws energy from a special boiler, the combustion chamber of which is surrounded by a jacket filled with liquid coolant. At the same time, any product can burn in the firebox - from gas to peat. Therefore, before assembling the system, it is very important to choose not only the power, but also the type of heat source. And you will have to choose between three options:

  • Gas boiler - it processes main or bottled fuel into heat.
  • Solid fuel heater - it is powered by coal, firewood or fuel pellets (pellets, briquettes).
  • Electrical source - it converts electricity into heat.

The best option of all of the above is a gas heat generator running on main fuel. It is cheap to operate and operates continuously, since fuel is supplied automatically and in arbitrarily large volumes. Moreover, such equipment has virtually no disadvantages, except for the high fire hazard that is inherent in all boilers.

A good option for a heat generator that heats a private house without a gas pipeline is a solid fuel boiler. Especially models designed for long-term burning. Fuel for such boilers can be found anywhere, and the special design allows you to reduce the loading frequency from twice a day to once filling the firebox every 2-3 days. However, even such boilers are not exempt from periodic cleaning, so this is the main disadvantage of such a heater.

We choose a heating boiler based on the volume of the room

The worst choice of all possible is an electric boiler. The disadvantages of such a proposal are obvious - the transformation of electricity into coolant energy is too expensive. In addition, an electric boiler requires frequent replacement of the heater and the installation of a reinforced electrical wiring line, as well as grounding. The only advantage of this option is the complete absence of combustion products. An electric boiler does not require a chimney. Therefore, most households choose either gas or solid fuel options. However, in addition to the type of fuel, the homeowner also needs to pay attention to the parameters of the heat generator itself, or more precisely, to its power, which should compensate for the heat losses of the home in the winter.

Choosing a boiler based on power begins with calculating the square footage of the heated premises. Moreover, for each square meter there must be at least 100 watts of thermal power. That is, for a room of 70 square meters you need a boiler of 7000 watts or 7 kW. In addition, it would be a good idea to include a 15% reserve in the boiler power, which will be useful during severe cold weather. As a result, for a house of 70 m2 you need a boiler of 8.05 kW (7 kW 15%).

More accurate calculations Heater power is based not on the squares of the area, but on the volume of the house. In this case, it is generally accepted that the energy costs for heating one cubic meter equal to 41 watts. And a house with an area of ​​70 m2 with a 3-meter ceiling height should be heated by a heat-generating device with a capacity of 8610 watts (70 × 3 × 41). And taking into account the 15% power reserve for extreme cold, the maximum heat-generating capacity of such a boiler should be equal to 9901 watts or, taking into account rounding, 10 kW.

To install a heating system throughout the house, we need pipes and radiators. The latter can be chosen even based on aesthetic preferences. In a private house there is no high pressure in the system, therefore, there are no restrictions on the strength characteristics of radiators. However, the requirements for the heat-generating capacity of batteries still remain. Therefore, when selecting radiators, it will be correct to focus not only on appearance, but also on heat transfer. After all, the power of the heating element must correspond to the area or volume of the room. For example, in a room of 15 square meters there should be a battery (or several radiators) with a power of 1.5 kW.

With pipes it turns out more difficult situation. Here you need to take into account not only the aesthetic component, but also the ability to install the network on your own with minimal knowledge and effort on the part of a home-grown mechanic. Therefore, we can consider only three options as candidates for the role of ideal fittings for wiring:

  • Copper pipes - they are used in the arrangement of both domestic and industrial heating systems, but are very expensive. In addition, such fittings are connected using soldering, and not everyone is familiar with this operation.
  • Polypropylene pipes - they are cheap, but their installation requires a special welding machine. However, even a child can master such a device.
  • Metal-plastic pipes - such a system can be assembled using a wrench. In addition, metal-plastic is no more expensive than polypropylene pipes and allows you to save on corner fittings.

Heating a private house with polypropylene pipes

As a result, it is better to assemble home-made heating based on metal-plastic fittings, since it does not require the performer to be able to handle a welding machine or soldering iron. In turn, collet fittings of a metal-plastic pipeline can be installed even by hand, helping yourself with wrenches only on the last 3-4 turns. Regarding the dimensions of the fittings, or rather the bore diameter, experienced specialists in the arrangement of heating systems have the following opinion: for a system with a pump, you can choose a ½-inch pipe - this bore diameter is enough for home system in abundance.

Well, if pressure equipment will not be used (water will flow through the pipes by gravity, driven by gravitational and thermal convection), then a 1¼ or 1½ inch pipe will be sufficient for such a system. There is no need to buy reinforcement of a larger diameter under such circumstances. And which wiring to choose - pressure or non-pressure, we will talk about this below in the text, at the same time discussing the optimal diagrams for connecting batteries to the boiler.

Home heating is based on two schemes: one-pipe and two-pipe. In addition, household wiring can also be built on a collector basis, but it is difficult for novice craftsmen to assemble such a circuit, so further in the text we will not consider this option, focusing only on one- and two-pipe options.

Single-pipe wiring assumes the following coolant circulation plan: the hot flow leaves the boiler jacket and flows through the pipe into the first battery, from which it enters the second, and so on, until the outermost radiator. There is virtually no return in such a system - it is replaced by a short section connecting the outermost battery and the boiler. Moreover, when designing a single-pipe forced circuit, pressure equipment (circulation pump) is placed on this section.

This system is very easy to assemble. To do this, you need to install the boiler, hang the batteries and run one wiring thread between each preinstalled elements of the heating circuit. However, you will have to pay for the ease of installation by the lack of mechanisms for controlling the heat transfer of radiators. In this case, you can regulate the temperature in the room only by changing the intensity of fuel combustion in the boiler. And nothing else.

Of course, given the high cost of fuel, this nuance will suit only a few homeowners, so they try not to use single-circuit wiring in rooms with an area of ​​50 square meters or more. However, such a layout is simply ideal for small buildings, as well as for the natural coolant circulation pattern, when the pressure is generated due to temperature and gravitational forces.

Manifold wiring of the heating system

The two-pipe system is designed a little differently. In this case, the following coolant flow pattern applies: water leaves the boiler jacket and enters the pressure circuit, from which it drains into the first, second, third batteries, and so on. The return in this system is implemented in the form of a separate circuit, laid parallel to the pressure branch, and the coolant that has passed through the battery is drained into the return line, returning to the boiler. That is, in a double-circuit scheme, radiators are connected to the pressure and return pipes using special branches cut into two main lines.

To make such a circuit, you need to use more pipes and fittings, but all the costs will pay off in the near future. The dual-circuit option assumes the ability to adjust the heat transfer of each battery. To do this, it is enough to install a shut-off and control valve into the branch from the pressure line connected to the radiator, after which it becomes possible to control the volume of coolant pumped through the battery without interfering with the general circulation. Thanks to this, you can protect yourself not only from overheating the air in a particular room, but also from senseless overconsumption of fuel and personal funds allocated for its purchase.

This version of the wiring diagram has only one drawback: on its basis it is very difficult to assemble an effective system using natural coolant circulation. But based on a pump, it works much better than its single-circuit counterpart. Therefore, further in the text we will consider step-by-step instructions for assembling a single-circuit system using natural circulation and a double-circuit network using forced coolant movement.

The construction of a natural circulation system begins with choosing a location for installing the boiler. The heat source should be in a corner room, located at the lowest point of the wiring. After all, the batteries will go along the internal perimeter, along the load-bearing walls, and even the last radiator should be located slightly above the boiler. Once the location for the boiler has been chosen, you can begin installing it. To do this, the wall in the placement area is covered with tiles, and either a galvanized sheet or a flat slate panel is placed on the floor. The next stage is the installation of the chimney, after which you can install the boiler itself, connecting it to the exhaust pipe and fuel line (if there is one)

Further installation is carried out in the direction of movement of the coolant and is implemented according to the following scheme. First, batteries are hung under the windows. Moreover, the upper pipe of the last radiator should be located above the pressure outlet from the boiler. The amount of elevation is calculated based on the proportion: one linear meter of wiring is equal to two centimeters of elevation. The penultimate radiator is hung 2 cm higher than the last one, and so on, up to the first battery in the direction of the coolant.

When the required number of batteries is already hanging on the walls of the house, you can proceed to assembling the wiring. To do this, you need to connect a 30-centimeter section of horizontal pipeline to the pressure pipe (or fitting) of the boiler. Next, a vertical pipe raised to the ceiling level is attached to this section. In this pipe, a tee is screwed onto a vertical line, providing a transition to a horizontal slope and arrangement of the insertion point for the expansion tank.

The operating principle of a forced circulation heating system

To install the tank, use a vertical tee fitting, and screw a second horizontal section of the pressure pipe to the free outlet, which is pulled at an angle (2 cm by 1 m) to the first radiator. There the horizontal turns into a second vertical section, descending to the radiator pipe, to which the pipe is joined using a collet fitting with a threaded elbow.

Next, you need to connect the upper pipe of the first radiator with the corresponding connector of the second radiator. To do this, use a pipe of appropriate length and two fittings. After this, the lower radiator pipes are connected in the same way. And so on, until the penultimate and last battery is connected. Finally, you need to install the Mayevsky faucet into the upper free fitting of the last battery and connect the return pipe to the lower free connector of this radiator, which is inserted into the lower pipe of the boiler.

To fill the system with water in the return pipe, you can install a tee insert with a ball valve on the side outlet. We connect the outlet from the water supply to the free end of this valve. After which the system can be filled with water and the boiler turned on.

Installing a pump in a heating system will also be justified in the case of single-circuit wiring. However, maximum efficiency of a system with forced circulation will be ensured only by two-pipe wiring, arranged according to the following rules:

  1. 1. The boiler can be installed on the floor or hung on the wall in any room without monitoring the level of the heating device.
  2. 2. Next, two pipes are lowered from the boiler pressure and return pipes to the floor level, using either couplings or corner fittings.
  3. 3. Two horizontal lines are installed at the ends of these pipes - pressure and return. They run along the load-bearing walls of the house, from the boiler to the location of the outermost battery.
  4. 4. At the next stage, you need to hang the batteries, not paying attention to the level of the pipes relative to the adjacent radiator. The entrance and exit from the battery can be located at the same level or at different levels; this fact will not affect the heating efficiency.
  5. 5. Next, we cut a tee into the pressure and return branches, placing them under the inlet and outlet of each battery. After this, we connect the tee of the pressure pipe to the inlet of the battery, and the fitting on the return line to the outlet. Moreover, this operation will have to be done with all batteries. Using a similar scheme, we install outlets in the system for connecting heated floors.
  6. 6. At the next stage, we install the expansion tank. To do this, we cut a tee into the section of the pressure pipe between the boiler and the first battery, the outlet of which is connected by a vertical pipe to the entrance to the expansion tank.
  7. 7. Next, you can begin installing the circulation pump. To do this, we install a valve and two tees in the return line between the first battery and the boiler, assembling a bypass for the pump. Next, we remove two L-shaped sections from the tees, between the ends of which we mount the pump.
  8. 8. Finally, we arrange a drain for pouring water into the system. To do this, you need to cut another tee between the pump and the boiler, connecting a hose from the water supply to its outlet.

Clearly following simple steps, you can get it yourself the first time working system

Acting according to this plan, you can assemble a two-pipe wiring in a house of any size. After all, the design of such a system does not depend on the number of batteries - the installation principle will be identical for both two and 20 radiators.

To increase the efficiency of heating systems in everyday life, either heat accumulators or bypasses are used. The first ones are installed in large-area boiler rooms, the second ones - in small rooms where, in addition to the boiler, there is other equipment. A heat accumulator is a container filled with water, inside which the pressure and return lines of the heating system are laid. As a rule, such a container is placed immediately behind the boiler. The section of the pressure and return pipeline located between the heater and the battery can be cut into safety valves, expansion tanks and circulation pumps.

In this case, the pressure line heats the water in the tank, and the return line heats up from the liquid poured into the battery. Therefore, when the boiler burner is turned off, the system can operate for some time only from a heat accumulator, which is very beneficial when using solid fuel boilers in the circuit, which generate excess energy at the start of combustion of a portion of wood or coal added to the firebox. The capacity of the heat accumulator is determined by the proportion 1 kW of boiler power = 50 liters of tank volume. That is, a 10 kW heater requires a battery with a capacity of 500 liters (0.5 m3).

A bypass is a bypass pipe that is welded between the pressure and return branches. Its diameter should not exceed the radius of the main highway. Moreover, it is better to install a shut-off valve into the bypass body in advance, blocking the circulation of the coolant.

When the valve is open, part of the hot flow does not go into the pressure circuit, but directly into the return circuit. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the heating temperature of the battery by 10 percent, reducing the volume of coolant pumped through the radiator by 30%. As a result, using a bypass, you can regulate the operation of the radiator in both double-circuit and single-circuit wiring. In the latter case, this is especially true, since the bypass embedded in the first two batteries provides stronger heating of the last radiator in the line and makes it possible to control the temperature in the rooms, although not with such efficiency as in the case of a two-pipe wiring.


Electric heating

Electric heating, where the coolant is heated by the operation of an electric boiler, is considered one of the most expensive. And this is not related to the costs of equipment and installation, it is related to the cost of electricity. Therefore, such heating is mainly installed as an alternative when natural gas is not yet supplied to the house, or for convenience, as a replacement for stove heating.

Pros and cons of electric heating

The advantages of electric heating are that the house maintains a constant temperature, the boiler operates automatically and does not require constant maintenance. The presence of a two-tariff payment system for electricity allows you to save. The system operates autonomously and is completely safe when installed correctly. No chimney installation required. You can install such a system yourself and without having to take permits from firefighters or run through authorities, the main condition is the power supply to the house.

Cons: high cost of electricity. When the power supply is cut off, it is necessary to use additional power sources that must be powerful enough, for example, a gasoline generator; a conventional battery cannot be used.

The choice of boiler depends on the area of ​​the heated room. Boilers are single- and three-phase. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to calculate the power, and, based on this, choose necessary equipment.

If electric heating is planned for very long term, then it is best to connect a three-phase power supply to the house and purchase a three-phase boiler - both the power is greater and the network is not overloaded.

Plain water or antifreeze is used as a coolant. No salt should be added.

Types of electric boilers

    Heating element boilers - heating elements are used as a heating element and are considered the most common. The water is heated by electric heating elements. The big disadvantage of such boilers is that if the water is hard, then scale forms on the heating elements and the power is significantly reduced, but electricity bills do not decrease.

Efficiency is not lower than 93%.

New heating elements heating boilers.

    Electrode boilers - water is heated by passing an alternating electric current through it. They are considered one of the most economical. The efficiency, according to the manufacturers, is not lower than 98%. You CANNOT use distilled water as a coolant. For systems with electrode boilers, special compositions are commercially available that improve the electrical conductivity of water.

Electrode boilers.

    Induction boilers are similar in structure to a transformer. Efficiency 98%. They are considered one of the most durable and economical boilers.

Induction boilers.

Diagrams of a heating system with an electric boiler

The electrical heating system is installed in the same way as any other. The only difference is the installation of an electric boiler and the absence of chimneys.

IMPORTANT - the smaller the volume of coolant, the faster the heating occurs and the better the energy efficiency of the electric boiler. The most optimal option for installing the system are the following components:

    Electric boiler

    Polypropylene pipes

    Aluminum or bimetallic radiators.

The electric boiler is installed in both open and closed heating systems.

When open, where an open expansion tank is used, the installation of pressure gauges is not required.

When closed, where a membrane expansion tank is used, the installation of pressure gauges is required.

For economical and smooth operation of the electric boiler, it is advisable to install a room temperature sensor in the house, this will allow the boiler to switch to a more economical and gentle operating mode.

If the boiler is not equipped with a thermostat, then additional equipment (coolant sensor) must be purchased separately.

Heating schemes

Two-pipe system with top distribution and natural circulation.

Two-pipe system with bottom distribution and forced circulation.

Boiler installation. Wall-mounted boiler.

    Electric boiler

    A group of circuit breakers in a plastic box, a thermostat

    Diaphragm expansion tank

    Automatic air vent

    Pressure gauge

    Safety group - bypass

    Feed line

    Return line.

When installing a system with an electric boiler, it is necessary to install a circulation pump on the return line, which will allow the coolant to be distributed more quickly and contribute to more economical and efficient operation of the electric boiler.

For an electric boiler, you need to run your own separate line from the general house distribution panel - electrical cable. IN mandatory grounding is done. It is advisable to install an RCD.

Next to the boiler, its own C16 circuit breakers are also installed in a plastic box.

The cable cross-section is selected based on the boiler power and the presence of phases. For single-phase - three-core cable (L, N, PE), for three-phase - five-core (L1, L2, L3, N, PE).


Cable cross-section for

single-phase electric boilers

Cable cross-section for

three-phase electric boilers

Boiler power calculation

To ensure that the boiler does not operate at the limit of its power, it is necessary to select equipment with a reserve, i.e. make a power reserve.

Starting the system

The heating system can only be started if all conditions for correct installation are met:

    The boiler is connected according to the diagram

    Electrical connection was carried out in accordance with the operating rules for electrical installations

    The system is completely filled with coolant - water

    The pressure gauge is normal

    All components are sealed and there are no leaks.

At the first start, the minimum temperature is set on the heat regulator. When all components have warmed up, including the return, there is no damage, the power can be increased.

Another type of electric heating is electric heated floors.

To install this system, the necessary equipment for installing heated floors is purchased:

    Mats with heating cable

    Thermostat, indoor temperature sensors.

    Stainless steel pipes for heating and fittings

The installation of an electric boiler, as well as its operation, has a simpler scheme than the installation of other heating analogues. The system does not require complex installation of a chimney or a special connection to a centralized main, because electricity is supplied to absolutely all residential buildings. The simple operating principle of the boiler and the availability of the medium contribute to the great popularity of this equipment among the population.

In order to install an electric heating unit, it is necessary to select the equipment that is optimal in terms of power and develop a system installation project.

Our employees will help you complete this work not only quickly, but also competently and in compliance with safety regulations. Cooperation with us will allow you to avoid serious problems, the consequences of which are fraught and can cause breakdown of electrical network elements and even short circuits and fire of devices.

Prices for installation of an electric heating boiler

Installed equipment Explanations Unit Price
Boiler installation
Wall electrical up to 8 kW Boiler installation. Hydraulic piping and shut-off installation shut-off valves in the boiler room. pcs. 8500 rub.
from 9 to 30 kW pcs. 10500 rub.
from 30 kW pcs. from 12500 rub.
Installation of other equipment for boiler rooms in private homes
Boiler room distribution manifold up to 60 kW Installation of the distribution comb and connection to the thermal circuit. pcs. 6250 rub.
from 60 kW pcs. from 8750 rub.
Boiler/water heater safety group Installation of a security group. pcs. 3000 rub.
Indirect heating water heater up to 200 l Hydraulic piping of the water heater, installation of shut-off valves in the boiler room. pcs. 12500 rub.
from 300 l pcs. 15,000 rub.
up to 1000 l pcs. from 20,000 rub.
Expansion tank up to 25 l Installation of the tank on a wall mount, hydraulic piping. pcs. 3000 rub.
up to 50 l Tank installation, hydraulic piping. pcs. 5000 rub.
from 50 l pcs. from 7500 rub.
Heated floor temperature control group Installation of a group with a circulation and floor temperature control unit. pcs. 5000 rub.
Circulation pump up to Ø32 mm Hydraulic piping of a household series circulation pump. pcs. 4000 rub.
Pump group up to Ø32 mm Installation of a quick installation group with a circulation pump in the boiler room. pcs. 4500 rub.
Ball valve, oblique filter, check valve, air vent, per unit. Installation of a fitting unit into the system. pcs. 750 rub.
Pressure gauge, thermometer, thermomanometer, per unit. Installation of one control and measuring device in the boiler room. pcs. 1000 rub.

Requirements for placing an electric boiler

The requirements for the placement of an electric heating boiler are more relaxed than for gas, diesel and solid fuel equipment. The installation produces a low noise level, so it can be placed in the house in close proximity to the living rooms. The system will not have a chimney; ventilation requirements are standard.

We offer our clients, if possible, to install an electric boiler in a separate technical room. The equipment should be located close to the electrical panel. To save usable space, you can choose hanging boilers for hot water supply and free up space on the floor.

Boiler power calculation

Calculations are performed before purchasing equipment. A boiler with correctly selected power is a guarantee of reliability, stable operation and cost-effectiveness of the future system. If the equipment is low-power, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • uneven load on the network and failure of other consumers;
  • constant operation of the boiler at full power and rapid wear of internal elements;
  • complete failure of the heating system.

Calculation of power should take into account the area of ​​the house, the total number and characteristics of radiators, the cross-section of the supply cable, existing restrictions on the network, etc. For example, in many villages, former garden communities, leased lines still operate. The consumer cannot connect a load exceeding the established limit.

Typically for heating 10 m2 of housing in middle lane Russia needs 10 kW of power. A “reserve” of 15-20% is added to this value in case of abnormal cold weather. Our designers will perform an accurate power calculation at the pre-installation stage.

Installation stages

The heating system is a complex fire-hazardous engineering structure. To create it, it is necessary to perform many mathematical calculations, prepare drawings and diagrams in accordance with current standards, professionally carry out installation and commissioning. Only a specialist can perform the work. Saving on the services of a specialist in the future may very likely entail unnecessary costs for modifications, repairs or a complete rework of the system.

The VIP HEATING company guarantees high-quality installation of an electric boiler in your home.

Main stages of installation:

  • design. We calculate thermal loads, develop engineering solutions, plan the layout and connection diagram of equipment to the system;
  • preparation of the premises. The boiler room must be finished with non-combustible materials. For floor installation of equipment, a podium is prepared - a special foundation. The base is finished with fireproof materials that prevent the accumulation of static charges and the appearance of sparks (for example, porcelain stoneware);
  • boiler installation. The equipment is installed on the podium and connected to pipelines, grounding is performed;
  • network connection. The boiler is supplied with supply voltage. The specialist checks the correct operation of automatic systems and main equipment components, carries out commissioning and launch in test mode;
  • owner instruction. We tell the user the basic rules for the safe operation of an electric boiler and show the heating system adjustments.

The work is extensive, but we will install the equipment in your home in a short time. To do this, we have proven schemes, professional tools and highly qualified craftsmen. To order the installation of an electric heating boiler in your home, leave a request on our website. We will call you, clarify the details you are interested in, and calculate the estimated cost of the service. We will discuss the exact conditions during an individual consultation.

What is a thermal accumulator?

At the request of the customer, we will calculate the heating in the project country house installation of a heat accumulator. It is a metal tank with a volume of several hundred liters. The thermal accumulator allows you to reduce electricity costs when using a double tariff. At night, when the reduced tariff is in effect, the boiler heats the water in the tank and stores it for the coming day. During the period of validity of the standard cost per kilowatt-hour, the equipment can be turned off or left to work only for heating the premises. The designer will calculate the volume of the heat accumulator that is optimal for your private home.

Installing a heating system powered by electricity is the best way in conditions where there are no gas lines and there is no possibility of installing solid fuel boilers, especially since the cost of heating a private house with an electric boiler is affordable to every homeowner.

The cost of installation of the system in a private residential property includes the following stages:

  1. installation of an electric boiler and heating system in compliance with all technical aspects;
  2. measures for connecting to the electrical network, performing grounding in accordance with safety precautions and fire safety standards specific to wooden houses;
  3. commissioning and commissioning of the device.

By contacting the VIP HEATING company by phone: +7 (495) 135‑00‑98, you can get competent advice and order a visit from our specialist to discuss the conditions under which the electric boiler will be installed. Call!

Gallery of installation works for electric boilers and boiler rooms

With the onset of cold weather, you really want your home to be warm and comfortable. Installing an electric boiler will help create such conditions. The modern market provides large number heating devices, so there should not be any difficulties with choosing a suitable unit. A problem may arise with the connection, so it is worth understanding the features and operating principles of the device.

Before installing the boiler, you need to study its specifics

Features and types

An electric boiler is part of the heating system, its main function is to heat the home and supply water. The main task of the device is to transform electrical energy into thermal energy. It should be noted right away that the usefulness coefficient of such a device is 96-99%, but gas and solid fuel boilers have a much lower rate, which does not exceed 80%.

All boilers powered by electricity can be divided into rheostat and shadow types. There are also electrode-type and direct-acting units. They work as follows: an electric current passes through water, releasing heat and heating it. The advantages include compactness and absolute safety. In addition, scale practically does not appear in them. The fact is that water molecules in these devices are split into ions.

Induction models are valued for their high efficiency, even though heating elements are not used. Despite the high cost, such units are extremely popular. This is due to their safety. The principle of operation is that the device is assembled from a special material, which, under the influence of current, begins to generate heat.

In this video you will learn how to install a boiler with your own hands:

Like everyone else heating devices Electric boilers installed in a private house have their pros and cons. The advantages of installing an electric boiler for heating a private home include the following:

  • no open flame;
  • easily regulates temperature;
  • does not leave combustion waste after work;
  • compactness;
  • high efficiency;
  • easy to install;
  • does not require a chimney or ventilation system;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • safe.

All these qualities provide the heating unit with a long service life. Naturally, if you comply with all requirements for care and installation. The main disadvantage is the high price, which not everyone can afford. And the installation of such units, for example, in country houses It's just not practical.

In addition, the devices stop working if there are power outages. In addition, an electric heating device provokes the formation of scale, and this, in turn, significantly increases energy consumption.

When installing an electric boiler with your own hands, you need to take care of high-quality thermal insulation. In this case, heat will not be wasted, which means you can save on electricity bills.

Safety rules

Before proceeding with installation, you must familiarize yourself with the safety rules. Before connecting the electric boiler to the heating system, you must turn off the power supply; only in such conditions can you proceed with installation.

Do not forget about safety rules when installing the boiler

In addition, the following must be observed:

  • Boilers should not be installed near a water supply or other sources of water;
  • during installation work It is strictly forbidden to use locking reinforcing bars;
  • the boiler unit requires grounding;
  • before installing the device you need to obtain permission from a special service;
  • in case of repairs, contact only specialists;
  • use an electrical cable that matches the power of the boiler;
  • the device is placed at a distance specified in the instructions;
  • the mounting wall must be made of non-combustible material.

After the heating radiator is put in place, you need to make sure that all requirements and conditions are met. The device must operate correctly and uninterruptedly in all modes.

Power calculation

Before purchasing an electric boiler, you need to determine the power required to heat your home. In this case, you need to take into account the difference in temperature outside and in the house, the number of windows and the condition in which the windows, doors and floors are located. The power of such devices can vary from 2 to 60 kW.

To calculate the required power, you can use the simple formula F = S × F 1/10, where:

  • F - device power;
  • S - total area of ​​the room;
  • F 1 - specific power per 10 m².

There are many factors to consider before self-installation heater

In addition to the basic calculation, there are a number of conditions that affect indoor heating. When starting to install a heating boiler yourself, The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • quality of thermal insulation material;
  • number of rooms in the house;
  • number and size of windows;
  • the presence of a basement and attic in the home;
  • number of floors;
  • climatic features of the area;
  • is there ventilation;
  • Is the roof insulated?

Since such a calculation is quite difficult to make, especially for an inexperienced master, it is better to seek help from specialists. Although if the housing has an area of ​​less than 150 m², then you can use the formula by adding 1.5 kW - this figure will be the minimum power of the electric boiler.

Step by step installation

Heating boilers powered by electricity are easy to connect. But first you need to figure out the method of fastening; there are two types:

  • wall;
  • floor.

The connection diagram of an electric boiler to the heating system for both types has the same principle. The only difference is that one is attached to the wall and the other to the floor. First you need to prepare the tools and required material which will be needed during operation:

  • impact drill;
  • building level;
  • electrical cable;
  • fasteners;
  • profile for fastening and mounting strip;
  • locksmith's keys;
  • metal-plastic pipes;
  • user manual and diagram.

You will need at least an impact drill

Installing an electric boiler in a private house begins with markings. To do this, use a level to mark the location of the device. It is best to install it away from the water supply system.

Then all actions are performed strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Using a hammer drill, drill the required number of holes. But you should first make sure that the wall can support the weight of the heating device.
  2. Attach the fastening profile and install the bar.
  3. Using a level, measure how level the fasteners are.
  4. At the next stage, the boiler is secured with dowels. If the device is of a floor type, then special metal stands are first mounted to the floor.
  5. Now proceed to grounding; if you neglect this point, the operation of the device will become unsafe. First you need to make a center, that is, connect several metal pins with reinforcement, and then bury these rods into the ground.
  6. After connecting the device to a separate circuit breaker, you need to connect the neutral wire to these metal rods; all excess overvoltage will go into the ground.

After all the steps taken, you need to calculate the cable cross-section: the higher the power, the larger the cross-section. Now this wire is led to the boiler, where the machine is installed protective shutdown. But from the sensors that regulate the temperature, separate electrical cables are pulled.

If the boiler is not equipped with a pump and expansion tank, then install it yourself. This can be done using fasteners and an electric drill. Both devices are connected to the main device with metal-plastic pipes and secured side by side. It is best to remove all wiring into cable channels, and then install a protective casing.

To connect the heating boiler to the heating system, you need to turn off the water in the house. And then, using a flange and coupling, attach the device to the pipeline. It remains to check the electric boiler for functionality.