Options for heaters and lamps for heating birds. Heating devices for heating chickens in poultry houses Heating broilers with an infrared lamp

Raising chickens at home is a painstaking but worthwhile process. However, it is not always possible to hatch chickens using a hen. Increasingly, poultry farmers are resorting to using an incubator, and after the birds are born, it becomes necessary to choose the right conditions for their life. Birds are susceptible to environmental climatic conditions, so in order for them to develop normally, strict adherence to the rules for heating the brooder or the room in which they are located is required.

You will learn about which lamps to use to ensure favorable climatic conditions for chickens from this article. We will also tell you how to install correctly different types lamps, and how they differ from each other, so that you can choose the most suitable option for you.

Requirements for regimes for keeping chickens

It is very important to maintain light and temperature conditions in the first month of a chicken’s life. The devices used by experienced poultry keepers are often multifunctional: they provide light to the chicks and at the same time keep them warm.

In the first five days of life, the chicks must maintain a temperature of 30 °C. You can monitor the indicators to remain stable using a screen located slightly above the level of the brooder litter.
On the sixth day of life of the chicks, you can reduce the air temperature by one degree. Over the next four days, it is also necessary to gradually reduce the temperature so that on the tenth day of life the chicks feel well at a temperature of +26 °C.

After this, the temperature decreases weekly by 3-4 °C. During this period, it is important to observe the behavior of the chickens: they should not overheat or become hypothermic. Both of these conditions negatively affect the development of chickens, weaken their immunity, and in some cases even lead to death.

On the 30th day of life, chickens should get used to the decrease in temperature and feel comfortable at an ambient temperature of +18 °C. From this moment on, the decrease in temperature must be stopped and the indicator must be maintained at +18 ° C - deviations of these indicators towards a colder climate are harmful to small birds.

Important! After the chicks hatch, it is important to ensure that the air temperature remains stable over the next five days, without rising or falling. The minimum temperature during this period is +29°C. Otherwise, the chicks may not become strong enough and develop more slowly.

Humidity levels also need to be monitored. The brooder or space in which the chicks live should be ventilated, but not create drafts. Humidity levels should range from 60 to 70%. Deviations from these indicators in the early stages of chick life can have a negative impact on their further development.

Another factor that directly affects the development of chicks is lighting. By using lighting device chickens will learn to navigate in space and will be able to independently obtain food and water from feeders and drinkers.

Availability of permanent lighting fixture prevents the occurrence of stress in feathered babies, and vaccination under lighting will be much easier and calmer.

Also, long daylight hours will negatively affect the formation of immunity in chicks. At night, the formation of bone tissue in small birds is activated, and calcium metabolism in the body also changes. These two points are necessary for chickens to form a strong immune system.
By reducing daylight hours for chicks, you can stimulate their active growth. To do this, you just need to reduce the daylight hours by half an hour weekly.

Reducing daylight hours for chickens leads to a slowdown in the process of puberty in birds, so some poultry farmers prefer to refuse such changes in the daily routine of birds.

However, we assure you that there is nothing wrong with this: the chickens will not mature so quickly, but they will all have excellent health, and the grown-up chickens will subsequently be able to delight you with large eggs with stronger shells.

In order not to leave the light always on and to regulate the daily routine of your feathered babies, you can select the lighting mode on any of the lamps. There is a mode in which there will be only one pause so that the chickens can sleep. There are also those where there are two or three pauses. You choose the mode yourself, depending on your needs.

Important! Under no circumstances should you leave the light on at all times. Long daylight hours will cause exhaustion of the chickens' body and nervous system, they will become more aggressive and may begin to peck each other. Sometimes such aggression of chicks leads to death.

Heating lamps

Often, poultry farmers use brooders with heated floors to heat newborn chicks - this guarantees uniform heating of the chicks’ home, but the cost of such a heater is quite high. There is an option that is no less effective, but more economical and affordable.
As you already know, devices for lighting the home of chickens often also have a heating function. This device is called a heat lamp. There are several varieties of them, each with advantages and disadvantages.

So that you can choose a lamp according to your wishes and needs, we will tell you in more detail about the most common types of heating lamps and their features. It is noteworthy that you can install these heating lamps with your own hands, without the help of specialists.

Did you know? Sometimes, to maintain the microclimate in the brooder, poultry farmers use heating pads wrapped in cotton wool and soft cloth to protect the chicks from burns.


This option is the most famous and widely used by poultry farmers. When installing such a lamp, you need to know several rules so that it is as safe as possible for the chicks. So:

  1. The red lamp must be placed at least 40 cm from the brooder floor.
  2. There should be no flammable objects nearby.
  3. Feathered babies should not be able to reach the heating device; they may get burned.

To make an infrared lamp yourself, you only need a bulb covered with a red film. With the help of such a coating, electricity is converted into infrared radiation, which is considered one of the safest for birds.

Important! It is advisable to place at least two lamps in the brooder. If one of them burns out, the chickens will not be completely deprived of heating and will be able to crowd around the working device. It is especially important to use several lamps when you do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to your feathered babies.

There is also a red ceramic lamp. Its peculiarity is that it has a more durable design and high level resistance to external influences.

  • Advantages of red lamps:
    • emit heat waves better than others;
    • energy saving;
    • reliability of the design;
    • warranty period of 5 thousand hours;
    • have high power;
    • good perception of light particles by chicks;
    • the ability to use the lamp from the first days of the chicks’ life;
    • improve the appetite of chicks and have a positive effect on their absorption of food;
    • dry the litter;
    • have a positive effect on work immune system chickens;
    • help maintain a normal level of humidity in the brooder - excess moisture in the air evaporates when heated.

  • Disadvantages of red lamps:
    • the need for additional protection of the lamp - from moisture, chickens, physical damage;
    • a ceramic lamp requires special sockets;
    • unsafe for chicks in the absence of the necessary lamp protection.

Did you know? During the period when it is necessary to lower the ambient temperature, it is enough to raise the lamp higher. It is advisable to raise the device from the second or third week of life of the chicks to a height of about 70 cm.


This type of heating device is used much less frequently, especially for heating small chickens. Such lamps have their advantages, but they do not always justify the negative impact of the lamp on chicks.

  • Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps:
    • high frequency flickering, causing irritation and an aggressive reaction in feathered babies;
    • intolerance of light particles by chicks provokes the formation of an unpleasant odor on the litter - in places where the chicks hide from the light of the lamp.


This type of heat lamp is preferred by farmers whose farms have a large number of chicks, and there are objective reasons for this.

  • To the advantages LED lamps include:
    • economical consumption of electricity;
    • normal perception of light by chicks;
    • no toxicity;
    • long warranty period;
    • light level control function;
    • regulation of chicken habits by changing the emitted spectrum.
  • The disadvantage of LED lamps is:
    • high cost.


This type of heating device is quite widespread and many poultry farmers note its positive effect on chicks.

The advantages of combined lamps include:

  • the presence of a red film, which makes the radiation infrared;
  • radiation ultraviolet rays, promoting disinfection of air and litter;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system of feathered babies;
  • stimulation of normal development of internal organs of chickens.

The disadvantages of combined lamps include:
  • it is impossible to use this type of heating if there are adults in the room with the chickens.

Chicken behavior

To understand how comfortable the chicks are at the temperature you set, it is not at all necessary to use mass measuring instruments or check readings hourly. First of all, you should pay attention to how the chickens behave.

Under different temperature conditions, their habits may differ. Below you will learn about what behavior signals an excessively warm or, on the contrary, cool climate in a brooder or poultry house, if the chicks have grown up.

With normal heating

If the temperature conditions are met correctly, the chickens lead an active lifestyle. They run around the room and interact with other chicks. In such conditions, the appetite of feathered babies is normal, water consumption is moderate.
The chicks are seated evenly across the brooder area, without creating crowds or moving a long distance from each other. IN favorable conditions The chicks make a contented squeak.

When it's too hot

Sometimes poultry houses, trying to create the warmest living conditions for chickens, set the temperature too high, which negatively affects the health of the chicks. They feel thirsty and drink water large quantities, open their beaks.

Also, at high temperatures, chickens begin to bristle their feathers. When the air temperature is too high, the chicks try to keep a distance from each other to ensure air access to the plumage and cool down a little.

Other signs of overheating may include chicks' heads lowered to the floor and heavy breathing; for the same reason, feathered babies behave quieter than usual. If you notice this behavior in small birds, you will need to lower the heater temperature to prevent the chicks from suffering from overheating.

Did you know? Sometimes chickens create a crowd in one place not because of the cold. This means that they are not comfortable in the brooder. The reasons for this may be the presence of a draft, too noisy surroundings or light that spreads unevenly throughout the house.

When it's too cold

The decrease in temperature should always occur gradually. During this period, you need to especially carefully monitor the behavior of feathered babies. Low temperature conditions make the chicks freeze, and to keep warm, they gather in groups and thus begin to warm each other.

If you notice that the chicks are crowded in one place and are pressed against each other, then it makes sense to raise the temperature by a few degrees.
Now you know what climatic conditions are necessary for feathered babies and with the help of what devices you can ensure stable heating of the brooder.

Regardless of the option you choose, remember the safety of the chickens: take care of their health so that the hatched offspring will delight you with their productive qualities.

Raising chickens is a complex process. If there is a hen who is constantly with the chicks, this issue is greatly simplified, since the hen herself creates the necessary temperature regime for the chicks and ensures their full development. But what to do when the chicks hatch in the incubator? In this case, it is necessary to artificially create necessary conditions for their growth and development. And the most important thing in this process is to ensure that the brooder is heated for the chicks.

To raise chickens after the incubator, it is very important to maintain temperature and light conditions. Most often, devices for heating chickens combine both of these functions.

During the first days of the chicks' life, the chick brooder should maintain a temperature of 30 degrees. It is important that during the first five days of life there are no jumps and the temperature does not fall below 29. You need to monitor the temperature using a thermometer located slightly higher than the mat with bedding.

Starting from the sixth day, you can gradually cool the room. You can reduce the heating by one degree per day so that on the tenth day the chicken brooder is heated to at least 26 degrees.

For the next twenty days of the chicks’ life, the temperature should be gradually lowered by 3-4 degrees per week, so that by the first month the babies feel comfortable in a temperature of 18 degrees. The chicks are not yet ready for lower temperatures, so heating the chicks should continue.

Advice! When raising small chickens at home, it is very important to monitor the temperature and their behavior. For small birds, not only low temperatures are detrimental, but also too high. Therefore, when trying to warm them, it is important not to overdo it.

You can monitor how well the heating is provided by the behavior of each chicken. If the ambient temperature is normal, the chick will run around and interact with others. There will be activity in the brooder. If the temperature of the surrounding space is lower than necessary, the chicks will huddle in groups and try to warm each other. If you notice children huddled together, you need to urgently increase the heating intensity. Excess heat is also bad for the chicken. If the chick puffs up its feathers, opens its beak, and often and greedily drinks water, then you need to remove the device for heating the chicks to reduce the temperature in the brooder.

In addition, it is worth remembering that if you use one device for heating, the room will warm up unevenly and the far corner will be cold. Therefore, it is better to buy two heating lamps and distribute them on different sides. In addition to better heating, this will help avoid sad consequences if one of the lamps suddenly burns out.

In addition to lamps, you can make your own chicken heaters. Heating for chickens can be provided by heating pads filled with hot water or plastic bottles. It is important to wrap them with cotton wool and soft cloth so that the chicks do not get burned.

In addition to heating, it is equally important to organize proper lighting for the chicks. Just like lowering the temperature, chickens are introduced to ten hours of daylight gradually until they are at least two months old.

Heating lamps

To maintain good thermal conditions and maintain the desired temperature, several types of lamps are used. Each of them has both positive characteristics and negative points. Which type is better? Which bulb should I use to provide optimal heat for my chicks? Each breeder decides this question individually based on his preferences. Let's look at each type of lamp in more detail.

Fluorescent lamps

This type of lamp is one of the cheapest. They have a very low level of energy consumption and will help you save on electricity. But their use for heating chicks is not always justified.

A characteristic feature of lamps of this type is a high flicker frequency. This is invisible to the human eye, but the chicks react much more sharply. The flickering irritates them, they become nervous and most often go to those places where the intense flickering is not so noticeable. Due to this, the rug in those places becomes damp and begins to emit an unpleasant odor.

LED lamps

Continuing to list the options, it’s worth moving on to this type of lamp; most often it is used to heat the poultry house. They also tend to save energy. But unlike the previous type, they do not flicker. In addition, they have a large list positive qualities:

  • long operation;
  • it is possible to adjust the light level;
  • non-toxic;
  • allows you to regulate the behavior of chickens by emitting light from different parts of the spectrum.

Due to the large list of positive aspects, this type of lamp is repelled by its high price, therefore, as already mentioned, only a large poultry house can afford them.

Combination lamps

This type of lamp is most useful when raising chickens. In addition to the fact that they have an infrared film, they also emit ultraviolet radiation. And it is known to have good disinfectant properties. It kills pathogenic bacteria in the air and disinfects the rug. And has a positive effect on nervous system chicks, and also stimulate the development of vital organs.

Infrared lamps

Most often used infrared lamp for heating chickens. This is due to the fact that this type of lamp emits heat best, while also taking care of energy saving. They make the best heaters, but keep the safety of the chicks in mind. It is necessary to protect the lamp from flammable substances, and also place it in a place inaccessible to chicks.

A red lamp for heating chickens can be made independently; for this, they use not white flasks, but ones covered with red film. They convert electricity into infrared radiation, while ensuring maximum safety. It is better to place such lamps 30 centimeters from the floor on which the rug is located.

A ceramic lamp with infrared radiation will be an excellent heating solution. They are more durable and resistant to various negative environmental influences. But it is worth remembering that they require a special type of cartridge.

To reduce the intensity of heating as the chicks grow, the heaters should be moved further away. And as a precaution, two heating sources should be used. This will help preserve offspring in the event that one of the lamps suddenly burns out or is damaged. It is especially unpleasant when this happens when there is no person nearby. With a second lamp, the chicks will simply huddle under the second heat source rather than die from hypothermia.

Rooms for chicks

In addition to the heating itself, the very room in which they are kept has a significant influence on the growth and development of the chicks. The chick brooder must be well prepared so that day-old chicks that require special care can be placed there immediately. After three weeks of life, the chicks should be placed in a brooder with feeding trays around the perimeter.

It is not so difficult to build an aviary for chickens with your own hands. The main thing is to maintain the dimensions and provide it with heating. As a rule, the enclosure has the following parameters: length and width 70 by 50, height 40 centimeters. The side rails are best made of plywood, and the floor is made of roofing iron. It is important to remember that in the first days of life, the bottom of the brooder should be insulated with newspapers and soft cloth so that there is no air from below and the chicks are comfortable.

Here are the main requirements for housing for chicks in the first weeks of life:

  • a dry and non-slip floor, for this purpose it is laid under the fabric with newspaper that absorbs moisture;
  • if possible, it is better to organize a container below for waste and excrement;
  • good ventilation, but no drafts;
  • maintaining moderate humidity;
  • desired temperature;
  • lack of access for chicks to a heat source.

It is important to note that the size of the structure is primarily determined by the number of chicks that will be contained in it. The previously indicated dimensions of the enclosure are designed for approximately 40-50 chickens; if a larger number of chicks is planned, then it is worth expanding the room or building another additional brooder. Savvy poultry farmers make aviaries from old bedside tables and mezzanines.

The first days of a chick's life are the most important. The further viability and development of young chickens depends on their organization. Proper heating and light conditions, especially in the first five days of life, give rise to everything else, and if in natural conditions While a hen provides this, hatchery chicks need special care and are more picky.

We must not forget that in addition to heating, chicks also need sunlight and walks in the fresh air. Before you start keeping young chickens in the barn, they need to be prepared for environment. Short walks are great for this. In addition, walks contribute to the accumulation of vitamin D and better development of chicks.

No matter what you say, chickens, especially when it comes to day-old and week-old chicks, need careful care. It is absolutely necessary to provide optimal conditions for their life. Heating for chickens is the first thing you should take care of. Among all heaters, only infrared lamps perform a dual function: heating the air and illuminating the box.

When chickens have hatched from a home incubator, it is very important to provide high-quality care for them at first. The young animals turn out to be generally unadapted to external factors, sudden changes in temperature or humidity. That is why you should adhere to clear recommendations from specialists, otherwise any minor mistake can lead to undesirable consequences.

The temperature during the first five days after hatching the chicks should be around +28…+30 °C. Whatever heating device you decide to purchase after the incubator, it is advisable to constantly monitor the temperature, which means that you cannot do without a thermometer.

Over the next five days, it is recommended to gradually reduce the set values, since by the tenth day of keeping the chickens, the temperature in the brooder should be no more than +26 °C. In the future, follow the approximate pattern: over the course of several months, temperatures should drop by 3-4 degrees weekly.

Remember that it is recommended to pay attention not only to the thermometer data, but also to the condition of the chicks: if the temperature for them is not optimal, this will be noticeable by the activity of the chicks. The temperature regime is set incorrectly if the following picture is observed:

  • chicks are constantly in groups and move very little - this means that they simply freeze;
  • The chickens' down and wings are puffy, they drink a lot of water and try to stay away from each other - it is better to slightly lower the temperature in the device.

Whatever chick lamp is installed in the brooder or cardboard box, try to stick to the golden mean when heating them. Chicks suffer equally from both hypothermia and excessively high temperatures; they become weak and become easy prey for viral infections.

What kind of lighting should there be?

Organizing proper lighting in a mini-chicken coop is no less important than a device for heating chickens. Having an optimal light source will help day-old chicks find their way around a new place, as well as find food and water. Many experts are convinced that with proper lighting in the brooder, the chicks are much less likely to peck at each other. It is also necessary to ensure that all manipulations are carried out without unnecessary stress for the young animals; even vaccination will take place more calmly in such conditions.

Whatever lamp you choose to install in a box for small chicks, the device must be illuminated according to a specific program, which you have the right to modify yourself. The system can be continuous (that is, only one phase of darkness is allowed) or intermittent (with several pauses during the lighting process). Remember: you cannot leave the light on in the brooder all the time, as this will only harm the birds. The thing is that at night, week-old and month-old chicks begin to actively develop bone tissue, and calcium metabolism also changes. That is, the immune system of young animals is noticeably strengthened.

Proper heating of the mini-chicken coop is not the only point that requires increased attention. Just as you will reduce the temperature in the process of raising small chickens, a similar situation should develop with the duration of lighting.

Domestic farmers, even those who breed birds at home, know for sure that by reducing daylight hours by 30 minutes every week you significantly stimulate the growth of chicks. Of course, it is believed that with this approach the intensity of puberty of future hens and roosters slows down somewhat, but in return you will get strong chicks whose molting period will end by the time the first egg is laid. This way you will get large eggs that have a fairly hard shell.

How much power a lamp needs to constantly heat and illuminate the chickens depends on the variety you keep in the brooder and some other factors.

Heating systems

Surely you have heard that modern farmers use not only the common infrared lamp to heat chickens. You can also heat the device in which you initially raise chicks using the following devices:

  • luminescent apparatus. Such lamps are valued due to their efficiency. However, this is not an optimal option for the birds themselves, since a flickering light source only irritates them;
  • LED Among the key advantages of this heating system are not only efficiency, but also long term operation, as well as prolonged flickering. However, such a device is not cheap, be prepared for it;
  • infrared. The power of such ultraviolet lamps is not bad, but at the same time they are economical and not too expensive.

Heating a chicken coop in winter is one of the main problems of people involved in agriculture. Without the proper amount of heat, a population of newly hatched chickens risks freezing and dying. Birds need comfortable conditions, and this problem needs to be solved somehow. A device for heating chickens must be efficient, economical and safe so as not to burn utility room. Our review will tell you how to heat a bird in a chicken coop.

Lack of heat

A person can always protect himself from the cold - just light a fire, turn on the heating or put on warm clothes. Newly hatched chicks have virtually no protection as their plumage prevents them from keeping warm. Moreover, from winter cold Even an adult bird suffers, which leads to serious consequences:

  • Immunity decreases - the bird becomes susceptible to infectious diseases;
  • Activity decreases - the livestock becomes lethargic and lifeless;
  • Egg production decreases - the number of eggs decreases by two or more times.

There is nothing good about hypothermia. And the chicks may even die if they don’t have enough warmth. If an infection appears in the poultry house, it can spread to the entire population.

Lack of heating leads to a slowdown in the rate of development of chickens. Feeling uncomfortable and lacking warmth, they will get sick and their growth will slow down, even if there is plenty of food. If a normal source of life-giving heat is installed in the poultry house, the livestock will feel more comfortable.

Main heat sources

When thinking about heating for chickens, you can use the following equipment:

  • Electric convectors – reliable and economical heaters;
  • Heat guns are noisy, but they allow you to quickly reach the set temperature;
  • Wood and coal stoves are not very convenient, but they are inexpensive sources of heat;
  • Infrared lamps are the simplest and most popular heat sources among poultry farmers;
  • Ceiling and wall-mounted IR heaters are modern devices for heating chickens.

Let's look at these devices in more detail, examining the pros and cons.

Electric convectors will be excellent devices for heating chickens in a chicken coop. They are built on the basis of simple heating elements that warm the air and create convection in the room. These devices do not require much effort to warm up the chicken coop to the desired temperature. To control the temperature regime, thermostats are located on board the convectors.

To heat chickens using convectors, it is recommended to carry out comprehensive insulation of the poultry house. Install normal doors here, insert double windows or cover single ones with plastic film, and work on insulating the ceiling. It is clear that heaters will be able to warm up an uninsulated room, but in this case you will have to put up with high heating costs - electric heating devices consume an impressive amount of electricity.

Convectors cannot be called the most optimal heat sources, since their use leads to high electricity consumption. Plus they are slow.

These noisy devices allow the chicks to quickly reach a comfortable temperature. Being equipped with powerful heating elements and efficient fans, they fill the rooms with heat in a matter of minutes. To avoid overheating the chicken coop, we recommend using a heat gun with a built-in thermostat. 15-20 minutes from the moment of switching on - and the house becomes warm and comfortable, the chickens will be happy with such heating.

Fan heaters are compact and relatively safe, but they have one big drawback - the vast majority of models are equipped with open heating elements that burn oxygen. They also burn small dust particles, which causes an unpleasant odor. It is also not recommended to leave such heating devices unattended. To control the temperature, do not forget to hang a thermometer in the chicken coop - you do not need to overheat the atmosphere in the room.

To heat chickens, you can use both floor-mounted and wall-mounted types of fan heaters and heat guns.

Wood and coal stoves

If there is a large supply of firewood and coal (for example, they are used to heat a house), then they will become an inexpensive source of thermal energy for heating chickens. To do this, you will have to buy or make your own small stove equipped with a chimney. We have already written more than once in our reviews about how to assemble such stoves with your own hands; look for information on our website.

A device such as a wood-burning (coal) stove has several disadvantages:

  • It is easy to overheat the room - it is necessary to regulate the intensity of combustion or limit the addition of fuel to the firebox;
  • You will need a large supply of fuel for the entire period while the cold weather persists;
  • Fussing with firewood - you will have to constantly monitor the temperature and throw new portions of logs into the firebox.

There are also advantages:

  • Firewood and coal can be obtained for free - in this case you will provide heating for the chickens with minimal cash costs;
  • Possibility of heating a chicken coop from several rooms - for this you can build a simple water heating or build/purchase a powerful stove;
  • The absence of electricity costs is an important advantage of solid fuel devices.

If you are willing to endure the shortcomings, feel free to choose solid fuel stoves to heat your chickens.

IR heaters

Ceiling and wall IR heaters are simple heating devices that operate using infrared radiation. IR rays, reaching surrounding objects, cause them to heat up. The same thing happens with living tissues - they feel comfortable warmth. A device for heating chickens in the form of an IR heater saves energy and creates cozy living conditions for poultry.

IR heaters for heating chickens are located at a distance of at least a meter from the cages. If the ceilings in the poultry house are low, we recommend choosing wall model– no need to allow overheating. You will also need a built-in or remote thermostat to ensure that comfortable temperature. By the way, the optimal temperature in the chicken coop is about +15-16 degrees Celsius.

IR lamps

An infrared lamp for heating chickens is one of the most popular sources of thermal energy. Here are its advantages:

  • The light bulb can be easily moved from place to place;
  • Minimum electricity consumption – lamp power is 100-250 W;
  • The heat is not wasted, but warms up the areas where the chickens huddle;
  • Easy to install - just screw the light bulb into the socket and hang it in the cage;
  • Fire safety - IR lamps do not require supervision.

These lamp-shaped devices create optimal conditions not only for chickens, but also for laying hens sitting on eggs.


Thus, the most optimal device for heating chickens is an infrared lamp. During the period of bitter cold, many poultry farmers and farmers prefer it. IR lamps are used in zoos and menageries to warm newly born animals. They do not overheat cages and birds, do not harm the health of living organisms, and create a soft and comfortable atmosphere. In addition, infrared bulbs illuminate poultry houses with a cozy reddish light.

Remember to rely on various devices It’s not worth it - be sure to think about insulating the poultry house. IN winter time years, sprinkle hay on the floor to protect chicks and adult chickens from the cold coming from underground. This is the only way you can protect your livestock from frost and preserve the bird’s egg production.
