What kind of wallpaper is fashionable for the living room. Wallpaper design for the living room. If the furniture in the living room is two-color

Wallpaper is perhaps one of the most affordable materials for decorating the walls of rooms in an apartment or house. Thanks to the variety of types, designs, colors and textures, you can always choose the option that is most suitable for the chosen style of room decoration.

The living room is the place where all family members most often gather, therefore, when planning to decorate this room, it is necessary to think through the design so that all residents feel comfortable in the created environment. And the question of how to choose wallpaper for a living room is not as simple as it might seem at first, especially if this room also performs other functions, which is not uncommon in the cramped conditions of modern city apartments.

Sometimes creating a stylish entryway is all about choosing some seating options. This isn't much of an issue if you have a large, airy foyer—a bulky accent chair with a vintage frame or a fabulous chaise will make a conversation piece. However, not everyone is so lucky. When designing a smaller hallway, you'll need to be a little more creative and find a way to add space that doesn't overwhelm the space. This could be an acrylic chair, a lounge tree that comes with a seat, a narrow bench with cubes for storing shoes, a sleek empty mascara or a small ottoman that can be tucked under a table.

When determining the criteria for choosing the design of the walls of the living room, you should take into account some factors that will allow the material to harmoniously fit into the style of the interior, and at the same time create a favorable atmosphere in the room.

  • The first thing to consider when choosing the type of wallpaper is its “cleanliness” from an environmental point of view and, to a certain extent, safety, both for residents and for the wall structure. That is, the material must be “breathable”, not conducive to waterlogging of the walls, and not emitting environment toxic fumes, and also does not attract dust to its surface.
  • The second thing people usually pay attention to is appearance wallpaper This item can include such qualities as color shades, ornamental patterns, and, of course, the general design style.
  • The third thing to consider is the difficulty of gluing canvases to the wall. This may include such points as the selection of a pattern and the method of gluing a particular type of wallpaper - end-to-end or overlapping. The adjustment of the pattern significantly complicates gluing, especially when it has a fairly large step. In addition, working with some types of canvases is the domain of professionals and does not tolerate an amateurish approach. This factor must be taken into account if finishing work planned to be carried out independently.

Main types of wallpaper

Wallpaper is divided into many varieties according to the material of manufacture, surface texture, number of layers, strength and moisture resistance. To figure out which option to choose, it’s worth taking a closer look at the specific characteristics of the various types.

If possible, choose seating options that can double as storage. Even small pieces of furniture that may be moderate in size can make it difficult to feel space. Acrylic furniture is a great option if your hallway is quite cramped, but you want a place to throw your keys or a chair to put your shoes on. Transparent furniture elements blend easily into the interior and look as if they are not there at all, so they do not become a visual block.

At the same time, they stand out enough to create a powerful style statement and instantly transition into any decorating scheme. First of all, it can be used to store seasonal coats and shoes that cannot be packed down. But it can also be a strong design element. Keeping planting planted will draw attention away from a small or unattractive entryway. Some of the best ways do this by installing floor-to-ceiling shelving, hanging an eye-catching large piece of art, or creating a cozy reading nook where you can curl up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate.

Not so long ago, only paper wallpaper could be found in stores, and even then they were considered in short supply. Today, the range of this material is so wide that it can even be difficult to decide on their choice. Improved paper, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, metal and liquid wallpapers are on sale. In addition, this finishing material is made from natural materials - various textiles, bamboo, cork.

Exterior of a limestone mansion near Doncaster which covers over an acre of land Credit: Tobias Harvey. Coming out of Doncaster onto York Road, passing through a city spread that has improved, the paths and streets are bleak with boarded up shops. From the other side of the A1 the stunning view of Brodsworth Hall suddenly appears. It's a shock: a huge ported mansion just a few miles from the drooping edge of Doncaster. It's like a painting Buckingham Palace on an incredibly green hill; something too big and too completely in the wrong place to be real.

According to their structural structure, wallpapers are divided into single- and double-layer (respectively, they are called “simplex” and “duplex”). Two-layer options consist of a base-substrate and a decorative outer layer applied to it. IN various types The wallpaper backing can be made of a more durable material, or the same as the decorative coating.

Wallpaper as a background for dark furniture

Turning to the sweeping of the disc, you realize that here it is completely exposed, as if the house was built for only one purpose: to be seen. There is no wisteria in front, no tender planting, no resilience of hopeful trees or place to sit. Just the sheer rigidity of a ton of limestone proclaiming: great.

Video: features of choosing wallpaper for the living room

The front door fails - it swells or contracts in the weather, so we go through the back door straight into the servants' block. A dense wave of something is engulfing us: a century and a half of lamb and mince, gun oil and silver polish, that fell into the fabric of this place and was forgotten. We hand over the butler's pantry: You'll have to forgive the gloom, says Caroline Carr-Whitworth, all but two of the 23 on the ground floor are broken.

The table below will help you understand what types of wallpaper are available and what characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing.

Wallpaper materialStructure of the canvasesNumber of layersStrengthMoisture resistance
Papersmooth and embossedsingle-layer and double-layerfragilenon-moisture resistant
Vinylembossed, embosseddouble-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Non-wovensmooth, embossedsingle-layer and double-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Textilesmall-reliefdouble-layerdurablenon-moisture resistant
Metalembosseddouble-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Fiberglasssmall-reliefsingle-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Bambooembosseddouble-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Corksmooth, finely texturedsingle-layerdurablemoisture resistant

To determine the desired finishing option, it is worth finding out more detailed information about each of the named types of this material.

We go straight up the servants' stairs and down a long passage in the darkness, past rows of bedrooms, some opening to reveal a jumble of objects left: stairs, chairs, pots and iron beds, as well as a strange taxidermy creature leaning against a cold wall, dripping wallpaper. Three women - volunteers - lay on the door in a whisper. They don't watch us pass - they could be servants discussing home business. We make our way to the last room. This would have been a bedroom for perhaps two maids.

This is where the Anglican Heritage has its offices. We know our place,” Carr-Whitworth says sadly. They have been the bane of our lives since we took over. The Legacy took two years to complete following the death of the last resident, Sylvia Grant-Dalton. Her daughter Pamela "couldn't wait to get rid of it," Carr-Whitworth continues. “There was no way to live here.” The history of this house is that of a family that went from boom to bust in three generations. For unknown reasons, he bound his will for two generations.

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are “champions” in terms of the length of the history of their use. They are distinguished by their rather wide versatility, and are not suitable only for rooms with high humidity, as they will begin to warp from dampness.

Modern paper webs differ significantly from those that were produced previously, as they have undergone numerous modifications. Therefore, they are popular and in demand no less than other types, due to their low price, environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance.

First of all, he did this by tearing down the existing colossal pile that sat on the church, to build this new one on the top of the hill, away from the village and vice versa, to the south and towards the queen and London. It took him only three years to build and complete the whole place. To the south he planted 15 acres of gardens, including chives and follies.

Wallpaper for the hall in the "Khrushchev"

Set in the great south hall and the north hall, they are mostly pubescent girls exposing one breast while they engage in virtuous Victorian games: education; piety; loyalty. The house was built to accommodate more servants than family, and it is a mystery of hidden openings and narrow arteries leading directly from kitchens and pans to pantries and cellars, providing constant and efficient service to the house's occupants.

By the way, it should be rightly noted that if the walls under paper wallpaper are well leveled, then such a finish will look no less impressive than more expensive options.

Paper wallpaper can be glued end-to-end or overlapping - the canvases have special edges for this.

The disadvantages of this type of wallpaper include such negative qualities of the material as low resistance to excess moisture, ultraviolet rays and abrasion. Therefore, if you plan to use paper sheets to decorate the living room, then it is best to combine them with other, more durable materials that cover the lower, most vulnerable area of ​​the walls.

As subsequent family members inherited the house, he became an albatross, collecting money that simply wasn't there. The rooms were abandoned, and later all the wings: first the servants' quarters, then the kitchens and the children's wing. By this time money was very tight, and as the house closed around her, Grant-Dalton lived in just three rooms. A slightly - and somewhat bitter - tweed-clad old lady holding the place: when she needed curtains for the bedroom, she scoured the exquisite living room for silk velvets.

She split the dumplings, recalled the calico again, gave everything she could. When a friend got married, she would say, looking back at Victoriana's treasury: “Choose whatever you want.” She gave away beds, dinner sets, chairs - she even tried to give TV presenter Lucinda Lambton one of the smaller marble statues. The only reason Lambton reportedly did not do this was because she was too heavy to lift.

Paper sheets are quite difficult to glue, as they actively absorb glue, so the work must be done fairly quickly.

To design paper canvases, manufacturers use a wide range of shades and patterns, which are quite capable of decorating even the most sophisticated interior. To make sure that such wallpaper will look great on a flat wall, you can refer to the illustrations that show interiors decorated with this material.

When the blinds needed repairs, Grant-Dalton called local funeral director Mr Hickling. When the leather back door dining chairs needed repair, she called Mr. Hicklin. And when the priceless silk on the walls of the living room, disappeared for 120 years sunlight, turned to dust, she brought Mr. Hickling again to select and match the exquisite geranium silk and pat it on the wall. “I shudder to think about it,” Carr-Whitworth says, turning away from the offending panel. “It’s bound to be glue and all sorts of things.”

This version of the interior solution is made in soothing colors. The walls are covered with paper wallpaper in delicate gray-silver tones, which makes the room lighter and visually expands its space. It is pleasant to spend time in such a living room, as such shades contribute to resting the eyes and overall relaxation.

However, this option is not suitable if there are small children in the family, since you need to remember that paper wallpaper cannot be cleaned, and as you know, kids often like to draw on the walls or can accidentally stain them.

Despite this, English Heritage intends to keep the house as is. "This is an incredibly important house in the middle victorian era, says Carr-Whitworth, “but it also tells the story of a family.” The surface of this story is that since there was never any money, everything is the same as the first Charles It. Even the paintings hang where he puts them. And the downside is, of course, the epic decay evident in every corner.

It would start when she walked from her bedroom into the elevator with her two spaniels, Binky and Pippi. Arriving on the first floor, she went to what had been Charles Tellsuson's day in the kitchen, where she would find Chester slumped in a shabby chair next to Aga while strong coffee brewed on the stove. It was Chester's domain where she sat surrounded by cookbooks - post-war classics, including 100 Ways with Sandwiches - and handwritten recipes for aspic, mince and Christmas pudding.

Another finishing option is made with “companion” wallpaper, which is sold as a set. Some of them are glued to top part walls and have a light color, the second ones are intended for the design of the panel part - they are decorated with dark stripes. Both types of wallpaper are united by one floral pattern and a common shade, so they look harmonious together. In addition, dark stripes located on panel wallpaper can hide minor dirt.

From here Grant-Dalton, Binky and Pippi made their way into the vast dining room, where she sat in the same place in the middle of the mahogany table and rang a small bell to summon Chester and breakfast. "Cereals," Trott recalls, "which she would have with a lot of cream." Bate-Dalton moved into the library, on the south side, a little smaller than the rest, and overlooking the garden, an abundance of topped yew, cypress and box, with figures rising upward to lead the eye beyond the swaying oaks and cedars.

The room itself is also stunning: perhaps 20 feet tall, it hangs with sticky blue and gold paper closed by hand, and is one of two currently in use when the shutter opens. Luckily, says Carr-Whitworth, these silver fish don't like gold. This makes this wallpaper look better than anywhere else in the house.

If there is no “companion” wallpaper, then the lower part of the walls can be decorated with other types of material that can be cleaned and are more resistant to mechanical damage.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper has gained wide popularity as it has many advantages. This finishing material is produced from cellulose fibers, collected into a non-woven material, characterized by softness, lightness and elasticity - the ability to stretch within certain limits.

It was here that Grant-Dalton spent his day, sitting on an oval table next to the fire, making tea using electric kettle. And then Trott will say: “Is that you, Leslie?” - said Grant-Dalton as his steps approached the northern hall. “I’m just here to raise the shutters,” he told her, built-in frames for the leather straps with which they rise. “If you go, you’ll know,” he recalls, laughing. "The most terrible crack."

Description of non-woven wallpaper

There is something eerie about the house, the persistence of the smells of each room, a kind of rank. It's easy to understand why one of the volunteers refuses to walk up the stairs on his own. The house is said to be haunted by many spirits, including an "Edwardian gentleman" who glides up and down the library steps. They are said to be handles that transform on their own, doors that open, and one room that one servant was denied access to by a naughty spirit who used to throw her and slam the door behind her.

Wallpaper is easy to glue, since glue, as a rule, is not applied to it - it only needs to be well distributed over the surface of the wall. This means that glue is saved, and the work will be done relatively cleanly.

Non-woven wallpaper can be single-layer or double-layer. They can have a smooth or embossed surface; the latter are made on a paper basis and covered with a foamed non-woven composition.

There is also a presence in the hallway, as if the house is listening. Trott laughs: The place creaks and sighs a little. '. Some doors have years of crazy scratching on them as dogs try to get in or out. Admiration in long deserted bedrooms is a cold experience. Some lights work and others don't, and some of the rooms seem like they'll suck you in. A door marked "14" opens to reveal wounded chairs covered in dust collectors: they seem to be scurrying towards the door, saying: Choose me, choose me.

It's honestly a relief when Carr-Whitworth arrives. Okay, she says, you've opened some bedrooms. She leads the way back downstairs, discussing the conservation work going on here, including repairing all the shutters. “We need to bring the light back to Broadsworth,” she says brightly. The current conservation project will cost around £5 million, which, since English Heritage became a charity last year, should be raised by a charitable donation. we're handing over a room converted into a used bookstore. Every little helps,” she says.

Other advantages of this material include its following qualities:

  • Non-woven fabric is a “breathable” structure, so a favorable environment for mold will not be created on the walls underneath it.
  • Non-woven finishing is an environmentally friendly material, therefore it is harmless to the residents of the house.
  • Wallpaper is moisture resistant and can be wet cleaned.
  • The variety of colors and patterns of the material allows them to be used in different rooms, including the living room.
  • Walls decorated with non-woven wallpaper look aesthetically pleasing and respectable, so they can be matched to any style chosen for decorating the room.
  • Non-woven wallpaper, due to its structure, is able to hide small flaws that have formed on the wall.
  • Wallpaper tends to stretch, so it will not warp or crack when the house shrinks or when air humidity changes.
  • When they are glued to the wall, no air “pockets” are formed under the canvases, so they do not have to be smoothed intensively.

Non-woven fabrics are glued end-to-end, as they have a certain thickness. Gluing them is quite easy, because the material can stretch a little, and aligning the edges of the wallpaper is not difficult. In addition, wallpaper can be painted after a certain period, and this procedure can be performed several times, changing colors depending on changes in the interior environment.

They have a feature that can be considered in two ways - a thin non-woven layer can be slightly translucent. On the one hand, this is a drawback, since the flaws in preparing the wall for pasting are not hidden, but on the other hand, rich decorating possibilities open up if the desired shade is applied under the wallpaper: the result is a very interesting effect from a design point of view.

In the finishing option shown above, non-woven wallpaper is used in the Provence interior style, with its characteristic painted wooden panels that harmonize perfectly with the walls. Light shades were chosen for decoration, adding light to the room and making the room more spacious and airy. In this case, in accordance with the style, wallpaper decorated with floral patterns was chosen. In order for the wall decoration to fit organically into a certain style, it is necessary to create the right environment around it - in the presented version, these are stylish panels, as well as decorative elements and pieces of furniture, decorated in a color scheme that is in harmony with the wallpaper.

This version of the living room interior, made in classic style, has a more “heavy” appearance, which is created due to the selected color range. Non-woven wallpaper used to decorate the walls is ideal for this direction, but they do not expand the space, but, on the contrary, turn the room into a kind of “closed box”. Therefore, these shades are best used in a room that has a fairly large area. Not everyone will like this design style, since it has a lot of rigor and lacks the warmth of home comfort. However, it should be fairly noted that all the interior elements are in perfect harmony with each other and with the decoration of the walls, both in color and ornamental design, and in the configuration of the furniture.

Fiberglass (fiberglass) wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is made from fibers obtained by melting quartz sand or glass, with the addition of some other mineral components. The fibers are formed using a special technology into a non-woven fabric white with various textured patterns. The usual use of such wallpaper is for painting, which is carried out after gluing it to the walls.

In addition to unpainted canvases, wallpapers with already applied patterns are made, but they can also be repainted in any chosen color in the future.

Since glass wallpaper is an environmentally friendly material, it can be used for decoration in any room. For the hall, this material is used in cases where it is planned to create an exclusive interior that requires the use of different shades on one or different walls.

The advantages of fiberglass wallpaper are the following qualities:

  • The material is highly resistant to mechanical stress - it is durable, so it does not tear, and there are no scratches on it.
  • Wallpaper is “breathable”, so a favorable nutrient environment for the development of microflora is not created under it.
  • The moisture resistance of the canvases makes it possible to wet clean their surface from dirt.
  • The material does not attract dust as it does not accumulate static electricity.
  • This finishing material is absolutely non-flammable, and when heated with an open flame, it does not emit toxic fumes.
  • Gluing canvases to the wall is quite simple, so it’s easy to do it yourself.
  • The service life of this material is more than 30 years, and if you want to change the interior design, the walls can be easily repainted in any chosen color.

Glass wallpaper also has a drawback - the rather high price of the material, so not everyone can afford to purchase such a finish.

Fiberglass wallpaper does not differ much in appearance from canvases made from other materials, but thanks to the qualities mentioned above, they are able to create a very favorable microclimate in the room. In addition, they will always be in harmony with their surroundings. This finishing option is perfect would be better suited for the walls of the living room, not only when they are planned to be painted, but also if they are not the main decoration of the room, but are assigned the function of a background for furniture accessories and decorative elements.

In this interior, the glass wallpaper is painted in a color similar to the shades of the furniture covers and flooring. Other objects in the living room also harmonize well with the walls. If you want to change the situation, it will not be difficult and will not take much time to apply a different shade to the wallpaper using a roller, which will be in harmony with the new interior design. Moreover, with repeated repainting, the relief on the canvases will remain in its original form.

Vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is most often chosen for wallpapering living room walls, as it has high strength characteristics, as well as a very rich design.

Vinyl is a type of plastic, that is, a synthetic material, so when unrolling the roll you can feel a specific smell that will be felt in the room for quite a long time, but will disappear completely over time.

This type of wallpaper is resistant to abrasion and high humidity, but is not a “breathable” material, which means that it is necessary to glue them in damp rooms with some caution so as not to create pockets of mold.

Vinyl wallpaper is difficult to glue, since its decorative layer is quite rigid compared to other materials in this series, the canvas is difficult to impregnate with an adhesive composition, and, in addition, it has considerable weight.

This type of finishing material is always two-layer, and the base for the vinyl coating can be paper or non-woven fabric.

  • Options on paper backing have a smooth or textured surface. Materials that have a three-dimensional pattern on their surface are called “silk-screen printing”, and they are made by hot stamping. “Silk-screen printing” imitates the surface of natural silk, creating its characteristic shine. Wallpapers are produced in monochromatic colors or have a beautiful color pattern, designed in soothing pastel colors. It is the appearance of this material that most often influences its choice as a decoration for the living room.
  • Non-woven fabrics usually have a foam structure and an embossed pattern. This type of wallpaper is a little lighter in weight and more pliable for gluing, so it is easy to work with.

In this interior, vinyl wallpaper of two types is used - plain and with a colored pattern, which is a good decision designer. If only a monochrome version of the material had been used, the room would have looked boring and unaesthetic, and covering all the walls with canvases with a large floral pattern would have visually made the room smaller and would not have given the desired effect. The combination of two materials, on the contrary, adds space to the room. Therefore, before choosing wallpaper for a specific room, you should carefully consider its color and the possible combination of two types of material.

In this case, a black and white option was chosen for decorating the living room with vinyl wallpaper, which makes it possible to change the color scheme by adding elements of bright cold or warm shades to the interior. This style of decoration will allow you to create the color scheme of the room that will match the mood at the moment. Therefore, for those who like frequent changes in the interior, the black and white option will be the best choice. However, you should not oversaturate it with black color, otherwise it may negatively affect the psyche and mood of the apartment residents. Dark shades should only accent or accentuate certain areas of the living room.

"Liquid" wallpaper

One of the most affordable materials and original application techniques for decorating living room walls is “liquid” wallpaper. They are sold ready-made, packaged in plastic bags, and are fibers treated with an adhesive that are soaked before being applied to the wall.

Decorating walls with this material is carried out using a spatula, and this process can be carried out even by a person who has never engaged in such an activity. It must be said that, unlike other types of wallpaper, their “liquid” version is very difficult to spoil, since if the application is unsuccessful, they can be carefully removed and used again.

The advantages of this finishing material are not only its aesthetic appearance, but also its ability to hide some surface imperfections on the wall.

Wallpaper can be plain or have minor inclusions of a darker or lighter color. In addition, using a stencil, an abstract floral or geometric pattern can be applied to the wall surface.

So, the advantages of this finishing material are the following:

  • Providing the room with additional effective sound and heat insulation.
  • Light weight of canvases.
  • Simplicity of installation work.
  • The material is inert to ultraviolet rays, therefore it does not lose its original color throughout the entire operational period.
  • Wallpaper is resistant to mechanical stress.
  • The surface of the cork finish does not attract dust due to its natural antistatic properties.
  • Easy to care for cladding.
  • A variety of textured patterns and shades.
  • The environmental friendliness of the material contributes to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the room.
  • Cork is not flammable and does not support combustion of nearby materials.
  • The antibacterial properties of the finish prevent the formation of mold.
  • Cork does not absorb odors.

The interior, in which there is a cork finish, looks warm and cozy thanks to its inherent ocher shades. In addition, the wallpaper has a warm, sound-absorbing surface that is pleasant to the touch - these qualities will make the room more calm, perfect for relaxation.

It should be noted that if it is necessary to soundproof a room well, then it is worth finishing not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling, especially since materials based on natural cork are available for sale, which are designed for cladding any surfaces.

Bamboo wallpaper

The “eco” style can be indicated by bamboo wallpaper, which is not only an environmentally friendly material, but has a very original and aesthetic appearance. The canvases consist of lamellas made from bamboo trunks that have undergone certain processing - their width can be different, from 5 to 20 mm. Wallpaper can be single-layer or double-layer - in the latter version, the basis for the decorative material is special paper or fabric.

Bamboo, as a rule, is left in its natural color, sometimes simply making it richer and deeper. Such natural finishing can create an atmosphere in the room conducive to healthy rest and relaxation, which is especially necessary for residents of large cities.

This type of finishing is resistant to almost all types of external influences, which include moisture, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical stress. The material is strong and durable, and for long term operation it does not change its appearance.

Bamboo has good thermal insulation properties; it is able to accumulate heat, and when temperatures drop, release it into the room.

In addition, such a finish helps to soundproof the walls, but this parameter is not as pronounced as with cork material.

Bamboo wallpaper is easy to care for, as it can be cleaned with a damp cloth or with a vacuum cleaner.

The illustration shows an interior in which natural materials are predominantly used, creating a favorable microclimate in the room. The wall is covered with bamboo wallpaper of an interesting natural greenish color with dark splashes, which creates the effect of a carpet that harmonizes perfectly with the curtains on the windows imitating bamboo thickets. The interior is not burdened with unnecessary objects and accessories, which also helps to concentrate attention on the unusual decoration of the walls, and the natural material makes it possible to saturate the space of the room with its natural energy.

Veneer wallpaper

Finishing sheets made of natural veneer are made from various valuable wood species, and therefore have a fairly high cost. Covering the living room walls with veneer wallpaper is perfect for those owners who prefer environmentally friendly clean materials to decorate your home or simply dreams of living in a wooden house.

Of course, you can also use lining made of wood to cover surfaces, but it is more difficult to install and will also “eat up” part of the room’s area. In contrast, veneer sheets are glued in almost the same way as ordinary wallpaper, and the only important requirement that must be met is a carefully leveled and prepared wall surface.

The basis for 0.2÷0.3 mm thick veneer, the surface of which is protected with a layer of wax or colorless varnish, is paper, so they stick well to walls.

Since veneer has the texture of natural wood, it will harmonize perfectly with different materials, for example, with regular or bamboo wallpaper, as well as with a plastered surface.

The advantages of this finish include the following qualities:

  • Veneer is a “breathable” material, so mold colonies do not form under it, naturally, provided that the wall is treated with antiseptic primers.
  • Good thermal insulation properties will make the room quiet and comfortable for relaxation.
  • High-quality veneer wallpaper is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences.
  • Cleaning walls lined with veneer sheets is very simple - done with a damp soft cloth.

Similar wallpapers may have different design and the depth of color shades, so the decoration can give the room severity and laconicism, or make it feel comfortable and cozy at home. In this case, the illustration shows an interior that is decorated in a minimalist style, so it’s a stretch to call it cozy. But it is good because it is not burdened with unnecessary pieces of furniture, so the room looks spacious, and the veneered wall is a design accent, setting the color direction for the entire room.

Textile wallpaper

Decorating walls with textile wallpaper has been used in interior design for centuries and remains relevant to this day. Moreover, with the advent of new technologies, manufacturers have the opportunity to improve this type of wall coverings. Textile wallpaper can have modern designs or traditional ones for decorating a room, for example, in the English style.

Fabric finishing sheets have a two-layer structure, and the basis for the external design is non-woven fabric or paper. The decorative layer is made of cotton, silk, jute, linen, synthetic or mixed fibers. Fabric wallpaper is produced for soundproofing rooms - these options have a foam base, which is an excellent sound absorber.

  • The most favorable for decorating residential premises are linen wallpapers that have a beautiful textured pattern of thread weaving. They are UV resistant and retain color for a long time. This finishing option has a paper base, so it allows air to pass through well, that is, it is a “breathable” material.
  • Jute wallpaper is well suited for walls with small flaws, since thanks to the large textured pattern, it can disguise them. This finishing material is produced in a color version, as well as in a white version, intended for subsequent painting.
  • An elite version of fabric wallpaper is silk canvas. Walls covered with this material look respectable and rich. Such wallpapers have various ornamental patterns and are made in different colors, which allows you to apply them to the chosen design style.

Positive qualities of textile wallpaper:

  • The ability to heat and sound insulate the walls of a room, since fabrics absorb sound waves.
  • Environmentally friendly finishing (when using natural fibers for textiles)
  • Aesthetic, respectable appearance.

This finish also has its drawbacks, which include:

  • The ability to accumulate dust.
  • Low moisture resistance and instability to dirt.
  • High price for finishing materials.

The list of advantages and vulnerabilities of textile finishing leads to the conclusion that it is undesirable to use it when a person who is prone to allergic reactions lives in the house. Playful pets can also cause a lot of trouble with such finishing.

The best option for using textile wallpaper in wall decoration would be to decorate the living room with it, which is made in the English style, as shown in the illustration. Such finishing can create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room, thanks to its aesthetic and soundproofing qualities. However, when choosing this type of finishing, you need to immediately purchase curtains that match the color and pattern, otherwise you won’t get the desired effect from the decor.

Photo wallpaper

If the living room is small, then it is quite possible to visually increase its space by gluing photo wallpaper to one or two walls. Their plot content can be chosen depending on the wishes of the apartment owners.

Thanks to the wide range of options for this finish, it can be selected to suit any interior design and create a special mood in the living room that will promote active recreation or calm relaxation.

Wallpaper that imitates embossed plaster is most often made from foamed vinyl or non-woven fabric, because these materials create a certain thickness, due to which the design is embossed. Reliefs can have different depths - from small roughness to deep volumetric patterns with a height of 3÷4 mm.

Finishing materials with fine roughness are used to decorate smooth walls. Deep reliefs with plant elements are used for lower-quality surfaces, as they can hide small flaws on them.

In any case, decorating walls with such wallpaper will require much less cost and significantly less time than applying real decorative plaster.

Imitation Canvas

With a relief that reproduces the surface of textiles, mostly plain wallpaper is made, intended for further coloring. This category of finishing material, made from non-woven fabric and fiberglass, can imitate patterns such as linen weaving, burlap, herringbone and many other embossings.

In addition to single-color options, canvases are made on which images are applied - usually floral or geometric patterns or ornaments. Most often they have pastel shades, so they stand out slightly on the surface of the wallpaper. Materials with such an embossed pattern can also mask poor-quality areas of the wall, and the deeper the embossing, the less noticeable the flaws will be.

Embossed wallpaper

This type of finishing material is made of vinyl or non-woven fabric. When manufactured using the extrusion method, a geometric or floral three-dimensional pattern is applied to them. Such wallpaper can not only hide uneven surfaces of the walls, but also make their surfaces practically the main decorative element of the interior design of the living room.

Wallpaper can have a monochromatic color, or its three-dimensional pattern is highlighted by color - often silver or golden accents of certain elements are used for this.

Such wallpaper has a serious drawback - it is difficult to maintain, since dust and dirt can accumulate in such deep relief folds.

Interior color solutions

One of the most important factors in choosing wallpaper for the living room is the color scheme, as it affects the state and mood of the people who will be in this room, as well as the aesthetics general design premises.

Of course, first of all, the choice of one color or another depends on the preferences of the residents. However, the living room is a common room, so before deciding on its color, it is worth consulting with all family members so that everyone feels comfortable in this room. In case of disagreement, it is best to stick to neutral shades.

If the design is dominated by warm shades, the room will always look cozy. However, you should not choose sharp “poisonous” or “acidic” colors, as they have a bad effect on a person’s mood and well-being. Pastel shades of your favorite color are best.

If the living room has many large windows and it faces sunny side, then any shades can be chosen for finishing the surfaces, since in any case there will be enough light in it.

Beige color

Light beige and similar shades are good to use for a room located on the north side of the house, since there is practically no sun there, and the room is usually dark. Light colors do not cause irritation, creating a calm environment. However, an interior designed in this way must be “diluted” by installing or arranging accessories with bright, expressive colors.

The advantage of this design is that it is a kind of neutral “blank sheet”, which can be periodically decorated with one or more bright shades. Thanks to this approach, the room will never be “boring”.

Blue shades

Light blue is a shade of blue, and there are many variations of it, so you can easily choose the one that best suits your existing pieces of furniture and other accessories. You should not choose cool blue shades for a living room located in a part of the house where there is rarely sun, as it will clearly be uncomfortable. Blue shades harmoniously combine with colors such as navy blue, gray, silver, pastel pink and yellow, in some cases black, as well as beige.

This color does not create strain on the eyes and has a good effect on a person’s mood, especially if shades that go well with it are used in combination with it.

Green shades

A green accent in the interior is good for decorating any room, especially in cases where it fits perfectly into the shades of other objects in the room. This type of decoration is suitable for a room located in any part of the house, since this color is unique in that it can add sun to the interior on cloudy days, and a cool effect on hot sunny days.

In addition, green shades relax the eyes, they soothe nervous system, creating a calm environment.

In the presented interior, photo wallpaper is used as an accent, which not only has a beneficial effect on the psychological atmosphere of the living room, but also visually expands the space.

Yellow wallpaper

The yellow color of the walls, as well as other objects in the room, used in pure form, will become a serious irritant causing discomfort to both the eyes and general condition person. Therefore, if you want to use warm colors in your design, then you should choose pastel versions of yellow or a color close to it. If the right shade is found, the living room will look sunny even when the weather outside is cloudy. This color scheme will be especially appropriate in a living room with one window or located on the shady side of the house.

The best option for using this color in the living room is to combine it with other, calmer shades that can “put out” its intensity. You should not use yellow decoration in the living room, located on the sunny side of the house, otherwise in the summer heat it will be very uncomfortable to be in it, even with the air conditioner running - a purely psychological effect will work.


Orange color, like yellow, is not recommended to be used in its “pure form”, as it will quickly tire the eyes and cause general irritability. At the same time, a pastel, muted version of this color helps to lift your mood, promote activity and efficiency. Therefore, orange, close to a brick or pale carrot shade, in combination with white, dark and light brown, as well as other calm colors, is ideal for decorating the walls of the living room.

It is very important that this design option pleases all family members, otherwise it can cause irritation, which can lead to conflict situations.


The red color itself is “aggressive”, and decorating the entire room with it is not recommended. If red wallpaper is chosen for the walls of the living room, it means that you will have to think very carefully about the color of the curtains, upholstery of upholstered furniture and other decorative elements, since they should not only harmonize well with the decoration of the walls, but also work to remove the aggressiveness of their color. White, different shades brown, beige and also dark gray colors.

You also need to know that the color red makes the room visually smaller, so it has a depressing effect on the human psyche; therefore, using it for the walls of residential premises is extremely undesirable. The best option will use red shades for decorative elements that will add expression to interiors decorated in soothing colors.

Video: techniques for combining wallpaper of different shades and design styles

Living room design styles

Another important factor when choosing wallpaper is the intended style in which the living room will be decorated.

Classic style

The classic style can be called the most common for decorating living rooms in both apartments and private homes. This design option does not involve bright rich colors, since calm neutral shades are traditional for it. Quite often, two types of material are used for pasting walls - a plain one and one with a large or medium-sized pattern, which differs slightly in shade from the background.

The canvases are combined with each other in different ways - squares or rectangles of material with a pattern printed on it are placed on the walls, the surfaces around these “inserts” are covered with plain wallpaper, and then the selected fragments are framed with a baguette painted in a color that harmonizes with the canvases.

Another combination option different wallpapers is the division of the wall area into the main upper part and panels. For the latter, darker wallpapers with vertical stripes are most often used, and for the upper part of the wall - light, plain or decorated with small plant or floral patterns.

Wall decoration in this style usually also involves framing the wallpaper with ceiling borders.

High-tech style

“High-tech” is a style that is one of the directions of minimalism, and it does not use wallpaper with any decorative patterns. Traditional for walls of this style are monochromatic finishes or canvases that imitate stonework with small elements.

To decorate walls, non-woven and fiberglass wallpaper intended for painting is more often used, so that if necessary, or simply if desired, you can quickly and inexpensively change the color. A kind of standard for the high-tech style are dark or light gray, steel and white colors.

Country style

“Country” is a “rustic” style that creates coziness and comfort in the room. It can well be recognized as one of the most loved and used by people. Often, owners, without even knowing the name of the style, intuitively follow its rules, creating favorable conditions for relaxation and emotional relief.

The “country” style uses soft warm colors that do not cause irritation or aggression, and the furniture in its interiors is designed to create maximum comfort.

Traditional for this style are paper wallpapers in light warm shades with plant and floral elements arranged in the correct order.

The “country” style does not provide for serious restrictions on the choice of material, but it is preferable to choose a traditional color for it, which is not a big problem. Therefore, decorating the interior in this style is the easiest way.

Ethnic style

The ethnic option for decorating a living room is not often chosen - it is mainly liked by lovers of the exotic, and therefore cannot be considered traditional for most Russian apartments and houses.

In addition, it should immediately be noted that finishing in this style will be very expensive, since it usually uses natural materials. The walls are decorated with wallpaper made from bamboo, reeds, cork and other similar materials. As a last resort, non-woven or vinyl wallpaper that imitates masonry or one of the natural materials can be used.

Combination is also possible different types finishing. For example, one of the walls is covered with cork wallpaper, and the remaining surfaces are covered with plain canvases of the desired color or intended for painting.

Traditional for this style are warm colors that are close to natural, that is, brown, marsh, green, pastel orange and yellow shades. Quite often, photo wallpapers with a specific theme are used to decorate walls.

It should be noted that there are other interior styles suitable for decorating living rooms in apartments and private houses, but whichever one is preferred, the main thing is to choose a material suitable for it in color and texture.

At the end of the article, it is worth summing up and giving some final recommendations on choosing wallpaper for the living room.

So, when choosing a finishing material, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • If you need to visually expand the space, choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes. To make the room seem wider, striped canvases are fixed only on two walls, on the one where the built-in front door and on the one located opposite it. If the room needs to be visually lengthened, then wallpaper with the same pattern is pasted on two other opposite walls.
  • In addition to striped wallpaper, photo wallpaper with an image executed in perspective will help to visually enlarge the space.
  • If the living room has a small height, for example due to installed suspended ceiling, then the same striped wallpaper will help to visually raise it. In this case, the canvases are glued to all or one wall, but so that the stripes are located vertically.
  • If, on the contrary, the ceiling is too high, and because of this the room lacks coziness, and there is no desire to start a suspended structure or the funds do not allow, then you can visually lower the ceiling surface by covering it and all the walls with the same wallpaper.
  • For a small living room, you should not buy wallpaper in dark colors - they will visually make the room smaller. Therefore, for a small area, it is recommended to choose light shades of paintings - they will fill the space with light, due to which the room will seem larger. In addition, it has been verified that such finishing helps save energy.
  • For a small living room, it is not recommended to choose wallpaper with a large pattern; it will also help to reduce the space. For small rooms, canvases with a monochromatic color or with a small floral or geometric pattern are best suited.
  • You also need to know that warm pastel colors make the room cozy and comfortable, thanks to this the ideal atmosphere for relaxation will be created. Cool light shades will create a feeling of coolness and airiness in the room.
  • If the wall has some distortions, and there is no way to level it, then you should choose wallpaper for the room with a diagonally located pattern or with images of frequently spaced large flowers.

We hope that the reviews and recommendations contained in the publication will help the reader make the best choice that will turn the living room into a cozy place for family relaxation.

To conclude the publication, here is another interesting story, full of recommendations and visual examples for choosing wallpaper for the living room:

Video: features of choosing wallpaper for the living room


How to choose the right wallpaper for a living room - after all, this room should be festive and cozy at the same time? Simple tips on the choice of material and color of wallpaper, as well as calculating the required number of rolls are discussed in this article.

The living room or hall is the main room in the house, here they receive guests, meet friends, spend special events and just relax with family. Therefore, this room should be decorated at the same time festive, cozy and harmonious.

A similar problem can be solved with the help of correctly chosen wallpaper - a variety of textures and colors today allows you to find the ideal option for any room. We will tell you in a short article how to choose wallpaper for your living room.

How to choose wallpaper for the living room

We propose to determine the main parameters that you should rely on when searching for suitable “clothes” for the walls of the living room.

Material selection

First of all, you need to choose the optimal material. It is he who determines how easily the wallpaper will behave during the process of gluing and operation.

Variety of wallpaper assortment in construction stores and difficult choice

  • Paper wallpaper;

Inexpensive, environmentally friendly material with many color options. However, such wallpaper will not be resistant to high humidity and direct sunlight.

  • Non-woven wallpaper;

Quite a popular type of wallpaper, thanks to the combination of good quality and average price. Can be used for painting or independently.

  • Vinyl;

Very dense wallpaper with low breathability and a limited range of colors, so it is rarely used in the living room.

  • Textile;

Not cheap, however, it is quite an attractive type of finishing material for the walls in the living room. It consists of two layers - a lower base (paper or non-woven) and a top fabric covering (silk, jute, linen, etc.).

  • Metallized;

Like the previous type, metallized wallpaper has two layers - a layer of aluminum foil is applied to a paper base.

  • Photo wallpaper;

This material is often used for living rooms as a way to create a unique and inimitable interior, but it requires some skills for proper gluing.

  • Liquid wallpaper.

Easy to apply, allowing you to create a single space across the entire surface without seams, liquid wallpaper is often used to decorate walls in the hall.

We invite you to watch the following video, in which an experienced store consultant finishing materials talks in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of wallpaper:

The optimal color of wallpaper for the living room is determined by several factors: the color of the furniture, the style of the furnishings, the geometry of the space and the personal taste of the home owner. To make it easier for you to navigate which wallpaper to choose for the room, we offer photos using different types.

  1. Choosing a wallpaper color that matches the color of the furniture in the living room;
  • Light furniture - allows you to choose wallpaper with a contrasting pattern, stripes, or large ornaments;

Light wooden furniture and a white sofa in a living room with red walls

  • The furniture is dark - pastel and light shades of the walls are preferred, without a large pattern (some designers, answering the question of how to choose wallpaper for a room with dark furniture, advise emphasizing the deep color of the sofas or walls with several contrasting stripes on the wall, but it is better not to experiment);

Dark furniture and a dark sofa in a small living room with light walls and small windows

  • The furniture is bright - the shade of the walls should mute the overall rich color scheme;

Bright sofa and sofa in the living room with muted wall colors

  • Contrasting furniture (two or more colors) – it is recommended to choose a neutral or muted wall color that matches the lightest shade of the furniture.

Hull and upholstered furniture contrasting colors in a room with neutral wall shades

  1. Choosing the color of the walls based on the style of the interior;
  • Classic style - we choose material with floral patterns, monograms and patterns, optimally in a color that will harmonize with textiles and furniture. Two types of companion wallpaper and matching borders are often used.

Blue wallpaper with a pattern of monograms in the interior of a living room in a classic style

  • Modern style - the most appropriate is an unobtrusive color scheme, perhaps with bright accents (contrasting stripes or entire walls covered with wallpaper of different colors, but similar in style). In the design of wallpaper for the hall, combined wallpaper is one of the popular trends today.

Contrasting wallpapering of walls in a living room with a modern-style interior

  • Minimalism - in this case, wallpaper is almost always chosen for painting; a contrasting effect is often applied to different walls. Shades are appropriate both bright and completely neutral, depending on the situation.

Choosing wallpaper for a living room in a minimalist style - minimum shades

  • Country or Provence - a popular style of French and English country houses V modern interiors involves choosing “cozy” wallpaper with a small floral pattern, checkered or striped, reminiscent of a pattern on chintz fabric.

Wallpaper with a “floral” pattern, appropriate in rooms with Provence or country style

  1. Choosing the color of the walls based on the characteristics of the room;
  • If the room is small, it is better to give preference to light wallpaper with a small pattern or without it at all;

Neutral wall shade, close to the color of the furniture in a small living room

  • In more spacious living rooms, it is appropriate to use bright ornaments or large patterns, however, it is better not to overdo it - such wallpaper can be pasted on one or two walls along which the furniture is located;

Wall decor using different wallpapers in a spacious room

  • If the room is elongated, it is not recommended to use borders or horizontal patterns - vertical stripes and different shades of the walls will be more appropriate;

Using different wallpapers on the walls of the living room, elongated in length

  • If the ceilings are too high, a border is usually chosen, as well as companion wallpaper, which is glued in a horizontal combination. Let's allow an indentation from the top from the ceiling when gluing the material and patterns with horizontal stripes;

Using wallpaper with an expressive horizontal stripe to visually reduce high ceilings

  • If the windows of the room face the sunny side, you can choose a cool color scheme (blue, turquoise and gray shades);

Wallpaper in cool colors in rooms with excess sunlight

  • In a room where insolation is insufficient, all shades of warm colors (apricot, peach and sand) are recommended.

“Sunny” shades of wallpaper that help compensate for the lack of lighting in the living room

Important! If you have difficulty determining color scheme and a drawing for future wall decoration, you can find a picture on the Internet or in a magazine that is similar to your living room and select wallpaper of a similar shade.

Buying wallpaper for the living room

Before purchasing the selected wallpaper, you need to calculate the number of rolls that will be needed to cover the room.

Important! Calculating the amount of wallpaper based only on the area of ​​the walls is a mistake; this approach will lead to the fact that when gluing there will not be enough solid strips.

  1. The width of all walls is measured, excluding window and door openings, and added together to obtain the overall perimeter of the room;
  2. The width and length of the wall sections above and below the windows, as well as above the doors, are measured;
  3. Then, the perimeter value is divided by the width of the wallpaper in the roll (usually 0.5 or 1 m) to understand the number of solid strips that will be needed;
  4. The length of a roll of wallpaper is divided by the height of the room from floor to ceiling - this gives the number of solid strips for a given room from one roll;
  5. The number of solid strips needed is divided by the number of strips from one roll - this will make it clear how many rolls will be needed to decorate the living room;
  6. The number of segments for gluing the walls above and below the windows, as well as above the doors, is calculated. Many people prefer to cover these areas with remnants from rolls, but it’s better not to save money.

Carefully calculating the number of wallpapers will help avoid mistakes

Important! When purchasing wallpaper with a pattern that will have to be joined, you will need more rolls. Which one depends on the frequency of repetition of the pattern, so when purchasing, it is better to consult with a consultant at a hardware store.

Important! When buying wallpaper, make sure that all rolls are from the same batch (there are special marks on the packaging). Otherwise, there may be a significant difference in shades, which will spoil the appearance of the walls.


We looked at how to choose wallpaper for the main room in the house, based on the types of wallpaper and the optimal color for different living rooms. If you need recommendations for choosing wallpaper for the living room-bedroom or living-dining room, it is better to follow general instructions for two rooms at once.

Our advice will help you not to get confused wide range wallpaper available in hardware stores. By using simple steps By calculation you can get the exact number of rolls that will be needed to decorate the walls of your living room.

The last step remains - the actual wallpapering in the hall, and very soon you will be able to receive guests in an updated and cozy room.