Akalifa bristly indoor plants. Akalifa bristly - types, cultivation and pest control. Typical mistakes made by gardeners

The homeland of this unusual plant is the tropics of Australia and Southeast Asia. Akalifa is a lush green shrub with long, unusual flowering. It can also be grown as a hanging crop, if you pinch the tips of the shoots - they branch. Caring for the Tropicana is not difficult, and it develops very quickly.

Akalifa - description

The culture is also called “fox tail” distinctive feature hers are flowers. There are two main groups of its varieties. The name refers to the most common acalypha bristle-haired. What a foxtail looks like: the bush is covered with fluffy crimson inflorescences hanging down. This type of plant is grown for their sake. The leaves of most varieties of Akalifa are similar to nettles - ovate, pointed, bright green. The second group of foxtails is grown for its greenish-bronze, 20 cm long pointed plates with bright red spots. Their flowers are small.

Akalifa - home care

  1. Temperature regime - the plant does not tolerate drafts. If you take it out onto the balcony, you need to protect it from blowing. Akalifa is thermophilic, the acceptable temperature for it in the summer is 20-25 degrees. In winter, air at least 18 Celsius is considered normal;
  2. Lighting should be moderately bright; in summer, the flower should be covered from direct sunlight. With a lack of light, the plant becomes stretched, the leaves become dull, and its appearance deteriorates;
  3. Watering: Akalifa is a moisture-loving plant. From the beginning of spring until autumn, foxtail is moistened generously - the ground should always be moist, not wet. In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out;
  4. This plant really doesn't like dry air. During the hot season, the flower needs to be sprayed. To keep the air around moist, a container with acalypha is placed on a tray filled with pebbles or expanded clay, which are periodically moistened;
  5. For growing foxtail, slightly acidic and loose soil, permeable to air and water, is recommended. You can take equal parts of turf, leaf soil, peat and sand;
  6. From spring to autumn, during the period of rapid growth, mineral fertilizers are added to the pot with the plant every other week. In winter, feeding is stopped;
  7. Transplantation is carried out in spring or summer; it allows you to renew the akalifa and give it an incentive to grow. Young foxtails are replanted annually until the age of five, adult specimens - less often. Based on experience, a fast-growing crop loses its attractiveness in 3-4 years - it is shortened or renewed by rooting cuttings;
  8. An adult foxtail grows greatly. It must be cut to the appearance of a stump 20-30 cm high, covered with plastic wrap. Periodically, the plant needs to be sprayed and ventilated. Akalifa will soon produce new young shoots and renew itself. Spraying it with an aqueous solution of zircon has good results - two drops of the drug per liter of water;

Sometimes there are difficulties in care:

  1. Akalifa leaves turn yellow and fall; if the bush is in low humidity conditions, it needs to be sprayed;
  2. From lack of light, the shoots stretch upward and fade. It is necessary to move the pot to a brighter place;
  3. The leaves wither; if the room temperature is low, you need to increase it;
  4. Spots have appeared on the greenery, which may indicate a fungal infection. The crown should be treated with a fungicide;
  5. Slow growth and pale foliage of Akalifa indicate a lack of nitrogen in the soil. You should feed the roots at a concentration of one gram per liter of water;

Akalifa - propagation by cuttings

You can increase the population of a flower using apical shoots. Akalifa requires semi-woody cuttings for propagation. Flowering varieties bred in March, decorative deciduous - all year round. The apical ten-centimeter shoots are rooted in a substrate of peat and sand in equal parts. The temperature for their germination should be at least 20 degrees.

A mini-greenhouse heated from below gives excellent results. It maintains the temperature at 22-25 degrees, which significantly speeds up the rooting process. The cuttings are periodically ventilated and sprayed. After the akalifa takes root, the shoots are planted in soil consisting of peat, turf, leaf soil and sand. After the plant develops (after 1.5-2 months), the tops of the shoots are pinched so that it bushes.

Why doesn't akalifa bloom?

Foxtail can delight you with beautiful fluffy corollas all year round. The inflorescences are either crimson or white, up to 50 cm long. If the decorative indoor akalifa does not bloom, you need to pay attention to the conditions of maintenance. This can happen for several reasons:

  • poor soil (needed);
  • very dry air (spraying is required, place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles);
  • low temperature (create an optimal thermal regime in the room for the appropriate time of year).

Akalifa - types

There are different varieties foxtails. Their jagged leaves have a bronze, emerald, spotted color. Some varieties have a white or pink border, others have striped veins. They differ in size and shape. There are species represented by very narrow leaves. Akalifa inflorescences also differ – there are undecorative small buds and long fluffy bright “earrings”. The color range of the flower varies, the most popular being burgundy-brown, bright red, orange, pink, green and white. Each foxtail plant is beautiful in its own way.

Bristle-haired Akalifa

It grows as an elegant shrub, perennial. This is a houseplant with bright green, matte, ovate foliage with serrated edges and pronounced nettle-like veining. The branches stretch 3 m in height. Akalifa bristly blooms with beautiful brightly colored hanging spike-shaped fluffy “earrings”, reaching a length of 50 cm, similar to the tail of a fox. Color – crimson, red. The Alba variety has white inflorescences. At good care bright “tails” appear all year round. The plant does not tolerate frost and low temperatures.

Akalifa Wilkes

A fast-growing branched shrub up to 3 m tall with reddish, straight, slightly pubescent shoots. It can be called a rainbow plant. Attracts attention with its jagged, pointed leaves with bright red-golden patterns. In different lighting they have different shades. Under normal conditions, Wilks' akalifa has a copper-red hue, in the sun it turns orange, and in the shade various shades of green appear. The effect of crown saturation is directly proportional to the amount sunlight in the place where the flower lives.

Wilks' akalifa is bred as a houseplant thanks to its original carved reddish foliage. There are varieties of the crop with spotted plates. They are found in copper-red, green with a white border, or orange-bronze. The flower grows up to two meters in height. In order for the plant to have a neat shape, it needs to be pinched regularly. Its flowers are inconspicuous, small up to 10 cm, collected in axillary spike-shaped buds.

Akalipha ciliata

It has African roots and is used by local tribesmen as vegetable crop. Sometimes it is fed to animals. In the territories of the West and East of the African continent it is also used as medicinal plant. It is believed that it helps rejuvenate the body, treats scabies and can cope with ringworm. Akalifa foxtail (cultivar ciliata) is similar to other species - it has jagged mint-colored leaves, each flower consists of fluffy stamens in the shape of a long spike in pink and red.

Akalitha Viginsi

This critically endangered variety is native to a small part of the Galapagos Islands. The main reasons for the decline in the variety's population are construction work in places where it grows and loss of habitat. This is a rare variety of akalifa, indoor plants this type is practically never found. Scientists believe that it is in danger of extinction and the variety must be saved immediately. The leaves are wide, with a narrowed end, elongated. The inflorescences are long, bright red, hanging.

Akalifa ampelous

Other names: Haitian, oak leaf. The plant is endowed with a spreading creeping stem with drooping shoots. Akalifa leaves have small (4 cm) mint color, sometimes with a lighter border. Their contours are core-like, with a jagged edge, located alternately on the branch. The spike-shaped inflorescences are pubescent, have a bright purple color, and also hang to the ground. Their length is 4-10 cm. This akalifa is grown as an indoor, hanging (climbing) plant. Planted in hanging flower pots.

Akalifa indica

Shrub with life cycle one year, reaches a height of 50 cm. The small, durable stem has a simple shape, slight branching, and is fluffy in the upper section. The leaf blades of Akalifa are oval in shape, serrated along the edges, and five veins are visible at the base. The length reaches 2-6 cm with a width of 1-1.5 cm. The Indian foxtail flower has corollas in the form of spikelets (one or two) located at the bases of the leaves, they are collected in axillary and staminate buds. The length of the mini-bouquet is 1-7 cm. The growing season takes place from July to September.

Akalifa mosaic

This is a variety of the Wilksa variety. Akalifa mosaic is decorated with expanded broadly oval or obovate green leaves (about 13 cm long) with different spots. The whimsical color combines red, orange and green. Variegated varieties of foxtail look very decorative. The akalifa flower with spotted foliage and bright buds is not pleasing. Its inflorescences are inconspicuous. All the beauty of these plants lies in the color of the large leaves.

The flowers of this plant look like the tail of one cunning red animal, which is why in some countries it is called fox tail. The scientific name of the plant is Akalifa and in this article you will find out what kind of care it needs at home, and some other little things that will help you grow a gorgeous plant. I want to say right away that there is nothing terrible, the plant is unpretentious. But what I really like is that the plant grows very quickly, unlike other indoor flowers.

Briefly about caring for Akalifa

  1. Akalifa belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family
  2. In appearance it resembles a bush
  3. Plant height can reach 2 meters
  4. Flowering is long and abundant (from July to October)
  5. Loves the light
  6. Watering abundantly
  7. Medium care

Akalifa room

Akalifa came to us from warm countries, more precisely from Southeast Asia. Therefore, if you want to have a very beautiful plant, then you need to try to create for it similar conditions as in its homeland. To be more precise, Akalifa loves heat and high humidity.

As I already mentioned, the plant is growing at an incredible rate. For example, if you plant a plant in the spring, by the end of summer you will have a huge, lush shrub.

Akalifa has several varieties. Some are grown for their beautiful flowers (Akalifa bristles) and some for their lush foliage.

If you are growing akalifa for its foliage, then it should be kept in bright light, however, the leaves of akalifa should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Caring for Akalifa at home

Since the plant comes from warm countries, for successful cultivation you need to create warm conditions and high humidity for it. If you neglect these points, the plant will shed its leaves in response. As a result, due to lack of moisture, the plant may become dehydrated and simply dry out.

In addition, due to unfavorable conditions, the plant may be susceptible to various diseases.

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Ivy-leaved geranium growing from seeds

Watering akalifa. In summer, watering is plentiful. The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist. However, the plant should not be flooded, as excessive moisture can be just as destructive as dry air. In autumn, watering is reduced. Water the plant when the top layer of soil has dried out by about 1 cm. It is especially important to let the top layer of soil dry out during the dormant period.

If the plant does not have enough water, then the leaves begin to wither. The flowers also fade and then fall off. Due to lack of moisture, the oldest leaves are the first to suffer.

The edges of the leaves become dry, brown, and the leaves even begin to curl.

Drooping and soft leaves indicate an excess of moisture; rot may appear on them. The leaves curl, turn yellow, and brown spots appear on the tips. Mold may also appear on flowers. When there is an excess of moisture, both old and young leaves of the plant fall off at the same time. If such a plant is removed from the pot, then its root system will be soggy, with an unpleasant brown.

You can't water Akalifa tap water, it is defended in advance.

Warmth for the plant . Since Akalifa loves warmth, it is important to create warm conditions for her. During the day normal temperature for a plant it is 22-25C, but at night it should not fall below 16C.

Light for Akalifa . Light plays a big role for the plant, as I already mentioned, the plant likes it when there is a lot of light, however, it is important to protect the leaves from direct sunlight. In order for the plant to feel normal, it is important to provide it with bright light for 12-16 hours. Therefore, the plant will have to be illuminated.

In winter, the plant begins a dormant period, therefore, during this period you do not have to worry about insufficient light.

If there is not enough light for acalife, then the plant begins to stretch, and its leaves turn pale and become a little smaller. The flowers also become smaller, or the plant does not bloom at all.

If the lower leaves begin to dry out and fall off, this may also indicate that the plant is not getting enough light.

Due to excess light, Akalifa leaves begin to dry out (burn out), and spots appear on them.

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Japanese azalea planting and care

Transplanting a plant

Plants are replanted every year in spring or summer. It is better to buy soil for replanting from increased acidity. If the plant is too large and there is no need to replant it yet, then you can simply remove the top layer of soil, replacing it with fresher soil.

Many beginning gardeners make one big mistake (by the way, I made it too). Akalifa bristle-haired feels great in a small pot. And it seems to a novice gardener that the plant in such a pot is very bad.

This means that you should not transplant the plant into a larger pot until the old one has become completely cramped. If there is too much space in the pot, the plant begins to grow very slowly and may not even bloom.

How to determine that a plant pot has become too small.

  • Firstly, if the plant began to grow poorly, although before that everything was fine.
  • Secondly, if the pot has become cramped, then the soil in it begins to dry out quickly and therefore the plant has to be replanted often.
  • Roots may emerge from the bottom hole in the pot.

If these signs are not enough, then try to remove the earthen lump from the pot and carefully examine it. If the lump is completely enveloped in roots, then it’s time to replant the akalifa. If the roots have not completely enveloped the lump, then it is too early to think about replanting.

If you have checked the plant and realized that it is time to replant it, then follow the following requirements and then all your plants will tolerate replanting favorably.

The pot for transplanting Akalifa is taken only slightly wider than the previous one. If you take a much larger pot, the plant will simply grow very slowly.

If the pot is not new and another flower grew in it before, then it is important to treat it and wash it well. I first wash the used pots thoroughly and then soak them in a bleach solution for a while. I do this in order to prevent the occurrence of any diseases.

When the pot is prepared, water it with akalifa and leave it for an hour. Then, holding the plant, turn the pot over and remove the plant. If the plant is difficult to remove, then you can lightly tap on the bottom. And if this does not help, then separate the soil from the walls of the pot. This can be done easily with a knife, but you need to do it very carefully so as not to damage root system.

Akalfia bristle-haired – amazing plant, small flowers which are collected in elongated fluffy inflorescences, reminiscent of furry caterpillars, if you can only imagine pink, red, orange flowers. In fact, these are, of course, neither caterpillars nor foxtail, although the second name of the plant of the Euphorbiaceae family - foxtail - states the opposite.

Akalifa bristle-haired is a frequent visitor to private greenhouses.

General information

The homeland of the foxtail, Akalifa bristly, is the warm countries of South America, Africa, as well as New Guinea, Malaysia, the islands of Polynesia and Fiji. In total, about 450 species of evergreen shrubs and trees grow under natural conditions, belonging to the same family as Akalifa. The main group of species are monoecious plants; there are much fewer dioecious acalyphs in nature.

In Russia, Akalifa bristle-haired is an exclusively indoor flower that can grow no more than 1 meter in height.

The leaves of Akalifa are oval-shaped with denticles along the edges, but its main difference from the rest flowering plants are spike-shaped inflorescences consisting of small flowers, and in appearance resembling caterpillars or a fox's tail, pink, orange, white, green or red in color. Earring tails appear on the plant in spring, and flowering ends in autumn. The length of the tails varies from 30 to 50 cm, because of them in our country the bristly akalifa received another name - foxtail.

Akalifa blooms quite beautifully, while the entire bush is abundantly covered with silky tails of pleasant pink color which looks very nice. Ornamental plant attracts gardeners, although it should be treated with caution - it is poisonous.

Agricultural technology

Akalifa bristly - perennial, V wildlife can live 10 or more years. At home, an indoor flower lives for only one season, in favorable conditions can live up to 5-7 years.

This is an unfamiliar plant in our country, perhaps precisely because Russian flower growers do not have much experience in growing this exotic plant, it does not live here for too long.

Akalifa - care at home has its own characteristics, which are not difficult to comprehend in order to seriously engage in breeding this unusual representative of the flora. The flower loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct rays of the sun. But in insufficient light it can stretch out and bloom poorly. Variegated forms lose their bright color.

During flowering from spring to autumn, the flower needs to be watered abundantly. During the dormant period, in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, the main thing is that the soil in the pot does not dry out.

Akalifa, like any tropical plant, loves high humidity, so in addition to watering, it must be sprayed with warm, purified water. The air humidity for a flower can be increased by placing a container of water nearby, or by placing a pot with a flower in a tray with moss or expanded clay moistened with water.

Akalifa loves high humidity and therefore needs to be watered often.

Akalifa loves warmth; in summer, its normal temperature is 20-25 degrees, in winter – 15-18 degrees. In a warm, heated room in winter, the plant needs to be watered more often.

During the flowering period from March to November, the plant is fed either with mineral or organic fertilizers every two weeks. In winter, fertilizing is not carried out.

Akalifa grows quickly so that it does not stretch in height and is more lush, young shoots are pinched. Pruning is performed annually for plants over two years old; this is done before flowering begins - in February.

When pruning, all shoots are removed so that stems 25-30 cm high remain. After that, the akalifa begins to be watered and fed abundantly, in anticipation of new tails-inflorescences. To create your own microclimate, at this moment the plant can be covered with a transparent plastic bag.

Transplantation is carried out annually for young plants, and once every 3-4 years for adults. If the foxtail begins to hurt and blooms poorly, replanting can be done more often.

The flower grows well on light, air- and moisture-permeable soil. For planting and replanting, a mixture of leaf and turf soil, high peat and sand is used. You need to take more land, and less peat and sand. The pot must have a drainage layer made of pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.

Akalifa is propagated by cuttings or sowing seeds. The seeds are sown in a moist substrate of leaf soil and sand, not buried, but simply sprinkled on top. Then the soil is compacted and sprinkled on top with a thin, 0.5 cm layer of the same soil, but not moistened.

The container with the crops is covered with film or other transparent material and opened from time to time for ventilation and watering. To quickly germinate seeds, the container from below can be heated in a steam bath. After the first true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand, taken in equal proportions.

One of the methods of propagation is planting seeds.

Cuttings. Flowering species of Akalifa are propagated by cuttings in the spring, and deciduous species - throughout the year. For these purposes, the apical shoots are cut off and placed for rooting in sand or a mixture of sand and peat. The container with cuttings should be kept in a room with a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

For quick rooting, the pots can be heated from below, bringing the temperature to +25 degrees. After rooting, the cuttings can be planted in a substrate with the same composition that was used for sowing the seeds.

You can plant 2-3 specimens in one pot to make the bush look lush and even more decorative.

Akalifa immediately attracts attention with its unusual, spectacular inflorescences, similar to birch “earrings”. Bright colors- scarlet, crimson, snow-white - stand out favorably against the background of leaves of a soft salad color. Akalifa's homeland is the tropics, but it has adapted surprisingly well to the microclimate modern apartments, very different from her usual conditions. Even a novice gardener can grow these “tails” - caring for the plant at home is quite simple.

What does Akalifa look like?

Akalifa (Acalypha), also known as "fox tail" or "cat's tail" - a genus of evergreens herbaceous plants and shrubs (very rarely - low trees) belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, numbering about 450 representatives. Its name comes from the ancient Greek “nettle” and is due to the external similarity of the leaves. It is really easy to confuse them - both the shape (ovoid, with a pointed tip and an edge cut into triangular teeth) and color are similar. The presence of rare thin bristles is also characteristic of the well-known weed. Other acalyphs are somewhat less common at home - they bloom less spectacularly, but the leaves have an unusual bronze or copper tint and are covered with dark scarlet spots.

Even non-flowering akalifa looks elegant thanks to its bright greenery

Akalifa's homeland is the tropics. The most common plant is in Southeast Asia, Australia, and on the islands between these continents. Selected species found in South and North America.

Like other Euphorbiaceae, Akalifa is poisonous. All parts of the plant contain caustic milky-white juice, which is highly irritating to the skin and even more so to the mucous membranes.. In especially severe cases, even allergic reactions such as Quincke's edema are possible. Any work with a flower is carried out only with gloves. When finished, be sure to wash your hands. Also, choose a place for the potty where small children and pets cannot reach.

Akalifa, as often happens, is not only poison, but also medicine. This is due to the presence of specific alkaloids and glycosides. Aborigines of Australia and Polynesia use the plant to treat diseases of the lungs (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma) and the gastrointestinal tract. It has been scientifically proven that, by releasing phytoncides, it purifies the surrounding air from pathogenic bacteria - staphylococci, streptococci.

The main value of akalifa in the eyes of a florist is its spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences. In nature, their length reaches 50 cm, at home 30 cm. These bright, beautifully flowing shaggy brushes naturally stay on the plant for several months. “In captivity” the plant blooms even more readily, almost continuously, at least from late winter to mid-autumn.

The undoubted advantage of the flower is its compactness. In nature, akalifa can grow up to 2 m in height; at home it is rarely higher than 50–70 cm.

Astrologers and adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui value akalifa for the support it provides to the heart, preserving the “bright” atmosphere in the house and the cheerfulness of its owners. It is believed that the flower accumulates positive energy and at the right moment shares it with the owners, keeping them cheerful and optimistic. It also softens harsh men, and, on the contrary, adds strength of spirit and will to women.

Video: akalifa’s appearance

Popular varieties grown at home

Quite a few species of akalifa have adapted to home conditions. There are also selective hybrids. The most popular among gardeners:

  • Akalifa Wilkes (wilkesiana). A bushy plant reaching a height of 1 m. The shoots have a copper-red hue and are covered with sparse villi. The leaf length is about 20 cm, the width is 15 cm. It blooms rather inconspicuously, the inflorescence length is up to 8–10 cm. The bronze leaves are covered with copper or pink-red spots. Breeding hybrids - mosaica (brown-red leaves covered with yellow-red, terracotta and bronze broad strokes) and marginata (olive-brown leaves with a crimson border).
  • Akalifa bristle-haired (hispida). Very bright green leaves and large (35–40 cm in length) inflorescences of scarlet or crimson color. In the selection hybrid alba they are snow-white. The first type of akalifa, which began to be widely grown at home.
  • Indian Akalifa (indica). Height - no more than 0.5 m, branching is weak. The tops of the stems are heavily pubescent. The length of the leaf is 4–6 cm. At its base, 5 veins are clearly visible. Flowering is short-lived - from mid-summer to early spring. The inflorescences are “hidden” in the axils of the leaves.
  • Akalifa southern (australis), sometimes not quite correctly called “Australian”. The height of the bush-like plant is 45–50 cm, ribbed shoots covered with sparse hard hairs branch intensively. The length of a very thin leaf is 4–5 cm. It blooms for a short time - July, August. Inflorescences are axillary.
  • Oakleaf acalypha (chamaedrifolia), also known as Haitian (hispaniolae). Low creeping shrub. Heart-shaped leaves (3–4 cm long) are a very delicate light green color. The length of the inflorescences is 4–10 cm. At home, it is often grown using the hanging method. If you take a wide enough pot, it will cover the soil with a continuous carpet.
  • Akalifa Godsefa (godseffiana). Selective hybrid. The leaves are in the shape of a wide oval, up to 20 cm long, densely pubescent. Greenery, cast in bronze, becomes copper-red or golden where it is exposed to direct sunlight. Acalypha Godsefa heterophylla (heterophylla), grown in bright light of any origin, changes the color of the leaves to scarlet.
  • California acalypha (californica). It has a growing location that is atypical for akalifa. Salad-colored leaves with large teeth. The inflorescences are bright pink.

Photo gallery: southern akalifa, Wilksa, bristly-haired and other varieties

Wilks' acalypha is most often found at home. The selection variety mosaica is distinguished by its very elegant leaf color
Wilks' acalypha marginata is grown as a houseplant and, where climate permits, is widely used in landscape design
Akalifa bristly-haired was the first to adapt to unusual conditions for it. The breeding hybrid alba is distinguished by snow-white inflorescences. Among all species, Akalifa indica has the most clearly expressed healing properties In its homeland, the southern akalifa grows like a weed, it often serves as food for livestock. The oak-leaved akalifa looks good in hanging flowerpots. The godsefa akalifa has somewhat atypical leaves.

Video: akalifa, popular among flower growers

How to provide the plant with optimal conditions?

Akalifa is quite demanding in terms of living conditions. It is the correct microclimate that is the key to long and regular flowering.

Akalifa is not shade-loving, but direct sunlight is also harmful to her.

Table: how to create the correct microclimate

Factor Recommendations
Location The sill of a window facing southeast or southwest or at some distance from the south window. It is not recommended to take the flower out into the open air, even in summer. Regular ventilation is required.
Lighting You need bright but diffused light. During the period of greatest solar activity (11:00–14:00), shade the plant. In winter, use special phyto- or regular fluorescent lamps to extend daylight hours to at least 10–12 hours. The brighter the leaves of the akalifa, the more light it needs. This also applies to variegated varieties that lose color in the shade.
Temperature In summer - 20–25ºС, in winter - 17–20ºС. At temperatures above 35ºC and below 15ºC, the flower may die. Akalifa really doesn’t like sudden changes in temperature, as well as cold drafts. If in winter you provide optimal temperature If it doesn’t work, watering should be more frequent than during the dormant period.
Humidity The minimum indicator is 65% (preferably 70–80%). It is advisable to spray the flower daily (in hot weather - 2-3 times a day) and create a suspension of water droplets in the air around it. In summer, additionally place a container of water nearby, pour wet pebbles or expanded clay into the tray, and cover the soil in the pot with damp moss and coconut fiber. Just don’t pour water into the pan - this provokes the development of rot.

The procedure for planting and transplanting a “fox tail”

Akalifas under 5 years of age are replanted annually in early spring. For adult plants, one transplant every 2–3 years is sufficient. If it is physically impossible to replant the flower, remove the top 3–5 cm of soil in the pot and replace it with fresh substrate. Old acalyphs often grow overgrown, losing their decorative properties, so instead of replanting, it is better to root cuttings.

The pot for akalifa is chosen to be wide enough and voluminous. The root system of the plant quickly masters the new space. A container that is very “for growth” is a bad option, because the growth of the above-ground part of the plant practically stops. It is advisable to choose a ceramic pot - it is more stable and gives additional opportunity aeration.

The soil for akalifa should be light, nutritious and slightly acidic. To obtain the necessary acid-base reaction, simple superphosphate (10 g per 5 l) is added to the finished substrate. If there is no alternative, store-bought soil for flowering indoor plants is suitable, but it is better to prepare the substrate yourself by mixing fertile turf, universal soil for indoor flowers, leaf humus, peat chips and coarse river sand in equal proportions.

Akalifa transplantation is a simple procedure:

  1. Pour expanded clay or other material with similar properties onto the bottom of the new pot (layer thickness - 2–3 cm). On top - coarse sand, perlite or vermiculite for better water permeability.
  2. Fill about a third of the container with freshly prepared sterilized substrate.
  3. Water the flower generously; after half an hour, remove it from the old pot, after knocking on the walls.
  4. As far as possible, without destroying the earthen ball, inspect the root system. Using a sharp, clean knife, trim off any dry or blackened roots. Sprinkle the sections with crushed chalk or activated carbon.
  5. Move the soil ball into a new pot, adding soil around the edges. Press down gently. There is no need to press down the soil too much to avoid damaging the fragile roots.
  6. Water and spray the plant moderately. Place in light partial shade for 2–3 days.

Proper care of indoor akalifa

If suitable conditions are created, Akalifa does not create any great difficulties in care for the grower. The most important thing is to water the plant on time and correctly.


Watering is the main component of caring for akalifa at home. Both lack and excess moisture will quickly destroy the plant. The soil in the pot should always be moist; it should not be allowed to dry out or become sour. Therefore, the frequency of watering is determined based on the temperature outside and indoors. Usually once every 2-3 days is enough.

Water for irrigation is used soft, heated to a temperature of about 30ºC. If it is not possible to water the flower with melt or rain water, clean the tap water. It can be passed through a filter, boiled or allowed to stand for 1-2 days. To neutralize calcium, chlorine and fluoride compounds, it is useful to add a little apple cider vinegar or citric acid.

Fertilizer application

During the active growing season (from the beginning of spring to the end of September), the plant is fed every 12–15 days with any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, preparing the solution according to the instructions. Organic fertilizers use is not recommended, they can burn fragile roots.

Rest period

The period of rest in Akalifa is not clearly expressed. It is enough to slightly lower the temperature, slightly reduce watering (to once every 3–5 days) and refuse fertilizing. Lighting requirements for the winter do not change, so it is advisable to move the flower to south window, do not shade and illuminate with special lamps.


Like most tropical plants, in suitable conditions akalifa grows quite quickly, especially in height, so it stretches out unsightly. For greater lushness and “bushiness,” it is recommended to pinch the shoots on the top 1–2 buds 2–3 times during the active growing season.

There is another option - to radically prune the plant every year at the end of February, leaving a “stump” of about 20 cm high from each shoot. To stimulate growth, the flower is sprayed 3-4 times a day and kept under a transparent plastic bag for about a month. Things will go faster if you replace the water with a weak solution of any biostimulant (Topaz, Zircon).

Typical mistakes made by flower growers

Akalifa, which is not properly cared for, blooms much less profusely and quickly loses its decorative effect. Appearance plants indicates mistakes made by the grower.

Most of the gardener's mistakes very quickly affect the condition of the akalifa leaves.

Table: how a flower reacts to improper care

What does the plant look like? What is the reason and how to solve the problem
The stems become elongated, the leaves become smaller and fade.The flower does not have enough light. You need to find another place for the pot or use lamps. Akalifa is gradually accustomed to new conditions.
The leaves turn yellow, the tips turn brown and dry out.The soil in the pot often dries out greatly. Set up proper watering.
The leaves lose their tone, droop, and the surface becomes wrinkled.The plant is not watered correctly. The described situation occurs with both excess and deficiency of moisture. Or the “fault” is that the soil is unsuitable for akalifa, too heavy, and does not allow water to pass through well.
Brown “wet” spots appear on the leaves, the bases of the petioles and shoots turn black.The cause of developing rot is frequent heavy watering combined with low room temperature or cold drafts.
The leaves dry out and fall off.If the process is not too intense and only affects the lower leaves, this is normal. Otherwise, the plant suffers from a deficiency nutrients in the soil or low air humidity. Common pests

There are no specific pests that exclusively affect Akalifa. The risk of sucking insects and mites can be minimized by following simple preventive measures:

  • quarantine for newly acquired plants;
  • regular ventilation of the room (but without cold drafts);
  • inspect indoor flowers (preferably with a magnifying glass) at least once a week;
  • maintaining air humidity and temperature that is comfortable for the akalifa;
  • proper watering and timely application of fertilizers;
  • minimizing damage during transplantation, cuttings, and other work with the plant (using only sterile instruments, processing all sections);
  • disinfection of soil and pots;
  • periodically washing plants in the shower with preliminary application of soap foam to the leaves.

Table: what pests does Akalifa suffer from?

Pest External manifestations How to fight?
AphidInsects settle on the plant in colonies, clinging to the tops of shoots, buds and the underside of leaves. The plants are covered with small beige dots, clearly visible in the light.
  • Removing the most severely affected parts of the plant;
  • spraying the flower 2-3 times a day with an infusion of any sharp-smelling herbs, onions, garlic, pine needles, tobacco chips, hot pepper, orange peels, mustard powder;
  • watering the soil with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • use of Inta-Vira, Calypso, Suzy, Aktara, Konfidor-Maxi, Iskra-Bio, Kinmiksa.
WhiteflyInsects that look like small moths fly into the air as soon as you lightly touch the flower. On the underside of the leaf there are clutches of eggs and almost colorless spots of irregular shape.
  • Collect visible specimens with a vacuum cleaner (early morning when they are least active);
  • constant use of the fumigator for 7–10 days;
  • using adhesive tape to catch flies and homemade traps (bright cardboard smeared with glue, jam, honey);
  • use of Actellik, Confidor, Fitoverm, Aktara, Tanrek, Mospilan (2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days).
Spider mitePetioles and shoots braided with thin, almost invisible threads. The underside of the leaf becomes covered with whitish spots, and the top becomes discolored.
  • Place the abundantly watered plant in a plastic bag for 2–3 days;
  • watering with a decoction of cyclamen tubers, infusion of horsetail or celandine;
  • use of acaricides - Antiklesch, Vermitek, Aktofit, Agravertin, Omite, Apollo, Neoron (2-3 times with an interval of 7-12 days, changing drugs).
MealybugSmall dirty white lumps on the plant, similar to fluff or cotton wool. The substrate around the edges of the pot peels away, revealing a ring of a whitish, waxy substance.
  • Destruction of visible traces of the pest with a cotton pad soaked in soap suds or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol;
  • wiping leaves ethyl alcohol or any pharmaceutical alcohol tincture and a hot shower after 10–15 minutes;
  • application of Biotlin, Aktara, Tanrek, Calypso, Confidant, Mospilan (3-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days).
ShchitovkaRed or yellow areas of tissue around dull brown oval growths; almost black substrate.
  • Destruction of visible individuals (lubricate the shell with a cotton swab with alcohol, kerosene, vinegar, turpentine, machine oil, wait 2-3 hours);
  • treating the flower and soil with Fufanon, Fosbecid, Actellik, Metaphos, Arrivo, Permethrin (every 10–15 days, at least 2–3 times) or any flea remedy (ampoule for 1.5–2 liters of water).