Healing properties of sounds. Six Healing Sounds: healing technique from the Taoist master Mantak Chia Sounds emanating from various organs

It has long been known that sounds have a very subtle and profound effect on our bodies and souls. If this were not the case, then we would not feel a surge of strength from listening to our favorite song or melody, we would not calm down to the steady patter of rain on the pavement...

Why do sounds affect us so much? And how far does their power over the human body and mind extend? Is it really possible to cure any disease with their help? How does sound therapy work? Answers in the article 😉

Sound treatment. Forgotten medicines of antiquity

Sounds and human health are closely related. People learned about this connection during the birth of traditional medicine.

Indian shamans fought illnesses through the rhythmic sound of drums and tambourines. Ancient Egyptian healers played musical instruments similar to pipes and cellos to calm their patients and relieve them of anxiety and insomnia. The ancient Greeks treated nervous system disorders with trumpet sounds.

Sound healing existed and still exists in China. In many hospitals in the Middle Kingdom, special healing syllables are rhythmically pronounced during the prevention process.

Something similar is practiced in India. In the system of Indian religious and philosophical worldviews, individual sounds are used to treat diseases, the healing effect of which is based on the energy vibrations they create. Such sound combinations are called mantras, and the most famous of them is the “OM” mantra.

“Sound is a form of continuation of silence,
something like a developing ribbon"

Joseph Brodsky

The simple combination of these two letters is considered the most important sound in Indian religions. It is believed that all the wisdom of the ancestors and enormous divine power are concentrated in it.

The Tibetans, in turn, have long used “singing” bowls for healing. This unusual musical instrument is popular in many Asian countries even today. It is used for various medical practices, yoga, meditation and relaxation. Treatment with Tibetan bowls is a reality.

Sound therapy: sound healing in Rus'

It is noteworthy that sound therapy was also practiced in Rus' - local healers used playing the harp for this. According to historians, Ivan the Terrible was often treated using this method.

But ordinary people also knew very well about sound therapy, although, of course, they were not fully aware of their knowledge. For example, barge haulers who pulled huge ships along rivers always sang during their hard work. They sang together, in unison, and not only to keep up and not doze off along the way. They sang simply because it made their souls lighter and gave them more strength.

Despite the fact that sound therapy has been actively used in many eastern countries since ancient times to this day, in Europe this method of treatment was seriously discussed only in the last century.

Today, various sounds are used as an aid to treat nervous ailments, to alleviate the condition of patients and to activate the body's protective abilities. To do this, in sanatoriums patients are played recordings of birds singing, the rustling of the forest and the sound of rain.

The influence of sounds on human health is difficult to overestimate.

Sound therapy – placebo or universal cure?

Adherents of alternative medicine are confident that sound therapy can cure everything. From colds to cancer.

They explain such a powerful healing effect of sounds by the fact that their frequency vibrations resonate with various organs of the body and tune them, like a musical instrument.

In other words, sounds bring order to chaos. And what is a disease if not the chaos in the body that has arisen due to the fact that some of its systems have failed?

How does sound affect human health?Bioenergy specialists are confident that every cell in our body, every organ and the whole organism has its own frequency of vibrational movements. When a malfunction occurs in an organ system or a specific organ, these vibrations change, becoming pathological.

Here healing sounds that are on the same frequency with certain organs come to the rescue. Their harmonious, orderly sound adjusts to the “music” of the diseased organ, and they begin to sound in unison.

However, many scientists are confident that the healing properties of sounds are based on the banal placebo effect. They are sure that listening to their favorite songs or melodic sounds that are pleasant to the ear improves mood and stabilizes the emotional state, but cannot cure real diseases.

When a person experiences pleasant emotions, positive processes occur in his body. Immunity increases, pain dulls, and symptoms of diseases become less pronounced.

E This perfectly prepares the ground for the main treatment and increases the chances of recovery, but is not a cure in itself.

This is why sound therapy is so effective in treating mental disorders, such as insomnia, depression or neuroses. It also helps a lot with some psychosomatic disorders, such as asthma, eczema, and dermatitis.

But in case of real diseases, especially serious ones, sound treatment can only be used as an additional means - to improve the mood and alleviate the condition of patients.

In any case, even adherents of this point of view do not deny the positive influence of sounds on the human body.

Treatment with music

Sound treatment can be divided into several components. The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to healing sounds is music.

Music really does a great job of calming and relaxing. The most important thing is that this medicine is absolutely harmless. It has no side effects and can be taken anytime, anywhere.

The only thing you should pay attention to when listening to music is your own feelings. If the tempo of the song, its rhythm or the strength of the sound makes you uncomfortable, it is better to turn on another melody.

➨ Mental and emotional overload – compositions that contain harp sounds;

➨ Kidney pathologies – treatment with the sound of the cello;

➨ Diseases of the liver and spleen - violin;

➨ Depressed nervous system, back pain – measured, orderly beat of drums;

➨ Gastrointestinal pathologies - treatment with the sound of a guitar.

About the ringing of bells

Separately, it should be said about the bell ringing. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon.

The bell is the most effective method of sound therapy. People have long noticed that the ringing of bells is not only pleasant to the human ear, but also has magical and healing powers. Modern magic and esotericism confirm the positive influence of bell ringing on the surrounding space and people nearby.

Bioenergetics experts believe that when a bell rings, a very powerful release of energy occurs. This energy is well perceived by a person and has a detrimental effect on everything bad, dark, and destructive.

Previously, during epidemics, church bells almost never fell silent. This was done not only so that the magic of bell ringing would drive away demons, which, as was previously believed, sent fatal diseases to people. But also so that the loud ringing of bells would disperse the contaminated air and thereby stop the epidemic.

Bells were also rung during a thunderstorm so that the bad weather would pass quickly and would not harm anyone. In some European villages, even today, the ringing of bells is used to prevent hail damage to crops.

Treatment with the sounds of nature

Another direction of sound therapy is treatment with the sounds of nature. This is especially useful for residents of megacities, who are constantly surrounded by irritating, unpleasant sounds. They do not have the best effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

This is the monotonous hum of vehicles, the hum of factories working nearby, the noise of construction equipment, and loud music pouring literally from everywhere. Listening to pleasant, soothing natural sounds neutralizes the harmful effects of city noise.

What do the sounds of nature help with? Let's look at this point:

➨ For asthenic syndrome and neuroses, you should listen, in addition to the above sounds, to the chirping of sparrows, the “singing” of crickets, the chirping of grasshoppers, the croaking of frogs.

➨ The sound of crackling wood in a fire helps allergy sufferers and asthmatics. It also helps to cope with depressed mood caused by grievances and discontent.

➨ For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to listen to the nightingale’s singing.

➨ For problems of the genitourinary system - the murmur of a stream, the splash of a waterfall.

Sounds of seas and oceans

I would also like to say something about the sounds of the sea. You can perform massage and meditation sessions under them, and you can even fall asleep to the splash of sea water.

But the roar of waves crashing against the rocks and the cry of seagulls have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, invigorate, give strength, and increase immunity.

The sounds made by dolphins are also very beneficial for health. In general, in medicine there is such a thing as dolphin therapy. It has long been established that communication with dolphins improves a person’s emotional and physical well-being.

For some reason, these amazing animals act on us better than any medicine. Literally everything connected with them has a healing effect: the sounds they make, touching them, and even just observing them.

Ultrasound, combined with the audible sounds produced by dolphins, promotes microvibrations in tissues. It improves blood circulation and metabolism, improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

After choosing the appropriate direction of sound therapy, it is necessary to properly organize treatment sessions. First of all, you need to decide on the time of their implementation. Doctors recommend engaging in such practices at approximately 7 pm.

However, when choosing a time for a sound therapy session, the main thing is to focus on your biological rhythms and work schedule.

“Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds”

Ivan Turgenev

Only practice sound healing when you are truly comfortable. Otherwise, you will be in a hurry and constantly distracted, which is why you will not be able to relax, and there will be no result from the procedure. At the same time, you can conduct several sessions a day or practice sound therapy at any time when you feel the need.

To conduct sessions, you need to choose a convenient place and sit in a comfortable position. Which one is not important. The main thing is that you feel as comfortable and pleasant as possible. The only thing to consider is that it is better not to cross your legs, as this position closes the circulation of energy in the body.

Having made yourself comfortable, turn on “healing” music, relax as much as possible and discard all thoughts. Watch your volume. Too noisy sounds will not relax or heal, but will cause headaches and worsening well-being.

While listening, you can imagine how the disease leaves your body, how you become stronger and healthier. Imagine music or sounds as a kind of magical stream that enters your body, washes it from the inside and, coming out, takes everything bad with it.

Sound therapy. Conclusion

So, we have looked at the main points of sound treatment. You may believe in the healing properties of sounds or not, but the fact is that many people have been using this method for centuries.

Sound and vibration treatment is the easiest way to normalize your health!

Finally, the power of sound, sound healing: video

Treatment with frequencies

To answer this question about why some people feel quite comfortable in life, while others find themselves in a “dark streak” for a long period, we will have to turn to some physiological features of the work of our brain, thanks to which events in our lives line up in a certain way.

It is known that serotonin is a substance produced by the pineal gland from tryptophan.
Serotonin is often called the “hormone of happiness” because it is a transmitter of impulses between nerve cells of the brain and actively controls the emotional sphere of a person, causing certain desires that cannot be explained logically.
Produced by the pineal gland, serotonin cannot be stored in the body like fat.
At the bioenergetic level, it must be spent in the form of pleasures experienced by a person.

So, the serotonin produced must be used up in the emotional sphere. Whether you are aware of it or not, this process is constantly happening within you.
Some spend this “pleasure hormone” in the fastest and least labor-intensive way: overeating, addiction to sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol in any form, smoking. Thanks to dozens of small pleasures that constantly arise in us in an incomprehensible way, our brain uses up the serotonin produced.
Gradually, stable habits are developed for the expenditure of serotonin, which are extremely difficult to overcome. A typical example of this is addiction to alcohol, smoking, and drugs.

So why are luck and money “attracted” to certain people, as if to magnets?
The essence of the phenomenon is that for these people the pleasure of enjoying constant success in society, receiving more and more profit, has a stable psychophysiological character.
Their brain spends the main share of the serotonin produced on the materialization of situations leading to obtaining new, even greater profits, since such consumption of serotonin for it is a “channel for obtaining intense pleasure.”

Reconfiguring the energy flows of psychic energy in order to radically change your life is far from easy.
This requires activation of areas of the brain responsible for spending mental energy in a certain direction. Our brain forms stable zones of increased activity through which serotonin is consumed.

A fact repeatedly verified by science suggests that the functioning of the brain is characterized by frequencies called low and ultra-low.
For those who are not familiar with this, let us briefly recall the publicly available data that the human brain is characterized by several types of activity corresponding to the biological and mental state of the body.

Delta rhythm. It consists of high-amplitude waves of the order of 500 μV, with a frequency of 1-4 Hz. Appears in a state of deep sleep.

Theta rhythm. Waves with a frequency of 4-7 Hz with an amplitude of 70 - 150 µV. Occurs in a state of slow-wave sleep.

Alpha rhythm. Corresponds to the frequency band from 8 to 13 Hz, the average amplitude is 30-70 μV. Observed in a state of quiet wakefulness, with eyes closed.

Beta rhythm. Range from 14 to 30 Hz with an amplitude of 5-30 μV. Corresponds to the state of active wakefulness.

Gamma rhythm. Frequency range from 30 Hz to 50 Hz. This type of waves is characterized by a very low amplitude - less than 10 μV. This rhythm is observed in a state of maximum concentration, anxiety, and during outbursts of anger.

It is not difficult to notice that with a decrease in the frequency of brain waves, their electrical potential increases from 10 µV in the Gamma rhythm, to 500 µV and higher in the Delta rhythm.
From the above it is clear that in order to activate certain zones of the subconscious, a special kind of signal is required, which must have a frequency from 0.01 to 7 Hz, corresponding to the state of slow sleep, since in order to achieve a state of meditation and higher perception, complete relaxation of the body muscles and detachment from emotions.
However, our hearing aid perceives acoustic vibrations, the lower limit of which is 16 Hz. The ear does not perceive frequencies below this level.

How can you use a sound file with frequencies of hundreds of hertz to activate the brain so that, in resonance with the perceived sound, it operates at a frequency that is at least two times lower than the threshold of audibility?

A similar problem has long been solved, for example, in radio engineering. Any of you can easily record a voice or other sounds perceived by the ear on a tape recorder.
This can be done by a microphone - a device that converts air vibrations into an electrical signal. Regardless of the device, all microphones have the same element - a membrane that vibrates in time with sound vibrations.

Is it possible to record on a tape recorder air vibrations that the human ear cannot perceive?
Yes, you can. But for this you will have to resort to small technical tricks.
The recorded low-frequency signal must be played back at a speed several times higher than normal. Then he becomes audible. By compressing a signal in time, we actually increase its frequency.
Thanks to this, it is in the range of frequencies perceived by the ear.

Have you heard the sound of sunny weather or approaching rain?

Normally, we cannot hear this because our ear does not perceive fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which occur very slowly. However, there is a device that “hears” the weather.
This device is a well-known barometer, a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. Essentially, a barometer is a membrane that responds to changes in air pressure and is similar to the one found in a microphone.

To “hear” the upcoming weather, you need to install a sensitive microphone into one end of the liquid barometer tube, which must be sealed. At the sealed end of the tube, changes in atmospheric pressure will cause the microphone diaphragm to slowly vibrate. These vibrations cause a change in induction in the microphone coil.

If several hours of such a recording are played back at a speed several times higher than usual, then fluctuations in atmospheric pressure become audible sounds that can hardly be called harmonic.
Each of you has seen a similar effect, but in visual form, more than once on television in the form of accelerated filming, for example, when a sprout is filmed at intervals of several hours over the course of a week or a month. By reproducing a shoot that took a month to complete in a few minutes, we seem to be “compressing time.” What our eyes are normally unable to detect becomes visible and understandable.

By experimenting in this way, we accumulated a series of "compressed sounds" in the form of digital files that corresponded to various weather conditions.
In this “compressed” form, such recordings can be played on any home player.
Having compressed the envelope wave of the “sound of weather” by 15 times and superimposed it on a harmonic audible sound so that the envelope corresponded to the “boundary” of oscillations of the audible frequency, we let complete strangers listen to the melodies.
Everyone, without exception, was able to accurately determine what weather condition each of the heard phonograms corresponded to.
This indicates that the subconscious has the ability to directly perceive information, bypassing its analysis by the conscious mind.

Unlike radio engineering, where a low-frequency signal for transmission over long distances is “filled” with high-frequency oscillations of a fixed frequency, in our case, harmonic oscillations based on “pink noise” are used.
This type of sound waves is characterized by the fact that its spectral density decreases with decreasing frequency.
Such a sound signal does not cause irritation when played because it is a harmonic sequence of sounds that are pleasant to the ear.
A feature of a modulated sound signal that activates the subconscious is that the “envelope” wave is not perceived by consciousness, since it has a frequency below 16 Hz. It penetrates immediately into the subconscious and is deciphered there.
The audible part of the signal perceived by consciousness is the filler, the role of which is similar to the functions of the supports in a roller coaster.

The hippocampus of our brain, which is responsible for “switching on” the areas of the subconscious responsible for intuition during the period when a person is awake, is busy distributing “input” information in the brain that comes from the senses every second. In this state, it does not operate in reverse output mode.
The “output” channel for information from the subconscious is activated when the brain operates at frequencies below 8 Hz, that is, in a state of slow and deep sleep.
When you are awake, intuition is turned off; when it is turned on, you are asleep.
If, using audio files modulated by signals of 0.01 to 8 Hz, the hippocampus is activated in a state of wakefulness, then you can turn on intuition at a time when it is vitally necessary, at a time when you are active, cheerful and full of strength.
Moreover, using modulated audio signals, it is possible to direct psychic energy in the desired direction, allowing it to resonate with other types of natural energy, including Schumann waves.

By modulating sound with ultra-low frequency waves, you can “turn off” the “anxiety zone” in the subconscious, destroy fears, increase the feeling of happiness and pleasure from the process of life, activate the subconscious in such a way as to be attractive to other people, etc.

The world around us would not be so beautiful if it were silent. From birth, our lives are filled with many sounds. And every inhabitant of the Earth knows about this first-hand. The aggressive noise of big cities is tiring and annoying. One of the ways to escape from this aggression is to go on vacation outside the city. where the magical sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the murmuring of a stream, the splashing of waves, the rustling of leaves - will give us mental rest, calm and tranquility. And physical activity, games, running, performing various exercises to the sound of these beneficial sounds are especially beneficial for our health.

With the development of technological progress, the population of our planet is increasingly suffering from the negative influence of the sound environment. In the most advanced countries of the world, medical scientists are studying the nature of sounds and noises and its effect on human health. As a result of these studies, it was found that sounds can both destroy health and cure many diseases, both irritate and calm, both relax and activate a person. And then such a direction as sound therapy appeared in medicine.
It has now been proven that a specific note has an effect on a specific human organ and helps heal it. For example, the note F helps remove toxins from the body. If you love to sing, sing to your heart's content, because the sound of your own voice is soothing. You also strain your lungs, drawing more air into them, which means your blood is better saturated with oxygen and this helps get rid of drowsiness and fatigue.
The primary source of modern sound therapy is the works of Taoist masters. It was they, the Tibetan monks, who, during meditation, plunging into their inner world, were the first to comprehend this great secret. In Tibetan medicine, sound therapy is used very widely. In addition to natural sounds, so-called Tibetan “singing” bowls are used, which produce unique sounds. The bowl is placed on the patient’s body, and with a light blow of pine or rosewood sticks, sounds are extracted from them, causing certain vibrations in the internal organs, thereby providing a healing effect.
Many thousands of years ago, Taoists, through healing practices, proved that a person is able to prevent the development of a disease, and, having fallen ill, to heal himself if, while performing special exercises, he pronounces certain sounds. There are six such sounds. It is these six sounds that affect acupuncture meridians and energy channels.
Masters of Taoist practices claim that the internal organs of a person not only have their own color, but also contribute to the emergence of certain emotions in him. Healthy organs produce positive emotions, while sick organs produce negative ones. Qigong complex "Six Healing Sounds" Due to the improvement of internal organs, it ensures the replacement of negative emotions with positive ones.
Human internal organs are surrounded by fascia. If a person is in a painful or stressful state, the fascia contracts and seems to stick to the organ. As a result, the temperature inside the organ increases, and prolonged overheating leads to dysfunction and the accumulation of toxins. Healing sounds release excess heat, thereby healing the organ. But for sounds to become truly healing, they must be pronounced according to certain rules.

Rules for performing six healing sounds.

  1. Take the correct position and pronounce exactly the sound that affects a specific organ.
  2. All sounds are made only while exhaling, because sounds made while exhaling relax the diaphragm. You need to throw your head back and look at the ceiling, because in this position a direct passage is formed for the exchange of energy through the mouth to the internal organs.
  3. Lips, teeth, and tongue are involved in the production of sound, but they are pronounced without a voice. The sound should only be heard internally, because this enhances its impact. It must be pronounced slowly and drawn out.
  4. The exercises must be performed in a certain order, which promotes uniform distribution of heat in the body and corresponds to the natural arrangement of the seasons from autumn to Indian summer.
  5. A set of healing sounds should be performed no earlier than an hour after eating. But if you have problems with digestion (flatulence, nausea, heaviness in the stomach), you need to perform a spleen sound immediately after eating.
  6. Perform the complex in a quiet place. To develop your ability to concentrate internally, eliminate all distractions (phone, TV).
  7. Clothing should be loose and appropriate to the ambient temperature. Remove your belt, watch, glasses.
  8. Don't take cold showers immediately after vigorous exercise—it's too much of a shock to your organs.

To enhance the impact of sounds, Taoist masters developed a special set of exercises, “Healing Sounds Qigong.”

Set of exercises “Six Healing Sounds of Qigong”.

Lung Sound Qigong.

Taoists discovered that due to overheating of the lungs, sadness and depression appear in a person. Healing sound for the lungs: TSSSSSSSS... . It sounds like the lazy hiss of a snake. By releasing heat from the lungs, this sound allows you to get rid of negative emotions. And they are replaced by positive emotions: courage and courage.

  1. Feel your lungs.
  2. Take a deep breath and raise your arms in front of you, following their movements with your eyes. When your hands are at eye level, begin to rotate your palms and raise your arms high above your head with your palms facing up. The elbows are half bent. You should feel a stretch running from your wrists through your forearms, elbows, and up to your shoulders. This will open the lungs and chest, making breathing easier.
  3. Close your mouth so that your teeth are gently closed and part your lips slightly. Pull the corners of your mouth back and exhale, releasing air through the gap between your teeth, making the sound “SSSSSS...”, which must be pronounced without a voice, slowly and smoothly in one breath.
  4. At the same time, imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) is completely compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sadness and melancholy.
  5. After exhaling completely (done without straining), turn your palms down, close your eyes and fill your lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, you can imagine pure white light and a noble quality filling your entire lungs. Gently relax your shoulders and slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms facing up. Feel the exchange of energy in your hands and palms.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe calmly, smile at your lungs, feel them and imagine that you are still making their sound. Pay attention to all the sensations that arise. Try to feel how the fresh, cool energy is displacing the hot and harmful energy.
  7. After breathing has returned to normal, perform this exercise 3 to 6 times. For colds, flu, toothache, smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you want to increase the mobility of the chest and the elasticity of the inner surface of the arms, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins, you can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times .

The sound of your lungs can help you stop feeling nervous if you are in front of a large audience. To do this, silently and without moving your hands, perform it several times. This will help you calm down. If the sound of the lungs is not enough, you can perform the sound of the heart and an inner smile.
Video on lung sound techniques

Kidney Sound Qigong.

When too much heat accumulates in the kidneys, a person becomes fearful. Sound helps neutralize this negative emotion CHUUUUU. Neutralizing fear will lead to the manifestation of positive emotions: kindness and wisdom.

  1. Feel the kidneys.
  2. Bring your legs together, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, take a deep breath and clasp your hands; grab your knees with your hands and pull them towards you. Straightening your arms, feel the tension in your back in the kidney area; look up and tilt your head back without tension.
  3. Round your lips and almost silently make the sound you make when you blow out a candle. At the same time, pull the middle part of the abdomen - between the sternum and navel - towards the spine. Imagine how excess heat, wet sick energy and fear are squeezed out of the membrane around the kidneys.
  4. After exhaling completely, sit up straight and inhale slowly into the kidneys, imagining bright blue energy and the quality of gentleness entering the kidneys. Spread your legs hip-length apart and place your hands on your hips, palms up.
  5. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile at the buds, imagining that you are still making their sound. Pay attention to how you feel. Feel the exchange of energies in the area around the kidneys, in the hands, head and legs.
  6. Once your breathing has calmed down, repeat the healing sound 3 to 6 times. For back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears or to cleanse the kidneys of toxic substances, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Liver sound qigong.

The negative emotion that the liver represents is anger. Healing Liver Sound: SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH... By releasing excess heat from the liver, this sound helps transform anger into a positive emotion - kindness.

  1. Feel the liver and feel the connection between the eyes and the liver.
  2. Lower your arms with your palms facing outward. Inhale deeply as you slowly raise your arms out to your sides above your head. At the same time, tilt your head back and look at your hands.
  3. Interlace your fingers and turn your palms up. Push your wrists upward and feel the stretch in your arm muscles from your hands to your shoulders. Lean slightly to the left, creating a gentle stretch in the liver area.
  4. Exhale with sound ‛ SHSHSHSH... ", the vocal cords are almost not involved in this. And again imagine and feel how the membrane in which the liver is enclosed shrinks and gets rid of excess heat and anger.
  5. After exhaling completely, open your fingers and, pushing the lower parts of your palms to the sides, take a slow breath into the liver; imagine how it is filled with the bright green light of kindness.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile at the liver, imagining that you are still making its sound. Follow the sensations. Feel the exchange of energies.
  7. Perform 3 to 6 times. If you feel angry, have red or watery eyes, or have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, repeat the exercise 9 to 36 times.

Taoist masters said regarding anger control: “If you have said the liver sound 30 times and you are still angry with someone, you have the right to beat that person.”

Heart Sound Qigong.

Taoist masters associate such negative emotions as hatred, cruelty, arrogance, and fanaticism, which are associated with almost all diseases of the modern world, with overheating of the heart. A hardened heart leads to a hardened consciousness. And only the healing sound of the heart - HAUUUU– gives a person a means to release the heat accumulated in the heart. The heart, freed from excessive heat, absorbs new positive emotions: joy, love, respect, the desire to create.

  1. Feel the heart and feel the connection between it and the tongue.
  2. Inhale deeply while assuming the same position as for the liver sound, but this time lean slightly to the right.
  3. Open your mouth slightly, round your lips and exhale with a sound ‛ HAUUUUU...”, without a voice, imagining how the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.
  4. Rest is performed in the same way as when performing the liver sound, the only difference is that the attention must be focused on the heart and imagine how it is filled with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, sincerity and creativity.
  5. Do three to six times. For a sore throat, cold, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Spleen sound qigong.

The spleen is closely interconnected with the pancreas, so the healing sound of the spleen is HUUUUU- applies to both organs. As a result of overheating of the spleen, a person develops negative emotions - restlessness, anxiety, and a feeling of self-pity. Freed from excessive heat, the spleen and pancreas give a person openness and a sense of justice. The sound of the spleen resembles the cry of an owl.

  1. Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.
  2. Inhale deeply, placing your hands on your upper abdomen with your index fingers resting on the area below and just to the left of your sternum. At the same time, apply pressure to this area with your index fingers and push your mid-back forward.
  3. Exhale with sound ‛ HUUUUUU...", saying it without a voice, but so that it is felt on the vocal cords. Exhale excess heat, humidity and dampness, anxiety, pity and regret.
  4. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas and stomach, or imagine bright yellow light along with the qualities of honesty, compassion, focus and musicality entering them.
  5. Slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms facing up.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you are still making the spleen sound. Monitor the sensations and energy exchange.
  7. Repeat 3, 6, 9 to 36 times for indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, and also if you want to cleanse the spleen of toxins. When performed in combination with other healing sounds, this sound is more effective and healthier than any medicine. This is the only one of the six sounds that can be made immediately after eating.

Triple heater sound qigong.

In Western medicine there is no concept of a “triple warmer”. Taoists, by this concept, mean three areas of the body. Top: brain, heart and lungs. Medium: kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach. Lower: large and small intestines, genitals, bladder.
The healing sound of the triple heater – HIIIIII– is an excellent stress reliever and also regulates the temperature of these three areas. Playing this sound before bed will promote deep, restful, and relaxed sleep.
One must imagine how hot energy descends from the head to the lower abdomen, and cold energy rises through the digestive system to balance the temperature in all three areas.

  1. Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lumbar region, place a pillow under your knees.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, expanding your stomach and chest without straining.
  3. Exhale with sound ‛ HIIIIII...", pronouncing it without a voice, imagining and feeling as if someone is squeezing the air out of you with a huge roller, starting from your neck and ending in your lower abdomen. Imagine that your chest and stomach have become thin, like a sheet of paper, and Feel the lightness, radiance and emptiness inside. Rest while breathing normally.
  4. Repeat 3 to 6 times or more if you do not feel drowsy at all. The Triple Warmer sound can also be used to help you relax without falling asleep by lying on your side or sitting in a chair.

The Six Healing Sounds Qigong complex can be performed at any time, but the most effective is to perform it before bed, because such a practice will relieve the stress of the day, calm the nervous system and give a deep, refreshing sleep.
It is also good to perform these exercises after physical activity: running, fitness, aerobics, etc.
Daily practice will help avoid dangerous overheating of internal organs. Smile at your internal organs and rest after each exercise for as long as you feel necessary.

Comprehensive video of 6 healing sounds.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Akishina

Several thousand years ago, Taoist masters, during meditation, discovered six sounds that help maintain the optimal state of internal organs, preventing or curing diseases. They discovered that a healthy organ generates vibration of a certain frequency. Together with the Six Healing Sounds, Six Posture Healing Sound Qigong was developed, which activates the acupuncture meridians and energy channels of the organs.

Healing sounds help release heat from the organs through the fascia that surrounds each organ and regulates its temperature. When we are tense or under stress, the fascia tends to contract and “stick” to the organ. This prevents the fascia from doing its job properly. As a result of insufficient heat removal from the organ, the temperature rises and toxins accumulate. This directly affects our health and our emotions.

Modern society has contributed greatly to creating a lifestyle filled with physical and emotional stress for many of us. We live in overcrowded cities - polluted, noisy, full of traffic. We eat too much junk food and take too many chemical additives. We often worry or feel lonely. We sit too much and try to compensate with occasional vigorous exercise. All of this physical and emotional stress leads to the tension we feel in our body. This tension blocks the free flow of chi in our body, one of the results of which is that the fascia around our major organs contracts and overheats. Prolonged overheating of the organ leads to its hardening and contraction. Their ability to function properly is suppressed and ultimately leads to illness.

The presented version of the Six Healing Sounds technique in this article is based on a transmission from the Taoist master Mantak Chia.

Preparing to Perform the Six Healing Sounds

1. To gain maximum benefit, perform the pose correctly and pronounce each organ sound accurately.

2. While exhaling, you need to look up at the ceiling, throwing your head back. This creates a direct passage from the mouth through the esophagus to the internal organs, which facilitates the exchange of energy.

4. Perform all exercises in the suggested order. This order promotes uniform distribution of heat in the body. It corresponds to the natural arrangement of the seasons, starting with autumn and ending with Indian summer.

5. Start performing the Six Healing Sounds no earlier than an hour after eating. However, if you have flatulence, nausea, or stomach cramps, you can perform the Spleen Sound immediately after eating.

6. Choose a quiet place and turn off your phone. Until you develop the ability to focus internally, you need to eliminate all distractions.

7. Dress warmly to stay warm. Clothing should be loose, loosen the belt. Take off your glasses and watch.

The First Healing Sound – The Sound of the Lungs

In the Five Element Theory, the Lungs control the Metal. Metal can have both positive and negative effects on our body and state of consciousness. Overheated lungs have a negative effect on Metal. And this, in turn, affects other organs. However, Taoists discovered that negative elements and forces also create and control negative emotions. Negative emotions that arise from overheating of the lungs are sadness and depression.

Healing Sound for the Lungs: SSSSSSS...

Sounds like the lazy hiss of a snake. The sound is produced only as you exhale. Healing Sound for the Lungs begins the process of releasing negative emotions by releasing heat from the lungs. It itself has a positive effect on the body. But to enhance the practice of healing sounds, the Taoists developed a special “Qigong of healing sounds.”

Lung Healing Sound Qigong

1. Feel your lungs.

2. Inhale deeply and raise your arms in front of you, following their movements with your eyes. When your hands are at eye level, begin to rotate your palms and raise your arms high above your head with your palms facing up. The elbows are half bent. You should feel a stretch running from your wrists through your forearms, elbows, and up to your shoulders. This will open the lungs and chest, making breathing easier.

3.Close your mouth so that your teeth are gently closed and part your lips slightly. Pull the corners of your mouth back and exhale, releasing air through the gap between your teeth, making the sound “SSSSSS...”, which must be pronounced without a voice, slowly and smoothly in one breath.

4. At the same time, imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) is completely compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sadness and melancholy.

5.After exhaling completely (done without straining), turn your palms down, close your eyes and fill your lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, you can imagine pure white light and a noble quality filling your entire lungs. Gently relax your shoulders and slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms facing up. Feel the exchange of energy in your hands and palms.

6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile at your lungs, feel them and imagine that you are still pronouncing their Sound. Pay attention to all the sensations that arise. Try to feel how the fresh, cool energy is displacing the hot and harmful energy.

7.After breathing has returned to normal, perform this exercise 3 to 6 times.

For colds, flu, toothache, smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you want to increase the mobility of the chest and the elasticity of the inner surface of the arms, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins, you can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times . The sound of your lungs can help you stop feeling nervous if you are in front of a large audience. To do this, silently and without moving your hands, perform it several times. This will help you calm down. If the Sound of the Lungs is not enough, you can perform the Sound of the Heart and the Inner Smile.

Video on the technique of performing Lung Sound

Second Healing Sound - Kidney Sound

In the Five Elements theory, the kidneys control the Water Element. Water is pure Yin energy. It is a cold energy compared to its opposite, the Fire Element, pure yang, hot energy. Thus, the kidneys control the cold Water Element in our body.

If there is too much heat in our kidneys, it stands to reason that they cannot work effectively to regulate the Water Element and cool the body. Healing Sounds release heat from the organs through the fascia. When you release heat from your kidneys, they begin to work better and become healthier.

Each of the Five Elements is associated with certain negative emotions. The negative emotion associated with the kidneys is fear. Fear is a very powerful emotion. Just like the Element of Water itself, it is identified with cold.

Healing Sound of the Kidneys: CHUUUUU...

The Healing Sound of the Kidneys will release excess cold from the kidneys and neutralize fear. Neutralizing negative emotions allows positive emotions to manifest. The positive emotions of the Water and Kidney Element are kindness and wisdom that overcome fear. Whenever you feel scared, say the Healing Kidney Sound. You'll be surprised at how well it dispels fear.

Kidney Sound Healing Qigong

1. Feel the kidneys.

2.Bring your legs together, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, take a deep breath and clasp your hands; grab your knees with your hands and pull them towards you. Straightening your arms, feel the tension in your back in the kidney area; look up and tilt your head back without tension.

3.Round your lips and almost silently pronounce the sound that is made when you blow out a candle. At the same time, pull the middle part of the abdomen - between the sternum and navel - towards the spine. Imagine how excess heat, wet sick energy and fear are squeezed out of the membrane around the kidneys.

4.After exhaling completely, sit up straight and inhale slowly into the kidneys, imagining bright blue energy and the quality of gentleness entering the kidneys. Spread your legs hip-length apart and place your hands on your hips, palms up.

5.Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile at the kidneys, imagining that you are still making their Sound. Pay attention to how you feel. Feel the exchange of energies in the area around the kidneys, in the hands, head and legs.

6.After your breathing has calmed down, repeat the Healing Sound 3 to 6 times.

For back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears or to cleanse the kidneys of toxic substances, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Video on the technique of performing Kidney Sound

Third Healing Sound – Liver Sound

For Taoists, the liver is the manifestation and storage of the Wood Element in the body. The Wood element has a generative quality and is symbolized by a tree growing from the earth. The Wood element is also stored in the gallbladder, which is attached to the underside of the liver and is the repository of the bile produced by the liver. Wood energy is warm and moist. It interacts with Metal energy, the energy of the lungs, cold and dry, to regulate the body's temperature, protecting it from the extreme effects of cold and heat.

The negative emotion associated with the liver is anger. Excessive anger leads to overheating and hardening of the liver. Some people feel it like a large, hard piece of wood low down under the ribcage.

Healing Sound of the Liver: SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH...

Healing Liver Sound helps release excess heat from the liver. The release of this heat reduces and dissolves anger. Anger is a very unhealthy emotion that often leads to explosive or even self-destructive behavior. It creates chasms that separate people. Too much heat in the liver causes anger. So now, by pronouncing the healing Sound of the Liver, you will begin the process of transforming the negative emotion of anger into the positive emotion of the liver - kindness.

Liver Sound Healing Qigong

1. Feel the liver and feel the connection between the eyes and the liver.

2. Lower your hands with your palms facing out. Inhale deeply as you slowly raise your arms out to your sides above your head. At the same time, tilt your head back and look at your hands.

3.Interlace your fingers and turn your palms up. Push your wrists upward and feel the stretch in your arm muscles from your hands to your shoulders. Lean slightly to the left, creating a gentle stretch in the liver area.

5.After exhaling completely, open your fingers and, pushing the lower parts of your palms to the sides, take a slow breath into the liver; imagine how it is filled with the bright green light of kindness.

6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile at the liver, imagining that you are still pronouncing its Sound. Follow the sensations. Feel the exchange of energies.

7.Perform 3 to 6 times.

If you feel angry, have red or watery eyes, or have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, repeat the exercise 9 to 36 times. Taoist masters said about anger control: “If you have said the Liver Sound 30 times and you are still angry with someone, you have the right to beat that person.”

Video on Liver Sound technique

The Fourth Healing Sound – The Sound of the Heart

Healing sounds help cool our organs and thereby restore their natural positive energy. The Sound of the Heart gives us the opportunity to “let off steam”, to free our heart from destructive heat. The Sound of the Heart is a precious gift preserved by the Taoist sages to regulate our heart.

The heart is the seat of the Fire Element. The negative emotions associated with it are impatience, hatred, cruelty, arrogance, lust for violence and fanaticism. Almost all the diseases of this world are somehow related to this list. All these negative, destructive emotions originate and fester in our hearts. The heat is growing. Our heart hardens. Our consciousness also hardens.

Positive emotions of the heart are joy, love, desire to learn, respect, honesty, frankness, enthusiasm, radiance and light. Some of them reflect traditional Chinese values ​​- especially respect. Taoists say: when you have respect, your heart is open. Taoists also say that the heart pushes the spirit towards teaching. This spirit delights in joy and cheerfulness, which helps to provide the zeal necessary for real learning, that kind of learning that comes from the heart.

Healing Sound of the Heart: HAUUUUU...

The Healing Sound of the Heart gives us a means to release heat through the fascia known as the pericardium, which surrounds the heart and regulates its temperature. Heart Healing Sound Qigong is almost identical to Liver Sound Healing Qigong. The only difference is that you lean to the right (instead of to the left) as you press upward with your interlaced fingers.

Heart Sound Healing Qigong

1. Feel the heart and feel the connection between it and the tongue.

2. Inhale deeply while taking the same position as for the Liver Sound, but this time lean slightly to the right.

3.Open your mouth slightly, round your lips and exhale with the sound “HAUUUUU...”, without a voice, imagining how the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.

4. Rest is performed in the same way as when performing the Liver Sound, with the only difference being that you need to focus on the heart and imagine how it is filled with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, sincerity and creativity.

5.Perform three to six times.

For a sore throat, cold, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Video on the technique of performing Heart Sound

The Fifth Healing Sound – The Sound of the Spleen

The spleen is perhaps the least studied of the five major Taoist internal organs. Taoists believe that the spleen produces antibodies that protect us from certain diseases. In the West, where the spleen and its functions are still considered somewhat mysterious, this function is not widely recognized. Unlike the other four major organs, loss of the spleen does not necessarily cause serious damage to the body. The spleen removes worn-out red and white blood cells, breaks down hemoglobin, and serves as a reservoir for iron in our body. During the fetal stage and immediately after birth, the spleen produces all types of blood cells, but by the ninth month of life, most of these functions are taken over by the bone marrow and the spleen produces white blood cells known as lymphocytes.

The spleen is located on the left side of the body, in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. It is a soft, oval-shaped organ. The spleen is in direct contact with the pancreas, which runs down the middle of the body, in a line from the liver to the spleen. The pancreas is vital to the existence of our body. It produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Without enough insulin, blood sugar rises to toxic levels: this is what happens in diabetes. Excess insulin leads to a condition known as hypoglycemia, which can also lead to death if not controlled.

The element of the spleen is the Earth. Negative emotions of the spleen are anxiety and self-pity. Her positive emotions or qualities are openness and fairness towards herself and others.

Healing Sound of the Spleen: HUUUUUU...

Taoists realized the close relationship between the spleen and pancreas. Very often these organs are mentioned together: “spleen/pancreas”. The healing Sound of the Spleen spreads to both organs. The sound itself is like this: HUUUUU. Sounds like the cry of an owl.

Spleen Healing Sound Qigong

1. Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.

2. Inhale deeply, placing your hands on your upper abdomen so that your index fingers rest on the area below and just to the left of your sternum. At the same time, apply pressure to this area with your index fingers and push your mid-back forward.

3. Exhale with the sound “HUUUUUU...”, pronouncing it without a voice, but so that it is felt on the vocal cords. Exhale excess heat, humidity and dampness, worry, pity and regret. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas and stomach, or imagine bright yellow light along with the qualities of honesty, compassion, focus and musicality entering them.

5.Slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms up.

6.Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you are still making the Spleen Sound. Monitor the sensations and energy exchange.

7.Repeat 3 to 6 times.

Repeat 9 to 36 times for indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, and also if you want to cleanse the spleen of toxins. Performed in combination with other Healing Sounds, this sound is more effective and healthier than any medicine. This is the only one of the Six Sounds that can be done immediately after eating.

Video on the technique of performing Spleen Sound

The Sixth Healing Sound - The Sound of the Triple Warmer

The Triple Warmer is not an organ in the Western sense of the word. This refers more to what the Taoists perceived as three areas of the body: upper, middle and lower. The top region is considered hot, the middle region is considered warm, and the bottom region is considered cold. The upper region consists of the brain, heart and lungs. The middle region includes the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach. The lower region includes the entire lower abdomen, large and small intestines, genitals and bladder.

Healing Sound of Triple Warmer: HIIIIII...

The sound of the Triple Warmer is an excellent stress reliever. If done before going to bed, it will provide you with a good, deep and relaxed night's sleep. The Triple Warmer has no emotion, element or color associated with it. The sound itself is: HIIIIII. The Triple Warmer sound is used to regulate the temperature in these three areas of the body. You should feel or imagine energy moving from your head down into your lower abdomen as you make the Healing Sound. Hot energy sinks into the lower region and cool energy rises through the digestive system to balance the temperature in all three regions.

Triple Warmer Healing Sound Qigong

1.Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lumbar region, place a pillow under your knees.

2.Close your eyes and take a deep breath, expanding your stomach and chest without straining.

3. Exhale with the sound “HIIIIII...”, pronouncing it without a voice, imagining and feeling as if someone is squeezing the air out of you with a huge roller, starting from the neck and ending in the lower abdomen. Imagine that your chest and stomach have become as thin as a sheet of paper, and feel lightness, radiance and emptiness inside. Rest while breathing normally.

4.Repeat 3 to 6 times or more if you do not feel sleepy at all.

The Triple Warmer sound can also be used to help you relax without falling asleep by lying on your side or sitting in a chair.

Video on the technique of performing Sound Triple heater

Daily Practice

Try to perform the Six Healing Sounds daily. Any time of day will do. They are especially effective before bed because they provide deep, refreshing sleep. Having mastered the exercise technique, you will complete the entire cycle in just 10-15 minutes.

Release excess heat after strenuous exercise Perform the Six Healing Sounds immediately after any strenuous exercise such as aerobics, walking, martial arts, or after any yoga or meditation practice that generates large amounts of heat in the Upper Heater (brain and heart). heat. This way you can prevent dangerous overheating of your internal organs. Don't take cold showers immediately after vigorous exercise—it's too much of a shock to your organs.

Sequence of performing the Six Healing Sounds

Always perform them in the following order: Lung Sound (autumn), Kidney Sound (winter), Liver Sound (spring), Heart Sound (summer), Spleen Sound (Indian Summer) and Triple Warmer Sound. If you are concerned about a particular organ or the symptoms associated with it, simply increase the number of times you perform one or another Sound, without repeating the cycle of all Six Sounds. Season, organ and sound The organ works harder and, accordingly, produces more heat at the time of year when it dominates. Therefore, during this period, while performing the exercise intended for him, increase the number of repetitions of his Sound. For example, in the spring, pronounce the Liver Sound from 6 to 9 times, and all others - from 3 to 6 times. If you have too little time or are very tired, you can perform only the Lung Sound and the Kidney Sound. During rest, monitor your condition. Rest between performing Sounds is very important. This is the time when you feel your organs more clearly and establish a closer connection with them. Often, when you rest or smile at an organ, you can feel the exchange of Qi energy in that organ, as well as in your arms and legs. You can also feel the flow of energy in your head. Set aside as much time for rest as you feel necessary.

“The ancient Egyptian Ebers papyrus, dating from the 17th century BC, says the following: “If you chant vowels, strongly straining and stretching the facial muscles, this action successfully replaces the usual treatment of many organs.” There is no doubt that sound vibrations have a very beneficial effect on our body.

It has been noticed that when a person feels good, he wants to sing.

If you have problems with your kidneys, then their work can be improved with the help of sound." AND": pull "and - and - and - and - and.." exactly, at the same height, stopping a little before you exhale all the air.

To put the lower third of the lungs (part of the chest) in order, you need to evenly play the sound “ E": "e - e - e - e - e ...".

To cleanse the larynx (acute respiratory infections, sore throat, clamps, throat plugs), pull the sound “ evenly at the same height A“: “a-a-a-a-a...”.

The prolonged vibration emanating from this sound is capable of destroying the shells of viruses.

To regulate the endocrine system, rejuvenate the endocrine glands and prolong life, pull the sound “ evenly at the same height ABOUT": "o-o-o-o-o...”.

Combination of sounds " OI“is good for the heart, since it is not just a mechanical organ, but also the main gland on which the work of the entire organism depends. Exactly pull “o - and - and...” at the same height, spending twice as much time on the sound “i” as on the sound “o”.

The Ebers Papyrus states that sound vibrations should be repeated five times a day for 10 minutes. Additionally, for each sound the time at which the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved is indicated. For sound “A” - 4 o’clock in the morning; 15 hours; “O-I” - 14 hours; "O" and "E" - 12 hours.

So, disease is a vibration that is not in harmony with other healthy organs. If you change this vibration, the organ itself will be healed.

This is how it should happen.

The patient places both palms on the diseased organ, the left one is pressed to the body, and the right one lies on top of the left palm. It is with this position of the hands that a person begins to pronounce the sound combination.

Let's start with a common but difficult to cure disease - cancer. At 11.00, the cancer patient should place his left palm on the sore spot, and his right palm crosswise on the left palm and exhale for six minutes on one note to draw the sound combination “ SI" This must be repeated five times a day for six minutes (the first time at 11.00, the second time at 15.00, the third time at 19.00, the fourth time at 23.00, the fifth time at 24.00). Do this for 14 days in a row.

This way the blood is cleansed and various diseases, including hemophilia and leukemia, go away. Then, for eight days in a row, monotonously pronounce the sound combination “ HUM”, and draw the last sound M: “HU - M - M - M) ...”. Due to this, hemoglobin in the blood increases and the growth of cancer cells stops. This exercise must be repeated three times a day for 15 minutes (the first time at 9.00, the second at 16.00, the third at 23.00).

When treating the spleen and mouth muscles, you need to repeat the sound combination “ THANG" And for stomach diseases - “ DON" Repeat 16 times a day (necessarily in the afternoon - from 16.00 to 24.00) without limiting the duration of the sound.

For diseases of the heart, small intestine, or tongue, it is necessary to monotonously pronounce the sound combination “ CHEN“three minutes once a day immediately upon waking, preferably while still lying in bed, on your back. The course of treatment is six months, then a one-month break.

For diseases of the skin, colon, nose, pronounce, repeating monotonously, the combination “ CHAN» for four minutes for nine days in a row, always at 16.00. Then 16 days - break. This letter combination promotes the flow of mucus from the body.

If you have a disease of the colon, you can enhance the effect by pronouncing the additional letter combination “ WONG».

If you have lung disease, monotonously say “ SHEN”(the duration of the effect is the same as when pronouncing “CHAN”).

To heal the kidneys, the entire genitourinary system, and the skeletal system, the sound “ Yu-U» three times a day (after sunrise during daylight hours for 15 minutes). This sound also reduces the formation of diseased cells and stops their growth and division. And in order to improve the functions of the genitourinary system, you need to pronounce the combination “ VCO"15 minutes twice a day. In addition, under the influence of this sound there is a strong impact on the skeletal system, so in case of fractures, bones heal four times faster than usual.

For diseases of the liver, gall bladder, tendons and eyes, chant “ HA-O" or " GU-O> 18 times at exactly noon, every day for four months in a row, then a six-month break, etc.

I would like to draw your attention to how to perform these exercises correctly. Do not forget to place your hands, as mentioned above, on the painful area and pronounce the sounds monotonously, like a mantra. The vibrations resulting from this will reach a specific organ, relieving you of many diseases. Having been engaged in many years of practice in healing the sick, the author became convinced of the power of these sounds. The most valuable result is the cure of cancer patients. Until now, receiving many letters from different parts of the country, I am convinced of the correctness of the proposed sound combinations.”