Gas holder for a turnkey private house, installation cost and reviews. Gas holder as an alternative to centralized heating Whatever you call the label, so it is"поплывет"!}

If in the recent past, conventional gas was mainly used to supply a country house with gas. gas cylinders, then modern autonomous gas supply has a slightly different principle. It is based on gas holder system, which has an incomparably large volume, making it possible to continuously supply gas throughout the whole year.

Operating principle and installation of the gas tank system

A gas holder is a container for storing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG for short), which, as a result of evaporation, is supplied to the house through a gas pipeline. Modern systems gas tanks have special distribution equipment that regulates the gas supply and controls its quantity in the tank. The control occurs automatically, however, if necessary, the gas supply can be shut off manually.

Supplying autonomous gasification to the house using a gas holder

Such gas storage facilities can be located above ground or underground. For country houses, the second option is the most optimal, since it allows you to save free space in the surrounding area. In addition, the location of the tank below the ground freezing level helps to create the correct operating conditions that will not depend on temperature environment.

The underground location involves the use of a special concrete slab, which is placed at the bottom of the pit and serves as the base for the gas tank. When laying a pipeline from the gas storage facility to the house, it is recommended to use a condensate collector that collects moisture that may be contained in the vapor phase during intensive operation of the gas boiler.

The size of the pit depends on the capacity of the tank used. More details about existing sizes The article talks about the volume of a gas tank for a country house, where you can also find out the optimal dimensions and cost of different options.

This is what a gas holder installed in a pit looks like

Gas holder device

Structurally, the gas tank system is a solid container consisting of durable steel sheets, which are painted with several layers of paint with epoxy resin, which gives the structure additional strength and protection against corrosion. At the top there is a neck used to fill the tank. The higher the neck, the better protection containers from heavy rainfall and melt water, which is especially important for areas with harsh climatic conditions.

The shut-off and control valves of this system include the following elements:

  • safety valve;
  • indicator of filling the container with liquefied gas;
  • condensate drain valve;
  • filling valve;
  • pressure gauge;
  • reducer for adjusting working pressure.

Shut-off and control valves of this system

Due to the fact that this equipment passes large number stringent checks before commissioning, it is absolutely safe and raises few questions during operation.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of using bulk gas storage is the ability to ensure complete autonomy for a country house in terms of gas supply; its efficiency is in no way inferior to the main gas supply. The presence of control equipment allows you to achieve a high level of safety and efficiency during operation. In addition, this type of fuel is the most environmentally friendly, due to the absence of harmful waste and emissions into the atmosphere.

The main disadvantage of this type of autonomous gas supply is the large financial costs for purchase, installation (but these are one-time expenses) and gas refilling. However, if it is not possible to connect to the central gas main, and the house is actively used throughout the whole year, then this system, despite all the initial costs, pays for itself quite quickly in comparison with electricity. And you will find more articles on autonomous gasification in the corresponding section of the site.

Disadvantage: high initial costs

System Maintenance

Vessels that are constantly located and operate under pressure, in accordance with federal regulations and industrial safety requirements must pass technical examination with the following frequency:

  • External and internal inspections – once every 4 years;
  • Acoustic emission control of the vessel – once every 8 years.

The safety relief valve must be checked as follows: you must force it to open briefly. This action must be carried out at least once a month, or as written in the manufacturer’s instructions, if valve rupture is not provided.

Those. Maintenance and routine repairs of fittings must be carried out by specialists at intervals - once a year.

Do not maintain the system yourself! Call the experts.

For maximum efficiency of the gas tank system, the main criterion is the use of high-quality LPG. Therefore, when refueling, it is advisable to use the services of specialized organizations that will not only provide good raw materials, but will also be able to check all devices for functionality. More information on this topic can be read in the article: filling a gas tank with gas - main features.


  1. The tank must be located at least 5 meters from a residential property.
  2. Filling occurs at 85% of the total volume.
  3. Mandatory periodic maintenance of equipment.
  4. Delivery, refueling and maintenance must be carried out by a company licensed by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

To avoid unforeseen situations with your gas tank system, contact the Promtekhgaz company, which will provide the supply of high-quality gas and perform the necessary maintenance for the uninterrupted operation of gas equipment.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Mar 29 2017


Alternatively solid fuel boilers and heating devices for autonomous heating You can buy a gas holder for a private home, which is a vessel with liquefied gas. Reviews about this unit are positive, and they use it for private and suburban households.

What is a gas holder

Essentially, this is a gas container that is necessary for heating rooms of various sizes. However, the functions of the gas holder are not limited to this; in addition, there is always hot water and electricity generation in the house. If the owner of a summer house or private house purchases a gas holder vessel, he is able to immediately solve a number of pressing problems for himself. Capacitive gas is cheap, and its production provides heat for rooms up to 20 square meters. Autonomous gasification of a private house on a turnkey basis is considered a particularly popular service.

Gas holder device

The gas-filled container has different sizes, depending on the individual needs of consumers. The gas tank device can be filled with propane, butane or methane, which is determined by the pricing policy. Having used up the gas holder during the heating season, it needs to be additionally refilled, so the cylinder itself is intended for repeated use.

As for design features, the gas holder itself for the house can be made of steel and reinforced concrete with variable or constant volume. In the first case, we are talking about the presence of a vertical cylinder with water and a bell located in the lower part. However, in the modern world they come to the conclusion that such models are morally outdated and become uncompetitive. In practice, the use of structures with a constant volume is encouraged.

The principle of operation of the gas holder

Before heating a cottage or residential dacha, it is recommended to understand on what principle gas tanks for a country house work. It is important to ensure not only the serviceability and correct installation of the structure itself, but also its safe functionality, according to the technical documentation. Installing a gas tank is a job that should be done by specialists in their field, and not by a private individual.

The basic operating principle of the gas holder is as follows: after evaporation, the propane-butane fraction penetrates into the reactor, where it receives sufficient pressure for further redistribution along the gas pipeline junction to the consumer. If you correctly calculate the area and buy a suitable gas tank, its contents should be enough for a year of regular heating of residential premises without additional refilling.

Requirements for installing a gas tank

Out of ignorance, gas tanks for a private home can be perceived as classic version gas storage facilities. In reality it is a complex system required to process the gas into the fuel required for operation. household appliances, space heating. When installing such an alternative to a double-circuit boiler, the following rules and concepts should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the gas tank to the residential building is at least 10 m, to the buried foundation - at least 2 m;
  • the area for installation of the structure must be level;
  • after filling the tank, the area is prohibited from being concreted or planted;
  • location on the site, the distance to the fence is not standardized;
  • To install a gas tank, permission and permission for underground work are required.
  • installation of the gas tank is carried out by knowledgeable specialists;
  • calculation of the tank volume based on the dimensions of the heated area.

Pros and cons of a gas tank

This is a significant step that the homeowner should carefully consider and consult with knowledgeable people. If you choose an autonomous gas supply for a private home, you need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of operating such modern equipment. When studying the pros and cons of a gas tank, it is recommended to start with the positive aspects that are relevant to all potential buyers. The main advantages are as follows:

  • provision of electricity, heat and hot water;
  • a mobile station that has no problems servicing;
  • long term service;
  • a turnkey gas tank will be self-sustaining within 2-3 years;
  • safety for humans;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan or installment plan from the manufacturer;
  • delivery, quality guarantee from the manufacturer.

Before installing a gas tank of one of the modifications, you need to additionally familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages of such an idea. This:

  • high cost of the gas tank, additional fees for installation services;
  • difficulties in finding a reliable and professional specialist for installation and installation;
  • the risk of installation at odds with the technical documentation and previously approved project.

Ground gas holder

Due to the harsh climate ( natural features soil, earth) above-ground gas tank models, which dominate the domestic market in a large assortment, have become especially popular. Even equipment that has been used but is suitable for further work for its intended purpose is put up for sale. Photos of such models can be found on thematic websites of the network. Below are a few gas holders that are especially in demand among the masses. These are the following Faskhimmash products:

  • model name - gas tanks FAS 4.6 (Russia);
  • price – 100,000 rubles;
  • characteristics – tank volume 4.6 m3, 30 year service life, epoxy coating, German technology, original components;
  • pros – modern model for all occasions at the best price;
  • disadvantages - the cost of equipment is not affordable for everyone for household needs.

Here is a competing party whose products are no less in demand on the domestic market:

  • model name - Sity-Gas 4850 (Bulgaria);
  • price – 330,000 rubles;
  • characteristics – 4850 l, horizontal design, operating temperature varies from -40 to +40ºС, corrosion protection;
  • Pros – long service life, manufacturer’s warranty, proper operation – up to 20 years.
  • cons – high price.
  • model name - Deltagaz 2700 (Czech project);
  • price – 300,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - horizontal design, above-ground and underground installation possible, volume - 2700 l, permissible temperature range - from -20 to +40º C;
  • advantages - modern model, high-quality material, corrosion protection, service life - up to 30 years;
  • Cons: high price including installation.

Mini gas tanks

To reduce the service area of ​​such an installation, mini-gas tanks were specially developed, which have slightly different dimensions, but are in no way inferior to their “competitors” in functionality, serviceability, and service life. Such a structure is appropriate for small personal plots. You can buy a gas holder for your dacha inexpensively, and if necessary, sell it - the demand does not reduce. Here's a list of favorites:

  • model name - CITI GAS 2700 (Bulgaria);
  • price – 150,000-220,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - horizontal design, operating temperature varies from -40 to +40ºС, epoxy layer, protection against metal damage;
  • pros - compact, convenient for everyday use, ideal for small garden plots of a private house;
  • There are no cons.

Here is the second modern gas holder for a compact home, no less effective, reliable and in demand among the masses:

  • model name - GT7 RPG-6.5 (Russia);
  • price – 200,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - 6.5 cubic meters, tank material - steel, quality guarantee - up to 30 years;
  • advantages - remote location, backbone networks, presence of a pressure regulator, compact dimensions;
  • There are no cons.

The third model of mini-gas holders belongs to the same brand, but has distinctive parameters:

  • model name - GT7 RPG-3 (Russia);
  • price – 145,000 rubles;
  • characteristics – volume – 3 cubic meters, vessel material – steel, quality guarantee from the manufacturer, service life – up to 30 years;
  • advantages - reliable and quality products for a private home from a domestic manufacturer, compact dimensions;
  • cons – high price.

Vertical gas tanks

Such structures are often intended for underground installation, so additional excavation work will have to be ordered. Vertical gas tanks are more compact, which is especially important in private houses with a small local area. Gas for refueling is imported, so the design must be accessible, but it is advisable to choose a security facility. Here are the best gas tanks in a given design:

  • model name – Chemet 5 (Poland);
  • price – 350,000-430,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - different tank capacities, steel vessel, volume - 4850 l, underground, horizontal design;
  • advantages - long-term operation even when melted and waste water, innovative technologies, quality assurance;
  • cons – high price.

Here is another gas tank for private households, which is recommended to pay special attention to if you need to heat a cottage or dacha:

  • model name - Antonio Merloni 2250 (Italy);
  • price – 120,000 rubles (price does not include installation);
  • characteristics - 2250 liters, vertical design for underground installation, the presence of a protective bag made of polymer materials, protection against static voltage and groundwater;
  • pros - a reliable replacement boiler, which will not cost so much; buyers are pleased with the long service life.
  • There are no cons.
  • model name – AvtonomGaz (Russia);
  • price – up to 150,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - the presence of a protective layer of the tank, a huge range of models in catalogs, several parameters for the volume of the tank;
  • pros – excellent performance gas holder for domestic needs affordable price from a domestic manufacturer;
  • There are no cons.

Horizontal gas tanks

This progressive model can replace a gas boiler, and it turns out cheaper and more profitable. The heat in the room is maintained, and fuel consumption is minimal. Horizontal gas tanks are produced by domestic and foreign companies; if you wish, you can buy the products you like and those that suit your parameters in the online store. It is advisable to pay attention to the following gas tanks for a home or private household:

  • model name – VPS 4850;
  • price – 300,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - use of sheet steel, capacity of 4850 l, presence of an epoxy protective layer in the container, horizontal position of the tank, underground installation;
  • advantages - service life reaches 30 years, metal protection from destruction, temperature range - from -40 to +40ºС;
  • disadvantages - high cost of a gas tank, installation for a private home.

The following gas holder for home is considered a competitor:

  • model name - Fas 6.5 (Russia);
  • price – 100,000 rubles;
  • characteristics – the tank is coated with a two-component polymer, horizontal type, underground installation, 6.5 cubic meter tank;
  • pros - high-quality products from a domestic manufacturer, ideal for installation in a private home;
  • There are no cons.

Another worthy option for a private home:

  • name - Antonio Merloni 100 (Italy);
  • price – 100,000 rubles;
  • characteristics – capacity of 100 cubic meters, protective epoxy layer of the tank, underground installation;
  • pros – affordable budget option for a private home;
  • There are no cons.

How to choose a gas tank for a private home

The choice is not easy, especially since the price is steep. Before ordering a gas tank, it is recommended to contact specialists and agree on the main criteria for the upcoming purchase. This is important, otherwise returning products causes a lot of hassle and unnecessary waste of nerves and free time. It is important to agree with the tank installers what is needed and which item from the catalog to give preference to. It is important to know the following selection conditions:

  1. Determine the area of ​​a private house and calculate the required volume of gas container for the entire heating season.
  2. Conditionally outline the territory of a private house where the specified structure will be installed in the future.
  3. For installation, use the help of professionals, otherwise it will be in inept hands. private house"will fly into the air."

If previously cylinders with a capacity of 40–60 liters were used to supply gas to a house located far from the central highway, today a gas holder with a capacity of 500 liters or more can be connected to the building. This storage facility is a station that converts liquefied gas into fuel, which can be used to operate heating devices, water heaters and stoves.

A constant volume gas holder is a container that has a constant capacity, regardless of the created gas pressure. One refueling is enough to provide your home with fuel throughout the entire heating season.

The principle of operation of the gas holder

The operating principle of a gas holder is based on the ability of liquefied gas to evaporate from the surface. The task of the station is to create optimal conditions for the most efficient evaporation. For this and other purposes, the gas holder device includes several important components and parts.

The operating principle of the gas holder is as follows:
  1. Liquefied gas is poured into the container. The design of the gas tank is made in such a way that the LPG forms a “mirror lake” - a surface of sufficient size to ensure unhindered evaporation of gas.
  2. The evaporating substance is sent to the collector to create constant pressure in the gas pipeline.
  3. From the collector, the fuel is directed to the living space, passing through a condensate collector and a basement inlet located in the building.

The efficiency and safety of the station is influenced by correct installation and connection, taking into account the operating principle of the gas tank.

What types of gas tanks are there?

Companies providing installation and connection services for gas tanks offer several installations that differ in configuration, size, operating principle and other features. Since the “last word” in choosing equipment remains with the owner of the house, before purchasing it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the entire range of equipment offered.

The consumer is offered:

  1. Stations of horizontal and vertical type.
  2. Mobile gas tanks.
  3. Used tanks.

Horizontal type tanks

If autonomous gasification of a large house (over 200 m²) or an entire cottage community is required, horizontal tanks are chosen. Horizontal design ensures stable and high performance. Propane poured into a container forms a “lake”, the area of ​​which is sufficient to evaporate the gas in the required volume.

In most cases, horizontal stations are installed directly into the ground. Refilling the gas tank is enough for the entire heating season. For greater productivity, fill the tank to no more than 85%. To prevent a decrease in gas pressure due to a decrease in fuel volume as production occurs, special evaporators are installed in the tank.

Vertical type tanks

Vertical gas holders are popular among owners small houses, as well as the local area, which is insufficient for installing a horizontal station. Ball tanks installed above the ground surface are popular.

The spherical gas tank of underground and above-ground type has a significant drawback. After installation in the ground, a certain part of the tank or the entire station is located above the freezing point of the soil, which affects the efficiency and rate of gas evaporation. It is also impossible to create a “mirror” of sufficient area in a vertical container to ensure stable gas pressure. This problem is solved by installing several tanks at once, with evaporators and fuel heaters placed in them.

Vertical gas tanks Russian production better adapted to the conditions of harsh domestic winters than their foreign counterparts.

Mobile gas tanks on a trailer

A gas tank on wheels is the optimal solution for those who are not ready to spend a large amount of money on installing a stationary station. A mobile tank has several advantages, including:
  • Opportunity fast travel gas holder to any place.
  • Large capacity - maximum station volume 500 liters.
  • Quick connection - it takes 10-15 minutes to connect to the gas supply system at home.
  • Cost-effective – for refueling you can use any gas station with the most affordable cost of liquefied gas, which reduces fuel costs by 10-15%.
  • Convenient control - the degree of fullness of the container and the pressure in the gas tank are indicated by LED indicators.
  • No installation costs - you do the connection yourself.

The mobile station kit includes all the equipment necessary for operation. A built-in reducer installed on the gas tank maintains stable pressure and prevents pressure changes, which have a detrimental effect on installations connected to the gas pipeline (dispensers, stoves, boilers, etc.)

Used gas tanks

Installation of a gas holder on the territory next to residential building costs on average 170-250 thousand rubles, taking into account turnkey installation. It is not surprising that used containers are very popular. The cost of such stations is about 30-40% cheaper.

But there are certain risks when purchasing and installing used equipment.

  1. Failure to perform installation in accordance with existing standards.
  2. Short service life.
  3. Putting an underground gas tank into operation will require pre-treatment of the housing with anti-corrosion compounds.
The main problem in purchasing a used gas tank is that over time the steel structure of the station corrodes, which reduces the resistance of the walls and the ability to withstand internal pressure.

Which gas holder is better to choose?

Judging by sales statistics, domestic consumers are mainly faced with the choice of a vertical or horizontal gas tank, new or used. Mobile installations are purchased much less frequently than stationary ones.

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to several decisive factors:

  • Site area - SNIP for installing a gas tank requires that stationary tanks be installed no closer than 10 m from a residential building, 5 m from the roadway. If it is not possible to fully accommodate horizontal storage, install a vertical tank.
  • Gas holder volume in liters - before choosing a station, you should calculate the average gas costs during the entire heating season. As a rule, 20% is added to the amount received.
  • Heated area - for houses less than 200 m², a vertical or horizontal gas storage tank is suitable. It is better to gasify residential buildings with a larger area using horizontal stations.
  • Operating time – if gas equipment If you plan to use it from time to time, it is better to purchase a mobile unit. The transport station on wheels is easy to transport and store in proper conditions. For continuous operation, you should select a stationary station.
  • Tank type - teardrop-shaped and spherical tanks are mainly installed on top of the ground, vertical cylindrical tanks have both underground and above-ground designs. Storage facilities of this type are installed when the local area is limited.
  • Dimensions of the pit for the tank - to prevent damage to the housing and facilitate installation work, it is necessary to dig a pit at least 30 cm wider than the dimensions of the gas tank on each side.

It is better to leave the calculation of the volume and type of gas storage of constant volume to the company’s specialists, who will subsequently install and maintain the station.

How much does a gas tank cost with installation?

The cost of a gas tank depends on the type of storage facility chosen and its volume. Additional equipment that facilitates maintenance and further operation can also increase the cost of a turnkey installation. A certain premium is charged if the organization provides long-term guarantees and enters into a service agreement.

On average, installation costs are calculated as follows:

  • Vertical cylindrical high-pressure gas tanks - volume from 1 to 5 m³, cost ranges from 180-415 thousand rubles.
  • Horizontal gas tank with a high neck - capacity from 3 to 20 m³, average cost from 200 to 700 thousand rubles.
  • Mobile storage - approximate volume 0.5-0.6 m³, cost 140 thousand rubles. Professional installation and no connection required. Additional costs are required for installation on a car trailer.
Payment for additional services may be required: installation of anodic-cathodic protection of the gas tank structure, installation of a pipeline over a long distance, treatment of the body with an anti-corrosion compound.

If necessary, you can slightly reduce the cost of installation by performing some of the installation work yourself.

How to refill a gas tank

The cost of liquefied gas makes a gas holder one of the optimal methods of gasification for an individual home, provided there is no centralized gas supply. Refueling is carried out by specialized enterprises that have the appropriate license. Mobile units can be refueled yourself by driving to any gas station.

To avoid having to overpay, you should study the nuances associated with this side of the operation of household liquefied gas storage facilities.

Cost of refilling a gas tank

The gas tank is refilled with liquefied gas according to the tariffs of the organization that installed the storage facility and continues to service it. Additionally, funds from 10-20 thousand rubles are charged. annually. Funds are taken for servicing the tank: draining the condensate accumulated in the gas tank, replacing the inlet and outlet valves and the gearbox.

The total cost of refueling includes:

  • Delivery of liquefied gas for the gas tank is included in the cost of refueling. Typically, the organization servicing the station offers a gas mixture for 1-2 rubles. more expensive than at a gas station. You can get a discount of 800-1000 rubles if you agree on the supply of fuel during a rolling delivery to a gas station.
  • The cost of fuel varies depending on what gas mixture is used. Winter gas is produced in the proportion 90/10 propane-butane, summer gas 50/50. IN summer season refueling costs will be correspondingly lower. The average cost of a propane-butane mixture in the Moscow region is 12.5-15 rubles. /l.
Propane gas mixed with butane is filled into the gas tank. The temperature at which propane continues to evaporate is -42°C; for cheaper butane, this coefficient is only -5°C.

How much gas is there in the tank?

With correct calculations, one gas holder refill should be enough to provide a sufficient amount of gas throughout the entire heating season. It is for this reason that it is recommended that the calculations be performed by specialists, representatives of the company.

When determining the required volume in the tank, you should take into account:

  • The full volume of the gas tank does not correspond to the actual volume. The tank is filled to 85% to ensure proper conditions for evaporation of the gas mixture.
  • Gas consumption per m² will be about 3.3 liters per month.
Therefore, for a house of 200 m², about 4000 liters will be required for the heating season. propane-butane mixtures. You can find out that the gas tank is running out of gas using a level gauge. As soon as the readings drop below 25-30%, additional refilling with the gas mixture will be required.

How to determine the amount of gas in a container

To accurately determine the volume of fuel pumped into the tank, you can use meters installed on the tank filling valve truck companies. You can check the actual amount of gas remaining using a float-type level gauge.

Calculations to determine the remaining amount of gas are as follows:

  1. The level gauge has a scale with a number of gradients equal to 100.
  2. If the tank has a capacity of 4600 liters, each number will be equal to 46 liters.
  3. The exact volume is calculated by multiplying the number indicated in the level gauge by 46.

How people cheat when filling a gas tank

There are several ways that unscrupulous gas stations use to deceive buyers.
  • Fuel quality – in the propane-butane mixture, butane is considered the cheapest. You can reduce the cost of gas by simply making a summer mixture (50/50 propane-butane, instead of 85/15). Some unscrupulous contractors, having learned that there is an evaporator in the gas tank, fill the tanks with summer gas.
  • Fuel volume - meters, like any other equipment, can be deliberately damaged so that it does not show accurate numbers. If, when refilling 4000 liters, you do not refill only 20-30 liters, then the level gauge installed in the gas tank may not show the difference, which is what the refuellers use.

Modern gas tanks use an indicator system that helps accurately determine the total volume of gas in the storage facility, with an accuracy of several liters.

How to install a gas tank correctly

A household gas tank is installed in accordance with existing SNiP and standards fire safety(PB). Even before installation, it is necessary to take into account and calculate several important points:
  1. Existing requirements regarding placement.
  2. Installation type.
  3. Safety standards related to anti-corrosion treatment of storage facilities.
  4. Features of operation and maintenance.
There are general rules for installing a gas tank that are mandatory for use when installing household liquefied gas storage facilities.

Requirements for placing a gas tank on the territory

SNiP and PB separately stipulate standards for the placement of gas tanks in relation to buildings under construction and residential buildings, roads and highways, etc.
  • Vehicles must have sufficient and free access to the tank. It is strictly forbidden to place a gas tank structure under the roadway.
  • The foundation for the container requires the manufacture of a solid concrete slab reinforced with reinforcement. Installation is carried out on special legs. The base to which the tank is attached must gain strength for at least a month after pouring the concrete.
    Instead of making a reinforced concrete “pillow” on site, you can buy a ready-made slab of the required size and with anchors for attaching the tank.
  • Distance from the container to the building - the calculation of the distance of the storage facility depends on its volume. For large gas tanks, starting from 20 m³, you will need to maintain a distance to a residential building of at least 20 m, for 10 m³, at least 10 m. The minimum distance between a building under construction and an existing gas tank can be reduced to 5 m.
  • Required permits for installation. Household storage facilities do not need to be registered with Rostechnadzor. For installation, it is sufficient that the gas supply station has mandatory certification and an operating permit.
  • Security sanitary protection zone - a gas tank can be installed no closer than 50 m from an open reservoir. In the conditions of nature reserves and pre-reserve areas, coordination with local authorities regarding this construction will be required. The recommendations are in SNiP 2.07.01-89.

Type of installation - above ground or underground?

The design and calculation of the type (ground, underground) of steel tanks is carried out taking into account existing building codes. Vertical ground-based stations (usually spherical) are installed subject to a limited area of ​​the local area.

Coordination of the installation is carried out after calculations regarding the minimum allowable storage volume. Before installation, be sure to carry out geodetic work designed to reveal:

  1. Seismic activity.
  2. Groundwater.
  3. Presence of stray currents.
Recommendations for designing seismic impacts require changes in steel structures, with the threat of displacement of the gas tank and damage to the steel frame in this regard. The choice of above-ground or underground installation is made only after obtaining the expert opinion of surveyors.

Housing corrosion protection

The weak point of all gas tanks is the steel body, which is constantly subjected to pressure of several atmospheres. Over time, under the influence of the environment and humidity, the storage unit may lose its strength and leak.

To prevent gas leakage, several types of anti-corrosion treatment must be carried out:

  • Cathodic-anode protection - constant exposure to “stray” currents is not only potentially dangerous cause explosion, but also leads to rapid destruction of the metal. To prevent this, a special block is mounted on the tank body.
    The need to install cathodic protection exists in cases where geodetic studies have shown the presence of “stray” currents in the ground.
  • Waterproofing - the container is treated with special mastics. The waterproofing of the neck deserves special attention, since monitoring and regulating devices are located there and it is most seriously exposed to moisture.

How to remove condensation from a tank

Although condensate appears in a gas tank for many reasons, the main one remains an incorrect calculation of the station’s performance relative to the boiler’s power. Liquid precipitation occurs in cases where the boiler consumes evaporated gas faster than the gas tank is able to produce it. How is condensate pumped out?

The fluid removal service is performed by a specialized team. The volume of condensate removed is simultaneously filled with liquefied gas. The procedure for removing moisture can be simplified by installing a special condensate collector.

How to insulate a gearbox

If the gearbox freezes, as evidenced by the appearance of frost on the walls in winter time years, then the reason does not always lie in insufficient insulation of the block itself. First you need to make sure that the gas pressure regulator is working properly and is sealed. The next steps are as follows:
  • The gas pressure regulator must be heated - for this you can use hot water or an insulated heating cable.
  • If the situation repeats, you can leave the heating cable for continuous operation. Safety rules for the operation of household gas tanks prohibit the use of open fire to heat the metal parts of the station.

If all calculations regarding the boiler power and gas tank performance are carried out accurately, but the gearbox is still covered with frost, the reason lies in low-quality “blue” fuel. Most likely, summer gas with an increased volume of butane was filled in.

Requirements for the operation of gas tanks

The main requirement for operation is regular maintenance of gas tanks, carried out before the start of the heating season. During this period the following work is performed:
  1. Cleaning and drying the gas pressure regulator.
  2. Removing condensation.
  3. Refilling and replacing failed parts.
Without carrying out scheduled work, it is strictly prohibited to put the storage facility into operation.

Gas holder pros and cons

Today, in terms of their economy and efficiency, gas tanks have practically no competitors. And if you consider how much it costs to obtain official permission to supply and introduce main gas into a house, it is not surprising that household gas storage facilities have become so popular.

When deciding which heating to choose, the buyer needs to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Operational safety.
  2. Service life.
  3. Economical.

Explosion and fire safety of gas containers

Compared to mains gas, gas tanks are absolutely safe for several reasons:
  • No high gas pressure. When installing a gas tank, a gas pipeline is laid connecting the fuel storage and the house. The feed is regulated by a special gearbox. Gas pressure is created due to the evaporation of the mixture. The resulting pressure does not pose an explosion hazard.
  • No fire threat - provided the installation is properly connected and maintained, the likelihood of a spontaneous fire is minimized.
Even with a direct lightning strike, the likelihood of an explosion is completely eliminated by special cathode-anode protection.

Gas tank service life

Provided that the surface of the container has been treated with special anti-corrosion compounds, the service life of the container will be at least 50 years. The operating time is affected by:
  1. Availability of grounding.
  2. Proper installation.
  3. Carrying out anti-corrosion treatment.
  4. Regular maintenance.

Compliance with the recommendations contained in regulatory documents installation, ensures long service life of the device. For this reason, installation must be carried out exclusively by a specialized, licensed installation team.

What is cheaper - a gas tank or main gas?

Main gas still has the cheapest cost, but connecting and completing all the necessary documents is quite expensive. A comparison of the use of a gas tank and main gas, taking into account all the costs and expenses for further operation, shows that the first option is in no way inferior to the latter.

Until now, the only reason why the installation of a gas tank has not become widespread is the need for large one-time costs for the acquisition and installation of the station. But in the absence of centralized gasification, gas tank storage facilities have virtually no competition.

Today, such an installation as a gas holder is widely used for heating a cottage, summer house or private home using liquefied gas. This container has many advantages in use and has some features, which we will consider.

What is a gas holder

A gas holder is a cylindrical steel tank whose main purpose is to store liquefied gas. According to modern requirements, this device is installed on private territory ten meters away from a residential building and is equipped with a small gas pipeline that supplies hot water and heat energy to the boiler room. This tank can also be installed underground, however, with such an installation it is necessary to ensure all-season heating of the tank with geothermal heat. As a result, there is a constant evaporation of liquefied gases in the optimal quantity necessary to ensure the normal functioning of gas devices.

Many people decide to buy a gas tank under the following circumstances:

  • if there are no gas pipelines in the immediate vicinity;
  • if connecting to a large gas pipeline requires significant costs;
  • if there is low pressure in the gas main, which may occur due to an excess of unauthorized connected consumers;
  • in order to save money - if you estimate how much a gas tank with installation costs, add to this the cost of propane itself, compare the resulting amount with the costs of electrical energy, significant savings are immediately observed - the cost of heating a home with gas is one and a half to two times more profitable.

Types of gas tanks

Before you buy a used or new gas tank, you should understand what functions such a container should perform:

  • store gas (for a long or short period);
  • mix gases with different compositions or homogeneous substances of different concentrations;
  • accumulate the pressure of the gas present in the tank;
  • measure volumetric indicators of gas consumed or received;
  • distribute gas when supplying several objects or filling cylinders and canisters;
  • stabilize the pressure in a closed gas distribution structure;
  • signal the progress of a technological action.

There are a large number of different types of gas tanks: low and high pressure, dry and wet, with vertical guides or screws, equipped with a membrane or pistons.

All types of these tanks may differ in the structure of protective mechanisms and methods of aligning parts when volume changes.

Remember that the price of gas tanks for a summer residence directly depends on their type.

Features of the gas tank

To understand how a gas tank works, you should first become familiar with its structure. It's pretty simple. This apparatus consists of:

  • main building with a multi-layer bitumen coating;
  • support legs;
  • collar amplifier;
  • neck;
  • hatch.

As a rule, any container is filled with gas only thirty to fifty percent of the total capacity.

The principle of operation of the gas holder is also quite simple:

  • The fuel in the installation is kept under constant pressure. This keeps the gas liquefied.
  • Propane evaporates inside the tank, causing the gas to fill the empty areas of the gas tank.
  • Fuel in gaseous form is transported through a gas pipeline to the boiler equipment.

How to choose the right gas tank

The long-term and fruitful operation of an independent gasification system strongly depends on the correct selection of a storage tank. Here are the basic requirements for a gas tank:

  • manufacturing material - high-quality steel with anti-corrosion protective coating;
  • resistance to aggressive weather conditions (which is not uncommon in Russia);
  • compliance of the capacity volumes with the power of the heating boiler, fuel consumption, and duration of the heating period;
  • the possibility of installing a gas tank on your territory.

If you decide to buy a gas tank with an installation, pay special attention to the volume of the selected container. For housing with an area of ​​up to one hundred and fifty meters, choose a device with a volume of up to three thousand liters; if the area is five hundred meters, give preference to seven-thousand-liter tanks. How bigger house- the greater the volume.

Installation of gas tanks

The installation of gas storage tanks must be carried out by professionals who know all state standards for the installation of such structures. The list of requirements that must be taken into account is very long. They indicate the optimal distance from residential facilities (at least ten meters), and recommended locations for installation, and the number of necessary checks per season, etc.

P The full list of requirements is specified in the relevant Russian legislation and only specialists can fulfill them all.

Maintenance of gas tanks

Each person who has installed a gas tank on his site is required to periodically carry out certain actions to check the condition of the gas storage installation. These actions include:

  • regular inspection of the container body to check its external integrity;
  • periodically checking the density of hatches and their integrity;
  • control of the gas filling level of the container;
  • timely replenishment of fuel reserves.

If any problems are discovered during the check, you must immediately call the command maintenance, who will perform some work to ensure the normal functioning of the gas vigilance system.

Remember that if you use the gas tank correctly, regularly carry out scheduled inspections of it, and call the service department in a timely manner, then its price will pay off quite quickly.

A gas holder is a cylindrical metal container equipped with special equipment and designed for pumping, supplying and directly storing gas (usually a mixture of carbon dioxide, propane and butane) in liquefied form. The unit can be installed above ground or underground, the latter being more common.

Why do you need a gas holder?

A compact gas storage facility is installed in order to solve the problem of heat supply in places where, for various reasons, central gasification does not work. The gas tank must be equipped in strict accordance with safety rules. The cost of gas fuel is not high, and its efficiency exceeds that of wood and coal. To ensure the operation of the boiler, it is necessary to conduct communications from the gas tank to the house.

Residents of remote villages and even suburbs, even after central gasification, are in no hurry to abandon the autonomous system, because the pipeline often fails, and with a gas holder the likelihood of force majeure is minimized. All the consumer needs to do is regularly pump up the unit with liquefied gas.

Vertical and horizontal gas tanks

According to their shape, these devices are divided into two types - vertical and horizontal.
The main advantage of vertical gas holders is their relatively small size. However, due to their location in the ground at greater depths, they require additional heating. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions for vertical units is quite a troublesome task, which is why this type of gas tank is not widely used.
Vertical gas tanks are often installed. They are larger, but if you choose an underground installation, this disadvantage loses its relevance.

How does a gas tank work?

The device is a one-piece structure based on durable and massive steel sheets. The finished gas holder undergoes a mandatory painting procedure. In this case, paint is used, which contains epoxy resin. This helps to increase the strength of the structure and prevents damage due to adverse mechanical and other influences. All structural elements of the gas tank:

  • Metal container;
  • High neck;
  • Well;
  • Level gauge;
  • Level gauge float;
  • Liquid phase sampling tube;
  • Condensate extraction tube;
  • Two-stage gearbox.

The units can operate uninterruptedly for 3-4 decades. They do not pose any danger to humans, because... before sale, each device in mandatory undergoes all necessary tests, during which their performance and safety are confirmed.
The equipment may have some design features that should be taken into account when purchasing in order to further ensure trouble-free operation and maintenance of the tank:

  • Location of equipment on the body of the unit. Gas holder for areas with deep groundwater that do not pose threats associated with flooding and freezing.
  • High neck. The unit is installed in places where flooding occurs.
  • Multivalve with high nozzles. For places where groundwater located high.


Underground installation requires digging a hole about 60 cm deep (+/-). Before placing the gas holder there, a special concrete slab is laid on the bottom, the purpose of which is to reliable fixation reservoir. The unit is then attached to concrete base using special cables.

After the gas tank itself is installed, you can start laying the pipeline underground. Before installing gas pipes, it is recommended to install a condensate collector where they will pass. The latter should be located under the pipeline upon completion of work. A condensate trap will prevent steam from forming when gas evaporation becomes too strong. After installation, verification work is carried out, and if the results confirm that the installation was completed correctly, the pit is filled with sand. Only the manhole cover should be visible on the surface.

Installation work to install the tank can be carried out both during the construction of the house and after commissioning. The volume of the gas holder is selected based on the number of residents. The optimal distance from the installation site to the house is from 10 meters. The exact distance is determined by the volume of the tank: the higher it is, the farther it should be installed.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas tanks

In many cases, the unit is an indispensable find and allows you to solve a lot of problems. A gas holder is chosen because:

  • Can be picked up optimal size a container that will contain as much gas as is required to service a particular home;
  • The device operates autonomously;
  • Gas tanks are safe;
  • Operation and maintenance requirements are minimal. Even with active use, the unit needs to be filled up to three times a year;
  • If you use clean fuel, no waste is generated;
  • It is possible to configure the gas supply to individual devices for which it is required.

It is logical that with such a set of advantages, there are also factors that should be taken into account before purchasing a unit:

  • Relatively high cost of acquisition and installation;
  • Maintenance costs;
  • The tank must be installed in such a way that a car can easily drive up to it for refueling.

Despite the costs associated with the acquisition, gas tanks have become widespread among owners of private houses. Connections to central heating often have to wait for years, and dependence on the unstable operation of the latter is frightening. Consumers can independently regulate the operation of the gas tank, and with skillful operation, the costs will be comparable to the costs of utilities provided in the usual way.

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