Milk mushrooms. Called it a milk mushroom - get into the back: a detailed description of milk mushrooms. Useful properties of this mushroom

This mushroom is a source of balanced amino acids, mineral salts, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins that are completely absorbed. More than 33% is protein, which makes it similar to beef. Mineral composition: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, C, E.

How breast milk affects the body

White milk mushroom is a low-calorie product with a high protein content. Applicable in dietary nutrition, instead of meat, promotes weight loss and is part of weight loss diets. Useful for diabetics, as it is a glucose stabilizer and does not raise sugar levels.

Positively affects the condition of the lungs and stomach. Helps cleanse blood vessels and improve their condition, tones the gastrointestinal tract. Increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of sclerosis. Tones nervous system, relieving tension, eliminating fatigue and anxiety. Has a mild diuretic effect. Cleanses the body of toxins.

The breast contains a large amount of milky juice, which is why it is very bitter. To make it suitable for consumption, soaking with water changes is required for 1-2 days. This mushroom cooks quickly - no more than 20 minutes.

How to choose the right white mushroom

This mushroom is not sold fresh in the retail chain. When purchasing pickled, check the expiration date. Keep in mind that during the pickling process the color changes and the body of the mushroom turns bluish-pink.

There are several types of milk mushrooms: black, yellow, aspen, pepper, oak. When collecting in the forest, you can easily distinguish the white milk mushroom. These are massive specimens, with a wide cap and a powerful leg. White juice always appears on the cut. Has a pleasant mushroom smell.

In an old mushroom, the plates acquire a yellow or cream tint, brown spots appear on the cap, and the stem becomes hollow. It is better not to take these, because they may contain toxins. Opt for medium and small sizes.

Storage methods

White milk mushroom is stored in a salted and pickled state. High-quality salting requires 30 to 45 days. Salted milk mushrooms should be stored at a temperature no higher than +6 o C. To do this, place the product in an enamel or glass container, pour in brine, cover with a clean cloth and put pressure on it. In this condition, mold may appear on the surface, which must be promptly removed and the coating washed in a solution of salt water. Observing these conditions, it can be stored for 3-4 months. Freezing is not recommended, as the mushroom becomes fragile, brittle and loses its taste.

What does milk mushroom go with in cooking?

Salted milk mushrooms can serve as an excellent snack and a separate dish. When fried, it is a hearty dish that goes well with any side dishes. Ideal with boiled and baked potatoes, rice, vegetables, cereals and legumes. Also with herbs and: garlic, onion, celery, parsley, horseradish root, pepper, etc.

Healthy combination of products

White milk mushroom is an ideal meat substitute. Used in dietary and vegetarian nutrition. It is especially actively used during fasting and by those on plant-based diets.

For proper nutrition it is recommended to combine with boiled rice and stewed and raw vegetables, do vegetable stew or pilaf. A good side dish is a salad of leafy greens. This dish promotes the process of weight loss, satisfies well and eliminates hunger for a long time.


It should be taken into account that the mushroom is a “heavy” product; if consumed in excess, digestive problems may occur. Not recommended for liver and kidney diseases and for children under 12 years of age. It is imperative to follow the cooking rules - soak, as the presence of milky juice can cause poisoning.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

White milk mushroom is used in medicine to treat the stomach, diabetes mellitus, lung problems. Serves as a natural diuretic. Use for medical purposes involves drinking 2-3 times a week, 250 grams.

Extracts from this mushroom are effective for healing urolithiasis, removing excess bile and renal failure. Salted mushroom compresses help in the fight against warts. It is recommended as a prophylactic against the formation of stones and salt deposits, for the prevention of sclerosis, depression and neuroses.

Compresses made from boiled milk mushrooms have an anti-inflammatory effect, help cleanse purulent wounds and generate skin lesions. Pharmacists use it to create a drug for the treatment of tuberculosis and mental illness.

In cosmetology, milk mushrooms are valued for the presence of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The action of creams, masks and other procedures will not be effective without internal balance, therefore it is recommended for use as a natural source of maintaining beauty.

Did you know that:

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes are practically useless for humans.

American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free of cholesterol plaques.

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Regular use of a solarium increases your chance of developing skin cancer by 60%.

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A job that a person doesn’t like is much more harmful to his psyche than no job at all.

An educated person is less susceptible to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the disease.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

During operation, our brain expends an amount of energy equal to a 10-watt light bulb. So the image of a light bulb above your head at the moment an interesting thought arises is not so far from the truth.

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The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

In the UK there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to perform an operation on a patient if he smokes or is overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then, perhaps, he will not need surgical intervention.

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only members of the For tribe in New Guinea suffer from it. The patient dies of laughter. The disease is believed to be caused by eating human brains.

There are very interesting medical syndromes, for example, compulsive swallowing of objects. One patient suffering from this mania had 2,500 foreign objects in her stomach.

Mushrooms They grow only in post-Soviet countries; they are not known anywhere else. They are the most popular among other mushrooms. For example, in Siberia, previously only milk mushrooms were collected and sold. This is all because they are very tasty, and there are always a lot of them growing in the forests.

Why were milk mushrooms called that way? Perhaps this means the word “pile”, that is, such mushrooms always grow in groups. There is a second option, they were called that because of their size, they are too bulky and massive. Compared to other mushrooms of this genus (volnushki, milky mushrooms, saffron milk caps), they are actually heavier in weight and denser in texture.

It is best to pickle milk mushrooms. Most dishes are prepared from already pickled mushrooms, even everyone’s favorite milk mushrooms with sour cream. It happens that they are fried, but this is very rare.

Milk mushrooms are often classified as russula, but this opinion is erroneous. In terms of taste, the best of all milk mushrooms is considered raw, with black milk in second place.

If anyone decides to visit the forest and pick up a basket full of delicious milk mushrooms, it is important to know what they look like. This guide will help a novice mushroom picker determine what kind of mushroom he found and whether it can be eaten. The only negative is that milk mushrooms are difficult to find, as they hide well under the leaves. It is important to remember that if one milk mushroom is found, it means that there are several more nearby somewhere.

A real milk mushroom has several features, which will help the mushroom picker determine what kind of mushroom he found. The cap of such a milk mushroom has a diameter of approximately 7-12 centimeters, but can reach 20, in addition, it has a slightly convex shape. The edges of the cap are fluffy and slightly curled.

The hat is white or cream in color and feels dense to the touch. Later it turns yellow and small debris remains on it. Often in the Urals and Volga region, such milk mushrooms are called raw because of its mucous surface. While the milk mushroom is just beginning to grow, it is difficult to notice under the leaves, and its cap is flat.

The breast is raw.

This mushroom can be found in mixed birch and spruce forests. It begins to grow in June and ends in late autumn. Most of them are from July to September. They can grow in groups or alone.

The diameter of the cap reaches 20 centimeters, the color is white, although it may be a little greenish. It can be convex or flat. The late milk mushroom has a funnel-shaped cap, the color becomes yellowish, the edges are shaggy and curled down. You can observe barely noticeable watery areas on the cap. When the weather is rainy, the cap is sticky.

The white pulp is very dense, but brittle, and is capable of releasing a pungent, thick juice with an aromatic odor. In air it turns sulfur-yellow.

The mushroom rests on a thick, white stalk, whose length is up to 5 centimeters.

Raw milk mushrooms can be pickled and pickled, but before that they should be soaked in long time.

Aspen milk mushroom.

It is rare to see aspen milk mushrooms, although they are abundant in some places. They usually grow in groups. The mushroom is edible, but before you pickle it, you need to thoroughly soak it in water and boil it.

The place of its growth is easy to determine by its name, that is, it can be found in aspen forests, but it is often found in poplar forests, it is not for nothing that it has a second name - poplar. It happens that aspen milk mushrooms live in alder forests, but very rarely. They grow from mid-summer to September.

It happens that mushroom pickers will pass this mushroom, but that’s not because they didn’t notice it, but, on the contrary, it is too large in size. Many people simply don’t want to carry around one mushroom whose cap is no smaller than a plate. It is in this way that aspen milk mushrooms fight for survival, hoping that no one will take them, so big.

The size of the cap can reach 30 centimeters, even young ones grow very quickly. At first the cap has a round shape, but later becomes flat. The color is white with small spots. When the weather is rainy, reddish spots appear on the cap.

For a long time, aspen mushrooms grow underground, so when they come to the surface, they look dirty. The spores of this mushroom are pinkish, but become invisible in the rain.

Frequent plates go down to the stem; the stem itself is thick and short. The pulp is quite dense, when cut, a burning juice with a fruity smell flows out of it.

It is easy to confuse it with other types of milk mushrooms, but if you become better acquainted with it, then no problems will arise. They are in no way inferior in taste to black milk mushrooms. The only negative is that there is a lot of debris on the cap, which is difficult to scrape off.

Poplar mushroom is rare, but in some places, for example, in the floodplain of the Lower Volga, there are a lot of them growing. They live in poplar and aspen forests. Often in groups, almost never alone. Their growth period is from July to September.

The cap is approximately 10 centimeters, but can reach 20. Its shape is slightly convex, depressed in the middle, and the edges are curved. Later it takes on a funnel shape and small pinkish spots appear.

The plates are too frequent, a little pinkish. The spores are creamy pinkish in color. In addition, they have a round shape with small spikes that are connected into a mesh.

The length of the leg is approximately five centimeters, maybe less. Thickness 2 centimeters. Slightly curved and off-white in color. The pulp is white, and its juice is very pungent, but pleasant in smell.

The poplar milk mushroom is very similar to other types of milk mushrooms, especially to the real one.. The only difference is the pinkish plates. The milk mushroom is often confused with the white cap, but unlike it, the cap is large, and the edges are not fluffy.

This mushroom can only be pickled.

Parchment breast.

Such milk mushrooms are often classified as inedible mushrooms because of their caustic juice. However, it belongs to the fourth category in terms of edibility, and it can be eaten, but before that it needs to be soaked and boiled for a long time, and only then salted.

Parchment mushroom grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. They can be found in large groups. Capable of forming mycorrhiza with coniferous and deciduous trees. They begin to grow in August and end in September.

The hat can reach 20 centimeters. Its shape is slightly convex, later becoming funnel-shaped. The color is white, later it turns yellow or spots appear on it.

The plates are frequent, descend down to the stem, and have a yellowish tint.

The leg is quite long and tapers at the bottom. Its color is white.

The juice and pulp of milk mushrooms are white. Their color does not change in air and they taste very bitter.

Pepper milk got its name because of its very island taste, like pepper.

Pepper mushroom grows in oak and deciduous forests. Sometimes found singly, but mostly in small groups. They begin to grow in July and end in October. Most often, it is salted, but before that it is soaked and boiled for a long time.

The milk mushroom cap may have small size, about 5 centimeters, and can reach 20. Its shape is initially round and convex, and only then becomes funnel-shaped. At first the edges are curled, later straight. The cap is smooth and dry, white in color; when the mushroom begins to age, it becomes yellowish. If you squeeze it, a greenish spot will form.

The plates go down to the stem and are white, later becoming creamy. The stem of the mushroom is dense and short (up to 7 cm), tapering at the base. The color is predominantly white.

The pulp is white, gradually turning into a greenish or yellowish color. When broken it turns bluish.

The milky sap is white and turns bluish in air. The taste is acrid and the aftertaste is pungent. The bitter taste will disappear if the milk mushrooms are soaked and boiled.

Black breast .

Black milkweed or cartilage grows in mixed and deciduous forests. You can find this one under the birch trees. Popularly, this mushroom is often called nigella. Few mushroom pickers like this mushroom because of its extremely unpleasant appearance, and it is almost invisible, but this mushroom is very tasty and practically never wormy.

The cap of the milk mushroom is very strong and flat. After some time it turns black, and its surface becomes slimy. The edges of the cap are curved downwards and have a light shade, several times lighter than the middle part of the cap.

The plates go down to the stem, are white, and then turn yellow. If you break them or press them a little, small brown spots form.

The leg of the milk mushroom is strong and thick, later it becomes hollow and has a greenish tint.

The pulp is white, begins to darken when broken. It produces quite a lot of white and acrid juice. It tastes very bitter. And the smell of fresh resin. Spore powder is white.

The black mushroom begins to grow in July and ends in mid-October. It can only be consumed in salted form. It is impossible to confuse it with inedible and poisonous ones.

The black mushroom is stored for a long time and does not lose its strength, the only thing is that the cap acquires a cherry or purple color.

Before pickling nigellas, fill them with cold water and add a little salt or vinegar. After this, press with a wooden circle with a load. You can also boil it before salting.

Milk mushrooms shown in the photo, very tasty and healthy, the main thing is to follow safety precautions, and remember, if you are not sure what kind of mushroom it is, you should throw it away, take care of your health! Stay with our site, we have a lot more interesting things!

The word "gruzd" translated from Church Slavonic means "heap".

No wonder they received such a name.

In ancient times in Russia, mushroom pickers collected them in cartloads and salted them in barrels.

All types of milk mushrooms share common characteristics: concentric rings on the cap are visible and the shape changes as the mushroom grows - at first it is convex, and then funnel-shaped with edges bent down.

They belong to the lamellar mushrooms. The plates can be of different colors, depending on the type, and extend to the stem. All types of milk mushrooms are united in the genus Mlechnik (lat. Lactarius) of the Russulaceae family (lat. Russulaceae).

Did you know? Dry milk caps contain 32.2% protein - this is more than meat.But dried milk mushrooms are not used because of the bitterness of the milky juice.

True breast (Lactarius resimus)

In 1942, microbiologist Boris Vasilkov studied the types of milk mushrooms, made their description and called the white milk mushroom a real mushroom, since that is what people consider it to be. Although until that time the real name was pepper milk mushrooms.

It grows in the Volga region, the Urals, and Siberia. The cap is 6-25 cm in diameter, white or yellowish in color, slightly sticky. Its shape changes, and underneath there are plates white. The edges of the cap can be covered with fluff, which is the main distinctive feature of this type.

The leg is 3-9 cm high, cylindrical, white or yellowish in color, empty in the middle. The body of the mushroom is white, with milky juice at the fracture, which changes its color to yellow-gray when exposed to air. The smell is very similar to a fruity aroma. The harvest is harvested from July to the end of September in deciduous and mixed forests next to birch trees.

In Russia, white milk mushroom is considered the king of mushrooms and is used as food. Western Europe classified as inedible. Since the milky juice has a bitter taste, before cooking it is soaked and boiled for a long time, after which it acquires a blue tint.

IN folk medicine Real breast milk is used in the treatment of urolithiasis and kidney failure.

Yellow breast (Lactarius scrobiculatus)

It belongs to the conditionally edible species. Grows in coniferous or birch forests of Eurasia with a temperate climate.

The cap is 6-28 cm in diameter, golden yellow in color, smooth. The shape of the cap changes as the mushrooms grow. On its lower side there are plates that may have brown spots. The leg grows up to 12 cm in height, with bright yellow notches, strong, sticky, although empty inside. The flesh of the mushroom is white, but turns yellow when broken. Thick milky juice is also characteristic. The smell is weak but pleasant. Prefers to grow on limestone soils.

It is eaten after soaking and boiling. For treatment in folk medicine it is used in the form of a decoction of cholelithiasis.

Important! The breast forms mycorrhiza with the birch, thanks to which it receives more water and minerals, and it receives carbohydrates, amino acids and phytohormones from the tree.

Pepper milkweed (Lactarius piperatus)

It is one of the most common mushrooms in the temperate and forest-steppe zones of Russia.

Pepper milk preserves everything general characteristics milk mushrooms, but has such features. The cap is 6-18 cm in diameter, creamy-white in color, sometimes covered with reddish spots. It has a velvety surface in the center, but does not have concentric rings. The pulp is white, dense, and at the break it secretes a milky juice, which, when exposed to air, becomes olive-green, and the flesh turns bluish-blue.

The mushroom tastes hot and peppery, and the smell is similar to rye bread. The leg is up to 8 cm high, white, dense with a slightly wrinkled surface. As it grows it becomes greenish or reddish tint. Under the cap, the plates are narrow, descending along the stalk of a white creamy color. When the plates are damaged, they become covered with yellow-brown spots.

Pepper milk mushroom grows in deciduous or mixed forests from July to October and forms mycosis with oak, birch and spruce. Mushrooms are used for pickling, pickling or in dried, ground form instead of pepper.

This species is used in folk medicine for the treatment of kidney stones, cholelithiasis, tuberculosis, blennorrhea, and conjunctivitis. Warts are removed with milky juice.

Aspen milkweed (Lactarius controversus)

This species is also called poplar or aspen milk mushroom. Grows in warm temperate zones. In Russia they are found en masse in the Lower Volga region.

It is classified as conditionally edible due to the presence of milky juice. The description of the mushroom is similar to the real mushroom, but differs in the presence of pale pinkish spots on the cap and pink plates under it. The milky juice is white, abundant and caustic, and does not change color when broken.

It got its name from its habitat – aspen and poplar forests. This species is larger than the others; its cap can grow up to 30 cm in diameter. It is valued lower than white and yellow milk mushrooms, but is famous for its mass germination.

Aspen milk mushrooms ripen underground, so there is always a lot of dirt on the cap. Forms mycorrhiza with willow, aspen, and poplar. Harvesting occurs from late August to early October. The flesh of the aspen milk mushroom is white, brittle, dense with a characteristic fruity odor. This type is used only for salting.

Parchment milkweed (Lactarius pergamenus)

This species belongs to the conditionally edible mushrooms. Grows in mixed forests in large groups.

The cap of the parchment milk mushroom reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm, has a white color, which changes to yellowish as the mushroom grows, the surface is wrinkled, maybe smooth. Retains all the features of the milk mushroom shape. The flesh of the mushroom is white with milky juice, which does not change color when broken. Under the cap the plates are yellowish. The leg is narrowed towards the bottom, long, white.

It is similar to the transverse milk mushroom, but has a higher stem and a slightly wrinkled cap. Harvesting takes place in August-September. Used for salting with preliminary soaking.

Blue breast (Lactarius glaucescens)

The group of white milk mushrooms includes the bluish milk mushroom, as well as the parchment milk mushroom. This species grows in deciduous forests of Eurasia. A distinctive feature of the species is the presence of yellow-gray spots on the surface of the cap. All other descriptions are the same.

The milky juice of the bluish milk mushroom quickly curls at the break and turns a little green. This makes it look like a pepper mushroom. Distinguishing between these species is not particularly important for mushroom pickers. All these types, although similar, also belong to conditionally edible mushrooms. But these species do not have poisonous counterparts in nature.

Forms mycosis only with hardwood trees. The harvest is harvested from July to September. In cooking they are used only for pickling.

Important! Due to the caustic and bitter milky juice, milk mushrooms are rarely affected by pests. To get rid of its bitterness, milk mushrooms need to be soaked: white milk mushrooms for a day, black milk mushrooms for several days. The water is changed three times a day and salt is added to it.

Black breast (Lactarius necator)

The black mushroom mushroom is classified as conditionally edible. The description of external signs is similar to all milk mushrooms.

The hat can be up to 20 cm in diameter, dark olive or dark brown in color with a darkening in the center. The pulp is dense, white, brittle, and when broken changes color to gray. The milky juice is acrid and abundant. The leg is the same color as the cap.

The fungus forms mycorrhiza with birch and grows in mixed forests. Harvest from July to October. Used for pickling, acquiring a purple-burgundy color.

Blue breast (Lactarius repraesentaneus)

This species is also called dog breast or golden-yellow lilac. Distributed throughout the temperate and arctic zones of Russia in deciduous and mixed forests.

The cap is 7-20 cm in diameter, thick, yellow with weak concentric rings, shaggy at the edges. The pulp is white, dense, the milky juice in the air becomes purple in color, but is not abundant. The plates are narrow, pale yellow in color, and when damaged they form dark spots. The stem is pale yellow, up to 10 cm in height, hollow inside, turning blue at the break.

Forms mycosis with birch, willow and spruce. Harvesting takes place in July-October. An important feature of this species is that scientists have extracted from it special substances that can increase plant growth.

The closest similarity is the yellow milk mushroom, which is distinguished by its bright yellow milky juice. WITH therapeutic purpose The antibacterial properties of blue milk mushrooms are used. In cooking it is suitable for salting, pickling, frying after preliminary boiling.

Oak milkweed (Lactarius insulsus)

The oak milk mushroom is one of the less common species and is also called oak milk cap. It combines all the characteristics of milk mushrooms and is distinguished by its red or yellowish-orange color.

The plates under the cap are wide and frequent. Leg off-white or pink color. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, cream-colored. The milky juice is white, not abundant, but caustic and does not change color when cut.

Like the aspen mushroom, this species ripens underground and is therefore characterized by the presence of dirt on the cap. Belongs to the conditionally edible mushrooms.

In cooking it is used for pickling. It grows in broad-leaved forests and forms mycosis with oak, hornbeam, and beech. Harvesting occurs from July to early October.

Squeaky milk mushrooms (Lactarius vellereus)

The creaking milk mushroom got its name because when it comes into contact with foreign objects, it makes a characteristic creaking sound. It is often also called spurge. This type of milk mushroom is classified as conditionally edible and is considered the driest milk mushroom. Distributed in Russia and Belarus. It looks like a white milk mushroom, but has its own characteristics.

The diameter of the cap is up to 24 cm, and may acquire a yellowish tint. The leg is up to 7 cm in height and up to 5 cm in diameter. A characteristic feature of this species is the change in the shade of the milky juice after drying from white to reddish. The white flesh turns greenish-yellow when broken. The plates under the cap are located much less frequently than those of the pepper milk mushroom.

Forms mycorrhiza with aspen and birch. Grows in deciduous and mixed forests in large groups. Harvesting takes place from August to October. In cooking, they are used for pickling, however, this type of milk mushrooms acquires a blue tint when pickled. By taste qualities the creaking fish is inferior to the white milk mushroom.

Did you know? The biologically active substances contained in milk mushrooms provide: diuretic effect in the treatment of urolithiasis; antibacterial effect in the fight against tuberculosis;

One of the most popular mushrooms in Rus' has long been milk mushroom. It was even considered a symbol of Russian cuisine. But lately, lovers of “quiet hunting” very rarely take white milk mushrooms. Its description can be found in any book about mushrooms, but people are afraid to confuse it with inedible ones, do not know about its valuable qualities, or simply do not know how to cook it. After all, it belongs to the conditionally edible mushrooms because of its caustic milky juice. And before using it, it must be soaked for a long time. Most often, pickled milk mushrooms are used and are considered one of the best for this. After all, it becomes crispy, aromatic and acquires a beautiful bluish tint. Only experienced mushroom pickers who know what a white milk mushroom looks like can experience all its valuable qualities and unique taste.

Characteristics of the mushroom

Milk mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms and are not eaten abroad at all. After all, the burning milky juice, which also turns yellow or red over time, makes it impossible to prepare many dishes. Therefore, this species is mainly suitable for pickling. And before in Rus', the white milk mushroom was very popular. They collected and prepared it in large quantities. He was even called the “king of mushrooms.” What features of milk mushrooms contributed to this?

The name of this mushroom comes from the words “pile” or “heavy”. After all, it rarely grows alone, so you can collect many mushrooms at once in one place.

This mushroom has dense pulp and large sizes. Even a few copies already have noticeable weight.

Due to the caustic milky juice, milk mushrooms are rarely affected by pests.

They have high nutritional qualities, as they contain more than 30% easily digestible protein. Therefore, milk mushrooms replace meat.

Beneficial properties of this mushroom

The breast is low-calorie product, therefore often used in dietary nutrition and promotes weight loss.

This mushroom contains many easily digestible minerals and vitamins, the content of vitamin D is especially valuable.

The white mushroom is able to stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore it is useful for patients with diabetes.

Eating milk mushrooms has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs and stomach, helps cleanse the body of toxins, improves immunity, improves blood supply to the brain and calms the nervous system.

External use of milk mushrooms is also useful. They help against acne and warts.

What types of milk mushrooms are there?

These mushrooms from the genus of laticifers are widespread mainly in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and Transbaikalia. The white milk mushroom is most prized. Its description is known to many mushroom pickers, but not everyone takes it. After all, there are many mushrooms similar to it. All of them belong to the category of conditionally edible, but after the appropriate culinary processing considered very tasty. There are no poisonous milk mushrooms, but some species can cause vomiting and diarrhea. It is also not recommended to collect old milk mushrooms due to the presence large quantity caustic juice. Therefore, you need to have a good idea of ​​what a white milk mushroom looks like and how it differs from its counterparts. After all, not all of them have valuable nutritional qualities.

Types of milk mushrooms

The most valuable species is nigella. It is suitable not only for pickling, but also requires pre-soaking. has a characteristic dark olive color.

Saffron milk caps also belong to this family - this is what the oak milk mushroom is called. Its cap is yellow-orange in color with concentric rings.

White volnushka is a mushroom that looks like a white milk mushroom. Only he is smaller and has a fluffy hat.

Colored milk mushrooms are less popular among mushroom pickers: yellow, bluish or gray-purple.

Some got their name because of the place where they grow: oak and others.

Another mushroom that looks like a white mushroom is the white cape. It is also called because it does not have milky juice. It can be salted without pre-soaking.

What does a white breast look like?

This common mushroom is quite easy to recognize. It is also called “real milk mushroom” or “raw milk mushroom.” His characteristic feature is the presence of caustic milky juice, gradually changing color from white to yellowish or reddish. This and the pleasant fruity smell make it possible to distinguish white milk mushrooms from other mushrooms. Photos, descriptions and the presence of characteristic features can be found in any book, but still only experienced mushroom pickers collect milk mushrooms. They are easy to recognize: a white lamellar mushroom with a flat, and eventually funnel-shaped, cap. The plates are sparse, with a slightly yellowish tint, “running down” the stem. The cap has inward, slightly pubescent edges. The surface of the mushroom is slimy and wet. What other characteristic features has a white breast? The description speaks of it as a large, massive mushroom, the cap of which sometimes reaches 20 centimeters. But despite this, its height does not exceed 7 centimeters, since its leg is low.

What can be prepared from milk mushrooms

Dishes with mushrooms are very common in Russian cuisine. And the leader among them is the white milk mushroom. The description of its aroma, unusual taste and pleasant consistency makes you try to pickle this mushroom at least once.

It is pre-soaked for a couple of days, periodically draining the water. Milk mushrooms are most often salted cold. To do this, the mushrooms are placed in a container, sprinkled with salt. You can add onions. Cover the top with a cloth and place a load. Salted milk mushrooms are ready in 35-40 days. Then they can be added to salads, main courses, fried or served cold with any side dish.