How to explain to a child the rules of handling fire using crafts? Interesting crafts on the topic"пожарная безопасность" Эскиз для макета пожарной части для ребенка!}

Crafts on the theme “Fire Safety” help children learn the rules of behavior during a fire. In the process of creativity, kids learn how to handle matches and lighters, how to leave a smoky room and call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Crafts can be made from paper, plasticine, salt dough, beads and other available materials.

DIY craft

The fire takes thousands of lives. Often the cause of fire is improper handling of fire. From an early age, children are taught how to behave correctly in the house, on the road, in everyday life and in nature in order to avoid fire.

Conversations in game form- one of the types of learning, but many kids will remember information better if they reinforce it with creativity, making a picture or a craft on the topic fire safety.

From paper

This is a simple and convenient material, it is suitable when you need to do a craft quickly. For example, a situation often occurs when a child remembers that he needs to bring an application to school for tomorrow’s lesson.

Three-dimensional models are made from paper: fire trucks, fire, burning houses and trees. You can take colored paper or make a craft from white material and then color it.

The resulting objects are glued to the lid of the box - a unique fire safety composition through the eyes of children is obtained.

Young children cut out regular flat figures from colored paper and glue them onto a sheet of paper. The result will be a non-voluminous but original application.

From felt

The soft fabric is comfortable to use. The threads do not unravel during cutting. The felt pieces are sewn or glued together. You can make voluminous crafts or flat applications glued to cardboard and inserted into a frame. The stores have a wide selection of fabric colors; they make bright and colorful pictures.

From cardboard

Working with cardboard is a little more difficult than working with paper due to its increased density. But it produces durable three-dimensional models, which is important if the craft needs to be kept safe long time(for example, when it is given to an exhibition).

Large models of fire trucks, fire extinguishers, shields and other equipment are made from cardboard. If desired, the car model is covered with foil, felt and other materials.

Made from plasticine

Kids love modeling. She develops fine motor skills and develops creative imagination. Fire safety crafts made from plasticine are usually made by preschoolers, since the material is easy to work with.

While working on the craft, parents or educators will explain to the child the dangers of playing with fire and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

From salt dough

To prepare the material, you need to mix 220 grams of flour and fine salt (large crystals will not work). Then add 130 grams to the mixture vegetable oil, a couple of tablespoons of water.

The mixture is divided into required quantity parts, gouache of the desired color is added to each (red, green, blue and yellow). Gouache can be replaced with vegetable dyes. The dough is kneaded so that it is uniform in color. There is also a second coloring method. First, a figure is made from ordinary dough without dyes, and then the dried model is painted with a brush.

To sculpt toy models you will need additional equipment: a board, a knife, sticks for decorating eyes, mouth, nose. The finished figurine is dried at room temperature. The model can be placed in a cold oven and heated at a low temperature (at high degrees the toy will crack).

From cereals

Students in grades 1-2 can use rice to make crafts. This will require perseverance and perseverance. First, the cereal is divided into several piles and painted in different colors. Then you need to draw a sketch of the craft on cardboard.

The grains are glued to the base with PVA glue. The finished product is left overnight until it dries and is ready for display.

From matchboxes

The boxes are glued together and flaming houses are made from them; fire trucks can also be assembled. The layouts are painted and, if necessary, glued to the base - a cardboard cover.

Crafts are signed with short and vivid phrases:

  • "Don't joke with fire!";
  • “Don’t play with matches!”;
  • “In case of fire, call 01!”

From plastic bottles

An ordinary bottle will make a real fire extinguisher. It can be easily made by children from preparatory group kindergarten or elementary school students.

The bottle is wrapped in red cloth or paper, a hose and a label are attached, which describes the step-by-step use of the fire extinguisher.

For the competition

Children try to make beautiful and original crafts that will be presented at the competition.

First you need to decide on the topic:

  • "Fire in the Forest";
  • "Children and Fire";
  • “Fire is our enemy and friend” and so on.

At the second stage, kids make crafts. For example: a model of a helicopter for extinguishing fires, a fire truck made of buttons, or an original volumetric exhibition.

For Fireman's Day

For kindergarten

For the middle group

For the older group

For schoolchildren

Pupils in grades 3–4 make complex applications. Children can already sew a figurine of a rescuer and dress him up in firefighter clothes. Boys build large fire engines, helicopters and other equipment from matches.

Drawings on the theme of fire safety

PB pictures are drawn with pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache or watercolors. If the child is familiar with the technique of working with oil paints, then he can paint an oil painting.

The pictures show different topics. For example: a fireman extinguishes a burning house, explosive and flammable objects, a fire in the forest

Preschoolers draw pictures with their favorite characters: Smeshariki starts a fire in the forest, Luntik and Kuzya help the ants cope with the fire.

Templates and stencils for drawings are easy to find on the Internet. A short warning phrase is written on the top of the picture: “Beware of fire!”, “Matches are no fun for children!”, “Stop the baby, don’t let him play with matches!”

Pictures are drawn for Fireman's Day, for thematic competitions, and for life safety lessons. They help children learn the rules of behavior and life, occupational safety and health.

Matches are not a toy for children

Be careful, fire!

Fire extinguisher

Fire engine




Let's save the forest!

How to make for children

When a creative task is given at school or kindergarten, parents think about what they can come up with and what materials to use for crafts.

In addition to compositions, children can draw pictures and posters, make applications about fires and the work of rescue units. Older schoolchildren (grades 5–6) independently make cards or little books on fire safety.

Mostly pictures drawn with pencils or paints are common. But you can get creative and, in addition to the drawing, stick a flame of fire from colored paper onto a piece of paper, roll up logs from strips of paper, and also glue them to the composition.

Sometimes a picture is made from plasticine - the figures are not drawn, but sculpted flat, then attached to cardboard. They depict extinguishing a fire in the forest, and the rescuer’s equipment (fire hose, face mask).

They are usually made from colored paper or felt. You can combine several types of material. For example, to make a panel: glue a match to cardboard (blue colored paper is suitable as a background), and attach a flame made of colored paper next to it.

Sign the panel: “Matches are not a toy” and place it in a frame.


The wall newspaper has several sections and information is written under each section.

  • how to properly make a fire in nature;
  • how to use a fire extinguisher;
  • what are the advantages of the profession of firefighter and rescuer;
  • what an ideal world of safety at home and school looks like.

The name of the wall newspaper is an important component of the publication: “Young Rescuers”, “Emergencies Ministry Assistants”, “Schoolchildren Against Fires”.

Even if your toy fleet is full of various trucks, cars and cars bought and donated by adults military equipment, a do-it-yourself model of a fire truck will take the most important place in it. Not because this cardboard machine is so bright and beautiful, but because you made it yourself.

Car layout

Having such paper cars, you can organize real rallies around the apartment. You can build a garage for them. They are easy to paint with felt-tip pens and stick a toothpick flag into the cabin.

  1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half. Then unfold and fold inwards towards the middle of the edge of the paper.
  2. Fold the edges over again, but this time in the other direction and fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  3. Make your own paper car outline by first folding the top corners and then tucking them in. Below, two corners will peek out from under the car. Fold them inward in the same way, marking the wheels of our car.
  4. Bend the bottom corners back, “rounding” the wheels a little. Place the corners in the back of the origami machine, and make “headlights” in the front.
  5. To do this, bend the corner with your own hands and then straighten it.
  6. You can draw headlights, handles, doors and the driver behind the wheel. So we made the first origami cars. 15 minutes and the car is ready.

We will need:

  • 5 cardboard toilet paper tubes;
  • 2 spools of tape;
  • boxes of different sizes;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint or gouache;
  • paper napkins;
  • masking tape;
  • 4 cocktail straws;
  • matches;
  • newspaper.

Work order

  • Create the frame of a fire truck with your own hands. To do this, fold boxes of different sizes and glue them with tape. Try to make a design that resembles a vehicle with a cabin and a covered body.

  • Cut the tape spool in half and cut as shown in the photo. These will be the wings. You need to make 4 of these blanks.

  • We make mock-ups of water tanks from toilet paper reels. To do this, we manually seal their ends with masking tape and connect them two at a time.

  • To secure the wings, cut the boxes with a knife in three places. Additionally, we glue them with tape. We attach the tanks to the sides, and on top of the cabin there are several layers of strips of corrugated cardboard - this is the future “flashing light”.

  • Now you need to make a model of real wheels from toilet paper reels with your own hands. Cut them into rings and cover one side with a circle of cardboard.

  • Fill the wheel with crumpled newspaper and cover the end with masking tape. Wrap the wheels with strips of corrugated cardboard.

  • To smooth out all the imperfections and unevenness, cover your homemade cardboard machine with paper napkins. Make strips of cardboard and glue them around the windshield as a frame.

  • You need to make fire escapes from cocktail straws and matches and paint them silver. We make side mirrors from silver paper and matches. Paint the “flashing light” and glue on a cardboard bumper. Attach the headlights. You can use metal caps from beer bottles for them.

  • Our craft is almost ready. All that's left is to color it acrylic paints and place it on axles, which will serve as any two wooden sticks. Don't forget to attach a fire escape to the top.

In fact, the vehicles used by fire rescuers can have different shapes, as well as different purposes. For example, you can make an excellent model of a truck carrying fire hoses from an egg carton. This pressed cardboard machine will be stable and strong.

  • Cut the boxes with your own hands as shown in the photo.

  • Paint the layout with gouache or acrylic paint.

  • Cut a toilet paper roll in half and twist red and yellow tubes into halves.

  • Glue the parts together. For this machine, you need to make wheels from cardboard from plastic covers, placing them on wooden or metal axles. Place the bobbins with sleeves in the body, glue the headlights from beer caps and the craft is ready.

Mothers and grandmothers probably have a lot of multi-colored buttons accumulated in their boxes, which have nowhere to be used and would be a pity to throw away. But they can make an excellent picture. First draw the outline of the car on paper, and then fill it with colored buttons, carefully gluing one at a time. Place your homemade picture in a frame and give it to the owner of the buttons.

To make such a delicious cardboard machine, you will need 4 boxes of suitable size, ladders made of matches and tubes, cardboard, napkins and half a kilo of chocolates in red candy wrappers.

Make a model of the car from cardboard as described in the first method. Install the ladder, paint it, and then stick candy on all sides. Instead of wheels, you can use chocolate marshmallows, and instead of headlights, colored jelly beans. It’s not a shame to give such a layout to a friend for his birthday.

Race car

In just an hour, you can easily fill the entire toy car park by making paper cars different forms and stamps.

In order to make a model of a paper racing car with your own hands, you need to take a standard A4 sheet.

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise. Fold the corners inward on both sides, forming arrows.
  2. Fold the longitudinal sides towards the middle under the arrows.
  3. On one side, fold the arrow towards the middle, making it even sharper.
  4. Lift the other side and place it on top of the folded arrow, tucking it in between the layers of paper.
  5. Bend the tail of the car. You can draw headlights on it.
  6. To make it clearer how to make a paper machine, you can give another drawing diagram.

Useful publications in this section will help you organize creative activities for children to consolidate their knowledge of fire safety. Here you can find many ideas for creating original crafts on this topic, for children to create on their own or in collaboration with adults.

The drawings and crafts presented here reveal the causes of the fire and, of course, the features of the heroic profession of a firefighter. Teachers share with colleagues their experience of holding regular thematic exhibitions of children's creativity, entitled “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”

While doing creativity, we teach children fire safety rules.

Contained in sections:

  • Fire safety

Showing publications 1-10 of 114.
All sections | Fire safety, fire. Crafts, applications, drawings

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Fire themed crafts

Every year in kindergarten and elementary school undergo mandatory life safety classes, during which children are told what can and cannot be done, how to behave correctly in certain situations, and how to provide first aid medical care etc. Separate classes on fire safety are held, following which children are given a task, often together with their parents make a fire themed craft for an exhibition or fire fair.

That's why we decided to tell you what fire safety crafts You can make it together with your children and thereby not only complete your homework, but also repeat with your child the rules of behavior with fire and in a fire.

So, crafts on the topic of fire safety and fire fair crafts.

It turns out that natural crafts, or in other words, crafts made from natural materials can be not only on an autumn or winter theme, but also with the help of pine cones, chestnuts, acorns, twigs, wood chips and other similar materials, you can create a wonderful composition, which is a kind of visual aid on the theme proper handling of fire.

To create a fire safety craft like this from natural materials, you will need the following:

- a piece of bark or natural wood, preferably with green moss;

- small twigs and sticks of trees;

- colored paper, red, orange, yellow and brown;

- glue for paper;

Step-by-step description of the work:

Step one. First, we need to create the main character of this composition - the Little Fox desperately fighting the fire. To do this, let's take a cedar cone, which will serve as the body of our animal, mold it from plasticine and attach its paws, head and tail. Let's make a muzzle - eyes, a mouth, a nose, and from a sheet of brown paper, using scissors, we'll cut it out and glue it into a small bucket, which we'll attach to its paws.

Step three. Then we break small pieces of twigs and build a fire out of them, attaching each layer to the base (bark) also using plasticine.

Step four. After which, on sheets of colored paper in red, yellow and orange color with the help a simple pencil Let's draw flames of different sizes so that they can be glued one on top of the other and carefully cut everything out along the contour.

Step six. Using paper glue, we glue the cut out fragments of the flame one on one in the form of a regular paper applique and also use plasticine to attach the flame to the fire.

Step seven. At the end, we’ll add the main character to our composition and finish working on it.

Another interesting option creating a story composition on the theme of fire safety for children from matchboxes covered with various colored papers. In this composition, unlike the previous one, events develop in the city, and not in the forest.

To try to recreate something similar you will need the following materials and tools:

— the basis for the composition is thick cardboard or fiberboard (chipboard);

- a lot of empty matchboxes;

Step-by-step description of the work:

Step one. First of all, we will cover our base with colored paper and thereby divide it into zones - roadway, sidewalk, yard, parking lot, etc.

Step three. Also, by gluing several boxes together and decorating them with colored paper, we will make cars, trucks, and fire trucks and distribute them according to the composition.

Step four. There was a fire in one of the houses in our composition, and the flames had already partially engulfed it. To display this, we will cut out flames from red paper and use glue to stick them on some parts of the building.

By creating such a composition, you, together with your child, can turn on your imagination and convey absolutely any situation related to the work of fire brigades or fire safety, and thereby once again focus your child’s attention on the rules of behavior with fire and heating objects.

Also try to make an unusual plot application from plasticine on cardboard based on the children's fairy tale “Cat's House”, which also contains the theme of fire and fire safety.

To create such an application you will need:

- a sheet of thick cardboard in A4 format

- colored soft plasticine;

Step-by-step description of the work:

Step one. To begin with, using a simple pencil, we will draw an approximate plot of our plasticine application.

Step two. Then we’ll take yellow plasticine and make the background of our work out of it. To do this, we’ll simply paste a thin layer of plasticine onto the base, leaving the spaces of certain figures (house, trees, animals) unfilled.

Step four. Using the “building a fence” technique, we will paste a house with a window from which tongues of scarlet flames burst out.

Step five. At the end, we will glue the main characters, a cat, a chicken and a hare, from plasticine onto our applique.

Using this unusual technique of applique from plasticine, you can make many other stories on the topic of fire safety that are no less interesting for children.

Below we have selected a few more photos for you interesting ideas creating a wide variety of crafts on the topic of fire safety and correct handling of fire, we hope they will help you and your children create the best work.

What craft to do with your child on the theme “Fire Safety”?

    You can make a similar applique - it’s the easiest and most appropriate, in my opinion, to the theme of fire safety. This is a shield with the most necessary attributes for any firefighter and with everything that should be present for fire safety in any institution.

    If the class does not have a stand for teaching fire safety, then this is just right, there is a feature in the stand itself, it is made of plywood or thick cardboard. Essentially, you need to cut it out in the shape of a fire truck and stick various pictures with rules on the car itself; they can be bought in literature stores for schoolchildren.

    Make a beautiful fire truck with your child. This DIY craft is very suitable for your Fire Safety theme. For this you will need the following materials:

    Juice boxes, reels, but which were wrapped with tape and toilet paper, tape, paints, glue, corrugated cardboard from boxes, a small box (for some medicine, for example).

    Look how beautiful she is.

    I suggest taking this picture as a sample (basis).

    Only instead of English words, cut out of paper Did you feel the smoke? Fire? Call 01.

    It’s quite simple to make: Cut out the required letters, a fire extinguisher using a stencil and carefully stick them on a red sheet of paper. The phone number can be drawn and pasted over with pieces of cotton wool, as if it were made of extinguishing foam.

    The good thing about this craft is that it doesn’t require any special materials. Even if you don't find red paper at home, you can take a regular sheet of cardboard and paint it red. Letters can be cut not only from paper, but also, for example, from pieces of fabric.

    I also think that the best and most instructive thing to do would be a Fire Shield!

    On nm you can immediately see what is needed when extinguishing a fire and you can always explain the rules to the child.

    Moreover, a fire shield is the simplest craft in my opinion.

    It is done simply:

    • The shield itself is cut out of a piece of cardboard.
    • And separately made tools are hung on it, such as
    • - bucket
    • - crowbar
    • - gaff
    • - shovel
    • - axe
    • - hose
    • - a box of sand
    • - fire extinguisher

    For little ones

    For older children

    Can be made voluminous

    If you do it for training, then you can work hard and make it closer to a real Fire Shield:

    A wonderful topic for children's creativity, instructive: children should know about fire safety and be careful.

    What crafts can you come up with on this topic? I liked these options:

    Make some object, for example, a fire extinguisher:

    Warning poster or sign:

    The material can be colored paper, plasticine, or natural materials: leaves, twigs, seeds, etc.

    The boys can try to make a fire truck that rushes to help in case of fire, or a fire helicopter.

    Options for crafts made from matches

    from origami modules

    or at least just draw with paints or pencils.

    Make something like a fire extinguisher out of paper and paint it red. A triangular bucket made of paper, the simplest.

    Boys can make a fire truck applique. The car is fluffy made from pieces of fabric. Cut small squares of fabric of different colors, gather in the center so that it looks like a small flower. And glue the end of the cone onto the drawing of the car.

    Girls can make a traffic light from buttons, glue the buttons to the drawing and make an applique fairy tale hero crossing the road.

    Application on the theme Don't joke with fire.

    Bright three-dimensional applique made of plasticine. The parts are molded from plasticine and mounted on a stand made of wood. The inscription of the theme is laid out with matches painted with paint or matches are molded from plasticine.

    The boy will be interested in making a fire truck out of cardboard. To do this, cut out the cardboard, glue it, and paint it:

    It would be more interesting for a girl to do quilling - make a flame out of strips of paper:

    Well, the most obvious way to make a craft yourself is to first draw a poster and then stick colored paper on it:

    You can make a lot of interesting crafts on the topic of fire safety. But a voluminous craft will look best and most visually appealing. There are a lot of options for imagination in this case. You can use thick cardboard (or a shoebox lid). This will be the base, representing the earth. Therefore, the base can be covered with green (grass) or brown (earth) paper. Next, you can make houses and trees out of cardboard and paper. You can cover one of the houses with black paper and draw tongues of flame that burst out of one of the windows of the high-rise building. Place a fire truck nearby (it can be made from matchboxes). The result will be a very visual and interesting craft. Instead of houses, you can depict a forest, a fire, and fire that is already approaching the trees. In general, the craft might look something like this:

    And I suggest a craft made from semolina. You can make an application like the one in the photo:

    for this you will need:

    2) cardboard;

    4) glue and pencil.

    To get colored semolina, you need to mix it with gouache and let it dry on a newspaper.

    After the material is ready, you can draw the desired design, in this case a fire truck.

    After this, you need to fill the internal parts of the image with glue and while the glue is not dry, carefully pour the semolina into the right places of the desired color. Wait until everything dries and sticks. Blow off the remaining semolina. The craft is ready. Well, of course, in a frame under glass.

The “Fire Engine” craft, made with your own hands from available materials, will undoubtedly appeal not only to boys, but also to many girls. Every child will be happy to imagine himself in the place of a brave fireman who is rushing to the rescue of everyone in trouble.

In order to make it truly beautiful craft fire truck, with your own hands you need to step by step change the usual one beyond recognition cardboard box rectangular shape.

Fire truck out of the box

The easiest way to do this is to use self-adhesive colored polyethylene film or self-adhesive colored paper.

First of all, we wrap the entire box with red film.

Then we glue the necessary parts: wheels, windows, doors. We make windshields and radiator grilles look like eyes and a mouth - it will be more interesting. To give it a resemblance to a fire truck, we glue on a characteristic detail - a fire escape.

We construct flashing lights on the roof of the car from pieces of foam cardboard (you can also use other materials, for example, corrugated cardboard or plasticine).

The car turns out to be so interesting and beautiful that such a craft could well be submitted to a competition.

Milk carton fire truck

You can make a beautiful fire engine out of a painted milk carton.

The wheels of the machine are a cardboard circle and are connected to the box using metal clamps.

Upper part The car is decorated with matchboxes and a cardboard ladder.

Wheels made from rims look very impressive on a fire truck.

You can make a wonderful fire truck out of a cardboard egg cart.

You can make a fire truck with your own hands from a large box. To do this, we cover the box with red paper. Glue a white rectangle on top of the red paper - the windshield of the car.

We decorate the front of the car with headlights made of foil cardboard. We make the car bumper from ordinary cardboard.

We glue paper “glass”, “wheels” and “ladder” to the side of the car. We leave a hole in the top of the box that a child can climb into. Firetruck from a big box - ready!

A large box fire truck can be decorated with plastic cups. Fire truck made from boxes

Fire truck applique made of colored paper

With your own hands, a fire truck for the competition can be made using other techniques - for example, the c technique. To make the child’s work easier, we again use self-adhesive colored paper to create the applique. Cut out the body of the red car and glue it onto a sheet of cardboard. We glue white windows and doors on top. The fire truck applique is ready!