(!LANG: How to increase immunity for a child of 5 years old tips. The best means to increase immunity in a child. Which children have weaker immunity: risk groups


Dear readers, today we will talk about how to raise and strengthen the child's immunity. The problem, I think, is very relevant for many. Many of you are very worried about your often ill children, feed them with medicines, the advice of doctors does not always help, and sometimes it is not easy to find good doctors. As a result, the condition of the child remains at the same level or even worsens.

And today on the blog I want to present you an article from Marina Tamilova - a teacher, psychologist, a person of versatile hobbies and just a caring mother. I give the floor to Marina, who this time will share with you her personal experience in strengthening the immunity and health of her child.

Dear readers, in today's article I want to talk about what to do with a frequently ill child, and answer the question of why children get sick endlessly, and what to do about it. At the very beginning, I would like to note that if you are planning a pregnancy, but you know that your health is not all right, then it is best to prepare for childbirth in advance, because it is very likely that your baby will take all your viruses and bacteria in utero and pathogenic microflora.

This is much more serious than you think. For example, even such a seemingly trifle as thrush can bring a lot of trouble to the baby, starting with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and ending with pneumonia.

How to boost your child's immunity

Medicines and antibiotics. Do you give them to your child?

First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude the use of drugs and especially antibiotics from an early age. If you want to boost your child's immunity, then try not to feed the baby with pills, and especially not to give antibiotics for preventive purposes. Some doctors like to prescribe them to be on the safe side.

It is impossible in our time to blindly follow the prescriptions of doctors, especially those taken from medical reference books. Every mother is now obliged to be competent in order to independently figure out how the doctor made the right appointment.

Unfortunately, this is the reality of our life. Many doctors do not care what will happen to your child, the main thing is that you buy an expensive and fashionable medicine. Of course, there are doctors “from God” who are in their place, and who have moral principles and the courage to go against the system, but there are not so many of them and they mainly work in paid centers. Look for such a doctor if you have the opportunity. If not, stick to the course that the fewer drugs, the better. Strong medicines and operations are acceptable only when it comes to the life and death of a child.

Quality Probiotics

In other cases, prevention is needed. You know your child better than any doctor. Antibiotics are taken only for bacterial infections and do not affect viruses in any way, moreover, such a reception should always be accompanied by high-quality probiotics. Probiotics are preparations with beneficial bacteria that need to populate the intestines of the child, instead of those that are killed by antibiotics. The intestinal flora regulates the work of the immune system, and any antibiotics completely destroy it. That is why it needs to be replaced with something.

About greenhouse conditions and not only

From a very early age, a child should not be wrapped up, otherwise he will immediately fall ill when in contact with the cold. The baby needs to be introduced to different sensations and alternate cold and warm. Here, simple hardening techniques are suitable, as well as a mandatory visit to the pool and frequent home bathing. Try to organize it in such a way that it does not overwork at school, even if it scares you. modern system education, and you are worried about the future of the child. There is no need to force him to study until the night that it is simply impossible to learn in such quantity.

The child must be sure to get enough sleep and not be nervous.

Exercise stress

Physical activity is very important for children. It is best if the child will visit the pool from a very early age. Swimming children are much better developed, stronger and smarter than those who avoid water. Connect another sports section to the pool, at the choice of the baby. It is very useful to give the child a general wellness massage once every three months.

Air humidification. walks

What else can be said about boosting immunity in our children? Why does the children's season of diseases begin in the autumn-winter period? It's very simple: children stop being outdoors and sit in warm, dry rooms, where bacteria and viruses are free. The premises of many kindergartens, schools, and apartments do not meet the standards at all. Warm and dry air is contraindicated for often ill crumbs. They need constant moisture.

When the mucous membranes are moistened, their contents liquefy and easily exit the nasal passages, and do not go straight to the ears, causing endless otitis media and causing great suffering to the crumbs. In the autumn-winter period, it is often necessary to ventilate the premises and provide them with good humidifiers, and it is also useful for children to visit the pools and frequent home bathing is shown. And it is even better that the child is more in the fresh air, despite the fact that it is cold.

Home pool area made of sea pebbles

At home it is good to arrange a pool of sea pebbles. In the pet store you can buy smooth pebbles of small sizes. Set up a special corner at home. Where it will be convenient to arrange them so that you can pour warm boiled water over the pebbles with the addition of sea salt and a drop of vinegar. It is necessary that the baby three times a day walk barefoot on these sea pebbles for five minutes. Perfectly strengthens the body.

Vitamins for children to increase immunity

Every child needs vitamins for the normal functioning of the body. But children need natural vitamins for immunity. It is best to consume seasonal fruits in large quantities, as well as freeze or dry a variety of berries and fruits for the winter in order to have access to “live” natural food all year round.

Useful natural recipe for raising the immunity of a child

The following vitamin mixture is very useful:

  • raisins (1.5 cups);
  • walnut kernels (1 cup);
  • almonds (0.5 cup);
  • lemon (2 pieces);
  • honey (0.5 cups).

Pass raisins, nuts and lemon peel through a meat grinder, mix. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons into it and pour the melted honey. And mix again. Put in a dark place for 2 days. Take 1-2 teaspoons one hour before meals.
Of course, this recipe can be given to children if there is no allergy.

I also suggest watching the video material: Dr. Komarovsky. Strengthening immunity in children.

Strengthening immunity in children with folk remedies. Recipes

Faithful assistants in increasing immunity in children can be medicinal herbs. Chamomile, rosehip, calendula, mint teas are very useful for children. These teas can be given both before and after meals. Before eating, they will have a beneficial effect on the stomach, relieving spasms, and after eating, they will irrigate the mucous membranes of the mouth and wash away the bacteria left after eating. Rosehip tea can be given to the baby to drink during the day. Just 50 g of chamomile, mint and calendula tea three times a day is enough. And you can have more rose hips: as much as the baby asks.

It is very useful, if there is no allergy, to use honey, which contains a lot of useful substances. The egg shell promotes the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow. It is very easy to cook it. First you need to cook it, then dry it, separate the inner film and grind it in a coffee grinder. Every day, the child is given such egg powder on the tip of a teaspoon, along with a small amount of lemon juice.

Here's another great tool. You will need:

  • cranberries (1 kg);
  • 2 pitted lemons;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix all ingredients and you're done. It is recommended to use the remedy 3 tablespoons with tea up to 3 times a day.

It is impossible not to bring another vitamin infusion, which has proven itself in raising children's immunity and raising vitality. So, we need:

  • carrots (0.5 kg);
  • beets (0.5 kg);
  • raisins (handful);
  • dried apricots (handful);
  • honey (1 tablespoon).

Finely chop the carrots and beets, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over so that the vegetables are covered by 2 fingers. Simmer until the beets are tender, drain. Then add thoroughly washed dried fruits and boil again for about 3-4 minutes. Next, you need to add honey and insist in a cool place for 12 hours. For a month, you need to give this remedy to children half a cup 3 times a day. It is advisable to repeat every six months.

Frequently ill child. How to boost immunity

A very good remedy for boosting immunity in children is echinacea tincture. It is highly desirable to take several courses of this tincture twice a year, every 6 months. To determine an acceptable dosage for a child, it is best to consult a doctor.

Fish oil is also an excellent remedy. Please note that choosing fish oil or Omega 3 is better than the production of very reputable companies that value their reputation. These companies specialize in natural dietary supplements and refine their products. It is strongly undesirable to use cheap fish oil from pharmacies.

Give your child exclusively high-quality dietary supplements: all the seas and oceans on earth are contaminated with mercury.

So, let's sum up some results on how to raise the child's immunity:

  • the health of the child is the responsibility of the parents and you need to take it upon yourself even before the conception of the baby;
  • understand the intricacies of modern medicine and protect the baby's immunity from any intervention that can harm him;
  • gradually harden the child from an early age;
  • teach your baby to swim from birth for better development and health;
  • walk and move a lot;
  • massage regularly;
  • humidify dry indoor air;
  • ventilate more often;
  • use natural vitamins and only high-quality dietary supplements;
  • cherish nervous system baby, make sure he gets enough sleep;
  • do not force to work around the clock;
  • have a good doctor you can trust;
  • remember that the less medication, the better.

I thank Marina for her thoughts and advice. From myself I want to say that I have tried so many things with my daughters. I have twin daughters, and when they were small, they often became infected from each other. And after two years of chemotherapy with onco-hematology with one daughter, the liver was completely planted, there was no immunity, and it was necessary to restore it, I tried everything that was in my power.

And I am very grateful to our immunologist, a doctor from God, as I call her. She locally strengthened our nasopharynx, a sore spot in almost every child. In addition to medicines, I gave her peas, as we called them from “Happiness of Life”_ our Russian company was so wonderful. And we also did gargling with juices. Carrot day, cabbage day, potato day. A little juice and she always drank inside.

My daughter was vaccinated only with imported vaccines. The doctor ordered them in proven places. Only they were used.

I brewed oats for her - it helps to strengthen the immune system, and we cured a cough with it, which did not go away after chemotherapy. We drank oats for a long time. You can read about everything in the article.

And she gave her herbs to drink, tempered, did. In moments of hardening, I want to wish everyone wisdom. If you have never tempered a child, do not start abruptly. It is a smooth, wise approach that will help improve the health and boost the immunity of the child.

In our situation, I had to leave work for a very long time, almost forget about myself, but it was necessary to raise my daughter and restore her health. And the second daughter was nearby, it was a healthy child. She had to do the same, but in a completely different way.

And, of course, there was and always is a lot of care and love from us. It is very important for the child to know and feel these moments. Do not pamper, but love!

I gave many recipes in the article Recipes are all useful for strengthening immunity.

To all of us wisdom and love for our children. Understand that everything is in our hands. If a child is often sick, do not despair, but study the literature, read everything on your problems, look for a good immunologist and use everything wisely.

see also




    20 Sep 2018 at 13:22


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    22 Mar 2018 at 13:49


    21 Mar 2018 at 16:18


    10 Mar 2018 at 16:33


    The birth of a child is always accompanied by a meeting of children's immunity with foreign substances. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is the strongest source of antigenic stimulation.

    The immunity of a newborn is characterized by the gradual formation of relationships between its individual components and the growth of functionality.

    We list the main links of the immunity of the newborn:

    1. Phagocytosis system. Newborn white blood cells have a reduced ability to kill bacteria, so babies are at risk for severe bacterial infections. It's all about the insufficient activity of opsonins (substances (antibodies) that enhance phagocytosis), the amount of which is interconnected with the body weight of newborns. A significant decrease in opsonins is observed in preterm infants and in children with intrauterine growth retardation.
    2. Complement protein system. In infants, the content of complement proteins is only half the amount of these serum elements in the mother's blood, which significantly affects the ability of the immune system to resist infection. By the 6th day of life, a physiological increase in the content of complement system proteins in the blood is observed.
    3. T cell system. The number of T-lymphocytes in the blood of newborns is sufficient. However, the functional ability of these blood cells is not enough to protect against bacteria.
    4. B-cell system of the newborn. Deficiency of B-lymphocytes is not observed. But there are more immature populations than adults.
    5. Immunoglobulins:
    • immunoglobulins of newborns are mainly represented by the G-fraction;
    • immunoglobulins M are contained within 0.25 - 0.30 g / l of serum;
    • immunoglobulins A are completely absent, which is manifested by the insecurity of the mucous membranes of the newborn. Immunoglobulin A begins to be synthesized only 2 weeks after birth.

    Immunoglobulins G of a newborn baby are maternal antibodies to bacterial and viral particles that a woman came into contact with before and during pregnancy. Immunoglobulin deficiency is the most common cause of immune disorders in young children.

    A newborn is a critical period for the formation of immunity, therefore, with any minor cold, the parents of the child should be careful not to miss the development of serious complications with the formation of an immunodeficiency state.

    Important! Immunity of the premature newborn is imperfect. The immune defenses of babies born prematurely are significantly reduced. This is manifested by a stronger susceptibility of premature infants to infectious diseases in comparison with full-term newborns.

    Formation of immunity in children

    • starting from 2 months, the disintegration of maternal immunoglobulins occurs. Accordingly, the content of immunoglobulin G in the child's blood decreases. During this period, the most powerful factor influencing the development of immunity is vaccination;
    • in the period from 2 to 6 months, due to the lack of antibodies in the child, increased sensitivity to parainfluenza, influenza, RS-virus;
    • at the age of 5-6 years, T-dependent zones of lymphoid organs actively develop, which is manifested by an increase in lymph nodes. At this age, latent viral infections that weaken the immune system are common.

    Primary vaccination with DTP causes the synthesis of immunoglobulins that do not have immunological memory, so it is important to revaccinate the child on time.

    The role of breastfeeding in the development of the immune system of the newborn

    With mother's milk, antibodies and other components of immunity are transmitted to the child, which protects the newborn from serious infectious diseases. Prolactin and progesterone form the secretory immune system in the mother's breast.

    Through milk, the child receives phagocytes and immunoglobulin A, which protects the epithelium of the intestinal wall from microbial agents.

    Children who often suffer from infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are recommended to be vaccinated against the most serious diseases.

    Raising immunity against pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae and influenza is important for all children with immunodeficiency.

    How to strengthen the immunity of a child without drugs?

    Only a competent allergist-immunologist can increase the immunity of children with the help of drugs. Parents, on the other hand, should know the main ways to strengthen the immune system of a child up to a year by non-drug methods. How to increase immunity in a baby without resorting to the use of immunomodulators?

    • hardening. An effective and affordable method. The main thing is to observe the principle of gradualness and not to overdo it. Summer is the best the best time years to start hardening procedures;
    • complete healthy eating , balanced in terms of energy value;
    • vitamin therapy.

    Vitamins can be bought not only in a pharmacy! The indicators of the immune system can steadily increase when eating foods rich in vitamin C. To increase immunity, berries should be given to the child black currant, rosehip broth and citrus fruits;

    • maritime climate. Sea air rich in salts and ozone has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
    • Exercise therapy and massage.

    The role of dysbacteriosis in the formation of the child's immunity

    The normal composition of the intestinal microflora of a child is an integral part of strong immunity. Up to 80% of immune cells baby located in the intestinal mucosa.

    With the growth of the child, the intestinal lymphoid tissue is stimulated by foreign substances and the synthesis of immunoglobulins, proteins of the complement system increases.

    Intestinal dysbacteriosis in a newborn is a condition characterized by a change in the quantitative and quality composition intestinal microflora.

    Drugs used to correct the intestinal microflora can also be classified as drugs that affect the immunity of the infant:

    • probiotics and prebiotics (Bifiform, Hilak-forte, Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin);
    • immunomodulators (KIP, Kipferon, Likopid, Sodium Nucleinate).


    1. A newborn is a critical period in the formation of immunity in a child.
    2. Breastfeeding is a necessary link in the formation of strong immunity in infants.
    3. Young children cannot help but get sick, but these diseases should not be very frequent and severe. With frequent and severe infections, the use of immune preparations is indicated.
    4. The normal composition of the intestinal microflora of a child is an integral part of strong immunity.

    How to raise a child's immunity when he is constantly sick, while even the slightest hypothermia leads to a cold? There are many methods to improve defensive forces organism. But first you need to understand why it suffers the immune system child, and what is the provoking factor.

    In most cases, parents themselves contribute to the frequent morbidity of their children. The fact is that when even the slightest cold occurs, they begin to cram antibiotics into their child. At the same time, the body ceases to do anything to protect itself, because its function in this case is performed by antibacterial drugs.

    It is necessary not only to enable the immune system to cope with pathogens on its own, but also to follow certain rules that help strengthen it.

    Weak immunity in children occurs due to a number of factors. Very often it decreases after illness. At the same time, the child is prone to the slightest infection and is prone to complications even after a common cold, the disease can become chronic. In this case, parents think about what to do and what measures to take in order to increase the body's resistance.

    Immunity in a child can be increased using a whole range of measures:

    • Course treatment with immunostimulants. For these purposes, it is not necessary to use drugs in tablet form, you can purchase regular interferon in powder form and dilute it, then instill it into the nasal passages. You can buy a ready-made solution. This method will help prevent recurrence of the disease. However, it is not recommended to constantly use these drugs. Enough 10 days.
    • . To increase immunity in children, it is recommended to make up for the lack of essential trace elements. For this, there are currently many vitamin complexes for children of different ages.
    • hardening. A very important procedure is a contrast shower, which is able to raise immunity and increase the body's resistance to various viral and bacterial infections. But in this case, you need not to overdo it and start small. First of all, you can pour only the legs and hands alternately with hot and cold water. Then, after some time, move to the whole body. For children, you do not need to make a big temperature run.
    • Regulation of the day. It is important that the child is outdoors every day and sleeps at least 8-9 hours a day. The younger the children, the more time they need to sleep. Walking should not be neglected even in cold weather. You can go out for 20 minutes and that will be enough.

    Products to increase the body's defenses

    Many parents will be interested to know which foods increase immunity in children, because vitamins and useful trace elements should come primarily from food.

    First you need to adjust the power supply. No meal should be neglected. At the same time, breakfast in children should begin with cereal products in milk. It can be various cereals: oatmeal, oatmeal, millet or rice. If the child does not like such food, then you can replace it with an omelette or boiled eggs. Also useful cottage cheese with sour cream. Thus, it is important that the body receives enough protein for the normal functioning of the immune system.

    First courses should always be present in the diet. It is recommended to consume fresh fruits and vegetables every day, which contain vitamins that the body needs.

    Necessary foods to boost immunity:

    1. kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream;
    2. mild cheese;
    3. lean varieties;
    4. bananas, oranges, tangerines, persimmons, apples, feijoa, kiwi, etc.;
    5. tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli;
    6. garlic and onion.

    It should also include healthy drinks that increase immunity in children: fruit drinks from fresh berries, jelly and natural herbal teas.

    Food should be varied and healthy. It is necessary to exclude chewing gum, chips and other surrogate. It is useful to use olive oil, adding it to salads. Vitamin D, which boosts immunity, is also found in vegetable oil.

    However, it should be remembered that fruits and vegetables should serve as a healthy afternoon snack or snack, but they cannot replace a full meal. It is better to completely abandon purchased cutlets and exclude red meat from the child's diet. Turkey will be more useful, and especially chicken broth.

    Folk remedies for immunity

    How to boost your child's immunity folk remedies- this is very actual topic, because many mothers and fathers simply do not trust modern medicines and want to increase the body's resistance of their children with natural recipes.

    • Rosehip decoction. This method can be used in almost all age categories. The fact is that this berry contains a large amount of vitamin C, even in dried form. Brewing rose hips and using it instead of tea will be an excellent aid to strengthen the child's body during epidemics.
    • Quail eggs. This tool is offered for use by many supporters folk methods treatment. Quail eggs contain such useful elements as vitamins A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus. Two pieces a day are enough for a growing body to make up for the lack of nutrients.
    • Natural candy. To this end, you can make a delicious treat that can significantly increase immunity. To do this, you need to take in equal quantities: walnuts, almonds, dates and dried apricots. If desired, you can add prunes. Next, grind all the ingredients in a blender and mix with each other, making small sweets out of them. A healthy delicacy can not only strengthen the body, but also regulate the functioning of the intestines.
    • A decoction of mint, lemon balm, chamomile and Ivan-tea. Such herbs contain a whole range of useful substances that strengthen the body's defenses and can help recover from an illness. All ingredients can be used alone or combined. It is not necessary to make a steep decoction, you can simply brew them like regular tea.
    • Healing potion. In order to prepare this useful remedy, you need to take fresh cranberries and beat them together with sugar in a blender. Give the child the finished composition should be 2 times a day. If there is no allergy, then you can take it more often.

    Strengthening the body of a child with folk remedies is an auxiliary technique, which in most cases gives a positive trend: the number of relapses decreases, resistance increases during epidemics. The main thing is to observe the measure and not overdo it so that the children do not develop disgust. To do this, it is recommended to alternate recipes, based on the taste preferences of the child.

    Treatment of children with folk remedies implies an increase in their immunity, so that as little as possible it is required to treat their runny nose, cough, sore throats, flu. So that the kindergarten does not become a source of danger for them, where they catch the infection within 2-3 days.

    Treatment of children with folk remedies in order to strengthen immunity is not such a difficult task, but it requires constancy and systematic

    So that the child does not get sick

    1. Ventilate the room 1-2 times a day
    2. Walk more often and move more
    3. The child should sleep well
    4. Include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible.
    5. Refuse products with dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. Do not accustom children to chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other products of the chemical industry

    How to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies

    Rinsing the mouth.

    After each meal, the child should rinse his mouth with salt water. This method will reduce the concentration of microbes and save teeth from caries. This procedure will not interfere with adults.

    Healthy teas for children.

    If the child does not want to rinse his mouth with salt water, you can teach him to drink a little infusion of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort after eating. Highly delicious tea obtained from a mixture of wild rose, mint, chamomile. After eating, such a tea or infusion washes away food debris from the tonsils and has a bactericidal effect on the mucous membranes. This method is a good prevention of colds.

    Drink to boost immunity in children
    A very good remedy is to squeeze lemon juice into water and drink it all day. The remedy will be even more effective if you add a little honey here if the child is not allergic to it.

    How to increase immunity in a child with simple exercises

    If a child often suffers from tonsillitis, if he has weak bronchi and lungs, then the following exercises will help:

    lion pose

    Ask the child to stretch the tip of the tongue to the chin and hold it for 3 to 10 seconds. This posture of tension of the tongue and pharynx improves blood flow, the pharynx is sanitized, the plugs are resolved, on which infectious agents sit, causing sore throats and other problems. Have your child do this exercise every time they brush their teeth. With angina, it is advisable to do this every hour

    Neck warm-up

    The child should slowly rotate his head to the right and left. This exercise acts on the behind-the-ear lymphatic glands and protects them from inflammation.

    Bronchial and lung massage

    Teach your child to gently beat himself on the chest as you exhale with fists with the sounds “a”, “o”, “y”. Such self-massage chest develops the natural defenses of the bronchopulmonary system.

    Delicious mixture for the treatment of children with folk remedies

    Pass through a meat grinder 1.5 cups of raisins, 1 cup of walnut kernels, 0.5 cups of almonds, 2 lemons, mix it with 0.5 cups of melted honey. Give this mixture to the child 1-2 tsp. (depending on age) 3 times a day one hour before meals. This product is suitable for children 2 years of age and older.

    Nutrition to boost immunity

    For the immune system to function normally, it needs proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper, iron)
    Protein- meat, fish, legumes
    Vitamin A- yellow and red vegetables, liver, eggs, butter
    Vitamin C- currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, parsley, Bell pepper, strawberry
    B vitamins- by-products, seeds, wholemeal bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, germinated cereals
    Vitamin E- liver, seeds, nuts, germinated cereals, butter and vegetable oil, oatmeal, buckwheat, flax seed, eggs
    Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron- nuts, offal, cereals, apples

    Pay attention to the condition of the child's intestines, because immunity depends on the intestinal microflora. It is in the intestine that stimulation of the synthesis of immunoglobulin occurs, in addition, the slagged intestine is an obstacle to the absorption of nutrients contained in food.
    In order for the intestines to be normal, try to make the child drink more fermented milk products, bio-yogurts and eat foods rich in fiber.

    Hardening in the treatment of children with folk remedies

    Throat hardening- drink cold drinks, eat ice cream. It is necessary to act with caution, it is necessary to accustom the child's throat to the cold gradually and carefully. You can start by rinsing your mouth with cold water.
    General hardeningorganism- Wiping with a wet towel, dousing with cold water, a contrast shower, a pool.


    1. This remedy will save the child from frequent colds, sore throats etc. Take sea rounded pebbles. Pour them with warm boiled water with sea salt and a drop of vinegar. The child should walk barefoot on these stones for 3-5 minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day
    2. Useful foot massage baby with oils: 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, tea tree and lemon tree mixed with 20 ml of any carrier oil. Do foot massage for 2-3 minutes

    Shell in the treatment of children

    A wonderful tool for strengthening immunity is eggshell powder. Eggshell contains minerals that stimulate the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow.
    Rinse the shell, calcinate, then grind in a coffee grinder until powder is obtained. Give children at the tip of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals - drink water, or add to food.

    How to strengthen the immune system in a child with a decoction of oats

    If a child has problems with the intestines (constipation, dysbacteriosis) and immunity is weakened from this, then it is useful to take a decoction of oats. Rinse 100 g of oats, pour 1.5 liters of water, insist overnight, boil in the morning on a quiet fire for 1.5 hours, cool, strain, squeeze. Children from 6 to 12 months old take 1 tsp, from 1 to 3 years old - 1-2 tbsp. l., after 3 years - 100 g per day. Store no more than two days in the refrigerator. The course of treatment with this remedy is 1 month. Excess drinking for adults - bowel function will improve, the liver will recover, skin condition will improve


    To boost immunity, you can give your child in the morning on an empty stomach propolis tincture in 100 g of milk or an aqueous extract of propolis in 100 g of water. Use as a disease prevention for no more than a month, then a month break. The number of drops depends on the age of the child - from 3 to 7 years old, give 3-5-7 drops.

    Cranberry and lemon

    Pass 0.5 kg of cranberries and 1 lemon through a meat grinder, add 1 tbsp to the mass. honey (for sugar allergies), mix well. There is a mixture of 1-2 tbsp. with tea 2-3 times a day.

    Needles in the treatment of children with folk remedies

    2 tbsp. l. needles pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, adults drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, children - 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, depending on age

    And a few more tips for treating children with folk remedies- in early autumn and early spring, you can conduct a course of improving immunity with the help of echinacea infusion, it is better to choose a dose for a doctor. Fish or seal oil also strengthens the child's body well, after taking children get sick much less often

    Try to make sure that attending kindergarten is not stressful for the child. Stress leads to a weakened immune system. In addition, the desire to stay at home and not go to kindergarten can become psychological reason disease

    There are only three natural stimulants of immunity - hunger, cold and physical activity. Children should walk more often, they shouldn’t be wrapped up, it shouldn’t be hot at home, you shouldn’t force feed either, you need the child to ask for food himself.

    Greetings to all readers! My name is Svetlana. Graduated from Samara State Medical University with honors. Rate this article:

    How to raise a child's immunity when he is constantly sick, while even the slightest hypothermia leads to a cold? There are a large number of techniques in order to increase the body's defenses. But first you need to understand why the child's immune system suffers, and what is the provoking factor.

    In most cases, parents themselves contribute to the frequent morbidity of their children. The fact is that when even the slightest cold occurs, they begin to cram antibiotics into their child. At the same time, the body ceases to do anything to protect itself, because its function in this case is performed by antibacterial drugs.

    It is necessary not only to enable the immune system to cope with pathogens on its own, but also to follow certain rules that help strengthen it.

    Ways to strengthen immunity in children

    Weak immunity in children occurs due to a number of factors. Very often it decreases after illness. At the same time, the child is prone to the slightest infection and is prone to complications even after a common cold, the disease can become chronic. In this case, parents think about what to do and what measures to take in order to increase the body's resistance.

    Immunity in a child can be increased using a whole range of measures:

    • Course treatment with immunostimulants. For these purposes, it is not necessary to use drugs in tablet form, you can purchase regular interferon in powder form and dilute it, then instill it into the nasal passages. You can buy a ready-made solution. This method will help prevent recurrence of the disease. However, it is not recommended to constantly use these drugs. Enough 10 days.
    • Vitamin therapy. To increase immunity in children, it is recommended to make up for the lack of essential trace elements. For this, there are currently many vitamin complexes for children of different ages.
    • hardening. A very important procedure is a contrast shower, which is able to raise immunity and increase the body's resistance to various viral and bacterial infections. But in this case, you need not to overdo it and start small. First of all, you can pour only the legs and hands alternately with hot and cold water. Then, after some time, move to the whole body. For children, you do not need to make a big temperature run.
    • Regulation of the day. It is important that the child is outdoors every day and sleeps at least 8-9 hours a day. The younger the children, the more time they need to sleep. Walking should not be neglected even in cold weather. You can go out for 20 minutes and that will be enough.

    Products to increase the body's defenses

    Many parents will be interested to know which foods increase immunity in children, because vitamins and useful trace elements should come primarily from food.

    First you need to adjust the power supply. No meal should be neglected. At the same time, breakfast in children should begin with cereal products in milk. It can be various cereals: oatmeal, oatmeal, millet or rice. If the child does not like such food, then you can replace it with an omelette or boiled eggs. Also useful cottage cheese with sour cream. Thus, it is important that the body receives enough protein for the normal functioning of the immune system.

    First courses should always be present in the diet. It is recommended to consume fresh fruits and vegetables every day, which contain vitamins that the body needs.

    Necessary foods to boost immunity:

    1. kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream;
    2. mild cheese;
    3. low-fat varieties of fish;
    4. bananas, oranges, tangerines, persimmons, apples, feijoa, kiwi, etc.;
    5. tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli;
    6. garlic and onion.

    You should also include healthy drinks that increase immunity in children: fruit drinks from fresh berries, jelly and natural herbal teas.

    Food should be varied and healthy. It is necessary to exclude chewing gum, chips and other surrogate. It is useful to use olive oil, adding it to salads. Vitamin D, which boosts immunity, is also found in vegetable oil.

    However, it should be remembered that fruits and vegetables should serve as a healthy afternoon snack or snack, but they cannot replace a full meal. It is better to completely abandon purchased cutlets and exclude red meat from the child's diet. Turkey will be more useful, and especially chicken broth.

    Folk remedies for immunity

    How to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies is a very relevant topic, because many mothers and fathers simply do not trust modern medicines and want to increase the body's resistance of their children with natural recipes.

    • Rosehip decoction. This method can be used in almost all age categories. The fact is that this berry contains a large amount of vitamin C, even in dried form. Brewing rose hips and using it instead of tea will be an excellent aid to strengthen the child's body during epidemics.
    • Quail eggs. This tool is offered for use by many supporters of alternative methods of treatment. Quail eggs contain such useful elements as vitamins A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus. Two pieces a day are enough for a growing body to make up for the lack of nutrients.
    • Natural candy. To this end, you can make a delicious treat that can significantly increase immunity. To do this, you need to take in equal quantities: raisins, walnuts, almonds, dates and dried apricots. If desired, you can add prunes. Next, grind all the ingredients in a blender and mix with each other, making small sweets out of them. A healthy delicacy can not only strengthen the body, but also regulate the functioning of the intestines.
    • A decoction of mint, lemon balm, chamomile and Ivan-tea. Such herbs contain a whole range of useful substances that strengthen the body's defenses and can help recover from an illness. All ingredients can be used alone or combined. It is not necessary to make a steep decoction, you can simply brew them like regular tea.
    • Healing potion. In order to prepare this useful remedy, you need to take fresh cranberries and beat them together with sugar in a blender. Give the child the finished composition should be 2 times a day. If there is no allergy, then you can take it more often.

    Strengthening the body of a child with folk remedies is an auxiliary technique, which in most cases gives a positive trend: the number of relapses decreases, resistance increases during epidemics. The main thing is to observe the measure and not overdo it so that the children do not develop disgust. To do this, it is recommended to alternate recipes, based on the taste preferences of the child.

    One child gets sick once a year, and the other practically does not get out of the doctors. Moreover, both live in the same conditions, in the same climate, attend the same kindergarten. It's all about immunity, which is stronger in some children, while others are weaker. In this article, we will talk about how to raise the immunity of frequently ill children with folk remedies, as well as how to support immunity in a child, which is more rare.

    What is immunity

    This is a whole complex of measures that the body takes as soon as something begins to threaten it.

    The defense mechanism recognizes an alien "guest" (it can be a virus, bacterium, toxins, etc.) and activates "special forces" - immunocompetent cells for special purposes, whose task is to block and destroy the stranger - such a reaction is called an immune response.

    Sometimes an autoimmune reaction occurs in the body, when the immune system destroys the cells of its own body, but not healthy ones, but those that have undergone a mutation, for example, tumor cells.

    The immune system is much “smarter” than it seems, it is well versed in the concepts of “friend or foe”, and also has a long-term “memory”, because after the first contact with a new virus for itself, it “remembers” it, and the next time it quickly identifies and takes immediate action.

    This ability can be clearly demonstrated on the familiar chickenpox. The virus that causes it practically does not mutate, so after a person has had chickenpox, his immunity knows the causative agent of the disease well, and stops any attempts to cause the disease again. A person gets chickenpox, as a rule, only once in a lifetime. But influenza and SARS are caused by viruses and their strains, which are constantly changing, so we get sick with these ailments much more often.

    Each of us has two immunities: one is innate, the other is acquired. The innate acts only in a generalized way, understanding foreign agents as one undesirable factor. He cannot “remember” new viruses and bacteria for himself. Acquired - more active immunity. He "learns" and "trains" all his life, starting from the first days after the birth of a child.

    In children after birth, the maximum burden falls on innate protection. And gradually, with each new disease, with each unfavorable factor from environment, initially weak and imperfect acquired immunity is formed.

    Several important organs and systems are involved in immune defense. Red bone marrow creates stem cells and is responsible for lymphocytes. He is actively helped by the thymus (thymus gland), which differentiates lymphocytes. A significant burden is also placed on The lymph nodes, which are located very "thoughtfully" - along the course of the lymphatic vessels. The largest organ of the immune system is the spleen.


    The mechanisms and factors of immune protection are different. Non-specific factors perceive and resist any kind of pathogenic organisms. Specific ones are especially effective only against some specific pathogens. It is these factors that form the ability of immunity to remember enemies "in the face."

    In addition, factors can be fixed and non-permanent. Constantly under the protection of nonspecific immunity are the skin and mucous membranes, microflora, inflammation processes, body temperature and basic metabolism. Non-permanent factors come into force after the “violator” enters the body - inflammation appears, the production of interferon protein is activated, immunity cells are activated - phagocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.

    How to calculate that the immune system is weak

    In young children, as we found out, the acquired immunity (which is very important in diseases) is very weak, and is still being formed. The younger the peanut, the weaker its defense. If the doctor says that your child's immunity is weakened, this means that the deficiency of protective functions is below certain age norms.

    The doctor comes to this conclusion after studying the patient's card. If the frequency of diseases, mainly colds, in a child exceeds 5-6 times a year, we can talk about weakened immunity.

    Parents can also notice this condition on their own, because the external manifestations of immunodeficiency are quite bright: the child has a disturbed sleep, he often complains of fatigue, headaches, he has poor appetite, depressive mood, increased moodiness. Enough feature- weak hair, nails, dry and problem skin . Children with reduced immunity may develop dark circles under the eyes, in addition, they are more likely than other children to have a tendency to allergies.

    Modern medicine offers a special study of the immune status. To do this, they make an immunogram - a comprehensive diagnosis that will allow you to establish the composition of the blood, the presence of antibodies to certain diseases, immunoglobulins in it, specialists will analyze the cellular components of the immune system. The doctor will receive all this data from a special blood test of the patient. The cost of an immunogram on average in Russia is from 350 rubles.

    Immunodeficiency can be different. The easiest form is when the child is weakened after an illness. It is temporary, and the baby's condition will recover quite quickly. The most severe pathology is HIV infection, when the child's immune system needs constant drug support.

    The reasons that cause immune weakness are different:

    • Congenital pathologies of organs involved in the defense mechanism.
    • Congenital malformations of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as HIV infection that the child received in utero from the mother or independently (through blood transfusion or untreated medical instruments).
    • Past infection, especially if it has not been properly treated.
    • The state of hypoxia that the baby experienced during the mother's pregnancy.
    • Premature birth. Premature babies are more susceptible to infection.
    • Unfavorable ecological situation, living in a region with a high radiation background.
    • Prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antiviral agents - immunostimulants and immunomodulators.
    • A great journey, during which the child changed the time zone and climate.
    • Strong stress.
    • High physical activity.

    In the next video, the famous children's doctor Dr. Komarovsky will tell you everything about children's immunity and give helpful tips about how to strengthen the immune system of the child.

    Folk remedies

    Children with weakened immune systems need to be given more vitamins, everyone knows that. Moreover, it is better if these are seasonal vitamins, fresh, and not in the form of tablets and capsules. In summer, fresh blackcurrants, raspberries, cherries and apples are useful for general strengthening. In the winter season, you can give your child compotes, teas and decoctions of frozen berries, dried fruits and medicinal herbs.

    Alcohol infusions are best avoided, they are contraindicated in childhood. It is best to prepare the funds yourself, at home. If you do not have the skills to collect and harvest useful herbs, then you can always buy inexpensive ones at any pharmacy.

    The following foods and remedies are of particular value for increasing immunity in a child. traditional medicine.

    Honey and propolis

    Bee products should not be given to children with allergies in the acute stage and a tendency to allergic reactions in general. It is not advisable to give honey to children under three years of age. To boost immunity, you can add honey to any tea that you prepare for your child, milk and almost any decoction and herbal infusion.

    Propolis is best purchased at a pharmacy in the form of an aqueous solution. Children are given a few drops, depending on age, 2-4 times a day.


    Echinacea preparations should not be given to children under one year old, the rest of the children are allowed to take this medicinal plant orally in dosages that correspond to their age. With pharmaceutical preparations with echinacea, everything is more or less clear, since all dosages are indicated in the instructions for use. A lot of questions are caused by home preparation of funds and their dosing regimen.

    To prepare homemade tincture, you need to take 50 gr. chopped herbs and 100 ml of boiled water. Mix everything and hold in a steam bath for about a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain with cheesecloth or strainer. To give a tincture to a child, you need one-fourth of a glass in a cool form.

    For a more pleasant taste, dry leaves of blackcurrant, raspberry, strawberry and lemon balm can be added to the tincture. Phytoenzymes, which are found in abundance in echinacea, have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of immunocompetent phagocyte cells. This is due to its effect on the immune system.

    Aloe juice

    available to everyone indoor plant rich in vitamins and other substances that stimulate the immune system gently, without unnecessary pressure. To get juice, you need to cut off the most fleshy and juicy leaves, put them in the refrigerator and hold them at a low temperature for a couple of days. Then finely chop the leaves, fold them into a “bundle” of gauze and squeeze out the juice. You can add a little water to it and store it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. After a while, the product will lose its therapeutic effect.

    Aloe juice for children can be mixed into tea or compote, and also given in pure form 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

    Rose hip

    Berries and leaves are widely used in alternative medicine. For a child with a weakened immune system, you can cook compote with rose hips, you can make an infusion, but a decoction is most popular among parents. To prepare it, you will need five tablespoons of berries (can be dried), a liter of boiled water. The berries are poured into boiling water and kept on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then the decoction is poured into a thermos, closed with a lid and infused for 10-12 hours. Children give a decoction warm 4 times a day for a quarter cup.


    Ginger root will help the child cope with the disease when the disease is in full swing, and will also strengthen the immune system if it is weakened after the illness. Finely chopped root is added to tea in small quantities, you can also make a decoction from it and give it to your child in a tablespoon twice a day. Ginger jelly is very effective in immunodeficiency states. To prepare it, you will need a root weighing about 250 grams, one lemon and a teaspoon of gelatin.

    The root needs to be washed and peeled, the lemon is also freed from the peel and seeds. Both ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, gelatin and sugar are added to taste (or honey). Jelly is put in the refrigerator, and after hardening, it is given as a dessert 3 times a day, a teaspoon after meals.


    This berry is rich in vitamins and acids, which is why it is so popular for colds. cranberry juice. To raise the immunity of a child, it is better to prepare a delicious dessert from cranberries, which the child will regard as a delicacy, and not as an unpleasant and obligatory medicine. For this recipe, you will need 200 grams of cranberries and 400 grams of apple slices. Everything needs to be mixed and poured with syrup made from 200 grams of honey and half a liter of water. On low heat, the resulting mass must be held for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, the delicacy is cooled, poured into a jar and stored in the refrigerator. The child is given three times a day for a teaspoon.


    By the strength of its effect on the body, garlic can be compared with ginger. Only drinks and infusions from it are not very tasty, and children rarely like them. You should not stuff your child with a decoction of garlic without unnecessary need, it is enough if you add it fresh to salads and other dishes that are included in the child's diet.

    Chamomile and linden

    These medicinal plants can be bought at a pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions. To prepare a homemade decoction, you will need 10 grams of raw materials per 300 ml of water. You can give children decoctions of linden and chamomile a tablespoon three times a day. Children from 3 years old can be given combined herbal remedies in which several plants will be mixed. A combination of chamomile with lemon balm and St. John's wort, as well as chamomile with sage and violet flowers is very useful for strengthening immune defenses.

    Leading the Right Lifestyle

    Normalization of lifestyle is half of a successful campaign to increase immunity in a child. The nutrition of the child should be complete, balanced, saturated with vitamins, microelements. The child should walk, every day, in any weather, at any time of the year. Walking in the fresh air saturates the blood with oxygen. A baby with a weakened immune system should rest more, make sure that the baby’s sleep is sufficient, if necessary, after consulting a doctor, use mild sedatives to normalize the child’s sleep and mood.

    A fashionable trend in medicine today - psychosomatics - claims that all diseases are from nerves. I don’t know how everyone is, but immunity problems are very closely related to the psychological state, and therefore limit stress, let every day for your little one be filled with something positive, kind, limit computer games and watching TV.

    If your doctor has told you that your baby has a weak immune system, it's time to think about strengthening procedures, such as hardening. They should be systematic and constant, become an integral part of life, then there will be a lasting and noticeable effect - the child will start to get sick less and less often.

    For children of the first year (the period when immunity is formed at the fastest pace), it is advisable to do systematic courses of general strengthening massage aimed at improving blood circulation, developing the muscular and skeletal systems.

    The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

    The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky names the behavior of the child's parents as the main reason for the decrease in children's immunity. Excessively caring mothers and fathers create almost sterile living conditions for their beloved baby: they try to protect them from drafts, close the windows, do not allow the cat to be petted on the street, feed them with hypoallergenic and pasteurized food, which has gone through several degrees of purification. Immunity cannot be formed strong and healthy if it does not have contact with pathogens. Only with such “communication” and confrontation is the defense tempered.

    Thus, parents who are concerned about increasing the immunity of a child need to think carefully about their own approach to education and their own lifestyle.

    Another type of pest relatives are moms and dads who are categorically against any vaccinations in childhood. Vaccines allow the immune system to get acquainted with the most dangerous diseases, and for this the baby does not need to get sick with such serious illnesses as measles, polio, hepatitis. If adults denied this opportunity, then the child's immunity will be vulnerable and weak.

    As for immunodeficiency, Komarovsky considers it criminal to make such a diagnosis for every second baby in the country. In fact, in clinics they talk about weak immunity if the child is more than 6 or more times a year. Yevgeny Komarovsky assures that this is an erroneous approach, because doctors consider all infections - both viral and bacterial.

    According to Evgeny Olegovich, frequent flu or SARS cannot be considered a sign of a lack of protection. We can talk about pathology if the child just as often suffers from bacterial infections, he has otitis media more than 8 times a year, and pneumonia more than twice a year. Fortunately, he emphasizes, such children are not so common - one case in 30 thousand babies).

    Yevgeny Komarovsky categorically warns parents against the use of medicines, in the name of which there are the words "immunostimulator" or "immunomodulator". Their effectiveness in clinical conditions has not been proven, but there is a certain relationship between taking such drugs and immune “laziness”, when your own defense mechanism gets used to the fact that everything is decided and done for him by a pill, and simply ceases to cope with its duties, starts to “lazy”.

    To increase the immune abilities of the child's body, according to Komarovsky, it is possible only by qualitatively changing the lifestyle of the whole family, and first of all - the child himself. Without this important condition, no folk remedies and "miraculous" medicines (if they are still invented!) Can make a child stronger, more resistant to disease, stronger and healthier.


    • From birth, in the house where the child lives, there should be a “correct” microclimate: air temperature - about 19 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. And only so.
    • Temper the baby from the very beginning of his life, walk, ventilate the children's room, do not wrap the baby.
    • Do not give folk remedies that contain allergenic components to boost immunity. If you are unsure whether there will be a reaction, give an initial dose that is 3-5 times less than the prescribed one. If no negative manifestations appear within a day, the remedy can be given.

    The video release of the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva about children's immunity can be viewed below.

    Every caring parent wants their baby to be healthy and want their child to always have good immunity. But not always the child's immune system withstands the load. If there are frequent problems with the health of the child, then you need to take measures to increase immunity. But first you need to make sure that the violation of immunity is not congenital. Parents whose child often catches colds, gets sick for a long time, has poor appetite, assume that weak immunity is to blame and are looking for methods to increase it. But in childhood, such an ailment as congenital immunodeficiency can manifest itself. And if you start taking any preventive measures to raise immunity, then such actions can lead to undesirable consequences, which will not contribute to improving health, but rather, on the contrary, will aggravate his condition. Weak immunity of the child will be even more depleted and weakened.

    When should you visit an immunologist?

    • child gets sick colds more than 6 times during the year;
    • colds cause complications;
    • the child has an allergy;
    • there are rashes on the lips similar to herpes;
    • there were cases of purulent otitis media, pneumonia.

    When for six months or a year the child constantly experiences health problems, then it is necessary to make an immunogram. It is best to do this procedure when the child is already 3 years old. After the age of three, the immunogram more accurately reflects the condition of the baby.

    Strengthening the immunity of a child with acquired immunodeficiency

    It is necessary to know exactly what type of immune system deficiency the child has: congenital or acquired. If an acquired immunity disorder is determined, then attention should be focused on special factors that help strengthen the baby's immunity. Do not give strong immunostimulants. A more subtle approach is needed here, because in childhood, immunity is more physiological than in adults. The children's body, according to the idea of ​​nature, must itself study all infections and learn how to deal with them. In childhood, many infectious diseases are faster and easier than in adults. It is known that it is better to get sick with such an infectious disease as chickenpox in childhood, then it is much easier to tolerate. Children are much easier to withstand and tolerate high temperatures.

    When an examination is made and laboratory data are obtained, then methods of stimulating the immune system are best used purely physiological. This includes the daily routine of the child, tempering procedures, healthy and balanced diet. If the immune system has been severely weakened for a sufficiently long period of time, then it makes sense to use immunomodulators or immune preparations with a substitution purpose. Now there are many immunomodulators that increase and stimulate the effectiveness of the immune system and help strengthen the body's resistance to various infections.

    But parents should clearly and clearly understand that their child should not be subjected to various kinds of experiments with his body. You should not get carried away and hope for immunomodulators as a panacea for all sores. Such action drugs can be used only on the recommendation and under the strict supervision of a physician, and only after this is shown by medical research data based on laboratory tests.

    Natural stimulants of the child's immunity

    Stimulants from the nature of the immune system are the feeling of hunger and cold, as well as physical activity. Here, too, one should not get too carried away - it is unacceptable to starve a child, force him to freeze on purpose or engage in physical exercises to exhaustion. In no case should you go to other extremes - overfeed the child, wrap him too much and keep him warm, limit physical activity. Such actions often lead to a violation of immunity - the body relaxes and begins to react incorrectly, manifestations of allergies are possible.

    The correct daily routine helps to increase immunity in a child.

    The baby should not experience feelings of exhaustion and overwork. Children have a much faster metabolism than adults. The child becomes exhausted and weakens faster, but on the other hand, recovery is much faster than in adults. The system of excretory organs functions much better, is processed and restored faster and faster.

    Healthy sleep strengthens the immune system of the child

    In order for the baby to have a strong immune system, he needs to sleep twice a day. At the same time, night sleep should last longer than in adults. When a child sleeps, the processes in his body go faster and more productively, children grow better. Properly organized healthy sleep has a positive effect on the body's immune system and strengthens it.

    Proper nutrition

    A baby should eat more often than an adult, since his enzymatic system is not yet fully formed and his body is not able to absorb everything in one meal. For this reason, the child should not be given a lot of food, it is best when the child is given food in small portions, but several times a day. Food should be varied and contain the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full development of the child. The baby is constantly growing and he needs a balanced and proper diet. Strong immunity is inextricably linked with the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because up to 70% of immune cells are in the digestive system. From this it becomes clear what role proper and healthy nutrition plays in strengthening the immunity of the child.


    Toddlers have many receptors located on the ears, palms of the hands and feet. When the receptors are irritated, they send an impulse to the brain, making it clear what the body, including the immune system, needs to do.

    The essence of hardening in strengthening immunity

    Many believe that the hardening procedure is an addiction to cold and frost. But it is not so. The essence of these measures is to force the mucous membranes with desired speed respond to sudden changes in external temperatures. Trained tissues of the body do not allow penetration viral infection inside.

    How to temper a child in order to strengthen immunity?

    The simplest option is a contrast treatment of the forearm zone alternately with hot and cold water - from the hand to the elbow and the zone from the soles to the knees. For cold we consider water with a temperature of +20 ° C, for hot we take a temperature of +35 ° C. This temperature range is the most acceptable and optimal for the child and should not cause him any discomfort. The rubdown procedure should be done every day for 5-7 minutes at any time, whether it is morning or evening. In the autumn-spring period, the duration of the rubdown procedure should be longer.

    Such measures produce an increase in stress hormones. Hormones tone the blood vessels and bring the entire body into a state of combat readiness. Of course, the body cannot be in this state all the time. But such a tonic workout of the whole body will be very useful for people who are deficient in these hormones - they move very little, are lethargic, sleep too long and eat too much.

    The psychological state of the child

    The psychological impact factor is also of great importance, since the general emotional mood affects the immune system. Both positive and negative emotions are all stress factors for the body. A child needs to be constantly engaged, paid attention to him, to explain questions and phenomena that are incomprehensible to him. From an early age, a child needs moderate emotional stress, which further strengthens the immune system. It can also be called immune stimulation.

    Setting on health will increase the immunity of the child

    Do not panic and suggest to the child that a cold is an emergency event. You need to simply and calmly explain to the baby the body's reaction to a cold - why he has a fever, cough or runny nose. Such reactions are natural for a cold, but they will pass, and everything will be fine again. And in order to help the body overcome evil viruses, it needs a little help: drink herbal teas, potions, take inhalations, etc. The child needs to be made clear that nothing terrible is happening, a little patience and treatment - and he will be healthy again.


    Some children recover very quickly after the disease, while others remain in a painful state for a long time. The cause of such a protracted illness is the lack of immunity. After all, as a rule, it depends on him how healthy a person’s life will be. You need to know how to restore immunity to your child.

    Immunity is the innate ability of the body to defend itself against negative factors - viruses, bacteria. A number of factors influence how a child's immunity can be raised. This is the course of pregnancy, genetic heredity, the state of health of the parents. If the child has a weak immune system, it is necessary to increase it. Common reasons may be:

    • problems during pregnancy (between 20-28 weeks);
    • lack of vitamins;
    • malnutrition;
    • birth injury;
    • short breastfeeding;
    • poor living conditions;
    • chronic diseases of internal organs;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • worms;
    • chronic infections (otitis media, tonsillitis).

    Symptoms of a weakened immune system:

    • recovery from illness takes too long;
    • viral diseases occur more than four times a year;
    • allergies to medicines and products;
    • great fatigue, the baby is often naughty;
    • drowsiness;
    • poor bowel activity, constipation or frequent diarrhea.

    Even at the stage of pregnancy, the strengthening of immunity in children should begin. It is necessary to include trace elements (zinc, selenium), vitamins (A, C, E), minerals in the mother's diet. In addition, the main rule for every mother is breastfeeding, preferably up to 1.5 years. Indeed, thanks to mother's milk, the child receives the most necessary substances used by the body to form immunity.

    The main methods of how to increase the immunity of a child are:

    • balanced diet;
    • hardening (dousing with water, contrast shower);
    • the use of immunostimulating agents;
    • creating a favorable atmosphere in the family;
    • prevention of worms (2 times a year), especially for children attending kindergarten;
    • oral hygiene;
    • conducting vitamin therapy in winter and autumn;
    • general hygiene (parents need to give up bad habits).

    To know how to raise the child's immunity, you must first eliminate the factors that reduce the functioning of the immune system. To do this, you need to try to provide the baby with psychological comfort, choose good nutrition. In addition, a mode should be developed. Immunostimulants and folk remedies are very effective for raising immunity. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky says the following about how and how to raise the immunity of a child:

    • avoid overheating;
    • do not install the bed next to heating appliances;
    • humidity in the room should be about 50%;
    • do not wrap the baby;
    • often do wet cleaning;
    • need to support the baby during illness;
    • let the child drink non-carbonated water, tea, compote;
    • walk outdoors more often;
    • avoid places with a lot of people.


    Many parents often think about how to increase the immunity of a child with the help of products. Often nutrition is the main means of strengthening the body. In the diet of the child, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets and starchy foods, to completely eliminate spicy and fatty foods. Many products are designed to fight factors that have a negative impact on the immune system. As a rule, in the diet of a child must be present:

    • dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir;
    • chicken's meat;
    • oils: olive, linseed;
    • fruits: apples, pears, melon, peaches, apricots;
    • bee products: honey, bee pollen, perga;
    • nuts (except peanuts);
    • dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, prunes;
    • vegetables: cabbage, carrots, lettuce, peppers, herbs, garlic;
    • berry: raspberry, currant, blueberry;
    • liquid: tea, rosehip broth, water, compote;
    • cereals: grains of rye, wheat, corn, black rice.

    Medications to improve immunity

    There is a whole group of drugs that increase immunity. Such medicines should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Their improper intake can disrupt the metabolic processes in the body. Medications that increase immunity are various means of synthetic, vegetable, animal origin. Tablets, drops, antibiotics are often prescribed for children who suffer from long-term chronic infections. The most popular drugs are:

    • herbal homeopathic medicines based on astragalus, echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, magnolia vine;
    • interferon preparations: viferon, influenzaferon, anaferon, amixin, arbidol, kagocel;
    • bacterial agents: imudon, ribomunil, irs-19, licopid;
    • nucleic acid preparations: derinat, ridostin.

    Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

    The child's body is weakened by illness and lack of movement. Therefore, moderate physical activity can increase immune strength. In addition, the child's immunity can be strengthened with massage or gymnastics. The exercises are generally easy to learn, making them easy to practice even with young children. For gymnastics you will need:

    • In the morning, together with the child in front of the mirror, you should try to reach your chin with your tongue. You should be in this position for about 10 seconds. This simple exercise will improve blood flow, get rid of stagnant mucus.
    • Every morning, slowly rotate your head to the left and right. This exercise works well on the lymph glands behind the ear. In addition, it protects them from infection.
    • For massage, you need to teach the baby to easily beat himself with his hands on his chest as he exhales, while pronouncing the sounds “u”, “a”, “o”. Such self-massage develops the protective natural forces of the bronchopulmonary system.

    Folk remedies and herbs

    Adults are often concerned about the question of how to raise immunity with folk remedies and whether they can be used in the fight against the disease. Traditional medicines are, as a rule, drinks from berries and herbal teas. Experts often advise taking fruit drinks from cranberries, viburnum, lemon to strengthen immunity. they contain natural vitamin C. In addition, a good remedy is an:

    • Rosehip tea. About 40 berries should be taken per liter of boiling water.
    • A decoction of beets and carrots. For it, you will need to take and finely chop 500 g of each vegetable. Next, everything must be poured with boiling water and boiled until the beets are ready. Then the broth should be filtered and add dried apricots, a little ginger, raisins. Put on fire again for 5 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, put a spoonful of honey.

    As the famous doctor Komarovsky said: “Few people know what immunity is, but only the lazy one does not try to improve and raise it.” But is it necessary to do it? Before answering the question of how to increase the immunity of a child, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of leading doctors on this matter.

    What is immunity and why boost it

    Let's start with the very concept of immunity or the immune system. What is it for and what is its function?

    The immune system is given to a person in order to recognize foreign cells, destroy them and remove them from the body. Alien to our body are: microbes, viruses, fungi, bacteria, allergens, as well as tumor cells (which, under adverse conditions, can develop into oncological diseases).

    Immunity is divided into two types. The first species appears with the child at birth. This is a huge complex of various barriers. For example, innate immunity includes:

    • skin and delicate but strong mucous membranes that protect the body from mechanical damage;
    • secretions of tears and saliva that wash away irritants, the ability to sneeze and cough, which “push out” harmful elements with an air flow, an increase in temperature to fight infectious microorganisms;
    • the smallest cells capable of catching "enemy" microorganisms that have entered the body from the outside. These cells are also able to convey alarm signals to the brain and immune system;
    • interferons;
    • blood proteins.

    The second type of immunity is acquired in the process of life and the fight against viruses. It is divided into two subspecies depending on the type of lymphocytes produced:

    1. If these are B-lymphocytes, this specific immunity is called humoral.
    2. If it is T-lymphocytes, - cellular.

    Acquired immunity plays the role of a full-fledged defending army. Lymphocytes are quite smart compared to other cells in the body. They are able to recognize cells that should not be in a healthy functioning organism. If lymphocytes encounter such cells, they turn on their own defense: the body begins to produce antibodies that kill foreign agents. After the bad cells are eliminated, the lymphocytes remember them in some way. Thus, when a certain virus enters the body a second time, lymphocytes immediately signal the production of specific antibodies.

    The immune system protects our body through the immune system. This is a system of internal organs, which just creates the lymphocytes necessary to protect the body. The organs of the system are also divided into two types:

    • central - which are responsible for the process of nucleation of lymphocytes. These organs include the thymus (thymus) and bone marrow;
    • peripheral - in them mature lymphocytes are waiting in the wings. The peripheral organs of the immune system include the spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphoid tissue, which can be found in any other internal organs.

    The blood and lymphatic vessels are responsible for the communication system between lymphocytes and other organs. Faced with a foreign body, lymphocytes can quickly move through the vessels to the place of "combat operations", and at the same time signal the entire immune system that it is time to start producing antibodies.

    If any of the organs of the immune system starts to work incorrectly, immunity fails. Lymphocytes may stop transmitting the necessary signals, or are unable to do so. On the other hand, if the system can be weakened, then it can also be strengthened and strengthened.

    Raising the immunity of a child is especially important in the first years of life. After all, the mother's body transmits only the set of genes that she herself has. At the same time, the external environment is constantly mutating, viruses and bacteria interbreed and create new types of infectious diseases. At the same time, children's immunity itself is undermined by constant stresses - at the beginning of life, these are stresses associated with infantile crises (developmental leaps), later - school and new loads, bad city air, insufficient walks and malnutrition. As a result, a number of diseases of the baby can go into a chronic stage, and the recovery process will be greatly delayed, which also will not benefit the growing body.

    Natural immunity is designed for a huge number of bacteria and is initially ready to produce protective antibodies to them.

    Signs of reduced immunity

    You should start to worry if you notice one of these symptoms in a child:

    1. the child often catches a cold, the interval between diseases is less than two months, and after the initial cold, flu, tonsillitis or swelling develops;
    2. during illness, the absence of temperature - bad sign, this indicates the unwillingness or inability of the body to fight disease-causing agents;
    3. lymph nodes are more than normal, even if there is no disease as such;
    4. symptoms of reduced immunity often overlap with symptoms of dysbacteriosis (diathesis spots, stool problems, allergic reactions);
    5. the child does not sleep well daytime constantly sleepy, naughty, looks pale and tired;
    6. the baby develops allergic reactions that were not there before.

    All these symptoms are the reason for a visit to the pediatrician. It is impossible to increase the immunity of a child with vitamins alone, so there is no need to delay it.

    Why it is impossible to raise children in "sterile" conditions

    Why do children who grow up in sterile conditions get sick more often? The answer suggests itself: because their body was deprived of the ability to recognize viruses and bacteria. In such children, protection against infections is much lower. And when the moment comes to enter society, they begin to get sick. It is in children with an unprotected immune system that one disease smoothly flows into another. Raising the immunity of a child, in this case, is very difficult.

    child learns the world, crawling, walking, interacting with other children in the yard and kindergarten. Only when confronted with microbes, his immunity will form resistance and grow stronger. In order to raise the immunity of a child, he must grow in normal conditions. It does not need to be grown in mud, but creating hypersterile conditions around it is also not quite the right way. Nature itself made sure that the body gradually got acquainted with all the bacteria. This is how the immune system is strengthened.

    If you raise a child in sterile conditions, then his body will begin to react to any external stimuli. This will manifest itself in the form of allergic diseases that love well-fed, loved ones, warm and clean.

    How to strengthen the child's immunity

    Caring parents, trying to protect their children from diseases, stubbornly continue to look for an answer to the question of how to raise the immunity of a child. Let's look at some common parenting mistakes that negatively affect the child's immune system. We are talking about breastfeeding, vaccinations and keeping the child in sterile conditions. Let's start, perhaps, from the moment when the baby is born.

    1. Breastfeeding. If breast milk was not called food, but the protection of the child, then surely many mothers would not refuse breastfeeding, but would do everything possible to maintain lactation.

    Mother's milk is the only way to increase the immunity of a child from the first days of life, and teach the body to resist infections, viruses and bacteria.

    Breast milk has over 80 components that affect the normal development of immune cells. No ready-made milk mixture is able to completely replace this composition. A woman must understand that a child is born with an immature immune system, and only the immune complexes found in breast milk can raise the child's immunity. In addition, maternal immunity is also transferred to the child, which means that the child, while breastfeeding, cannot get sick to diseases that the mother has developed strong immunity. And if in the future he gets sick, he will endure them in a mild form.

    To the question of young mothers, how to raise the immunity of a child, an unequivocal answer is given - breastfeeding.

    2. Vaccinations. This is a way in which the child's body is prepared in advance for a meeting with the most terrible microbes and viruses that cause deadly diseases. Thus, the immune system is strengthened. During vaccination, a weakened pathogen is introduced into the body, as a result of which protective antibodies are produced against it.

    In the first year of life, vaccines against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. are introduced into the body. Vaccination is the direct formation of specific (individual) immunity, in which the antigen (foreign cell) of a specific disease is recognized .

    It should be noted that immunity has an immunological memory, due to which repeated contact with an infectious agent will not allow the development of the disease. It is this mechanism that is the basis of vaccinations.

    The opinion of parents that vaccination weakens the protective functions of the body is erroneous. A protective reaction of the body is an increase in body temperature. This is due to the fact that for many viruses, high temperature is fatal.

    3. Hardening of the child. The main reason for various colds and sore throats is a sharp temperature drop, for which the body does not have time to prepare and build up protection. The child, as the people say, “caught cold air”, which got into the respiratory tract and caused another rhinitis or cough. Hardening will help boost the immunity of the child.

    However, it is impossible to temper a baby according to your own system, since you can not only increase the immunity of a child, but also seriously harm your health. Everything should be under the supervision of a pediatrician.

    There is also a number general rules which parents must adhere to with any method of hardening their child:

    • adjust for age. The younger the child, the more gently you need to treat him;
    • you need to start small. It is forbidden to give the maximum load to the child's body on the first day, for example, pour it with a bucket of ice water. This will not only scare the child, but also completely discourage him from the desire for hardening procedures in the future;
    • make a schedule of procedures and strictly adhere to it. Any pauses and delays will instantly deprive the body of all the accumulated effect;
    • monitor the well-being of the child. There is a pretense associated with unwillingness to perform the necessary procedures, but there are also real deteriorations in well-being. Yes, and a bad mood in general is not an assistant to hardening. It is better to work with the child psychologically so that he wants to make himself stronger and more resilient;
    • the base for hardening is the sincere interest of the crumbs, and not screams and pressure. If the child does not want to do something, the parent must either get him interested in it or change the procedure;
    • during and after the procedure, the baby should maintain good mood. So that he does not focus on not entirely pleasant sensations, hardening can be turned into a game - singing children's songs with the child, telling him fairy tales or playing skits;
    • after hardening procedures, you can warm up the body with exercises and give the baby a massage. It is pleasant, and it also helps to "stir up" the body, activating the blood flow.

    4. Nutrition of the child. A balanced diet can also boost your child's immunity. Need to be given Special attention food that is more likely to cause allergies. Make a map of vitamins and track whether the child receives all the necessary trace elements. Also, from the age of about a year, fermented milk products can be introduced into the diet. They stimulate the digestive tract and reduce the likelihood of bowel problems.