Distance from the border of the site to the compost pit. Norms and rules for the location of residential buildings and outbuildings on the sites. Equipment of the compost heap

Upon completion of technological and production tasks related to the arrangement of the sewer system in apartment building, industrial building, as well as in private households, it is required to test the involved system using the forced flow method. This task is used to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire involved sewerage part, and the test report for internal sewerage and drainage systems will be material evidence of the work on acceptance of the facility.

A visual inspection should be accompanied by inclusion in the test report of internal sewerage and drainage systems according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the “D” series appendix, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of a building”, recently a new one has been applied updated working edition according to SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Roofs that are made from metal profile, are today a common option for technological structures for complex and simple design solutions. Typically, such structural solutions are used for large production areas, warehouses, agricultural buildings, as well as for apartment buildings. Exact date operation according to basic technical specifications depend on a number of factors, including how effectively the end elements are secured, where not the last point The wind strip for corrugated sheets plays a role in this. The cross section of such a design can have different type, and for the most part taken into account the standard design of the corrugated sheet, the working wave height, and the width of the wave distance of the roof. The main feature of roof wind protection is its unique characteristics, which have different curves for configuration.

The main structural solution is the size of the wind strip for corrugated sheeting, which has the form of a panel, made at a conventional right angle. The traditional size of the additional part is 2 linear meters. The width of the material is different, it ranges from 40*60 mm to 90*300 mm. For narrow types of planks, it is usually used for cladding made of thick, dense corrugated board, which has a low wave height.

The pinnacle of technical thought and innovative developments of the latest generation for ensuring drainage in the house, this is what Nicoll drains are called by those who, as part of their duties, are involved in the installation of high-quality drainage for buildings of various infrastructure. For the first time trademark was born in France back in 1956, and for 6 decades the manufacturer has remained unchanged in the principles of quality and reliability for all drainage systems used. Innovative ideas have made Nicoll gutters popular in many countries around the world, and certification of quality and management according to SO 9001 and ISO 14001 is an additional confirmation of trust in this brand.

Today drainage system Nicoll has reached the global level, and the manufacturer has managed to expand the production site, which is over 1 thousand hectares, and the total number of items in the company's product range is about 6 thousand units. It is noteworthy that as reliable materials For Nicole gutters, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and polyester are used, which increase the strength of the finished product and enhance the basic characteristics of the material.

Even ordinary outbuildings on a site can cause disputes and disagreements with neighbors, with whom it is still better to live peacefully. However, if all issues are resolved peacefully, then you can issue a written consent permit for the construction of an object in close proximity to the border of the site. For example, a garage on one site can also be convenient for a neighbor as a supporting wall for building a utility block or just a shed for building materials. If the so-called blocking households buildings by mutual agreement, for example, one garage is attached to a second garage - then this situation is beneficial for both parties.

Standards for distances from the fence during construction

Sometimes the smell from a septic tank, toilet and cesspool can smell bad in the literal sense of the word. To avoid this, use special means, bacteria. There are a lot of special chemicals on sale for septic tanks, which are also successfully used for outdoor toilets or pits. However, before purchasing, check all the details with the sales consultant, since there are a lot of products and some of them are only suitable for enclosed spaces. Thanks to these funds, you can significantly save on the services of a sewer truck and order it, for example, not every year, but once every 2 years or even less often.

In accordance with SNiP

Before building a house, you should obtain a building permit (Town Planning Code, Art. 51, Part 17) from the authority local government. This document is necessary for further construction, as well as the legal commissioning of the finished building. When developing a site, building codes and regulations must be observed. SNiPs only recommend certain standards, and the final provisions are approved by local authorities, based on the regional characteristics of the territory. However, all regional legal acts rely on SNiPs, regulating and clarifying some provisions.

Rules and regulations for the location of residential, outbuildings, fences, and plantings on the site

According to the standards, the distance from the fence to the residential building cannot be less than 3 m. It is not worth moving the building closer to the edge of the site, not only because of strict rules, but also common sense. In addition to protection from street noise and prying glances, such a gap will make it possible to carry out maintenance and exterior renovation buildings.

At what distance from the fence should I build a house?

Even at the stage of designing a private house, you need to take into account many parameters and rules for the location of various buildings relative to the fence. Even on your own site, buildings cannot be placed in any order. The rules for installing fences and erecting buildings inside the site are regulated by SNiP. In addition to the requirements of SNiP, local regulations must be taken into account. It is advisable to comply with the requirements and recommendations of SNiP, because failure to comply may result in a fine or a lawsuit from disgruntled neighbors. And basically, the court decision is not made in favor of the offender.

Sanitary standards for private homes are a guarantee of safe, comfortable living

In the vast majority of cases, a private developer independently arranges water supply, sewerage and sewerage systems. The receiver of dirty wastewater is a septic tank, which is made of concrete rings. It can also be made in the form of a pit, lined with bricks and coated with clay. More practical owners set up a septic tank using special sealed containers that ensure cleanliness environment. But even in this case, they are obliged to comply with the rules for the location of such devices. All these rules are regulated by the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” and the Code of Rules SP 30-102 - 99 “Planning and development of low-rise residential areas” housing construction" All these sanitary standards for private houses are subject to mandatory compliance.

5.9 To ensure fire extinguishing, in the absence of a centralized water supply, fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs with a capacity of at least 25 cubic meters must be provided on the common use territory of a gardening or dacha association with a number of sites up to 300 - at least (each with sites for installing fire equipment, with the possibility water intake by pumps and provision of access for at least two fire trucks).

Brick compost pit

Device compost pit at the dacha involves a container that is buried 0.5 m deep, 2 m long, 1 m wide. It is not made too deep so that pulling out the humus is quite easy. The bottom and sides of the structure are not covered with anything, so that the earthen and earthworms had free access to humus. The key principle of operation is the mandatory establishment and maintenance of a certain level of humidity in the pit. It is this that promotes the effective decay of organic matter. In order to stimulate air exchange in the device, its contents must be stirred regularly. In order to speed up the composting process, we recommend that you use special products with additional microorganisms. A hole is dug into which bricks are placed, serving as reservoirs in which organic substances are stored and gradually processed. It is covered with a special lid, under which the process of decay of organic matter takes place.

Construction and site planning standards in 2019

The location of buildings relative to each other is also regulated. So, the compost pit and the well should be at a distance of 20m from each other. This is due to the fact that there is a high risk of toxins and other harmful substances deep into the soil, from where they can be transferred into drinking water. You cannot place a well next to a fence.

Distance from fence to compost pit

True, this applies to low buildings, but if you plan to build a full-fledged second floor above the bathhouse for recreation, you will have to check the standards with your village administration or garden cooperative - for each meter in height there may be a certain coefficient of deviation from the fence.

Lemur, my evening lasted for two days, but I keep my promise!
So, briefly about compost.
Every year, humus disappears from the surface of your garden by 2-3 percent in height, as it gives up its nutrients. And another figure: compost contains only up to 10 percent humus.
Composting lasts 6 months in spring and summer. And in the fall it must be distributed throughout the site so that by spring it is ready for work. It can either be added when digging, or simply laid in a layer around trees, shrubs and generally throughout the entire planting area.

What does a compost heap consist of:
Grass from a lawn mower gives a lot of nitrogen, so you don’t need to put all of it, but in moderation; the rest is simply thrown away, but not in the compost.
Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer.
Wood sawdust.
Remains of vegetables and fruits, but if before sale they were treated against the sprouting of shoots, potatoes, for example, then of course we don’t put them in compost, otherwise nothing will grow. I don’t know how to check this, but in general, we don’t add potato peelings from potatoes bought in large markets.
Cardboard egg boxes and toilet paper rolls (we don’t put dyed ones). They are needed to dilute the nitrogen in the compost.
Torn newspapers.
Branches after pruning bushes and trees, but they need to be chopped. If you don't grind it, the water will be retained in the pile.
Manure from domestic animals. It’s better not to take it from large farms (they use a lot of medicines....but a comment).
Coffee grounds - rich in nitrogen and oligo-elements, can be thrown along with filters, especially if they are not made of white paper.
Bags of tea, herbs (sleeped, of course).
Cheese and ham crusts.
Walnut shell.
Nettle before flowering.
Conifer needles, they oxidize the soil well. My roses love them very much :)
Water from an aquarium with algae.
Hair, fur, feathers.
Withered flowers.
Avoid weeds with already formed seeds (that is, during and after flowering), we also do not put roots, meat, which can attract rodents and God forbid not their best representatives in the form of rats.
Lay the pile in layers so that you can easily stir them, that is, do not compact them. Water each new layer with water, since dry filling will not decompose quickly. How much water is hard to say, depends on the composition of your pile. Water so that the bottom of your pile does not turn sour, well, in general, by eye, in order to moisten (and not drown) the compost, especially in the heat. If you water the garden with a hose, walk over the heap with rain. Sometimes it is advised to sprinkle the layers with earth, a little. Well, stir it all up so it doesn’t cake. Do not mix the layers, but stir them. Insert a strong stick between the slats and lift the layers to allow air to pass through.

Relationships between neighbors are an age-old problem: this one planted a tree in the wrong place, that one put a barn in the wrong place, or a fence of the wrong configuration, if you apply the rules given below, you will be able to avoid many conflict situations.

Most often, disputes arise about the distance between buildings and trees on both sides. It wouldn’t hurt many people to know the distance from a residential building or garden house neighbors can dig a cellar, erect a garage and other buildings. And how to count - from the wall or from the blind area?

All these issues are regulated by the Building Codes and Regulations (SN and P). Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a document on the current rules, and therefore the distances given here should be considered as indicative.

We kindly ask readers who deal with these issues (land managers of regional, district and village councils) to send a list of these documents and an excerpt from these rules corresponding to the information provided here.

All distances are measured from the wall.

The fencing of your site in order to minimize shading of the territory of neighboring sites should be made of mesh or lattice. By decision of the general meeting, the installation of solid (wooden or brick) fences is allowed, but only on the side of streets and driveways. Fire distances between buildings within the same area are not standardized. But the distances between buildings located on adjacent plots must be at least 6 m for buildings made of stone and other non-combustible materials and at least 15 m for wooden ones.

The residential building must be at least 5 m from the street line, and at least 3 m from the driveway line. Distance from outbuildings no less than 5 m is established to the line of the street and driveways. The minimum distances to the boundaries of the neighboring plot should be as follows (in meters): from a residential building - 3; from construction for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4; from other buildings - 1; from the trunks of tall trees - 4, medium-sized ones - 2; from a bush - 1.

For sanitary conditions, the following minimum distances are legalized (in meters): from a residential building to a toilet - 12, to a shower, bathhouse and sauna - 8; from the well to the toilet and compost pit - 8, to the building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 12; from the cellar to the compost pit and buildings for small livestock and poultry - 7.

The specified distances must be observed both between buildings on your site and between those located on the neighboring site.

In other words, a neighbor, for example, does not have the right to build a bathhouse closer than 8 m from your house, and you, in turn, cannot place your toilet closer than 8 m from your neighbor’s well, and so on. It is allowed to block (adjoin, combine) a residential building with outbuildings. In this case, for example, premises for small livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.

A car garage can be either free-standing, built-in or attached to a residential building or outbuildings. And it must be installed at least 1 m of the border with the neighboring plot (the garage belongs to the “other buildings” group).

As for the cellar, it is not considered a building and there are no rules for its location relative to the neighbor’s house. It is only important not to place it close to the toilet and compost pit.

Organization of rainwater drainage from roofs to neighboring plot is strictly not allowed. The use of cesspools (outdoor toilet) must be agreed upon in each specific case with the sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.

A few words about gas supply. Cylinders for liquefied gas with a capacity of more than 12 liters should be located in an extension made of non-combustible material or in a metal box near blank external walls and no closer than 5 m from the entrance to the building.

From all that has been said the following follows. Violation of the requirements for the development of a land plot is grounds for bringing the perpetrators to justice. In some cases, it will not be possible to get away with a fine and compensation for damages to neighbors (for example, in the case of shading of the site). The court may even require the demolition of an unauthorized building or the cutting down of improperly planted trees.

Do you comply with these requirements?

The information is partially taken from the Internet.

A good man will always press the button

Before building a house, you should obtain a building permit (Town Planning Code, Article 51, Part 17) from the local government. This document is necessary for further construction, as well as the legal commissioning of the finished building. When developing a site, building codes and regulations must be observed. SNiPs only recommend certain standards, and the final provisions are approved by local authorities, based on the regional characteristics of the territory. However, all regional legal acts are based on SNiPs, regulating and clarifying some provisions.

We comply with SNIP for outbuildings

At the moment the main document is “ Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures» SNiP 30-02-97, which should be followed when developing a site. Here are the rules it contains:

Fire distance.

Between outer buildings and groups of buildings it must be at least 6 m (between wooden frame buildings - 15 m).

Water disposal.

Rainwater from the roofs of neighboring buildings should not flow onto your property.

Distance from buildings to the roadway.

The garden house should be located at least 5 m away from the border (red line) of the street, at least 3 m away from the driveway, and outbuildings should be installed no closer than 5 meters.

Distance from home to outbuildings

In accordance with the same SNiP, a barn, bathhouse or other outbuilding can be adjacent to the house, but the premises for small livestock and poultry must have a separate entrance located at a distance of 7 meters or more from the entrance to the house. The garage can be freestanding, attached or built into an outbuilding or house, subject to all sanitary and fire safety standards. No permit is required for the construction of a garage (Town Planning Code, Article 51, Part 3).

Distance from the boundaries of the site to buildings and plantings.

Minimum distance from the building to the border of the site
(from the fence to the garden house) – 3 m; to a barn or other building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4 m; to other buildings and bushes – 1 m; to tall trees – 4 m, to medium-sized trees – 2 m.

House height and barn height: norms

When designing houses for permanent residence, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01 and SNiP II-3. The height of residential premises should be at least 2.2 m, outbuildings - SNIP recommend building a height of at least 2 m, and in the cellar - at least 1.6 m to the lower edge of the protruding structure (beams, etc.).

When developing a territory, you should also pay attention to whether the land plot or residential building is shaded. According to standards, insolation of residential premises (exposure to direct sun rays) in the period from March 22 to September 22 should be at least 2.5-3 hours a day. Therefore everything high fences, trees and buildings should be located in accordance with SNiP 30-02-97 “Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures.”


Garden (dacha) plots should be fenced in such a way as to shade neighboring plots as little as possible. Mesh or lattice fences 1.5 m high are suitable for this, but blind fences can be installed only from the side of the street and roadway (but not from the neighbors) and only by decision of the general meeting of SNT. True, if you manage to come to an agreement with your neighbor, securing this in writing, and the board of the partnership, then you can build a “Berlin” wall.

The minimum distance from the border of the neighboring plot to the buildings should not be less than 1 m - this is how this issue is resolved (SNiP clause 6.7), and the slope of the roof of the outbuilding should not be directed towards the neighboring plot. In accordance with the Decree of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2001 No. 17 (clause 7.4), it is recommended that the setback from outbuildings and structures to the boundaries of neighboring plots located on the eastern, western, northern and intermediate sides be no less than the height of these objects (measured from the ground to the ridge of the roof).

The proximity of a well and a compost pit, a latrine.

The distance between them must be at least 8 m. A minimum of 12 meters must separate the bathhouse, sauna, shower, as well as buildings for small livestock and poultry from the well. The same distance should be maintained between the garden house, cellar and restroom, and showers, baths, saunas should not be placed closer than 8 meters. Far from the cellar (location 7 meters away) you will have to build a chicken coop or pigsty, as well as a composting area.

The toilet, familiar to many summer residents, in the form of an uninsulated pit and a “birdhouse” is prohibited by the same SNiP (clause 8.6 and clause 8.7). If there is no central sewer system, then feces must be removed using local composting devices or using cesspools.

Local composting devices include powder closets (a toilet in which faeces are covered with peat and kept in a well-insulated container, in a box coated with resin or similar material, with a closing lid, etc., until compost is formed) and composting toilets ( a device where, using electrical heating or chemical additives, fecal waste is converted into organic fertilizer).

Cesspools should also be well insulated to prevent their contents from clogging groundwater and land. Even at the development stage, the project should be given for approval to local authorities for the regulation, use and protection of groundwater, and the placement of such a toilet on its site should also be agreed with the SES. Backlash closets (a warm indoor latrine with an underground cesspool) cannot be installed in climatic region IV and subdistrict IIIB.

You can’t just throw away the soapy water after washing either. All wastewater after a shower, bath, sauna or household work should be poured into specially designated places - filter trenches with a layer of gravel and sand or other wastewater treatment plants(SNiP clause 8.8). An external ditch can be used for these purposes.

ATTENTION! The specified distances must be observed both within the territory of one site and between buildings in neighboring territories. Your neighbor should not organize a compost pit or install a toilet three meters from your well. For such a violation, he can be held administratively liable, which could result in a fine and the subsequent elimination of this very “bone of discord.” True, in order to punish the violator, you should register your well with the SES before your neighbor issues documents there for his compost pit or latrine. Otherwise, prove that it was he who violated regulatory documents, it will be hard.

You should also register your own water source (pump or well) with the SES for the reason that you can also do a water analysis there and get a conclusion about whether it meets “drinking” standards. Water from a well is not always as clean and healthy as one might think. The analysis performed will allow you to either choose the right filters for cleaning, or refuse to use it when preparing food.
Another important factor is that a member of a gardening partnership, even before drilling a well, should coordinate his actions with the board of SNT, because this is where documentation about the characteristics of the soil is stored. If after drilling a well (for individual use the depth is 10-20 meters) it turns out that this could not be done, then you will face a fine.

All heat supply sources (boilers, stoves, fireplaces) in garden house should be installed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05. Gas system design and installation gas stoves and meters is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” and SNiP 2.04.08.

Violation of construction, sanitary and fire safety standards may result in administrative liability. That is, if the distance between the toilet and the well or the distance of buildings from the boundaries of the site, or between buildings, is not observed, then you will have to pay a fine in accordance with the Administrative Code (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ) or the Town Planning Code (Article .222)