Where to go if you get sick during the holidays. Medical care for children during the holidays: where to go

Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to call a doctor, since public medical institutions are closed on weekends. An ambulance is also unlikely to arrive unless your situation is critical (for example, your temperature is going through the roof). The only one possible option- find a private clinic seven days a week (if there are any in the city).

Otherwise, alas, only self-medication. But if everything is not so bad, then do not prescribe medications to yourself, try to make do with harmless days folk remedies- warm drinks (tea with raspberries, lemon, honey, milk with honey), rinses and inhalations (for sore throat), foot steaming (if the temperature is below 37.5).

As for the doctors on duty, they most often work only on Saturdays (there are no doctors on Sunday) until 11 a.m., and then go home. At least that's how it is in our city.

Mrs. Monika

We also have a doctor on duty at our clinic only on Saturdays and only until 2 p.m. &mdash, 3 years ago

Some clinics are still open on weekends (more precisely, there is a doctor on duty there), so you can call and find out more. If they don’t work, but the symptoms and high temperature are too serious, call an ambulance (in order for them to arrive, you need to exaggerate everything by 10 times). And you can call the doctor on Monday (or visit the clinic on Monday) so that he can prescribe treatment. In other cases, only self-medication, unfortunately.

Extra chromosome

There is a doctor on duty at the clinic, but they work during the day, usually from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. He has the authority to prescribe sick leave, well, he will also prescribe treatment. You can call the clinic and find out more. At night - only ambulance,

For a cold that is not accompanied by high fever, vomiting and other abnormalities, urgent medical intervention is not required. Therefore, on legal grounds, the Emergency Medical Service team most likely will not be sent by the “03” operator to the person seeking medical help.

It follows from this that on weekends it is recommended to call a doctor at home, having previously called the local clinic, or to treat a cold yourself at home before the start of the working day, if doctors are not seen at the clinic on weekends.

As for the sick leave certificate, its issuance for the past days (for example, weekends) is permissible only if the patient was examined by a medical professional on these days, in exceptional cases - by decision of the medical commission (clause 14 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by the Order Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n (as amended on January 24, 2012).

Nikolai Sosiura

If got sick on the weekend. then you need to go to the same hospital as on weekdays. There is an emergency room and doctors on duty. They are obliged to examine those who come to them and help overcome the disease. And there is also an ambulance for such things. She will come and if you do not need to be taken to the hospital, she will give you the appropriate help right at home.





Are they paid? holidays on the sick leave?

It turns out that holidays can bring not only joy and fun, but also a lot of trouble. For example, with the advent of the new year, not only ordinary citizens, but also the heads of various organizations and personnel officers have many concerns and problems. Very often people are interested in how sick leave is paid during the New Year holidays. After all, an employee can get sick on one of the holidays. Naturally, there is nothing pleasant about this. However, do not forget about the importance of obtaining sick leave.

Sick leave on holidays is paid in the same way as usual.

The amount of payments depends on:

1) insurance period, which the sick employee has;

2) from average earnings for the period of the last two years (this does not take into account vacation time and incapacity for work);

3) duration of the disease.

Let's look at an example of issuing sick leave during the holidays

For example, an employee fell ill during the New Year holidays. Of course, a person will be interested in the question of how sick leave should be paid during the New Year holidays.

What is holiday non-working days, has absolutely no impact on the amount of benefits paid due to temporary disability. This is stated in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Non-working days and holidays are part of.

Let's imagine that a person fell ill on January 6, 2017, and the illness lasted until January 14, 2017. Sick leave in this case is eight days. Of these, five are holidays, and three are working days. All these days are included in the calculation of temporary disability benefits.

Where to go to get a sick leave certificate on holidays?

To avoid “lost” days for payment, the patient must seek medical help to open a sick leave. But where can a person turn if he is unlucky enough to get sick on one of the holiday non-working days?

In any clinic on such days there are doctors on duty, one of whose duties is. The doctor can be called to your home, or the patient comes to the medical facility on his own. In addition, you have the right to call an ambulance, which will provide a certificate of application. This certificate will be taken into account by the local doctor when he issues a sick leave certificate.

What is the difference between sick leave for the weekend and temporary disability for the holidays?

How do you pay for sick leave during holidays? Are holidays and weekends included in sick leave? IN this issue It is important to pay attention to the following nuance: do not confuse weekends and holidays. If you are issued sick leave on Sunday or Saturday, then the Social Security Fund may not count these days towards returning money to the employer. For this reason, if an employee gets sick on a day off, then sick leave must be issued on the next business day.

We hope that after reading this article everything has become clear to you about how sick leave is paid on weekends and holidays.
